
Gold Quotes

There are 1093 quotes

"As long as real rates remain negative, that's very, very bullish for gold."
"Invest into gold and precious metals to protect yourself against market volatility and inflation."
"Gold preserves your purchasing power over time."
"Man's connection to gold is not just a financial one; history is filled with deeply personal stories that demonstrate gold's role as a store of wealth, as protection from government confiscation, inflation, and debasement, and as an insurance policy that, when called upon, pays out in ways that change the lives of those who own it."
"These people's lives were saved, and what did it take? It took seven ounces of gold per person for a family of 14."
"Gold remains the only money guaranteed to survive."
"I've never met one who doesn't have a large holding of physical gold."
"Since time immemorial, gold has been the form of wealth that people have sought after."
"Gold does very well in an inflationary environment. Gold and silver...should be owned instead of cash, not instead of investments. Gold is not an investment; it's money, it's a store of value."
"Gold has value obviously and has been a communicator of value forever."
"Buy Bitcoin, fine, but you have to own gold as your insurance."
"This vault is actually pretty interesting: Vault 79 was built to house Fort Knox's gold."
"The number 79 was chosen in reference to gold's atomic number on the periodic table."
"This might be a good time for you to diversify into gold."
"Gold is important as a store of value and a hedge against fiat. Bitcoin is bigger than that."
"If you want an actual asset that you know is going to have value no matter what happens... you can't hack gold."
"It's almost impossible to separate human history from gold."
"Gold is not an ornament. Gold is the reality of these ornaments."
"Gold is an excellent store of value... It's been money for thousands of years."
"Gold is not an investment... it is a store of value."
"Gold has what's called intrinsic value because we as a society, for all the aforementioned reasons, have chosen to value it."
"There is some natural floor... there is a real physical cost to extracting gold from the ground and that also creates a base value for the metal."
"Gold always wins. It maintains its purchasing power through deflation and inflation, one way or the other."
"There's always enough gold; it's just a question of price."
"Gold works as money, and with today's technology, gold will work even better as money in the future than it did in the past."
"Gold continues to go up as people look for a safe haven."
"The best thing to do is have real money, to have money with intrinsic value, to have gold as money, and just allow prices to adjust."
"Gold is a safe haven, it's a store of value; it's not a get-rich-quick scheme, it's a 'I don't want to go broke' scheme."
"Gold is not tarnish, it does not decay. It is exactly the same, you know, at any point in the future."
"Gold's a great opportunity right now. Great hedge against higher interest rates, great hedge against inflation, and great hedge against the recession."
"For every face, there are seven matches somewhere in the world."
"An element like gold for example doesn’t have the ability to react with other elements to create the complex chemistry needed to sustain an analogue of biology."
"Gold was essential to both economic and general personal political freedom."
"You don't buy gold to get rich, you buy it to stay rich."
"The whole point of hoarding gold is that it is money and it is to be spent."
"Gold and Bitcoin I think are the real store of value going forward."
"Gold is money. Stocks are something else. Gold is a store of value. It's the ultimate form of money."
"The supply of gold is limited... the biggest difference between gold and the US dollar is that unlike US dollars or any other fiat currency on the planet, the supply of gold is limited."
"Gold offers resilience... an allocation of physical gold in one's portfolio provides many benefits but ultimately provides protection and resilience."
"Gold tends to go up when people are concerned about government."
"Over the next years, I would expect that gold could have high single digits into low double digits rates of return around 10% per year."
"You want to hold on to it until a median price single-family home cost less than 40 ounces of gold."
"I want to be in gold, I want to be in crypto, and those things are going to start to go off, you know, and go up like rockets."
"Eventually, everyone's going to say, give me the real gold."
"Gold perfectly did its job preserving purchasing power."
"Gold becomes too expensive for the common man."
"Gold has been the best performing asset of this century."
"I think the portfolio is the same regardless, and for me, what makes most sense is 10% in gold, in physical gold, because that's just your insurance policy."
"Bitcoin needs to hit about $550,000 each to equal the market cap of gold."
"Gold is wild and it can take you. If you put, let's say, 15, 20 pips, it's really easy for gold to pull back."
"It's a historic day for gold actually it's a historic week."
"There isn't a single real-world use for gold where you can substitute Bitcoin."
"Gold is the only asset that has actually been suppressed because a rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"Gold is money everything else is credit is backed by debt so it the center of every monetary system is gold every Central Bank owns gold at the base and then they print Fiat on top of it."
"Bitcoin will disrupt gold, its market cap has to be 10 trillion or more."
"Gold has outperformed the S&P 500 by 250 percent."
"Gold stabilizing and I do think it is on the upswing."
"It's probably a pretty good time to diversify into an asset like gold."
"Gold is equally under owned... I remain very bullish on gold."
"Bitcoin continues to eat at gold's market share."
"Gold is real money, everything else is just an imitation of it."
