
Inflation Hedge Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"This is crazy, gold and silver, monetary metals, the world's best inflation hedges for thousands of years."
"The idea that bitcoin should be an inflation hedge stems from its fixed supply."
"Cryptocurrencies provide a hedge against the federal government being able to inflate and deflate your savings."
"Just buy as much as you can because ultimately, all three of these are hedges against inflation."
"There is no better hedge against inflation than bitcoin."
"When central banks start printing a lot of money, go out and buy stocks, commodities, and gold."
"Bitcoin is an economic imperative because everybody needs a non-sovereign store of value inflation hedge."
"Gold should do better because if inflation is higher, it's a hedge against inflation."
"Bitcoin seen by growing number investors as a hedge against inflation."
"Save yourself from inflation with crypto assets."
"Gold and silver are an excellent way to hedge against inflation."
"Equities own real assets. If fiat currency is getting debased, equities tend to go high."
"I'm a global, I've always been a gold Bull and given that we're in this very inflationary environment it is a hedge against inflation."
"Own a piece of multiple teams - not correlated to the stock market, and profitable even in inflationary times."
"Holding gold is not a hedge against inflation; it has done nothing but make you lose money."
"Stocks do tend to be something of an inflation hedge."
"Historically, buying and holding hodling real estate is a hedge against inflation."
"You have something now that can hedge against inflation right if the FED has done its job too mind you."
"Gold is your inflation hedge if you're looking for a way to build wealth through your savings."
"Bitcoin is the hedge against inflation, the best store of value."
"Bitcoin is the hedge over gold against inflation."
"There's no better asset in the world than bitcoin... whether it ever happens or not retail is going to rush for inflation hedge assets."
"Getting off zero percent is really really important because what it does is gold and bitcoin while they both serve as inflation hedge assets bitcoin has a very very different return profile."
"One thing is important right is when you talk to your kids about it you got to make sure it's bitcoin not just crypto in general because bitcoin specifically has the inflation hedge things that we're talking about here."
"Bitcoin is the one asset that you could buy that's a true hedge against inflation."
"It's a hedge against inflation. It's also security for your family in times of crisis."
"We believe the perception of bitcoin is a better inflation hedge than gold is the main reason for the current upswing."
"High stability real estate can provide a strong hedge against inflation."
"It's a great hedge against everything including inflation."
"Cryptocurrencies are not currently at least a very good hedge against inflation."
"Gold is not the perfect inflation hedge because it doesn't follow the CPI tick by tick but what it does do is reacts when people really get freaked out about what's going to happen to the purchasing power of their currency."
"Gross margins are possibly the best hedge against inflation that is really what controls the pricing power of the company."
"High inflation as a potential hedge for bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies."
"Gold is the greatest hedge against inflation... it's not a hedge against Financial collapses."
"The only reliable hedge against inflation is food."
"Gold has been the best during inflations, and the closest example we have to that is the late 1970s."
"Gold and silver are typically very good hedges against inflation."
"Gold is rallying because it knows the central bank is probably just going to rip everybody off via inflation again."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate inflation hedge combined with the ultimate venture play."
"Bitcoin is a positive expectation game... if it does absolutely nothing it's a pretty interesting inflation hedge."
"I think it's really important for us to have a portion of our family's wealth in Precious Metals as a hedge against inflation as a hedge against the collapse of the US dollar."
"Gold is that insurance policy, particularly in inflationary times, and that's certainly where we are today."
"You've got to get your money out of cash and into assets because cash is going to become worthless to inflation."
"When is bitcoin going to be seen as something that you can hedge against inflation?" - Tim
"I'm not promoting gold or silver... but in my opinion, they are a great hedge against inflation."
"Bitcoin is this great hedge during periods of time of monetary expansion when the base money supply depreciates."
"I think the equity market is increasingly turning into basically a place to deploy money to hedge inflation to hedge monetary expansion."
"Cryptocurrency because it's the only thing that's out there that will be able to keep up or exceed the rate of inflation to maintain your purchasing power."
"Cryptocurrency is the best hedge against inflation... If you do not embrace crypto and you are a political candidate, you're basically committing suicide."
"If inflation fears are real, then why would you not get into bitcoin?"
"Bitcoin is more than a hedge against inflation; it's also a hedge against crazy."
"Commodities perform well during periods of high inflation and low economic growth."
"Paul Tudor Jones: 'Buy anything that could hedge against inflation... I advocate everyone to put five percent into bitcoin.'"
"Gold and bitcoin are just insurance. You need insurance against a loss of purchasing power."
"Bitcoin is in a league of its own as far as an inflation hedge."
"Guys, I'm a big proponent of having precious metals, not as an investment, but more to protect your wealth and a hedge against inflation."
"Real estate is a great hedge against inflation. It always has been. It's going back to the basics, and there's some good buying opportunities. So, it's really just about searching, getting yourself a good advisor, a good real estate agent."
"Bitcoin is certainly a life raft, but hard money in general, moving into something that the government cannot print."
"Even during the worst periods of prolonged inflation, investing in productive assets can maintain our purchasing power."
"Bitcoin solves the problem. You can harness capital, improve your products, grow your revenues, beat inflation."
"Investing in real estate is an edge against inflation and this makes you have great value for your money."
"Bitcoin has already reached its all-time high in countries where inflation is a problem."
"It's going to be guaranteed to beat inflation."
"Looking for a hedge against inflation? Midwestern farmland might be for you."
"Companies that grow their dividends provide an effective inflation hedge to portfolio income streams."
"Gold is a particular thing, a favorite of people who are worried about inflation, and I'm very bullish on gold."
"Gold producers have a natural hedge against inflation because gold typically does better when you have an environment like this."
"The biggest inflation hedge is financial investments, just buying index funds."
"Real estate value increases in line with inflation in the long term because it acts as an inflation hedge."
"You just put money into the financial markets and you not only probably hedge against inflation but if you play your cards right and play it safe, you can make generational amounts of money."
"Bitcoin is your ultimate bet against inflation, against money printing over the longer term."
"Bitcoin is very scarce, this suggests that Bitcoin has the potential at least to be a very good inflation hedge."