
Disorder Quotes

There are 332 quotes

"If you're somebody, for instance, who is grieving so intensely and so often that you're finding it immensely difficult to move through grief at a reasonable rate, and you might even say, or find yourself diagnosed with prolonged grief disorder or with complicated grief syndrome in a way that's really impairing your adaptive functioning in life."
"For an increasing number of men and boys, this otherwise benign desire to be more attractive transforms into something categorically disordered."
"God is the originator of desire... so it can't be that the desire is the problem, it's just disordered desire."
"The natural processes tend to lead towards disorder, and that's another idea of the second law of thermodynamics."
"Entropy is very roughly speaking a measure of the disorderliness, the randomness in a collection of stuff."
"If you don't like the sound of people breathing or chewing, you're not alone. You may actually have a disorder called misophonia, which is when you have an extreme negative emotional response to auditory stimuli."
"For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice."
"The order of a totalitarian world is a pathological order."
"Spontaneous processes increase the disorder of the universe."
"Entropy can mean two things: one is a lack of order or predictability, gradual decline in disorder. That's the one I knew."
"It feels like I entered like a home. Yeah, it's like I'm cozy there's [__] everywhere."
"The truth is this disorder should be called traumatic child abuse syndrome or early childhood trauma disorder. Any situation that causes a child to dissociate in a chronic fashion and feels immensely threatening can cause DID."
"Having the truth will help you spot disorder and deception in the prophetic."
"You're basically paralyzed, you can't move, but you hear and potentially feel it. That's messed up."
"We're in the age of disorder now. America has entered the age of disorder."
"An eating disorder doesn't just happen overnight."
"Our house is a bit of a disaster, so here we go."
"This entire societal disorder... amounts to the prioritization of the perceptual world over reality."
"OCD is not just a personality trait; it's a very complex psychiatric disorder."
"It was like a twister had ripped through the local library and deposited all the pages it tore out into my apartment."
"Everything in the universe tends towards disorder."
"The vast majority of what we can see around us is ruled by chaos and disorder."
"It's heartbreaking and it's an absolute mess."
"Entropy was, in fact, a measure of the disorder of things."
"The outer gods are tied to the concept of death, rot, chaos, and absence of order."
"But it was not lost, for China's cycles of order and disorder will continue."
"the Roy siblings have installed a false king, and as a result, the world is out of order, breeding chaos and unease."
"What happened here, guys?! [Bleep] You guys, there's [bleep] all over the place."
"Chaos and anarchy have reigned since the very beginning of the modern music festival."
"The last D in ADHD stands for disorder; it's not a choice."
"Essential tremor is the most common movement disorder."
"Pathological lying is a mental disorder."
"Entropy can be described as a measure of disorder or randomness of a system."
"Everything is connected; just gotta create a little bit of disorder to figure it out."
"It's recognized worldwide as a treatable disorder with a known cause, and there's a ton of medical evidence behind it."
"Absolutely chaos, just absolute chaos."
"I am living in chaos right now, just absolute chaos."
"The D in ADHD stands for disorder; this is not a choice, it's a disorder."
"You can't just wish away any disorder you're suffering from."
"The existence of such a something would render all natural laws ineffective, and would plunge the universe into chaotic disorder and lawlessness."
"Possibly it's the most well-studied disorder because it started 150 years ago at least."
"Chaos is just unpredictable order."
"My room is perpetually a mess I'm just going to blame it on the dynamics the concept of entropy my room is just bound towards disorder naturally."
"It turns out that Karen is an extreme hoarder, like to the point where her bedroom had stuff packed all the way up to the ceiling."
"Individuals with ADHD have sleep disturbances."
"ADHD is viewed as a disorder of self-regulation and executive functioning."
"Medications can also be used to treat OCD."
"All addictions are ultimately a disorder of worship."
"It was like, damn, hell broke loose out there."
"Panic disorder: they get very anxious, like intense anxiety, panicky, about whatever it may be, and it doesn't have to be something that makes you panicky, and it doesn't have to make sense."
"It's the only disorder that I know where the diagnosis actually can be cured."
