
Waste Reduction Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"This is not a zero waste project; it's a negative waste project."
"Value is the stuff that we make that the customers want. And waste is everything else."
"The whole idea with the first R of the three R's is reduce."
"Stop buying so much stuff. It's one of the biggest things that you can do to reduce your waste."
"If you don't compost your food waste, the majority of weight that is in your rubbish bag is from food."
"Shouldn't we just focus on producing less in the first place?"
"Feeding the future will require us to grow a lot more food, but it'll probably also require us to waste a lot less."
"One of the most effective ways to build economic prosperity is not by developing new industries, but by reducing the waste in the ones that exist already."
"Requiring manufacturers to reduce excessive packaging would decrease waste."
"We're only creating things that are already ordered and wanted and making as minimal waste as possible."
"I like trying to use things I don't have to throw away as often if I can."
"But perhaps the best solution to our recycling problem is just to make sure that recycling remains the third R: reduce and reuse so that you don't have to recycle."
"Your actions have to match your goals because right now you are throwing your money away on these liabilities that are not doing anything for you."
"Clean energy system minimizing waste and maximizing output."
"We don't waste our kale stems, they are edible and every little bit counts."
"This series is an homage to the offcuts, body parts that in the West get thrown in the trash."
"I truly love this product, I hate throwing things in the regular trash. I let's try and compost as much as I can and this is going to save me so much waste."
"I'm really trying to move away from saying zero waste because I feel like it's kind of like a false idea."
"Working on minimizing waste is already a huge step in the ethical direction."
"Start by using what's in your pantry and fridge to minimize waste."
"If you take just one third of the food that's being wasted right now and brought it to the people who are food insecure, we could eliminate hunger."
"Now, I'm not trying to say everybody should just go and live off what they find in the garbage. But I do think we can all be a little more mindful about what we buy and what we throw away."
"What motivates me now is that I hate human waste."
"Utilize your freezer... to reduce food waste."
"Reuse Ziploc bags whenever possible to reduce waste."
"Reduce waste, skip plastic wrap, mark and date freezer meals."
"Shopping secondhand is great for the environment and also helps keep items out of the landfill."
"Save time, save money, save food from going to waste."
"Nothing goes to waste and I don't know Sage loves fresh cucumber."
"Even if it is just grabbing that countertop compost bin, trading it out for some food scraps and really practicing making use of the outputs of your home."
"Do not throw that out. It's a concentrated source of vitamins and minerals."
"You're not gonna waste any ingredients that you already have because you have your kitchen inventory."
"One man's trash is often another man's treasure."
"I'm a firm believer in a no-waste kitchen, I don't like to waste food and I also don't like to waste things that other people throw out."
"When you can't squeeze any more toothpaste out of your tube, just cut the end off... this will allow you to get every last bit of toothpaste out."
"Learn to use every ounce of food that passes through your kitchen, waste nothing."
"HS2 Limited's innovation manager Rob Caron said reusing old turbine blades reduces waste, cuts demand for new steel, and reduces the carbon generated during the production of concrete."
"I don't want to see one more product die in your graveyard of used products."
"A good restaurant owner doesn't design a menu where the leftovers have to be thrown out."
"Every positive step when it comes to reducing your waste is positive."
"I feel like I have a ton of product that I don't use, product that is expired, and I just need to go ahead and just clean that out and just have organized drawers and just all of that."
"Don't check something away because a button is missing or pockets are coming undone just do what you can and try to fix it up either yourself or get someone else to do it it's a lot cheaper and it's a lot better just for environment and waste wise."
"We have saved over millions of kilograms of electronic waste and textile waste from waste piles."
"One of the benefits of this product is now the room is done and that's the only garbage you're throwing out I love not buying material that goes in the garbage."
"Always keep in mind to only buy things you actually need and not to throw out things that you already have to replace them with these things."
"There are five R's to zero waste: refuse, reduce, reuse, recycle, and rot."
"I don't feel like I'm being wasteful...I can still have cute clothes."
"A huge focus on lean is just on reducing or eliminating overproduction because if you can do that you are greatly reducing all of the other types of waste we've been talking about."
