
Long-term Impact Quotes

There are 521 quotes

"Even the negative thoughts, and anger is short-term soothing at the expense of long-term change, right?"
"As long as you're being truthful and as long as you're a decently good person, that will show in the long term."
"20 years from now, the only people who will remember that you worked late are your kids."
"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line."
"Building a child that is virtuous, courageous, honorable, loyal is perhaps more important for the long term than making a political stand in a losing battle today."
"I'm not building a dynasty, I'm building legacy."
"One of the most important factors impacting your immediate and long-term health is the way that your body manages its blood glucose levels."
"Almost every business cares about short-term economics. And when you care about short-term economics, it almost always goes against what's right."
"If you just try and improve your life by 1% every day, the effect over many years is extreme, is massive."
"Why would a man do something today for which he will receive no reward in his lifetime?"
"These small improvements or declines compound and suddenly you find a very big gap between the people who make slightly better decisions on a daily basis and those who don't."
"If you're an organism that's reproducing and you can increase your efficiency of reproduction by even 1%, then after a hundred generations, you're the king of the heap."
"Do you allow humans to be humans even if it creates more problems and endangers you all in the long term?"
"We need to learn to pay more attention to the less acute effect of everything... Everything in policy has been determined by the deaths, the number of cases, and the hospital admissions, and nothing around what are the long-term effects of things."
"There's no quick fix because any Quick Fix is going to come with a quick downside also."
"I just don't see how the metaverse can be in any way, shape, or form fruitful in the long term based on what we are currently being presented about it."
"The activity of blockading the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal, and Bab el-Mandeb will actually, in the long term, hurt Russia and China more because they depend more on that kind of trade in Asia."
"What do you want to do? Something that'll do a little good in 100 years for trillions of dollars, or do you want to do a lot of good right now for billions of dollars?"
"I think Judge Merrick Matthew is one of the smartest people I know, always willing to listen and to hear all sides of a situation and consider its long term impact."
"I am not about to give victory to a seemingly deserving party in this one case at the cost of causing injustice in hundreds of cases down the road."
"The threat to the Russian armament sector isn't today, or next week, or next month, it's to those long-term export markets that are vital to maintaining its profitability and health, and to its overall long-term potential."
"Imagine the benefits that has long-term for you, it's quite enormous."
"Instant gratification is like the bad thing that feels good right now but is worse for your life in the long term."
"Small incremental adjustments lead to big gains over time."
"This could be an ongoing problem, an ongoing burden of disease as a result of this pandemic for years, if not decades into the future."
"What I'm saying is, over the long term, if the government spending is economically stimulative, it will help to grow the economy."
"We're handling this like it's a corona blizzard... this is a coronavirus winter, and we're going to have the next three months or more, six months or more, that are going to be like this."
"As history shows, in every single decision ever made, sometimes taking that little bit of extra effort can make the big difference in terms of how your creation is seen years from now."
"Immigration is the only policy that can affect long-term consequences in population size."
"That's the stuff that gives the brand long-term brownie points."
"To break a cycle you need a change that is holistic in nature, but also robust so it engages lots of different community touch points to create a communal change over 10 or 15 years."
"She's going to be a very strong liberal voice for a very long time."
"The scientific community is gonna be reaping the benefits of Test for a long time to come."
"The decisions that we take now are going to have a major impact on decades to come."
"I don't think we're ever going to return to normal as it was. I think this is for the long term."
"Because she reigned for so long, we will find the tentacles of her contribution to public life."
"Just knowing the identity of who killed his mother is enough closure after 34 years."
"At some point in the distant future, a lot of the work that I've put out now is going to have an impact."
"Yeah, it's pretty amazing how spreading manure now can affect you in the next couple of years."
"There's a human consequence to this in the short term, in the long term, there's a geopolitical consequence that could be felt for generations."
"It's totally natural and it's fine, but long-term it has some effects."
"Incremental changes are key. Start easy, make one incremental change as needed, and you'll see those changes add up in the long run."
"Life has now changed; it will be changed for the next six months to a year or even longer."
"It is a guarantee that it might not change your life today. It might not be one of those 'But wait, there's more' kind of moments, but you will thank me three, four or five years down the line that I can promise you."
"Decisions made today could affect wells that will pump many years later."
