
Entertainment Quality Quotes

There are 486 quotes

"First, the show is just really good. It's both hilarious and genuinely touching."
"The voice acting and the comedic timing... is very solid."
"Rarely does a game manage to keep up good banter over so long a period of time."
"Comedy that I'm happy to say is actually kind of funny."
"The game is widely regarded to feature an outstanding combination of music, graphics, gameplay, and storyline."
"Comic book superhero shows can actually be good shows, not just good for a superhero show but good TV altogether."
"It's great when an actor not only hits a second wind but it's 10 times more entertaining than the first wind he started out with."
"Hercules is too consistently fun the whole way through for any plot holes to dampen my enjoyment of it."
"All the character rosters in all of the Lego games they are fantastic and it's one of the best things about Lego games."
"This one delivered as well again predictable but it delivered."
"And you know what we'll end the video here because I don't want it to suddenly break down and it to suddenly be demoted to a one out of 10."
"It's so damn funny with or without the bells and whistles."
"The voice acting alone, just for the voice acting alone, it's amazing. Definitely try it."
"I've never liked the idea of taking rides and turning them into movies, but Pirates of the Caribbean is a perfect movie."
"That's the fun thing about pro wrestling, not everything needs to look perfect."
"The whole game is just infused with funny moments and interesting amusing writing."
"I think this is the best MCU series out there."
"Marvel can still make incredible engaging TV that leaves you wanting more and the future looks bright."
"The animated shorts are some of the best stuff in almost I would say all of gaming, genuinely."
"It's all Thriller No filler baby and that's really what it's about."
"The replayability of this game is really high."
"It was pretty much non-stop fire from start to finish, and not a single moment of it was underwhelming in the slightest."
"This transformers movie does not need to be great it doesn't need to be awesome it does not it just needs to be good."
"Other M is at its best when it's embracing the only thing it does well: being a brainless, overly accessible but very flashy action game."
"The pacing is just good, it's like a roller coaster."
"I think being a boring movie is worse than being a bad movie."
"It feels like a Netflix movie in the worst way."
"It's just boring. There's better movies and better documentaries even that really poke at the art world and how insane it is."
"It's when we're at our worst that our show is at its best."
"It's because the movie, the story just was not great."
"Hell of a Boss: firing on all cylinders, surpassing professional adult animation."
"I'm almost worried that nothing is ever going to be able to live up to this in the future."
"The rise of the resistance... one of the greatest rides ever created."
"The King on Netflix is an excellent production in terms of the quality of entertainment."
"Roman Reigns does a great job. Roman Reigns is the best thing on [ __ ] television right now."
"Are people going to have a good time watching this in the same way that we had a good time making this."
"It was entertaining but it didn't kill the gimmick didn't kill the business didn't make everything look stupid."
"Halo is such a [ __ ] awesome spectator sport because its sandbox is able to produce all of this stuff."
"The production value is so low it actually comes off like an SNL skit."
"This show's production values are nuclear dynamite."
"Walt was constantly fighting WED's reputation as a builder of kitty rides."
"The show is still entertaining as hell even at its worst it's still better than most movies it's just not nearly as intense or intelligent as it used to be."
"I firmly believe that we just witnessed the greatest professional wrestling show ever."
"It's almost insulting how much better this movie is than Return of Jafar."
"As long as the movie is good in December, that's all we should really care about."
"Starting off quite strongly. I mean, Emi, I showed bias, I love the bloke. Every time the man's on a series, it's a 10 out of 10."
"Every performance here is really fun. The ending is a blast. It's a very silly experience."
"Marvel Studios worked its magic and gave audiences a character we could all fall in love with."
"It's kind of not the same... it's not just bars, it's like guys performing their bars, moments is like amazing."
"People like seeing quality acting, people like seeing quality storytelling."
"Potential is one of the worst things you can have, and this show has it."
"But the clean animation and character filled voice acting makes it pleasant enough in the moment."
"It's a little contrived, but kitschy and fun."
"It establishes one of the best opening title sequences ever."
"This is gonna go down in fans' minds for a long time as one of the best ones out there."
"Fanservice is neither a bad nor good thing, it all depends on how it's handled."
"I think it's going to be one of my better ones, it's got like a good like technical balance of like a good thinking philosophy but also like jokes and stuff."
"If you fail at making the fighting interesting in a series that centers around combat resolving conflict then you aren't likely to be all that enjoyable."
"This show is entertaining, well done, the writing solid, it's good."
"On the other hand, we have conclusively decided that AEW is the best. It is absolutely the best, the greatest wrestling promotion."
"Classic mode routes in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate offer near-perfect creativity executed flawlessly."
"It's a beast watching HDR movies like this, the picture is incredible and the sound is incredible."
"Every single time that I see a Warcraft or Starcraft or whatever the Overwatch cinematic from Blizzard, I'm like holy crap this is gold."
"It felt like DreamWorks actually cared about being good and endearing and funny. I mean, there's jokes in the movie that genuinely make me laugh a lot, and that's refreshing, honestly."
"It's the worst movie I've seen this year. Like just so lazy and and it's like a total waste of time."