"Everywhere I look, every corner I turn, every set of doors I open, there's a mess somewhere."
"You've just gotten so deep into your dysfunction, your disorder, and your street life, you don't even know right from wrong, right could just smack you in the eyes."
"It's a real disability. It's like a emotional, psychological dyslexia, complete... It should have that... One of those initial things in America, like obsessive-compulsive disorder. No humor disorder."
"Look, everything's just broken and thrown around."
"Borderline personality disorder is an anxiety reaction."
"...it was chaos in its purest form..."
"Reactive Attachment Disorder: A condition where a child doesn't form healthy emotional bonds."
"Borderline personality disorder is a serious mental illness."
"If you have been a victim of major trauma as a child, you increase your likelihood of developing this conduct disorder type picture."
"...its aspect of having been in such wild disorder for a long, long time."
"Lipedema tissue is no longer just fat...if you have problems with your adipose or fat tissue, you have a connective tissue disorder."
"Parkinson's is not just a movement disorder. It's a multi system thing affecting lots and lots of different systems in the body."
"Borderline personality disorder involves difficulties with emotion regulation and personal relationships."
"People with dissociative identity disorder often experience memory loss between personality states."
"Hypochondria leads to frequent doctor visits and extensive medical tests."
"Dissociative amnesia involves gaps in memory related to traumatic or stressful events."
"Dermatillomania is being trapped in a relentless cycle of compulsion and shame."
"Erotomania is living in a world where reality blurs with fantasy, and the lines between admiration and obsession become dangerously thin."
"ADHD is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder."
"A little bit of chaos typically throughout history."
"There's an imperative as a driver to disorder the entropy will increase."
"Andre the Giant had acromegaly, a rare hormonal disorder."
"There's law for most of us and there's almost no there's lawlessness and disorder at the very top."
"Major depressive disorder is one of the most prevalent psychiatric disorders. It is estimated that greater than 300 million people suffer from depression."
"Pooh suffers from compulsive eating disorder and OCD."
"ADHD is a performance disorder. You can't perform the things you know how to do. It is not a knowledge disorder."
"ADHD is the most well-researched and studied disorder on Earth."
"I think these are really... this is just chaos."
"It disordered your little nine to five."
"Generalized anxiety disorder is a common and chronic mental health condition characterized by excessive and persistent worry and anxiety about various aspects of life, even when there is little to no apparent reason for concern."
"Unlike common theft, kleptomania involves a compulsive need to steal"
"This is a disorder and his mom can never love him fully in the way that she should or could as long as she counts on objects and doesn't count on people."
"It's messy, it's certainly messy."
"The individual who has not organized his own life projects disorder upon everything around him, then must live under the disorder which he has projected."
"Their engrammatic pathways and memories will often be rather well preserved, and while some of you may think that this makes them less afflicted by the disorder, you would in fact be wrong."
"Instead of calling someone an addict, consider using 'person with a substance use disorder.'"
"What sets this problem apart from the anxiety disorders I started out working on in my career is that you have all these positive pieces which I don't see in OCD, social phobia, panic disorder, and so forth. But you do see it here."
"I really was consumed by this disorder...I couldn't even go out in public and have an interaction without getting triggered."
"Boltzmann's great contribution was that he recognized that entropy is a measure of the disorder of a system."
"The universe will always get messier."
"Literally, it tells you how much disorder there is in a system, indicating the number of possible states a system can be in."
"I think the difference is anxiety versus an anxiety disorder, and anxiety sort of gives you so much distress and dysfunction that it affects your daily living and you can't do what you want to do."
"The engine of my car... it's turning order into disorder."
"If everything degrades, if everything becomes disordered, you might be wondering how it is that we exist."
"Just because it's a disorder that's marked by tumultuousness doesn't mean that those of us with it are doomed to live on a roller coaster of life."
"My friend I don't want any of y'all as friends the piggy blinders is out of control yeah they're out of [ __ ] control mate they come down the canal to spread like the [ __ ] clap so now they're everybody's problem."
"There's almost like there's some benefit of it being messy."
"Addiction, at its core, is a disorder of motivation."
"The decision-making process is very disordered."