"In principle, if we took all of these rocks that are near the surface in Oman today and we carbonated every single magnesium atom in those rocks, that would accommodate all of the human output of CO2 at present-day rates for a thousand years."
"Those small disciplines end up defining us over the long term."
"It won't change the price of bread today but it could change the course of civilization tomorrow."
"Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day. Teach a man to fish, he'll eat for a lifetime."
"But be careful what you wish for, because Brexit might have long-term devastating consequences on the United Kingdom’s stability."
"The Crash is happening but it doesn't happen overnight... a lot of these huge financial crises can play out over a year or two."
"It's absolutely devastating that her family still has no answers after more than 16 years."
"To create something that, even after you're dead for decades, just has such a profound impact on basically half the human population. It's wild."
"Lying to yourself about how the war is going or lying to yourself about who's doing what isn't going to help your side in the long run."
"A hundred dollars a day is something that anybody could start working towards immediately."
"The most important thing to think about for long-term consequences is what your organs see."
"If this is how I feel in 10 weeks how the [__] am I gonna feel in six months right I'm in I'm sold on this thing man it's it's incredible wow yeah."
"He has succeeded in establishing a conservative court for the next couple of decades at least."
"But the big pain is in not dealing over time is in not dealing with inflation and allowing it to become entrenched."
"And our grandkids futures, we will take years and years and years as a country if not decades to recover from this Trump presidency and the damage that it's done."
"What is going to happen is that we'll go for another 5 or 10 or 15 years and have another meltdown and a few more million people will lose their jobs and their houses and their businesses."
"August 15, 1971 will stand as an important event in economic history for many, many, uh, generations. In fact, you know, hundreds of years from now, people will look back to that day."
"This will determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time."
"The iPhone 4s to this day is still one of the most innovative smartphones ever developed and released."
"You're going to mess yourself up, it's gonna take a decade to recover from this peer pressure induced purchase that the math says no to."
"This is higher for longer... and that's the adjustment we're gonna have to make."
"Ultimately, the impact of COVID will be felt for years to come."
"Cognitive dissonance is a psychological term for when you have two ideas which are true and incompatible."
"If you're continuing to make choices that are harmful for your health, you will pay for it down the road."
"And I want to be clear there is nothing more consequential for somebody's long term safety than their pension fund being raided."
"We're looking at something that may affect us for 100 years, so we're in the first four months."
"De-racializing our political culture ultimately would serve us in the long run."
"Everything that the team did and the implications it has for our business, long term."
"Your habits have ripple effects that get compounded over time and they ultimately determine who you become and whether you'll end up rich or poor."
"I'd really appreciate that they consider the magnitude of what they do and how not following safety precautions can really impact not only people, but whole, whole communities and not just one generation, but generations to come."
"The lifestyle decisions that you make today can still affect future generations."
"It's crazy how that works, how memories last for years, even though it was a 30-second thing that happened decades ago."
"What you are going to achieve for those two and a half years will have very long-lasting consequences."
"We're not even out of the first wave of this pandemic, people are talking about the second wave that's many many months off, the reality is this pandemic has just begun."
"Investments and decisions made now will reverberate for generations to come."
"Experience teaches us that a justice's tenure, that their jurisprudence is assessed and measured in decades, not in individual years."
"Starting a successful business Enterprise is a profoundly ethical Endeavor in the deepest sense."
"What you start during this conjunction... it will last a very long time."
"Figures in Washington are warning about the dangerous long-term impact of neoliberalism."
"Believe me, small adjustments made day by day over time lead to and yield massive results in your life."
"Even if it works at the moment, in the long run, it'll make you like them less."
"This virus will pass but the decisions that we make today... will last."
"It's all about small steps that lead to big and long-lasting changes."
"The impact of this will be felt for decades on all of our lives."
"He took Carthage by force, burned it into a hollow blackened husk, then tore that husk to the ground before sowing the fields in the area with salt so no crops would grow there for generations."
"You earn your reputation slowly over time, and that reputation can be good or bad."
"I'm glad you're still here anyway, it's good though we're still here."
"Very inspirational and a really long-term spiritual commitment here on the offering."
"I don't think short-term, I'm talking real global American Revolution."
"In your 40s when your portfolio begins to reach critical mass those small marginal decisions can have a very big impact over the next 10 20 30 even 40 years."