"You're only paying for what you need to make each one of these meals, so you're not gonna have any leftovers and feel like you're wasting food and wasting money."
"Standardizing phone chargers to reduce waste is a huge goal. Proprietary technology is the enemy here."
"I try my best to buy secondhand stuff because there's so much going to waste."
"Cut down on food waste by at least 25% compared to normal grocery shopping."
"It's at this point you're talking a really clean, nice product, but it'd be a waste to do this much just for mulch."
"This is the kind of reduce and reuse that helps us avoid the third R word: recycle."
"The least amount of food products you throw away, that's money you're saving."
"All of my food scraps, my plant clippings, even those leftovers I forgot in the back of the fridge, they go back into what would be my garden."
"What would people want to buy for gifts so that people can do some holiday shopping and keep things out of the landfill so there we go that is the haul."
"Wrapping paper is wasteful. It's literally something that you wrap a box in to conceal something for a few seconds between when you hand someone a present and then when they open it and know what it is."
"We have so much wasted space in America, let's cut that, let's stop that."
"Using HelloFresh you're reducing your food waste by at least 25 percent."
"Reduce the 300 million tons of plastic waste that we generate each year."
"It is impossible to produce no waste, so the goal of zero waste really is to minimize or decrease the amount of waste that you create."
"The first pillar is all about cost optimization... I want to eliminate waste."
"Composting is an amazing process that not only reduces waste but also creates a valuable resource."
"These reusable cups were invented for one reason: to help reduce waste."
"If paper cups were the symbol of a modern throwaway culture, then KeepCup became the symbol of a new enlightened way of living sans unnecessary waste."
"Everybody wants to cut back on waste at this time of year."
"Please don't throw them in the landfill, somebody out there loves your stuff and would love to have it."
"Reducing waste and helping fight hunger."
"I'm trying to be a little bit more mindful of where I send this stuff so that it doesn't actually just end up in a landfill."
"If you're trying to eat healthier and want to stop wasting money on food, I made this video for you. Sweat the thumbs up, that just means give it a little click."
"We're trying to avoid waste. All those trappings that you've brought from your other projects, probably are waste and are not required on an Agile project."
"Please let's normalize the concept of creating beautiful garments without creating excess waste."
"My job is to really try and help stuff avoid the landfill."
"The more you see waste and the more you get lean, you actually see more potential for improvement, not less."
"Repurposing containers for meal prep is a great way to reduce waste."
"It's a really important way to help folks keep their trash, you know, reduce the amount of trash they send to the landfill."
"We are interested in stating composting as a way to help you reduce your trash and therefore your trash bill."
"One of the principles of lean is that it doesn't mean you do more with less. It means you just get rid of the clutter. It's eliminating waste."
"There's no reason to ever throw sourdough out for any reason whatsoever."
"This cookbook is made for zero waste cooking."
"Reducing the paper waste around here, I like that."
"Only stock them if you eat them. If you don't eat them today, don't stock them. It's a waste of money."
"...knowing the items that have an indefinite shelf life can help you save money and reduce waste because you can purchase those items rather than similar items that don't have as long of a shelf life."
"Now, to make use of those orange ends next time you're cutting up citrus fruit instead of throwing those ends or that extra rind away, drop it in your garbage disposal and run it with water."
"...all of the tiles in this restaurant have actually been designed so they can be basically reused again."
"Zero waste means there is no packaging whatsoever. We're not talking about recyclable. We mean zero waste."
"Make a habit in your household to not throw away perfectly good food."
"The first thing that you can do to reduce Purge waste is reduce the number of times that the 3D printer has to change filament."
"What if there was a way that we could cleverly think about the process of changing filaments and use that to our advantage to reduce the waste?"
"Leon Fischer Skipper created a bamboo waste reduction script that pulls the filament out before the cut."
"The amount of purge waste was reduced considerably."
"With three printer block purge objects in there, the slicer was reporting that the amount of purge waste had been reduced."
"By using a little bit of common sense, a couple of flush objects, and a new script created by the community, it is possible to reduce your filament per waste significantly."
"It's saving so much resources from just being trashed."
"I do my job, everybody else does their job."