"Everything in there is just a complete and utter mess."
"Pathological narcissism is a form of mental illness."
"It's just, it's like Lord of the Flies out there, you know what I mean?"
"The streets have turned to chaos."
"This thing is just a complete mess."
"This seems really bizarre because wait a second, people have been using cannabis for thousands of years. What are the chances that now all of a sudden a new cannabis-related disorder would emerge? It couldn't be the cannabis itself."
"It's this really weird mental disorder where a parent usually parents will make their kids sick in order to get attention."
"...Huntington's disease is a progressive brain disorder caused by a defective gene..."
"Entropy is a way to measure how disordered a system is."
"When you're out of order, you're talking the same thing; 'Yes, Lord, bless me indeed,' and you want God to bless your mess."
"To clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world."
"Persistent genital arousal disorder: having multiple climaxes a day at any time without any stimulation becomes quite bothersome and uncomfortable."
"You don't have a personality; you have symptoms of a chromosome disorder."
"Schizophrenia is an important disorder affects about two and a half million people in the United States."
"You are not your disorder these are things you struggle with it doesn't mean that you're a bad person or that you're a failure these are things that you deal with but they do not define you."
"...the only time that I've been unlovable is when I've isolated because of this disorder."
"Let's celebrate, let's get out of order."
"Observations don't form an orderly queue and come at you one at a time."
"This just kind of seems like a cluster [ __ ] at this point like this is a mess."
"Conversion disorder really is in the subconscious. So these symptoms are coming through as a result of significant stressors, psychological or emotional factors."
"Imagine being inside of a tower that is collapsing in on itself at free fall speed. That's borderline personality disorder."
"Things are out of order and we need to take back our neighborhood."
"Bright light therapy showed significant improvement in mood for individuals with seasonal affective disorder."
"Any disorder psychologically, any disordered condition can be either demonically created and energized. Or it can be capitalized upon because of a pre-existing psychological condition."
"Entropy is a word that's free, they used, and the culture, we often use it to describe a certain amount of going from order to disorder, that's going from low entropy to high entropy."
"Epilepsy is a neurological disorder, basically. Everything that we do in our body, in our daily functions that should come from our brain, you know what I'm saying?"
"Nothing is in order, everything is just a jumble."
"The unwinding of the universe, this collapse into disorder, can in fact be constructive."
"Entropy has been rising steadily, in some sense, since the Big Bang. We are partway along that trajectory. We are highly ordered beings existing within an environment headed toward ever greater disorder."
"Entropy is high for that circumstance. Now, the question was not only what is entropy but what's the opposite of entropy, and if you think about entropy is disorder, the opposite is order."
"Left to itself, the universe will always get messier, moving from order to disorder."
"Hoarding is not a messy desk or a messy kitchen."
"It's a disorder, a disease, not the person. Decoupling the identity from the behavior is important."
"Look at the mob, and this will go on for days."
"A disorganized state has a higher probability of occurring than an organized state."
"Psychopathy is described as a person suffering from a chronic mental disorder with abnormal or violent social behavior."
"Autism is a connectivity disorder, like almost every developmental disorder."
"Chaos Reigns Supreme. Nothing is planned."
"The vehicle was littered with garbage, clothing, and papers."
"Entropy is commonly referred to as disorder or Randomness but these terms are pretty biased by our human intuition for what it means for something to be sorted or ordered."
"To label the gift of feeling as a disorder is to attempt to control what is inherently uncontrollable."
"I'm just going to reiterate that, in my opinion, this is not a disorder. This is just someone who has the sight," Shelly reiterated.
"The patterns that we see are patterns of disorder and order appearing through disorder. Disorder is the mechanism of order."
"In order to heal when you have dissociative identity disorder... you need to eventually be able to communicate with your alters or at least try to communicate with your alters."
"There's a sort of a purity to the disorders."
"Sin is the rejection of disorder."
"One would be called generalized anxiety disorder, which is exactly what it sounds like. Worrying about the future, worrying about things working out. So anxiety is essentially a disorder where the absence of knowing, we can't handle."
"An eating disorder is only there as a way to cope."
