
Change Making Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"You can change the world, or you can be liked by everyone. You don't get to do both."
"We're watching the greats, just like Tyler Perry...we're going to end up changing the whole entire world."
"Each one of you in this room can change the world."
"This for me isn't about the numbers, it's about doing more. I want to change the world, I want to make the world a better place."
"If you will commit to doing that, you will literally change this world."
"One person with courage can change the world."
"Well, you and I are going to change the world."
"Make it revolutionary, don't... make it impactful."
"You are changing the world right now, and it's so inspiring."
"What you're doing is going to change the world."
"You are here to make change and that's why they chose you."
"Focus on the positive, focus on the good, dream of a different world than what is today and be that difference in this world that we dream of."
"One person could change the whole world for the better as long as they don't give a damn who gets the credit."
"The people that are out there in the world making changes aren't people that are any better than any of us or know more or way smarter, they also just [__] tried."
"If you want to change the world think about the real world if you want to change the world to what lengths would you go yeah what are you willing to do right"
"I felt like I had a chance to maybe effect change however I could, and through skateboarding, my go-to was to build skate parks."
"Life is this awesome opportunity. I have this power to go and make a change and do things."
"People who make change in the world are people who tell the truth even if it's uncomfortable or scary."
"It's possible to change the world and make your dreams come true."
"I legitimately want to make a change in the hobby."
"You're someone who's bold and daring, you're not afraid to actually go out there and make change."
"Our ability to change the world is very much real and very much manifestable."
"Take the approach of legacy and making a change in the world, and bringing joy to people's lives."
"Be a part of the change. Don't just talk about it, go out and actually physically do something."
"Innovation is usually motivated by the desire to make meaning, that is, to change the world."
"The power of your words can change the world."
"One person can make a massive and meaningful difference."
"To create change you gotta have some change, oh yeah."
"If you want to change the world, you know how to get your money together."
"Impacting others... changing the world one person at a time."
"I'm in this position where I have 600,000 of you... What kind of person am I if I do not speak up about issues and do not help change the world in any way that I can?"
"It took one man, a lone storekeeper who was sick of the lawlessness, to change all this."
"If you want to change things, do something about it."
"Welcome to Hanuka's Good Trouble where we talk about game changers who aren't afraid to rock the boat."
"...you truly are changing the world."
"I am trying to change the world. I cannot do it without you."
"Congratulations, class of 20... now go change the world!"
"Now go and change the world, and don't forget to have fun."
"I am thankful to have an absolutely spectacular team... that helps me hopefully change the world a little bit."
"I am on a mission, I am a game changer."
"I'm not driven by materials or money. That stuff don't do nothing to me or for me. I'm driven off of music, purpose, and really making change."
"They too are somebody who could really do something and change the world."
"I'm thinking about what kind of change can I create in this world."
"The key thing for any change maker is to see the world as it really is rather than the way you would like it to be."
"Together we can do some of the most amazing things to change the world."
"Live to inspire, keep on growing, be the change."
"Do you feel an unstoppable force within you, pushing you to make a significant impact in the world, no matter the odds?"
"Thank you for finding me, for choosing me, for creating me to be a change agent in this earth for your glory."
"We're changing the world every single day."
"Our goal here for our lecture series is to really bring forth ideas of leadership, how individuals change the world."
"As a political science major, I am driven by the desire to make change in the world through representation and advocacy."
"I've always been driven to do something to change the world, to make it a little bit better, to help people."
"I can change the game, I can change the world."
"Go forth, students," he said. "Create change."
"Let's grow this, let's be world changers together, and let's just spread love."
"Your passion can shift the world."
"This man has the power and ability to really change the world."
"You have a key role in changing the world with your gifts and your talents."