
Psychological State Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"You never appreciate how calming it is to have no conscience until you have one."
"So many of these people, they don't want to die. That's not what they want, but they feel completely trapped where they're at."
"And that's the state I think many, many people in American society are in."
"You're bigger in your mind than you are in life because you are living from your future."
"She knew she had murdered her children and had the clarity, focus, and mental acumen to focus on protecting her own rights and interests."
"I feel like an aura has kind of been lifted."
"Fear was only used for a very short interval of escape and I said what about today I go today fear is 24/7 365."
"Everything gets better when you're in a flow state."
"Flow is an innately positive experience it is known to produce intense feelings of enjoyment an experience that is so enjoyable that it leads to positive affect and happiness in the long run."
"Subspace can feel floaty, fuzzy, disconnected from time, relaxed, free from anxiety, and more."
"Hypnosis is a state of highly focused attention." - Dr. David Spiegel
"Entering Flow State leads to higher output and a higher quality of work."
"She's like an evil figure that her mind had just gone to a different place at that point."
"He sounded like he was in a trance, looked like a very evil eyes."
"When you articulate, there is integration; when there is integration, there is Flow State."
"In this state, you are in complete control. You are a parasite."
"It's a subconscious phase, you're not thinking about it, and you're naturally doing it."
"This person could be very detached emotionally."
"Race drivers know it as the red mist, the rush of blood behind the wheel."
"People in flow tend to give peak performances."
"The flow state is deeply connected to meaning in life."
"It's not real, it's not real, it's not real."
"Shadow city, where your mind is kind of getting the best of you."
"Pain and pleasure have become indistinguishable to you, and in that case, may the mighty one have mercy on your soul."
"How would you describe your mental condition?"
"He's left naked, skinless, in direct touch with reality."
"Flow state occurs when you have the right challenge and also the right level of skill set."
"Anger to narcissistic rage... it's like the emotion has metastasized."
"Pure unadulterated intense obsessive jealous hate."
"Loneliness is more of a mental state of mind."
"Fear of the unknown keeps many in a painful state."
"You're already in a defensive place... feeling like you can't give up on something or you need to keep pushing."
"Do you ever feel like sometimes you're just moving in bullet time?"
"Being alienated from yourself is a deeply, deeply depressing experience."
"Victimhood is an addictive state, a form of learned helplessness."
"Aaron's State of Mind is probably crazier than we might even be imagining."
"If he was in a bad headspace, it was a little bit more likely that he would potentially partake in something like that."
"I want to get lost. Maybe then I would feel something again."
"Psycho-physiological state is important for learning."
"Positive experience in this stage is called the flow state... you had a good experience during this phase."
"Flow state is a mental state where you lose track of time and you're so focused on what you're doing, that you forget about everything else."
"Obsession happens when there's no sunshine on it."
"There's nobody more dangerous than somebody who's got nothing left to lose."
"Dissociation manifests as outward calmness even if the person is experiencing lots of internal stuff going on."
"We live in a state of fear; heaven is the absence of that fear."
"Bro, she's in the zone right now. She's got Lady Shield Vibes, she praying, she wishing, ninja wood."
"Shadow type number one: Anhedonia, failure to enjoy or find pleasure in anything."
"It is possible to be free and yet be a psychological captive."
"Hypnosis is a very odd state of mind... where you both have heightened states of focus and relaxation at the same time."
"Absolute certitude is a sign of psychological death."
"It was hard to imagine what the state of her mind must have been in those days."
"A queen's state of mind taps into her soul, her spirit, her mindset."
"Ignorance is bliss... I was happy and carefree."
"A home is an abstract idea, a home is a setting, it's a state of mind."
"Flow states are states of heightened focus that bring about enhanced reflexes, a sense of time dilation, creative problem-solving, and a feeling of infallible calm."
"A flow state is merely a state of intent concentration on a particular task to the point where any task can become meditative."
"When you're desperate, you become dangerous."
"Anxiety and depression, I don't know what I feel like I don't know exactly what to call it."
"The Outback is more than just a place, it's a state of mind."
"Flow makes learning more fun and much faster."
"Someone here is experiencing so much regret and sorrow that they're becoming despondent."
"It's like this obsession that you just cannot shake."
"The best state of being is like having an ebb and flow to your ego."
"Flow is essentially where challenge meets skill, it's where we are deeply engaged in what we are doing and we're noticing that we are one with what we are doing."
"I am losing my grip on myself entirely."
"People with a history of trauma may be in a perpetual state of hyper awareness."
"So, this isn't a trait, it's a state. There is variability in our emotional experience from day to day."
"I think he just has a little bit of trauma and he's very guarded."
"Anxiety and depression kind of shake hands a lot."
"He just couldn't be still, he would just tremble all over and it would not stop until he killed somebody."
"It's like she has nothing left after that, the clinical term is she is in a catatonic state."
"We're in a state of mass psychosis."
"Emotions can be defined as a complex psychological state that involves a subjective experience, a physiological response, and a behavioral or expressive response."
"State dependent memory is this idea that depending on your state, certain memories are more accessible to you than not."
"Emotions burst forth from the depths of the heart and surround their host like a dense fog."
"You can only change an emotional pattern while you are in that emotional state."
"Flow state is actually the balance between tension and emotion and feeling and energy."
"Trauma... can keep students in a negative limbic state that prevents them from accessing the cortical region."