
Backstory Quotes

There are 700 quotes

"The actual stuffed animal I'll be using is this circa 2011 number that appears to be a Walmart Valentine's Day castaway."
"I spent a long time reading through your backstory, and I think it's an especially important place to start because it appears to be much of your reason for being and your reason for doing."
"The Golden Age without a doubt is essential in comprehending the backstory of Guts, the growth of Griffith, and everything that adds a deeper meaning to Berserk."
"No Mercy... it's the heist that explains why Bain is dying."
"Recalling his dislike of children and his past, Lloyd remembers that he became a spy in order to create a world where children won't have to cry."
"Each member of the Akatsuki represents a unique backstory and a unique set of beliefs."
"He was simply a guy with an immensely deep backstory that was doing his best to cope with the unfortunate circumstances plaguing his health."
"Maybe this show, X-Men 97, is giving us a crucial backstory leading into the Avengers that we're going to see in Avengers 5."
"What a crazy backstory this has to be the villain right I'm excited to find out who the villain is."
"The score Ian monsters meat that is but for us to understand how it came to this situation we'll have to go back in time."
"It's important I think to know the backgrounds of these people."
"The whole point of the backstory is to see how he evolves."
"Near Death Wish explores Farnsworth's upbringing through his parents, keeping viewers engaged."
"This was an epic storage unit. Craziest backstory on the owner of this unit. Turns out it was a very well-known, almost famous, you could say local rapper. So weird."
"The rest of the Wolverine series would follow his exploits leading up to his meeting with Charles Xavier and joining the X-Men."
"The events that led to Infinite are all the backstory left in the audio logs."
"Tartarus's backstory in Contact Harvest was fantastic. Seeing him usurp Maccabeus, his uncle, and take his Fist of Rukt and become Chief of the Brutes after that was a very great ascension."
"It tells you why she really wasn't there the whole time, it gives a real explanation."
"To truly understand what the [__] happened to Jackie Chan, we must begin at the beginning of the beginning."
"So unlike Jotaro who is pretty much your model student up until high school, Jolene is an actual delinquent with a questionable past."
"Alright, so, the hook of 'Islands' was learning about humanity, but I did not expect such an in-depth flashback into Finn’s parents and how they met!"
"Magneto's redemption was chronicled in the pages of New Mutants, Uncanny X-Men 150 is the first issue to start developing Magneto's origin as a prisoner of Auschwitz and his marriage to Magda."
"He's born of tragic circumstances, his family was murdered by Thanos's minions."
"Tolkien's Silmarillion is the prequel to Lord of the Rings, providing the big picture surrounding it."
"Every individual God gets their own section of what happened you know what is this God like if they're the villain of the campaign."
"Like her motivations at the beginning, that's kind of who she was."
"You have to have a tragic backstory because it's One Piece."
"Just about every character in one piece has an amazing backstory."
"The Bride's backstory is slowly peeled back like an orange... Kiddo was motivated to leave her life as an assassin."
"Bullet at least provides some backstory and depth to the other characters so hey I'm cool with her plus she's got a crazy unique Drive."
"The creation of Yo Mama and its interesting backstory."
"The Mimic's origin story adds depth and complexity to its character."
"Can you tell us a little bit about your folks and how all this came about?"
"This normal looking video with a creepy backstory was posted by a YouTuber named Jay to the Sea."
"Characters in Cyberpunk 2077 are meticulously crafted from childhood trauma to adulthood."
"For as simple as FNaF 1 is, it still gave reasons behind the animatronics roaming and killing you and the rest was competently left as part of the Fear of the Unknown."
"They've done a great job developing a backstory that has helped guide their build."
"Playing as Menendez during his backstory as he defends his home from the CIA with little more than a machete and a shotgun... Anyway, I started blasting."
"It's telling you the backstory of the drug dealer, how he got to this point, and also the sort of glory behind it, the glory of the 88 Doughboy clean in a beamer, but also the pitfalls of the game."
"What makes the Duke so special? Why does this wedding matter so much? What's the backstory here?"
"I think we're going to get a backstory that paints Kaido as very, very similar to Luffy in many ways." - Ron Winter
"Before Cynthia was champion, she was a thief growing up alongside her friend Barry."
"It's just a nice little dig and it means that like we're gonna explore more of this character and how they used to know each other. I just love that, I love that there was just more history between these two."
"Black Widow is being tormented with memories of her training to become an assassin." - Bob
"Mikey's childhood and upbringing led him to become the strongest in the series."