"Eclipses bring something faded that can shake you but it can be great long term as well."
"The decisions that we make in the next five to ten years will determine the trajectory of this country for the next 50 to 100."
"You never know, 20 years later people are still going to be talking about the shit that you were doing at that moment."
"May God give you all you need to be the happiest for the past three decades you made us dream."
"Hopefully, the choice that I've made works out for me, my family, and you guys in the long run."
"The stories affect the way we think longer-term."
"Nothing else will count a hundred years from now except the harvest."
"Small incremental changes over time can really lead to big change."
"The sanctions will cause Russia major problems; it might not be immediate, but it will happen."
"Sometimes being an all-powerful superhero who's been around for decades means you accumulate some pretty useless abilities."
"Trust can be lost in a moment, takes decades to reaccumulate."
"Amy Coney Barrett will take the constitutional high road for decades to come."
"I refuse to be a victim, and God knows they've thrown enough fecal matter at me."
"God is found in the mystery, in the uncertainty, in the tension beyond your understanding."
"Productivity isn't everything but in the long run it's almost everything."
"He looks like he is set for United dominance for at least the next 10 years."
"We will accomplish more as a community in one generation than a thousand government policies will accomplish in 200 years."
"the other part of that wrong thing uh Dr Barry is getting someone to admit they were wrong especially if they've been telling people to do something for 20 or 30 years"
"If all of that is because of consumerism materialism and the choices and personal freedoms that the things we think of this consumerist of materialist give us is all about then Iran is not going to do well in the long run."
"You'll carry the stigma of this buffoonery with you for the rest of however long you want to keep doing this."
"I think that we will have a tremendous impact on them... within five to ten years."
"Understanding that in doing so we are not only impacting lives in the present but also storing up Treasures in Heaven for eternity."
"Jerome Powell sees a long road ahead for the job market, matter of fact he was saying that millions of jobs may never come back."
"The damage is severe; it's life-long for far too many people for my comfort."
"Doing something is better than doing nothing. That's something might not have an immediate impact but it will pay off in the end."
"The most important Legacy for me is the Legacy that I leave with my family."
"You may find that maybe in 2026... you see the real deep result of this chironic healing."
"Don't just think about what you're trying to do before you retire. Think about what you can do right now for your unborn grandchildren."
"The overreaction was always going to be as dangerous long term as his excrescence."
"What scars is she still dealing with to this day that may never heal?"
"Fear is a great short-term motivator, but one of the worst long-term motivators."
"The night Gwen Stacy died had ripple effects of all sorts, immediate and ones that would occur years later."
"This month creates the foundation for the entire year."
"Legacy, my definition of legacy is planting flowers into a field without having any expectations to ever see the flowers fully bloom."
"The important thing is to do the right thing rather than the thing that will make you in the short term feel better but harm the cause in the long run."
"This mod truly does change a battle Lord forever."
"It's a bloody mess, there is no plan, there is no structure, and it's going to take ages to unpick this."
"Final Fantasy 16 is the game I've liked the most in the last 15 years."
"95% of this job has to be done through demonstration not lecturing and as a boy grows older he might forget almost everything his dad ever told him but he won't forget the example that was set for better or worse."
"This is not an effort to win the applause of the moment, but a contribution for all time."
"Try and move past it, try and do something that makes them think. It's harder, it takes longer, but that's how you change a culture."
"We care about it, because if people feel like their information isn't private, then that screws us in the long term, too."
"Do something you don't like today that is constructive for a long-term positive change"
"This conversation is still gonna be being had 10 years from now."
"What you do today can matter tomorrow. You can be rewarded for it."
"I do think that basic human honesty, even though it may not always pay off in the short term, it tends to pay off in the long term. Or at least, if you're not honest, it tends to pay off negatively in the long term."
"Grief is a long-term process. It's not something that just gets wrapped up six months, 12 months, two, three, four. You miss somebody and you love somebody forever."
"The implications of which can extend far beyond our own lives."
"You never know what you do right now how it pays off in the future."
"What damage do you do in the long run by just giving in to that despair?"
"The long-term consequences of a damaged economy outweigh the short-term political gain."
"Inflation is the economic equivalent of sugar, countries print it when they want short-term wealth, but it just destroys an economy in the long term."
"You can't recover from that. It'll take decades."
