
Trope Quotes

There are 164 quotes

"Found family, as a trope and as a real life experience, is very queer."
"I love a good unrequited romance trope, but when the love on it is unrequited on both sides, like they both think it's unrequited but they both love each other, it gets me every time."
"The Magnificent Bastard is a difficult trope to classify, because so much of what makes it work is raw charisma."
"I do actually think that this is a top tier trope."
"Bakarina is one of the best written examples of the trope in modern anime."
"It's become a very popular trope... thinking about your existential existence on the earth."
"It's not necessarily about who's the strongest, it's about playing around with the tropes and ridiculousness of the Shonen anime genre."
"Power-ups in anime are a trope so common that we basically just assume that they're going to happen."
"Hollywood has picked up on that and made bunches of movies of you know, the old cabin in the woods trope."
"By being this kind of character faded to become something great not just by being the chosen one, but by simply being yourself, has to be a significant writing Trope."
"Keep the doors open, my wife is still in there. Ugh, don't do the 'someone is still in there' cliche."
"Evil Superman is a Trope that I'm tired of."
"Whenever a Trope is overused a lot I really like to see an author that like okay we're gonna do this a different way now."
"More and more genre stories have begun taking the Untouchable girl trope and creating nuanced, complex female characters with more agency."
"Every Old Man in anime is freaking Immortal and Invincible."
"It's a trope that we see a lot in '80s movies, right? So I imagine that it was probably something that people enjoyed, you know like this is entertainment it's it's fun it's not meant to be serious."
"Gwen starts giving a super villain speech."
"Enemies to lovers is an invaluable trope in the teen show canon."
"It's a basic yet fun trope, this powerful and smart villain who has an incompetent sidekick desperate for approval."
"Always that stupid girl who goes inside the creepy house."
"...establishing a Trope which persisted in Sentai since..."
"I love that trope of documentaries."
"If I had a nickel for every time a pink-haired girl that wasn't human tried to get the MC harem, I'd have two nickels."
"...kind of like an academic rival SL enemies to lovers."
"Every DreamWorks film ends with a damn dance sequence."
"Hori leans into the trope, making sure this archetype has a natural place in the story."
"From enemies to lovers should always win for me."
"Found family is one of those tropes that always hit me really hard and Gojo being my absolute favorite character in the manga already just added to that."
"Bullies are such a crutch in these kind of movies nowadays, but in this, it was almost intentionally written to be, it's like the actor and the writers are just like, 'Just give us the most bottom of the barrel basic bully performance.'"
"I really actually like this Trope of like a mistaken identity or a citizen gets dragged into Police business and then ends up becoming a hero."
"I love a good enemies to lovers situation."
"Enemies to lovers, I have heard so much about you."
"You know what the Sweet Sound of enemies to lovers, you know what I mean. Classic."
"It showed the power of teamwork rather than following the typical trope of a one-man army."
"The show doesn't beat you over the head with this, but demystifying the gangster trope is certainly its most consistent function."
"Almost half the films contain a mirror villain of some sort."
"The redemption arc, I am a huge sucker for the redemption arc."
"The found family trope, this is one of my favorite tropes of all time."
"The antagonist turned Ally Trope...I love this sort of twist."
"Fake dating, one of my favorite tropes ever."
"I was always so annoyed by the trope that every single show did where one of the people in the group was a complete idiot."
"Enemies to lovers, it's a true fanfic trope."
"I love a good groveling Trope like I want the man to put it in the work."
"Turning the entire trope of the Shonen protagonists wanting to protect their friends no matter what into a play on the inherent deep-rooted almost primal desire to protect and provide within men."
"The big idea is flipping the Trope around and saying it's not demeaning and reductive but empowering."
"Amnesia has been a crutch that Hollywood has used for 100 years."
"Opening done, that's a classic anime trope right there. Yo, never gets old."
"Enemies to lovers, we love to see it."
"In the beginning of your movie, you need your character, your lead character or characters to save a cat."
"...these two book series or franchises whatever you want to call them are basically the foundation for Epic Fantasy as we think of it today for all of fantasy as we think of it today really and they both did some variation on this Trope."
"I'm into this. I don't know what it is about like a forced proximity trope, but I am so on board."