"Historically, gold has survived through currency collapses and it maintains its purchasing power."
"You want to own some gold only crazy people own gold right? Well, Alistair just told you all the reasons why it's not."
"The number one storehold of wealth historically has been gold."
"Gold is real money everybody forgets that for thousands of years gold was money it was money because it worked."
"In the world of the 2010s, gold did pretty well, Bitcoin did extremely well."
"Gold is seen as a traditional store of value."
"We have a tool, in my opinion, that's Bitcoin. You may want to hold gold. We're fighting the same fight. We're aligned. We want a human drive for freedom."
"Gold will outperform silver in the panic phase of this."
"Gold is poised to probably be the safest asset out there."
"Gold is a haven, maybe gold really is money."
"Gold can be a really important insurance policy hedge."
"There's nothing more stable than an ounce of gold. It never changes."
"The common denominator in this sound and resonance that brought things into existence. The common denominator on planet Earth and the common denominator between humanity and all ancient cultures is our obsession with gold."
"We will get through this. This will be difficult. We will get through it."
"Using the same gold strategy could have been able to make nearly 50 times their initial investment."
"Gold is the best performing asset class year-to-date."
"Just get some gold in your body, in your system, to amplify that energy within you."
"Working with the gold light within meditation, so also working with gold light and meditation and stuff of that nature."
"This is going to help you to purify your energy, but definitely make an investment into some form of gold."
"Gold is the traditional currency; it's been around since before humans were on Earth and it'll be around after humans are here as well."
"I think Bitcoin could flip gold itself, you know?"
"I do believe gold will over the next two to three years offer a tremendous alternative."
"I think the biggest shortcoming of discussion and research about gold and bitcoin is oversimplifying."
"If you're interested in investing in gold which is about to hit records, Natalie and I are huge investors in Gold."
"Now that has to have your attention upon the breakout gold's going to make a new all-time high."
"Central bankers are buying gold at the fastest and highest levels ever."
"Gold has outperformed everything on the planet since 2000."
"Gold will never have the decentralized ethos that bitcoin commands."
"Gold has its moment when something big happens to Gold and they realize."
"The main thing that people will be interested in is the gold per box."
"The golden trade of the Moors made gold a very important item of trade."
"Gold is doing what it's supposed to do, reacting to the instability."
"Gold reserves will once again be placed at the center of the financial system."
"Ultimately, gold is going to play a role in the global monetary system."
"Gold is one asset that has proven to withstand inflation."
"Gold is a great safe haven. It's not something you buy to get rich; it's something you do to preserve value for when the dollar becomes worthless."
"Gold actually becomes one of the best asset classes to own during that period of time."
"Gold is like an insurance for your net worth."
"Gold has been sound money for what 8,000 years plus."
"It's just like gold jewelry, it's just a narrative."
"Owning physical gold... it's an investment and it's one that has historically proven to be good."
"Throughout history, gold has maintained its value better than any other asset on planet earth."
"If you ever want to do an investment in gold, go buy yourself gold bullion."
"Increasing disintermediation from savings products into gold."
"Bitcoin will surpass [gold] under 25 years from its inception."
"Gold is your inflation hedge if you're looking for a way to build wealth through your savings."
"I don't believe in magic so I own gold and I think that your listener should too."
"Gold is still the money of Governments, silver is still the money of people."
"Buy gold in troubled times and collect antiques in good times."
"Bitcoin mirrors and it's actually a synthetic attempt to recapture those qualities of gold."
"Gold's purchasing power cannot be inflated away."
"Gold prevents that and historically... A rising gold price is an indication of a failing currency."
"Gold is cash with a free option to the upside."
"The Chinese and Russians understand when you have a mass amount of physical gold, you can make the rules."
"Assets maybe gold survives in that period and doesn't dump but even in during covet if we remember the covet collapse even gold dumped."
"Gold... not merely a medium of exchange but also a store of value not merely a promise to pay but payment itself."
"A dramatically rising price of Bitcoin or cryptocurrencies is synonymous with a rising price in gold and silver."
"The value of gold is a hard asset that is not being replicated."
"Gold is really the ultimate currency or money to have."
"Gold's advantage is that it's uncorrelated to the stock market."
"Gold is a hedge against the biggest errors in either direction."
"Gold is an excellent bridge between one thing and another."
"10 inflation should be very positive, should be very bullish for gold."
"Gold will be your safe haven if it looks like we're going to segue from a recession to a financial crisis."
"Gold is very, very good at being one thing: money."
"The best time to own gold was 20 years ago. Next best time is today."
"I find it very fun to continue to stack both gold and silver because I know what the true value of both of them are and it's a bargain so I like a good sale."
"Central banks are buying gold, you need to - it's really that simple."
"Gold has been money for 6,000 years, and it is the primary currency metal because it is indestructible and holds intrinsic value."