"Every villain they bring up when you get a bit of their backstory you find out that they're just someone, a normal person who went through some stuff and became this person."
"But what do you think? Should Marvel go into all the details about where the mutants have been all these years?"
"The full backstory of every hashira reveals the depth of their character and the challenges they've overcome."
"It gives you so much context for the books... made me want to reread the series."
"I'm sure there's probably a story in relation to where he came from and why he's special."
"One big thing we still have yet to see is how Andy came to own Woody in the first place."
"Hints at Cinder's backstory and the reason for her motivation."
"I need more background on what happened with her son's dad."
"We just heard the origin story of the undertaker."
"People love to make fun of the mega man games on dos but by looking at their backstory it's easier to see these titles in a new light."
"This actually tells the backstory of Corvette."
"I have notebooks and notebooks full of backstory."
"It all started with a hapless Lombax named Ratchet."
"To truly understand what's happening, we have to first rewind to Spider-Man 1."
"Zorro's backstory and his goal are indirectly a Revenge plot against the course of nature."
"Cammy is a character with a memorable look, a timeless appeal, and even an intriguing enough backstory that makes her interesting."
"Personally, I've always wanted a deeper dive into Anakin's transformation and early years as Darth Vader."
"His backstory added depth and linked to other elements in the Dragon Ball universe."
"Never give up. This is the story behind the story."
"Mawile's jaws have a pretty interesting backstory behind them."
"Backstories unfold: mining character histories for rich roleplay."
"Giu's past shapes his present and techniques."
"His backstory is played out with believable drama."
"Empathy. We know he is a disgruntled ex-employee who put everything he had into his life's work."
"There's an origin story behind most of the messages that you receive."
"There's a heck of a story behind this bruiser."
"The story behind that is always more interesting."
"Luffy's dream may have actually gone all the way back to the reason why the fruit picked Luffy in the first place."
"Hyrule Warrior's Age of Calamity also has the potential to show us stories only briefly referenced in Breath of the Wild."
"Now that we're on to story, what do I think of it? Well, I like the extra background info."
"The show is about to begin and I'm going to reveal to you the true origins of Freddy's."
"Even though Zerus was a murderer whatever happened to him changed him because at one point he reformed and built the orphanage to expiate his crimes."
"The reason why this is is because it's based on Buddhism, where you must overcome 108 temptations in order to reach nirvana, which is a really deep backstory with real-life aspects that makes this Pokemon very intriguing."
"Without this brave Poliwag, the Red from the Pokemon Adventures manga we know today wouldn't exist, which is a pretty cool backstory for a common Pokemon that you wouldn't expect to do something so courageous."
"The sad truth of an assassin begins in their adolescence."
"Brawl Stars came from Star Park, a big disaster happened mutating things into the brawlers as we know them now."
"Before being called back into action for the mission, Snake lived in Alaska as a musher."
"Rogue's story actually makes AC3 so much better."
"There's way more to her backstory than just the fact that she's the daughter of filthy junk traders."
"Jake Peralta especially loves creating elaborate backstories for his undercover identities."
"Kylo reveals that there is more to the story behind Rey and her parents, raised the granddaughter of Emperor Palpatine."
"Yes Man was once like every other robot working for Mr. House and as a result, he has access to lots of hidden information."
"This arc follows Endeavor of all people, you know that guy that abused Hitoshi and is technically his dad."
"The party can find the remains of an adventurous journal which will explain the purpose of the pyramid."
"Megatron wasn't always as hungry as he became."
"I knew I was right, okay okay, let's get some backstory here."
"Gamebred: This nickname isn't merely cool, it's a compact Narrative of a journey sculpted in the furnace of combat."
"How did their journey go once they formed? Well, join us today as we take a deep dive into their entire story..."
"Jango Fett was just a boy when the civil war brought death and destruction to his homeworld."
"Oh, that's sweet. Was your father an Intergalactic space Smuggler?"
"Night Andale stands out as one of the most unique titles yet, the backstory is deep, rich, and complex."
"Through a flashback, we get a glimpse of Tio's past."
"It's a deep dive into his past making it the more personal tale he wanted to tell."
"Sonic reveals his past and his plans to become the strongest ninja and completely change the way the village works."
"He actually had a relatively normal life. He grew up, acquired a pretty unique quirk, managed to make his way into UA, quickly made friends with Izawa and Present Mic, and they got by just like any other class."
"Every straw hat has a tragic backstory."
"Have you ever pondered the backstory of someone, wondering what events led them to their current circumstances?"