"Here's a really quick tip if you are not storing your frozen foods properly you're just going to be throwing away money and your food later in a frozen form rather than fresh."
"He was a no-nonsense kind of guy always looking for increasing efficiency as well as cutting waste not cutting necessary maintenance no no cutting wasteful practices things that just didn't need to be done."
"I bet you we're down to a quarter as much waste as we like not going to the grocery store all the time."
"You wanna try and reuse this stuff, don't you? You don't wanna make unnecessary waste."
"So just a quick note for people who are trying to be conscious about you know the materials and not having waste and throwing things in the garbage most patterns and designs that exist today cause waste."
"Composting is a viable strategy for waste reduction and for resource recovery."
"Limiting your frustration and food waste because you're not going to end up with random bottles in the back that you can't see and can't use."
"Next time that I move I'm going to make sure that not every brand has my address because it's so wasteful"
"We all have food waste every single day and most of us probably started initially composting because we wanted to use our food waste."
"That is a really simple fix and I think that could save thousands of these Mac packs from landfill."
"You're reducing waste just by switching to Earth Breeze."
"The point of zero waste is not to look any certain way but to reduce your physical and invisible waste."
"The value stream map is a tool to improve our processes, our whole production by identifying steps that add value and also by identifying waste in our processes."
"Atom economy can be improved by finding alternative reaction pathways with less waste."
"Lean is used to reduce the waste and Six Sigma is used to reduce the variation."
"There are a lot of ways to repurpose it so it doesn't end up in a landfill. Just be creative."
"If you want to cut down on waste guys, HelloFresh. If you're extra extra busy, HelloFresh has quick and easy meal options."
"All the ingredients are pre-portioned so you'll be wasting like no food."
"Zero Waste is, the goal is to have as minimal amount of waste as possible."
"It's just kind of a shame for this stuff to go to waste so we just pick it up instead of letting them throw it away."
"So just make sure you are on top of that."
"Sharon gets the value of a dollar. Most people these days, they don't understand. They don't get it. We're a very wasteful country. That is probably true, very true. So much goes to waste."
"When you're ordering your lumber or you're thinking about your setup, is how can you size it to where it's going to have zero waste?"
"What this seeks to do is to maximize use and minimize waste."
"The less you waste, the more money you make."
"What we really liked about the experience was that nothing from the cinnamon plant was being wasted."
"Starbucks announced it will allow customers to use their own personal cups for all visits, including drive-through and mobile orders, in a bid to reduce waste sent to landfills."
"Lean manufacturing is about making the organization more competitive by eliminating waste."
"Not being able to use that bottom part of your sticker paper is really, really wasteful."
"If we can all make less waste to begin with, then that'll do more than anything to solve our waste and recycling problem."
"I hate to waste any food at all and I really want to get better about not doing that."
"Kaizen mainly aims at reducing these wastes."
"IBP allows you to eliminate waste within your supply chain and minimize inventories."
"Six Sigma aims to reduce waste in a process and ensure customer satisfaction."
"Lean is used to reduce waste and Six Sigma is used to reduce variation."
"Reduce, reuse, recycle: minimizing resources, products, and waste."
"Repairing products extends their lifespan and reduces waste."
"I'm going to pull all that stuff out, go through it, see what I can preserve, see what I can put in the freezer, that way there's no food waste, and we get the most out of all of these leftovers."
"Plastic shampoo bottles are so unnecessary."
"Figure out what you really need to buy, what you really want to eat, what would you really enjoy, what's going to stop you throwing stuff away, what's going to minimize your carbon footprint."
"When we plan and then work our plan, there is a whole lot less waste."
"What's better, ten people who have a completely zero waste routine or a thousand people who just remove one product from their skincare routine?"
"We should do better and we should waste less."
"I would like us to throw out less."
"Lean process improvement methodology will provide a way to find hours of wasted activity that is disguised as productivity."
"I fully appreciate the fact that we're eating all these different parts of the animal, that it's not going to waste."
"Lean is a methodology for reducing waste, and those principles are being applied to the design and construction world."
"If there's one thing I hate the most, it is waste. I do not like waste."
"I love these; they fit a lot of stuff and it helps minimize waste."