"I hope we stop having that 'bury the gays' trope."
"It was almost kind of like a trope I've seen before."
"They have like little haters to lovers thing going on which I'm obsessed with."
"The relationship between Kelly and Captain Stone is a textbook enemies-to-lovers arc, and so is homonationalism."
"I feel like enemies to lovers, if it's enemies to lovers, I am 100 more likely to read that book or watch that movie."
"I love fake dating, I said in my love triangles video that we shouldn't hate tropes just for being overdone but at this point I'm actually really starting to feel like we're doing too much fake dating out there in the book world."
"I really like forced proximity when it's done well, so like if it is like enemies to lovers like okay well how does that happen because of forced proximity."
"A very cute friends to lovers type of dynamic."
"Joysticks is the classic tale of the local angry businessman trying to take down the cool, save the orphanage trope."
"Why did they do that whole thing? Because a Bond baddie girl has to do that and then try to kill him."
"That's a mary sue what more do you need that is textbook mary sue."
"This series has every trope I love."
"I'm more leaning towards enemies to lovers."
"I'm glad that I revisited this book because there was a lot that I didn't remember and I do think this is a really great representation of the force proximity trope."
"It's a classic formula for a scene: the fugitive is good, his pursuers are evil, and innocent bystanders are caught in the middle."
"This is some weird enemies to lovers arc."
"Enemies to lovers, and that sounds like that's exactly what this is."
"If anything, that flies in the face of standard Shonen tropes, and I love that."
"Do you know how rare it is to find a Chosen One plotline that isn't stupid?"
"It's the best. Going on to the next trope which, um, I named teenage mafia boss or could also be named like teenage billionaire, teenage high lord, whatever."
"I don't know if there's like a real term for it, but it's basically when all of the main characters, like the entire main cast of characters, are like royalty or the best of the best, like the top of the society."
"Actually, the girl marries a monster, animal, demon that turns out to be a hot guy. Story is bizarrely recurrent."
"I'm just saying, if somebody enters a room in a movie and the music changes, that's a bad [__]."
"Setting the first world record for the enemies-to-lovers trope which has yet to be surpassed."
"You're acting like a [expletive] now, go have a super cliche flashback that awakens your random power-up."
"Not every isekai needs to devolve into buying slaves as a plot point."
"Enemies to lovers basically, the two main characters are the best man and the maid of honor at a wedding of both of their siblings."
"Kidnapping a major character is a pretty common thing that you'll find in TV and movies."
"I absolutely love the 'nobody or farm boy goes on adventure and defeats a dark lord' trope."
"I love the mental aspect, I think the going into someone's mind trope is a bit overdone, but I still think it's a really cool trope."
"People will talk and joke about the power of friendship trope, but in this case, I don't think the same joke applies."
"It is a crazy moment that completely defies the standard trope of just getting back up on your feet against insurmountable odds and eventually winning."
"I'm a sucker for the trope of like the grumpy one being soft for the sunshine one."
"Galactic empires are a pretty common trope used in many subgenres of science fiction but are particularly common in the space opera."
"Whatever way you look at the galactic empire, it's a trope that I believe will continue to feature in sci-fi for as long as there is sci-fi and for good reason."
"The chemistry between Alex and Henry was super fun though enemies to lovers is one of my favorite tropes."
"Fake dating is god tier, fake dating is incredible."
"Can we, uh, today everyone, I asked you guys on my Instagram what's your favorite fanfic tropes were and y'all answered, guess what the top answer was? Enemies to lovers, obviously you unoriginal pieces of [ __ ] kidding."
"Friends to enemies to lovers absolutely put it at the freaking tippy top this is god tier this is God to your stuff I love this trope."
"I really feel like I will read pretty much any book with this trope because I feel like it is just the gateway to all other tropes. It is so delicious."
"Childhood best friends to lovers, fake dating."
"The sacrifice on Android 16, him not being able to beat anyone, it's a Trope that doesn't happen enough in anime."
"It's like a trope of every good murder mystery, always starts with some sort of secret meeting or secret journey."
"I think Whitebeard doing that, still fighting, is one of my favorite tropes in the world, an old, old champion, warrior or king making a last stand."