"Emotional eating or non-eating is an eating disorder, period."
"Eating as a way to cope, that's eating disorder behavior."
"Everything's a mess...it's a total [ __ ] show."
"ADHD is worse than all of them combined... adhd provides an accumulation of all of these risks together, a summation of these risks."
"You are dealing with the most treatable disorder in psychiatry."
"Atherosclerosis is not a cholesterol disorder, it's a lipoprotein inflammatory disorder."
"The more we can support each other as clinicians and families, the better we can help those who are afflicted with the disorder."
"We're too quick to jump to the idea that lack of attention is a disorder."
"Borderline personality disorder at this point can actually almost claim more specificity about its treatments than any other psychiatric disorder."
"They have the cards flipped all over the place."
"Something's disordered, and so, you know, if you get your body back in order, a lot of those things can be resolved."
"What is PCOS? Essentially, it is where the brain and the ovary stop communicating appropriately."
"The possibility of Bundy having narcissistic personality disorder was also mentioned."
"At its core, addiction really should be thought of as a disorder of motivation."
"The hospital suspected abuse in this case and they believed Maya that it was something akin to what's known as munchausen syndrome by proxy in which parents or caregivers sort of fake an illness for a child and um treat them for it."
"Most likely there's never been more people in the world with alcohol use disorder and people that have been drinking alone at any other time in history."
"Schizophrenia is this group of disorders and that means there's a variety of different ways it comes out and shows up."
"If there's disorder in your life, humbly submit your heart to God and bring order to it."
"I enjoy chaos and disorder. Not just because they help me professionally, they're also my hobby."
"Yes, you can describe a lot of these behaviors under the umbrella of OCD. And so the CD is a... it's a disorder because you call something a disorder because it's causing you more trouble than it's helping you."
"They just keep flying everywhere."
"Cluster headache is widely described as probably the most painful primary headache disorder."
"The second law of thermodynamics: by this natural law, order tends to degenerate."
"You've got to get the police inside the hall was littered with empty boxes from the safe."
"It was a mess, you might as well call it a dumpster, not a ring."
"An eating disorder is primarily a disorder of intimacy and attachment."
"This is kind of a mess right now."
"It was descending into kind of chaos."
"Addiction is a behavioral health disorder. It is a physical disorder as well."
"Gender disorder, as we know it, is a discomfort one feels with their gender assigned at birth and their authentic gender."
"Resistance to Edward's rule grew as Law and Order started to disintegrate."
"The inmates are running the prison."
"Everything is really [__] up right now."
"I think he had a personality disorder to start with."
"The closer people are genetically related, the higher the risk if one has the disorder that the others will have the disorder."
"ADHD is a profoundly genetic disorder."
"Chaos is most beautiful when disorder is at its finest."
"Order, disorder, and reorder perfectly. We need books that honor all those levels in the same book."
"This needs to be a no judgment zone, okay? Because all of my stuff is very, very messy."
"This is how my room looks right now, it looks absolutely a mess like honestly everything is everywhere."
"Home should be a calming place, home should be home. It should feel somewhere where you're comfortable, but I don't feel that way. I walk in and it's just a mess."
"If you are conflicted with it, if you have dissonance, if you can't sleep at night, if you're depressed because of it, then you have a disorder."
"Celeste bus apparently in this area of ​​Lima they don't take the bus at the bus stop that is a good indication not an indication of organization."
"Pillows will be everywhere and also the blanket will be on the floor. It's gonna be a mess starting, I can't wait."
"All the cabinets are open. There was also a single jar of Nutella on the floor and a huge punch hole in the wall."
"Home should be a calming place, home should be home, right? It should feel somewhere where you're comfortable. But I don't feel that way. I walk in and it's just a mess."
"It's a crazy, crazy mad world out there. The world is topsy-turvy upside down."
"I have to accept that I have body dysmorphia."
"Chester Dodge isn't the most orderly community in the United States. I like it, Mr. Dillon. I don't like no part of it."
"Expect to see the hand of God even in the midst of disorder and chaos."
"Dissociative identity disorder was commonly known as multiple personality disorder."
"Addiction is a spectrum disorder."