"In a crisis, gold is your long-term wealth holder; physical gold will always retain its value."
"When all confidence is lost, gold becomes a component of whatever the new money system is."
"Gold does not appreciate weaker currencies versus the dollar."
"Gold, I'm still a huge bull on... big money's buying gold, that means it's going up." - Gareth Soloway
"Gold has been the best performer since the year 2000."
"Gold could even be a better alternative to treasuries."
"You wouldn't be crazy to take 10 and buy some gold."
"The probabilities are overwhelming on Gold's side. That is the best environment to see goals increase its size."
"When you're selling treasuries to buy dollars with one hand and you're buying gold with the other hand that starts to look a lot like a transition to away from the Dot from treasuries as a primary Global Reserve asset."
"I think gold is going to continue to be a managed political medal until the day it's not."
"Buy gold because it's God's money, it's been around thousands and thousands of years."
"Investments that will most likely do best will be those that do well when the value of money is being depreciated and domestic and international conflicts are significant such as gold."
"It's time to get some gold out of the ground again and I gotta say I'm really excited."
"Bitcoin will outperform gold - it's a no-brainer."
"Gold is the safest reserve asset for a central bank to own."
"Gold's money...it will probably be money for thousands more."
"Gold will outperform as the dollar fades away."
"The statue turned out to be a nine foot tall 18 karat gold rendition of Buddha."
"I have gold, lots of it. I have no interest in gold."
"The gold market is about a 14 and a half trillion dollar market worldwide, that's all forms of above-ground stocks."
"The case for gold's pretty straightforward, long term it provides returns and we have the math to demonstrate that for investors."
"Gold is not the perfect inflation hedge because it doesn't follow the CPI tick by tick but what it does do is reacts when people really get freaked out about what's going to happen to the purchasing power of their currency."
"Gold had intrinsic value. It still has value today."
"The real winners are gold or things that central banks can't create."
"Gold does really well in recession and stagflation."
"Gold becomes associated with the power of the sun."
"Gold stands unwavering in the tempest. It remains a bulwark against inflation."
"Maybe a decade ago we would have put gold in that spot... but there's no question that bitcoin is that shiny new version of gold."
"Gold stopped moving, that's why people flock to things that still move."
"In a physics sense, the physicality of gold makes it a good proxy for power."
"Gold is on the move because inflation is rising."
"I think it's still an amazing opportunity right now for gold."
"Bullion is cash. It's volatile cash. It's good cash."
"Even though citizens were stripped of their ability to use gold, that ain't gonna be so easy for governments to do with bitcoin."
"Buyer's market for gold stocks, opportunity for investors."
"Gold is real money; stocks and bonds are paper contracts."
"There has been no place or no time where this amount of gold has been."
"Gold has actually outperformed every other asset class over the past year."
"Gold is money, there's no question about that."
"Whoever owns the gold gets a seat at the table."
"Is now a good time to be picking up some of the shiny stuff? Well, I definitely think so."
"Gold is the greatest hedge against inflation... it's not a hedge against Financial collapses."
"Investing in gold isn't merely a choice, it's a strategic move for safeguarding your financial future."
"With the help of gold, you can craft golden apples."
"When there's a currency or banking crisis, gold becomes valuable."
"People are still gonna want it in jewelry, electronics, aerospace, medicine, and dentistry."
"Gold is the most beautiful of the Earth's elements."
"Constantinople became a city of gold; its artists and craftsmen the finest in the world."
"Gold is a substance like no other, it is beautiful, desirable, rare, and valuable."
"Gold has had a bit of a wild ride so far this year."
"I always think about gold Bitcoin relative market caps and prices, and that's 5,000 numbers magical."
"You have to have negatively correlated assets, and this is where gold is the most negatively correlated."
"The only thing that actually protects the portfolio is gold."
"Gold is dead money for this year. But it's going to build a platform for a great next year."
"If you really want to show off your wealth, then you adorn your plane with one of the most valuable metals in the world: gold."
"Gold is good money and it's been good money for 6,000 years."
"Gold protects your purchasing power in times of crises."
"Gold is a currency allocation more than anything else."
"Gold is the most important monetary asset on the planet."
"Gold is the currency of Kings... money or dollars... currency of slaves."
"Gold has always been there through wars, disasters, and turmoil—reliable, dependable, and authentic."
"Once you realize that, it still implies that gold goes to the moon."
"Gold has outperformed everything else over time."
"I'm incredibly optimistic on gold and on the miners."
"Gold is the safest long-term hold form of money in the world Bar None."
"You don't want to mess around with gold, especially on Monday."
"Gold is a real heartbreaker there. Tapped the low and boom, went straight up."
"Gold will be waving its hand saying, 'Hey, look at me.'"
"In this market, there's not a hell of a lot you can do — the only thing that looks halfway decent to me is owning some gold."
"You have much less in the way of interest and inflation risk with gold."