"Digital transformation is here to stay. The pandemic will come and go, but the abilities that we have, the efficiencies that we gain, the capabilities that brought in, are what makes it so important to everyone." - Lisa Su
"What we do these next 13 days will matter for decades to come."
"Life is a decision that helps you make a change for a lifetime."
"The decisions we make today will resonate for generations to come."
"People are becoming a bit more aware of the impact diet has on long-term health."
"This isn't about a bull market. This changes things forever."
"It'll be incredible to see where this goes over the long run."
"If we lose this war, it will be generations before our conception of democracy can live again."
"Your skills, abilities, knowledge, expertise, health habits, finance habits, everything compounds over time."
"The money you save and invest in your 20s is arguably the most important money you're ever going to have in your entire life."
"It's hard to shake when it's the culture you grew up with for so many years."
"Making those little changes and habits are going to impact the rest of your life."
"I think we're gonna remember this year and talk about it for a long time."
"Although virtual learning is a great alternative when necessary, it is not a long-term solution and it is certainly not equivalent to in-person education."
"It's easy to walk away and continue with your life, but the people that lived in the immediate area... had to live with that for the rest of their lives."
"Experience gifts... goes a long way and it's the gift that keeps on giving."
"Relationships and networking that could get you 30 years later right."
"People tend to think about whether or not an argument has succeeded or failed based on what happens within the conversation or shortly thereafter, rather than over the next five or ten years."
"In fact, this place is famous for being one of the most heavily guarded areas and one of the most restricted places on Earth."
"Chernobyl...to this day that zone is a no-go...will stay highly radioactive for another 20,000 Years."
"If you make changes that are small and easy to do and you layer them on top of each other like units in a larger system, then you end up with some really powerful or remarkable results in the long run."
"Think about your punishment choices very carefully... over time they can affect how somebody sees themselves."
"Imagine the day in 2013 when Sir Alex Ferguson is retiring and somebody comes on the pitch and says thanks Sir Alex, just to let you all know United aren't going to challenge for a title again for 10 years at least."
"I don't think it's going to be one of those techs that go away... they have too much skin in the game and they have too many connected devices."
"I think a vast majority of the products sold are predatory and will hurt or hinder long-term growth."
"For most presidents, the only thing they get to do that outlasts their presidency is appoint Supreme Court justices."
"9/11 has still has a crippling effect on 10s of thousands of Americans."
"Crypto will change the world... but it's going to take time."
"The most important decision you'll make in your 20s and 30s is who you decide to partner with."
"Relationship satisfaction at age 50 is the single greatest predictor of Health at age 80."
"In this country, it's the families of the victims that serve the life sentence."
"The energy narrative is going to be with us for the decade."
"The drip feeding is a bad strategy long term."
"Be a good person... that just goes furthest."
"Do it because over the years like those things come back around and maybe not immediately but like they will come back around and people will realize that."
"We're only at the top of the first inning... it's the greatest crisis the church has had since the Reformation."
"Whatever you start now will have long lasting victorious results."
"We're not even really through the first wave, which if we think about it, it's gonna be with us multiple years."
"The real consequences might be coming down the line. This might actually be the first step towards something that the political consequences may resonate for decades to come."
"Long COVID is unfortunately a bigger problem than I had feared it would be."
"A tyrannical raiding environment, in the long run, makes for a weak guild."
"Nobody's going to believe a word out of a Russian leader's mouth for decades going forward."
"Generally speaking, here's how you know if a trade was good: if a draft pick that you made in 1992 leads to draft picks in 2022, 30 years later."
"Injuries later on down the road are not worth that one PR you thought you got."
"Ultimately, it will benefit the democratic party in the long run."
"Comfort to get back to the little thing can be really powerful later on."
"Is the thing that I'm ready to fight over now, will it matter in five years from now?"
"Even just a fraction of that amount of ice melting over the next 50 years could have consequences for people living everywhere on the globe."
"Melissa is literally helping people to this day, you know, 19 years after she's been gone."
"This movie needs to be good because it's not about the next movie, it's about the next 10 movies."
"Jet Set Willy continues to be remembered 35 years later."
"I hope they just put everything they have creativity wise and the team comes out with something that we can't play 10 years down the road and say God damn this game is so sick like what we have with Mortal Kombat X"