"Eliminating plastic waste went down by 40%, eliminating single-use dishware again reduced waste by an additional 30%."
"I wanted the dumpster diving to attract a group of people interested in doing things differently to reduce waste."
"The goal is to make and use less new stuff and dump less stuff into landfills."
"Reduce the waste you send to a landfill by up to 50%."
"Disposable cups should be terminated; switch to reusable."
"I can promise you, you won't be throwing cheeks and wings away after you've had something like this."
"Every time we use something over again, it cuts down on the amount of trash we throw away."
"It has helped me reduce so much waste which all in all reduces my carbon footprint."
"We're always learning that we can make better use of what we have and create less waste."
"The goal of lean thinking is to deliver maximum customer value in the shortest sustainable time by reducing waste."
"We have to think about how we reduce waste, eliminate waste."
"Let me think of how much stuff is wasted, like how much stuff do you have in your house that other people could use that you don't ever use?"
"It's criminal not to use it; it's a long process, so if you leave everything in the trash bins, it will be very sad."
"I'm only buying what I need for the week instead of wasting all this food I was wasting."
"Frugal people do not waste: wasted potential, wasted time, wasted money."
"It's so good for the environment to save this stuff because thrift stores, if they don't sell it, they toss it."
"Lean philosophy is more waste oriented, while agile is more customer oriented."
"Anytime I can help keep anything out of landfills, I'm excited and happy."
"Buy the appropriate amount of produce that you're actually going to use."
"Atom economy using high atom economy reactions reduces waste."
"The easiest thing that you can do is just not buy trash that you don't need."
"Cameron Diaz advocates for environmental consciousness, believing in reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact."
"I've been really into trying to protect the environment and use less waste and less plastic."
"The purpose of lean is basically to make processes faster and cheaper by eliminating non-value-add activities such as waste."
"I'm not constantly using disposable things that are creating lots of waste."
"The most effective way to help our mother earth is to reduce waste."
"We're creating those sustainability specific modules that will allow companies to measure and track and reduce plastic and packaging waste and be participating in the circular economy."
"Lean construction is about improving the way we do things and cutting out a lot of waste."
"We have to stop thinking like that; it doesn't matter what our political views are in the world, the one thing we can all agree on is that there is too much waste in landfills."
"Pre-portioned ingredients help cut down food waste."
"It's not about being perfect, but I'm going to try my best to create as little waste as possible."
"Lean is simply this: learning to see waste."
"There's hardly any waste on a rigid heddle loom, and I really like that."
"Probably the best way to reduce waste is to buy high quality stuff that you don't need to keep replacing over time."
"Toyota was able to reduce the cost and increase the quality of the product because of their focus on elimination of waste."
"It's good for the environment, yeah, no waste."
"Lean manufacturing focuses on eliminating the non-value added waste in the system."
"I'm passionate about climate, reducing waste, and environmental justice issues; that's why I'm so excited for an organization like Eden to become part of the rich fabric of this city."
"They're carbon neutral and they create limited batches which prevent excessive waste."
"Lean is not about tightening our belts... it's about reducing waste."
"It feels really good inside because this stuff would have all been just literally destroyed."
"I'm so glad that a lot of this stuff found a new home instead of just being thrown away in the trash."
"Quality assurance is about reducing waste, doing the right things right the first time."
"Please stop using paper plates and plastic utensils."
"We teach people to see the eight wastes; we fix what bugs us."
"It's a way to not only save money on plastic wrap but also not throw so much stuff in the trash."
"I feel like we need to get some ice trays and stop buying bagged ice; that's another way we can be less wasteful."
"If you have a tension control properly designed for your application, you can decrease waste in your machine."
"Optimizing the big picture and eliminating wasteful things is essential."
"Continuous improvement is a concept of constantly looking for ways to improve a process and eliminate waste."
"Lean production will lead to less waste and therefore not spending cash to replace wasted products."
"When cats eat a raw diet, they're able to utilize most all the nutrients that they're eating, so their waste is actually fairly small."
"There's less food waste because you get exactly what you need in the packages."
"It's okay, it's better to have people eat it than throw it away."
"Any single-use disposable should not be used."