"You want to know how I got these scars?"
"We get all of the answers to our questions: How did they split up? How did Charles end up in a wheelchair? How did the academy actually start?"
"The original owner was a lady who was deeply hurt by her lover."
"A lot of people in history who've done amazing things have less than ideal backstories."
"A brilliant scientist named Audric set out with noble intentions."
"This story is about Sirius Black, who we're told is the guy that sold out Harry's parents to Voldemort, leading to the event that set this entire story into motion."
"This is William Afton's Dr. Frankenstein backstory."
"Kakashi wasn't always as he is now though his life at a rocky start and this was mostly due to the death of his father sakumo."
"Cassian's proposed backstory details from Rogue One were somewhat incorporated into Andor."
"She was born and raised in a secret society against the big bad evil guy and wanted to bring him down with every breath she took."
"The Little Sisters of Elluria, another story that will further develop Roland's backstory."
"The story didn't start in 2 Kings, chapter 4. The story started years before that."
"Ford's existence was planned from the very beginning of the series."
"Well, we have to go back to when your father first arrived here. At the time, I was engaged to someone else, but he wasn't faithful," Catalina began, recounting our unconventional meeting.
"Felena boasted to have made a man of him when Aegon was 14 years of age."
"I feel like the best superheroes... have what they do integrated into their story and their background."
"When creating Chopper, Oda stated that he wanted a mascot who was both cute and fearless."
"Chopper's real family cast him aside because of his blue nose, a reference to the Christmas Tale of Rudolph the reindeer."
"Calendar Man reveals some pretty Eerie things about what he has done to his mother and father on Mother's and Father's Day respectively."
"Hunter elaborates about his past this is when i inherited my staff you know i'm the youngest scout to become golden guard i uh never found out what happened to the previous one maybe your predecessor was released to elsewhere on a paid vacation"
"Rey's extremely tragic backstory combined with an inherited high midichlorian count is the perfect explanation for why she is immediately so strong with the Force."
"Backstory is important. Ned is haunted by the death of his sister and the secret he carries."
"Kylo Ren's missing backstory is a poison, a toxic necrotic malignant cancer that sucks the life out of every piece of story that Kylo touches."
"A Blackbeard backstory seems almost mandatory to truly understanding his character."
"Akainu has the potential for the most thematically important backstory in One Piece."
"The backstory of Joy Boy himself may be the most surprising pick, but one that we might get in some shape or form."
"Suki explained that she didn't want her stepbrother to suffer the same fate she did when her family had exiled her abroad for years."
"Anakin's actions make sense given his backstory."
"The Ninth Sister was once known as the Jedi Knight Masana Tide."
"The Tenth Brother was a blind Miraluka and former Jedi master named Prosset Dibs."
"In 1972 a cracked Commando unit was sent to prison a military court for a crime they didn't commit."
"It's cool to get the backstory, man, you know, and it allows you to kind of get lost in the concept, in the story."
"I think Pierce Brosnan played Doctor Fate as much more like, 'He's lived a life that's not been fun.'"
"Everybody sees these bald heads, these tattoos, these rough faces, and if you don't hear the story behind the Mad Dog look, the style, you know, you won't be able to."
"There is none of the oh we find out about how a character got their iconic blaster or their last name."
"Neville's parents are in fact alive but were just driven insane through Bellatrix's horrific torture."
"Okay so I can appreciate the movie at least trying to give the protagonist some kind of backstory."
"Though his backstory is worthy of sympathy, the atrocities of war the nowhere king brought to both sides of the rift are an irreconcilable evil born from the worst traits of man and beast."
"...Hey Man Nice Shot was about former Pennsylvania Treasurer Arba Dwyer..."
"Both Molly and Arthur attended Hogwarts in the early 60s and both were sorted into Gryffindor."
"Learning more about his story and why he is the way he is kind of made me feel, not that any of it was justified but making it feel even less so justified."
"Necrozma once gained the ability to give light, but lost the ability after ancestors of the Ultra Recon Squad injured it."
"Thanos reveals that overpopulation led to the downfall of Titan, and he had suggested wiping out half the population to save the planet."
"In order to explain these ships enormous visual differences from the Contemporary 23rd Century ships in the rest of Starfleet EES and Cherry andow ski were worked together to come up with a backstory."
"This is probably my favorite backstory as I feel it does a ton to make the Arlong Park storyline more impactful while adding depth to Nami's character."
"We need more Alastor lore somewhere."
"Your backstory says a lot about you and who you are, your beliefs, and your values."