"It's epic, it's epic epic epic epic epic, it's better than most movies that I've watched to be honest."
"It's amazing, it's good, it's better than 140."
"It's totally possible for a show to be quote unquote woke or at least to have Progressive political ideas in it and still be really entertaining and really well written."
"The fight choreography was still really really good the reason why you know that got bad guys weren't going down is because we wanted an impressive more longer drawn out fight scene with really great stunts and all that stuff."
"For reals, this is some good [__] right here. I've really enjoyed Horizon Zero Dawn but it certainly had its fair share of problems. Forbidden West fixes most of those and then amplifies the production values like three or four times."
"Mediocrity is the new excellence. That game was boring and bad."
"I don't want entertainment to suck... and I really don't want it to have that Disney branding on it."
"The Money in the Bank ladder matches delivered."
"I'm starting the guy that may seem like I'm a little biased towards it but it was just so good."
"This game is amazing at creating atmosphere. It's honestly one of the best I've seen lately."
"That last hour and a half was ridiculous, that was so good."
"A ton of fun... seasons 1 & 2 are really good."
"This was a great movie... up there with the best works of Tyler Perry."
"Good games are a no-brainer. They're engrossing, and they keep us attached."
"FNAF is a horror series, and you can make a strong argument that the only important metric for evaluating the games is: 'were they fun and scary?'"
"This movie is not punching me in the face with stupidity."
"Amazing music, themes, characters, visuals—all things that can keep a film afloat even if the story is weak."
"Simply put, one of the best scenes I've ever witnessed."
"It's by far the most intelligent and well put together show."
"World building often makes the difference between fun anime that we just watch to be entertained and anime that we wish we could live in."
"People aren't skipping solo because it sucked."
"Marvel treats its audience like smart people, not dum-dums."
"It's just so joyful, it constantly leaves you with your mouth open. It doesn't let up."
"You feel like you're watching what could be a slice of Disney movie every time you go to one of these worlds."
"The brilliance about Warrior is that not only is it the best martial arts action TV show... it's compelling story, great characters, wonderful interactions, and great drama."
"The mini games are truly some of the best side content Nintendo has ever offered."
"Dan Harmon's influence is evident in the light-hearted and fun moments."
"This movie immerses you. I didn't feel like it was too long because it was pretty [expletive] amazing."
"Changing your future is about creating the life you want to live."
"We always say it's a good one, but it's because they are good. It always is. It's because Julia is incredible."
"It treats its audience with such incredible intelligence."
"The cinema is playful and disturbing and just a raucously good time for narrative dance."
"This is the number one show in the world for a reason."
"If there were more movies like this, people would be going to the movies more."
"Fantastic on a fight level, on a character level, on a gut punch level."
"But references alone don't make a fight enjoyable or understandable."
"Expect a lot, they didn't really skimp on anything in part one."
"It's not comic book fatigue, it's mediocrity fatigue."
"The Mandalorian is the best thing they've produced and it's because of John Favreau and Hail Gina Carano."
"It gives the movie a Saturday morning cartoon feel."
"Yo, this [__] might have been better than the song itself, bro."
"The show is obnoxious, unfunny, and just painful to watch."
"Good pacing is the thing that takes a so-so game and turns it into a great game."
"You make it boring, you make the gameplay boring and super stale to watch, people won't want as much."
"No one can argue that He-Man and the Masters of the Universe wasn't good at what it did."
"Creep Show captures that comic book style and does it a damn good job at it."
"Someone's got to stand for high-quality entertainment."
"It's got everything the franchise is known for: beautiful music, beautiful animation, especially in its best-in-class CGI dance sequences."
"It's rare that you see a style of comedy that can make any character memorable, but Hell of a Boss pulls it off perfectly."
"Yeah, I think that sums it up. I can say with complete confidence that I've never been more engaged, entertained, and impressed with the Vivziepop animation in my life."
"Consistently entertaining every element of it is very thoughtful."
"I don't think you could ask for much more from a continuation of such a beloved series."
"The best that most, Naruto, or Bleach, or My Hero Academia or Dragon Ball movies can do to justify their existence is deliver some cool fights beyond the scope of what the main story accomplished."
"This is one of the best things Marvel's done, this is so good."
"If the game has bad combat, it's a bad game."
"I was entertained by how genuinely good Tom Hardy was or by how hilariously bad it was."
"It is a tremendous show, frankly the best you can ask anyone about that."
"What truly made the SNES stand out against the competition back in the day was highly polished and super fun titles."
"It's a hell of a good time, it's one of the most compelling card games I've played in a long time."
"For all that and more it is undeniably the finest video game DC has to offer."
"The emotional rollercoaster effect makes SAO an engaging watch."
"Why would you settle for such lazy mediocrity when you're paying Disney prices and expecting much more?"
"Shows don't have to be good for people to watch them. Sometimes when they're really bad, it's even more like, 'Let me stay in this.'"
"This season is a major upgrade from last season."
"The levels are well designed, the fights are fun, and the characters are great."
"Enjoy this. This is going to be the highest Alpha per minute show that you've ever seen in your life."
