
Acting Quality Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"The quality of its digital actors' performances were industry-leading at the time and still stand up as being compelling and convincing throughout."
"The acting in this film was just top freaking notch."
"His overall acting is amazing and perfectly suits the character at hand."
"Happy Valley is brilliantly written and acted, set in West Yorkshire."
"The best theater in America is on television... I believe in TV because great actors want good work."
"The aliens look fantastic and the acting is solid from what we've seen so far."
"He's a very good actor and he's really great in this movie."
"The acting in The Last of Us seems to take it to a whole new level. Their scene, especially, is incredibly well done."
"The acting in Texas Chainsaw Massacre sells the horror, making the nightmare feel real."
"This was a great film. Everyone did a great job acting. It's got my wifey Floren outstanding."
"You're only as good as the company you keep. If you're opposite great actors, you're only going to be better."
"Until Dawn doesn't have to hide its monsters or its actors because it looks incredible...it's not much of a stretch to call it the reigning champion."
"Definitely check out 'Triangle of Sadness,' it looks great, the acting is great, it's very funny."
"Regina King was amazing as some of the best television."
"This show never ceases to amaze; the writing is just top tier and the acting is phenomenal."
"The performances in this movie were out of this world in my opinion."
"The performances are marvelously understated in such a way that even the slightest spark of humanity jumps out at you, and this attention to nuance makes it the kind of film worth chewing on."
"Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the best acted and well written emotionally compelling games I have ever played in my life."
"He's been such a such a good bad guy yeah the acting was absolutely amazing he did such a fantastic job of making all of us hate him so much."
"He conveyed the naturalistic in an organic and believable way."
"The most impressive thing to me was really the expression and the commitment to that right that tear at the end it's great it makes it feel so much more raw and in some ways it makes it feel even more relatable."
"That was just a great performance, real f***ing human performance."
"Jeff Goldblum isn't just a great actor, he is really great on-screen charisma."
"It comes down to good storytelling and great acting."
"Great cinematography, great acting, and just a fantastic ending to a season."
"I thought it was great um I thought the music was on point I thought the acting was on point yes they changed things but things that they changed in a lot of respects I think worked really really well."
"I mean, really when you think about it, the actors in Avengers are fantastic."
"I was so fortunate to have such wonderful writing and great scene partners."
"There is just the right level of magic to him in that role... that I just can't deny being completely mesmerized by every time I see the film."
"It is an incredibly human movie, it is so well acted, it is so beautifully told, it is so effective."
"It's a very good moment actually, some pretty good acting."
"Every cruel insult and groan comes off as completely realistic."
"Actors are the good ones are um some of the most intelligent disciplined people I've ever seen."
"The chemistry that they have in every scene is just top notch."
"Major props to both the writing and the acting."
"What Ben Affleck captured, the essence of Batman, I believe better than any other actor ever has."
"They're despicable people, but their acting is also a lot better and the jokes are a lot wittier."
"The acting in this game is so spot-on, it's ridiculous."
"You should know that that voice actor said that in that scene it's supposed to be bad because the characters they're like fake laughing okay."
"The others is so well acted the storytelling is just beautiful obviously the setting is so gorgeous big haunted house I mean what what else could you want."
"The performances from the actors were phenomenal."
"This is like a master class in television writing and acting."
"Cheesy dialogue and mediocre acting with some silly prop portrayed as a monster."
"He just gives us like he just goes 'have I' like he just and I even he doesn't say like that he says it the best way George sees Scott can say it and he just 100% owns it and it feels so genuine."
"Give them a TV category. Elizabeth Olsen in WandaVision, her acting was incredible."
"It's amazing me how good of a cast they had but like how terrible the acting was."
"I actually legitimately like this twist, and the acting and writing are very well handled."
"The acting is great... Ryan Gosling's character carries the film."
"The acting though sometimes a little stilted was not bad."
"It's beautifully acted technically it's near flawless the direction is unbelievable."
"It's a really great performance from him, but more importantly a very compelling story."
"These actors don't feel like actors, they feel exactly the way they're portraying themselves."
"It's like a good story, a really, really well-written good story. It doesn't matter how good that story is if your actors are not believable."
"The performances in Ragnarok are incredible. Everyone here did a fantastic job and bring you right into this story."
"The dialogue cheesy, the acting it wasn't authentic."
"The King's top-notch acting and slick direction make the most of its powerful source material."
"I believe that for one second, the chemistry on-screen was undeniable."
"It's just a wonderful flick; it's written wonderfully, it's acted wonderfully, it looks wonderful, it sounds wonderful."
"Performances were all great here."
"It's very slow and methodical, but the acting is great."
"I'm expecting the acting to be really good at least, and I've heard it's actually really pretty and it's filmed really nice."
"The first movie was beautiful, amazing, great score, great acting."
"The acting really stood out because with this type of story... it's so critical that you have compelling characters and good performances."
"I thought the actors top notch, I was very impressed."
"The performances really sold this movie."
"Every actor in this movie brings their A-game; there's not a single actor who brings a subpar performance to this film."
"It's got incredible performances, remarkable characters."
"It's a great scene, it's superbly acted."
"The acting here, from beginning to end, is just absolutely top-notch."
"I really liked the movie, it had good music, I thought the acting was great."
"The first Creep film was released in 2014 and was praised for its acting and tension."
"Westworld is amazing, the acting is on point."
"The acting here is great, in fact. We had here a script that sucked, but we had a cast who was able to actually take it and make it work."
"It's really great acting and really great directing too."
"This was very emotionally impactful, like it's done, and like her acting is top-tier in this scene."
"I'd say that Lando is a secondary character done right. He's got the presence, the charm, and the acting's top notch."
"The acting and dialogue is like pure Shakespeare compared to today's writing."
"We want to be entertained. We want a good balance of good characterization and good acting, and action and good dialogue, and I think this delivers."