"Bad Ape's backstory and quirky personality enrich the film's tapestry of characters."
"Despite how we feel about Hakari and his gambling addiction and how cool he is, he's still the third-year student that got suspended for beating up an official."
"Being a fan of Mad Max I always wanted to find out how the stories in those movies came about."
"Rocks was similar to both Luffy and Roger with similar upbringing and life experiences he experienced the loneliness he experienced friendship he experienced love and loss and he experienced how harsh the world truly is."
"I think there's room for having a backstory to give purpose to what you're building."
"It's crazy but with Thanos, it's like he has thought about it. He saw his Planet died, you know?"
"Shunsui's eccentric attire hides a tragic backstory."
"Understanding the Eay clan's curse."
"The Batman who laughs origin was detailed in a tie-in comic as were some of the other evil alternate batmen."
"Now we know that SpongeBob had a history in the Army where he was separated by his parents witness a friend die and even murdered many fish in the sea."
"Thanos was born with a physical deformity that made him an outcast among his people."
"All For One tells All Might the story of how he took in Shigaraki to groom him into hating the Symbol of Peace..."
"Shigaraki's extra hand, replaced by All For One, signifies a deeper attachment to his past and Tenko's aspirations."
"Ratatouille is one of those Pixar movies that really radiates with untold backstories."
"It's basically just an origin story."
"A huge part of the backstory to Gears of War is the fight over Emulsion, a fuel source much like oil."
"Batman's backstory in the Stan Lee universe is very Count of Monte Cristo-esque wherein he was a regular guy framed for armed robbery by some dorky crime Lord named hands with a z as revenge for saving his girlfriend's life during an attempted hit on him."
"Robin was always a sulking grumpy kid and a loner not hanging out with any other kids even when they offered to spend time with him adults didn't want to adopt him and eventually he became the oldest kid at the place."
"Gyro is the previous founder and King of the NGL."
"Clock King's backstory makes him really tragic, but it also traps him a bit because he doesn't have much of a motive to continue being a criminal."
"Explain Morgan's backstory is something that everybody wanted to see."
"Rocket's backstory was incredible."
"...he's proof that you don't need some big elaborate backstory and you don't need all the things that I wanted from Kaido."
"There's backstory and then the backstory has backstory."
"They did little things like that where they added in backstory that we know should be there but now we actually see it."
"No Thine Enemy is better mostly because its focus works so well. We get introduced to some of Lex Luthor's backstory and show how far gone and narcissistic he truly is."
"Full of character development for Harry and explaining a lot of his backstory in an organic way without it seeming forced."
"What's important about Revan's story is he also left behind a wife as well as a child."
"No one is truly free while expanding on Demerzel's backstory."
"The brief glimpse of the Soul Society's original sin and the catalyst for the current state of the very world of Bleach itself."
"I kind of wish we did learn like what he did in the army before, like I think that would have been a cool origin story."
"My name is Velma Dinkley and this is my origin story."
"I really wish I knew a lot of the backstory and the history on a lot of this. I don't. I know some of it though."
"Backstory and internal conflict are kind of like holding hands."
"When we can see a glimpse of their backstory, it shapes who they are today."
"Give them backstory, let us know where they come from, what makes them tick, and why."
"His backstory contextualizes his need for sex, drugs, and booze rather eloquently."
"Senor pink started out his adult life as a member of the brutal Don keyote crime family where his days were frequently filled with criminal activity and brutal violence until one day in the pouring rain he met a woman who he immediately fell in love with."
"Honestly, the best origin for Wolverine is no origin."
"Michael Scott: there's an entire scene about Michael being very close to the lunch lady in his school."
"How are they gonna explain it? I can't wait. We're gonna get a backstory to the Cordyceps."
"Sometimes the story that you're playing in your mind has a backstory and a root that you may not have investigated."
"I feel like I now have a close to complete understanding of how the Phantom troop came to be what they are today."
"Ned Stark - impactful death and backstory."
"Harass me for a year, lose your business. Backstory: I'm a girl that's very shy and has anxiety issues."
"This is kind of a really fun recipe with an amazing backstory."
"The first poison obviously sort of established the kind of character that she was."
"I'm very glad we saw how Boba Fett survived... we're seeing some flashbacks of kind of who he is today."
"The movie gives us the history of the Waynes and the Falcones which I think adds another layer to the story and brings more to the lore."
"Kuma's backstory, as long as Kuma dies, is probably the best story to me period in one piece character storyline."
"The origins of the Black Widow program could have been very interesting."