"But when they're all together like I said like with addicted when they're all together in a scene and they're all like being sarcastic to each other and doing jokes and stuff like I love it and I think a found family is such a comfort trope in a book."
"The inner demon Trope is prevalent amongst several anime and manga."
"If you don't know what I mean by the death by sex trope, it's basically when the couple in the horror movie gets caught by the killer or the antagonist of the movie and gets murdered."
"I love a good fake dating Trope especially when there's like past history."
"It's only true enemies to lovers if he tries to commit regular manslaughter."
"The miscommunication Trope slays."
"Time travel is a Trope as old as time."
"These guys will basically kill a room full of people because they're old school and have knowledge about a blade. It's such a common trope."
"What's y'all's favorite anime/manga trope or archetype? I'm definitely classic tsundere."
"Tournament arcs are a beloved trope that pushes the characters in your story to their limits and keeps viewers on the edge of their seat."
"She's dealing with struggles of masculinity. And so, he's weaponizing the strong black women trope against her."
"if you like enemies to friends to lovers and if you like hot uh hot tub scenes"
"Enemies to lovers has to be my favorite trope out there."
"Enemies to lovers? I love it, but sometimes the switch can be off-putting."
"Horror movie trope, but they did it in a funny way."
"Found family is such a special trope to me."
"Something I love about it is that the Trope is good boy bad girl which I love I feel like that's so rare like normally it's bad boy good girl."
"Retired badass is the best trope, it's never done poorly and it's always the best."
"I absolutely adore it as a trope, I think post-apocalyptic stuff is fantastic."
"And then there were none is the definitive version of this trope."
"The concept of dreams in this book, I adore. It's a trope that I like overall."
"I love academic Rivals because realistically, academic Rivals is like the only Trope that could possibly have a smidge and a possibility in my life."
"I love a shy reserved heroine in a villain hero and just watching them fall in love."
"The inner demon trope exists in Bleach with Hollow white and Ichigo."
"Tending to the wounds trope, I'm gonna put that in banger, only if it's done well though."
"I just really enjoy the kind of beauty and the beast trope that this one had."
"I love the trope of giant animal companion and small person."
"Enemies to lovers, okay, they're like two sides of the same coin."
"It does the chosen one trope the best that it ever will or ever will be."
"It's all about finding your family and like found family is a big trope of this."
"Having a party in a cabin in the woods is a horror movie cliche."
"It's a tough guy falls for a sweet girl thing, I love that kind of trope."
"Megamind takes the classic superhero versus super villain trope and does something interesting with it."
"I love the fake dating trope; I just love it, I eat that up."
"The Mandalorian is very much Wolf and Cub; that is basically the entire trope of the show."
"It's an enemies to lovers romance, and you know that's one of the best tropes."
"I'm enjoying the enemies to lovers aspect of this."
"I love the single parent trope, and it's like nanny single dad, so I think it's a recipe for success."
"...one of my absolute favorite tropes and romances... roommates to lovers..."
"Rakes are very common in Regency romance."
"The horror movie trope of the woman the hysterical woman that no one believes is so exhausting."
"The Evil Dead was a formative film in shaping the 'horny teens do something stupid and accidentally unleash untold evil upon themselves' trope."
"Subverted innocence, it's been a popular trope in entertainment for a long time."
"The enemies-to-lovers banter... it's just done so well."
"That's a trope in sci-fi to have the name of the ship on the ship."
"It's definitely an enemies to lovers Trope in there."
"I love a bookish Wallflower character... I don't know why, but I really like that trope."
"This culmination of a really beautiful love story, it's my favorite trope."
"The final girl support group is a play on the trope of the final girl, the last survivor of a giant massacre."
"I hate this trope, but I loved this book."
"I know you guys are supposed fans of the enemies to lovers trope."
"The Hating Game basically invented hate to love romance."
"I love a good fake relationship in a book."
"You fall in love with casts of characters and I just think it's the best trope that will never, ever, ever get old."
"I love the enemies to lovers trope so much."
"It's definitely giving that trope where the small town local guy doesn't like the newcomer because she's definitely like super rich and completely out of touch with reality."
"I think if you are the kind of person that likes a mix of those things and you like the potential hate to love trope, this is going to be perfect for you."