"This game has remained utterly delightful despite all the time that's passed."
"They respect their fans, their time, and their money, and they want to make sure it is right."
"Numbers don't lie, the current NBA regular season product absolutely sucks."
"The numbers don't lie, the current MLB product sucks worse than any major sport."
"Personally, I think this film skirts the line between so bad it's good and just bad."
"That may be the best Marvel trailer we've seen in a long time."
"It's well-acted, well-written, and he's a compelling character."
"Randy Savage's story arc is terrific... the best part of this whole show."
"Brilliant one-liners, a plus physical comedy, those outfits, plus tons of references to Broadway and classic Hollywood."
"This scene rivals any scene that I've seen in the show."
"It's really really fucking good and yet it's it's it can sound absolutely stupid but context is absolutely critical."
"I was constantly impressed by how fluid and entertaining the entire package is."
"Red Dead Redemption 2 is definitely one of the best games of this generation, a game I personally got immersed into."
"I really enjoyed it, it definitely showed the potential that the series had."
"They just put on a hell of a spectacle in this thing."
"Feels great the wonders of CGI provide us with something better..."
"This may be the best SmackDown match all year."
"Elden Ring is still packed to the brim with spectacle and originality."
"Good music can make a horrible or mediocre show suck much less but it can also make an awesome gem less special."
"The only reason people tune in to watch stuff is if it's good."
"It's very well thought-out, it's super highly detailed, it's overall a wonderful time."
"If they don't write a good script, it won't matter."
"The original Modern Warfare remains a grounded and immersive experience compared to the blockbuster aspirations of its sequels."
"This anime is really good, man. I'm not gonna lie, people need to be hopping on this anime."
"Megan is a performer, honey. She told her when you saw her name on the performer list like she's going to put on a show and entertain us."
"Maybe the best battle we've ever seen on the show."
"I was laughing more often and way harder than anything I've really done since the modern era began."
"Did I 100 love it? No. But when the worst thing I have to say about your superhero movie is that it felt a little cheesy sometimes, I mean, come on."
"Overall, Time Force succeeded because the story was entertaining, the acting was above average, and the action was good."
"Give them what they want for the entire movie rather than trying to cut it down, water it down, and seeing just how much crap you can put in their water before they call it sewage."
"I definitely feel like the scenes in cars have a bit more oomph and memorability to them."
"It honors the source material and it honors the fandom, and that's what we need in entertainment."
"Whether you want to give her credit for that or whether it's just because she was wrestling eo shirai and quite frankly i could have an entertaining television match with eoshurai and i'm terrible at wrestling well that's your call."
"Each thing just feels fresh... constantly entertained."
"They got it out of the way early... the whole show is perfect."
"The best fight scenes are between Lady and Trish, showcasing variety and tactics."
"Everyone had their own little moment, even the way they cut the movie, it's basically like watching the cartoon."
"It's constantly surprising and constantly delighted awesome visuals, a creative story, and memorable characters."
"Rise of the TMNT just might be one of the best cartoons ever made, period."
"The complete opposite happened: the writing, the animation, the voice acting."
"2020 has been absolutely stellar year... in terms of actual games."
"I feel like this is definitely shaping up to be better than last season but damn man, some dark ass [ __ ]."
"That was brilliant, one of the best raps rides out there."
"I'm glad that Alex Brightman voices Serpenti just now as much as I like the original voice actor Brightman just takes it to the next level."
"Minion Mayhem is fine. It's decidedly fine. It's far less nausea-inducing than when it was 3D, but now it's just kind of like watching a movie with a fun seat."
"Prepare yourself because this really is something spectacular."
"I just love it... always keeps you on your toes."
"The comedy in this movie landed every time for me."
"The cinematic was nice, it's a nice cinematic."
"I've had pet battles more entertaining than this."
"AEW had the best dynamite so far in the four weeks they've been on television."
"There's enough in this movie that works and that is cool."
"It feels more natural this way and the blazing fast dialogue keeps these scenes constantly interesting."
"When you walk away from a movie and it sticks with you, that's good. That's a good sign."
"So mind-blowing, it's like so good that it took five years"
"Walk shines on every front and absolutely commands a spot as one of the greats."
"Holy crap was it good! Oh my goodness, it's probably the best thing I've seen since invincible."
"It's fun at first and it has flashes of hilarious brilliance here and there."
"This movie managed to deal with true crime and supernatural horror while being really entertaining."
"Flight of Passage is simply an amazing attraction"
"Lululand carries on the trend from the other hell of a boss songs by being super catchy."
"Terrific, easily the best vocals available in Las Cruces."
"One Punch Man is at its best when the humor, the action, and the animation all collide to create something epic."
"We live in a time when more often than not, we're getting so much great stuff."
"I think some of the art our studios are making is some of the finest entertainment in the world."
"I would genuinely be shocked if you didn't enjoy it... it's a really, really [expletive] good game."
"The action was fulfilling enough, the choreography was good."
"A soundtrack that slaps harder than your ex after a bad date."
"It really does blows you away. It's done on a Disney and Universal level and yeah you can really tell standards are very high throughout the park."