
Creative Writing Quotes

There are 225 quotes

"I'm a big fan of show, not tell storytelling."
"Character development is not about facts; it's about understanding your character's soul."
"Paperback Writer is written as a letter from an aspiring author addressed to a publisher."
"Attention to details like these allow writers to write more freely where they don't have to write an explanation for every single thing that's happening."
"Consider the possibility that your character's name may end up being in the title of your project."
"We don't study the three-act structure to learn how to be more creative, but to be more critical of writing and aware of what drives the momentum of a story."
"Don't be afraid of making villains that shake people down to their core, that challenge their mindsets, that are bad to the bone."
"Writing through a lens means that I'm going to write about the concept of how I feel through the lens of an object."
"Elevators aren't just for action or ambience, they're strange little rooms that you can force characters to stand in awkwardly or use to completely subvert expectations."
"Trust your gut on all this if it doesn't feel right to you the story isn't right yet."
"Start wherever you want in the story... You can start in the middle of a chapter, just find the page that you're excited about."
"These guys can make some of the most excellent writers."
"Copywriting is so psychological and it is an art form."
"Common sense is no good will ever come from allowing a person to have weapons that can take down 527 Americans at a concert."
"Write something that you feel, write, write, write. Write something that comes from the heart."
"It's incredible writing because a good song that's an incredible writer."
"People should write their characters just saying dumb [ __ ] and vibing about it more often."
"I'm so excited to share with you my characters that I've been spending all day creating."
"Don't just write dirty. Think clean too. You're more than one dimension."
"The sheer intelligence and layers of depth within their writing is still unparalleled to me."
"Every time Oda introduces a new race, it just builds that world-building aspect."
"It needs to flow, it needs to roll off your tongue and into your heart, it needs to be our R's a good letter, Ro Ro Ro rollio rollio games rollio game."
"Write more poetry and turn inspiration into tangible pieces of art."
"Scenes without conflict and obstacles usually end up being straight exposition. This is boring, lazy, and definitely something we want to avoid."
"Building a story your friends will remember for ages takes more than just creating a beginning, middle, and end."
"AI cannot replace the work of a television writer because the work of a television writer is not simply to output text even though an ignorant person might think so."
"Writing, it's almost like you make these people flesh again."
"Research thoroughly, think critically, write creatively."
"This may be the best subversive idea for zombie apocalypse stories I think I've ever seen."
"Start with a person or an event and work from that. Develop the short story idea prior to moving forward to actually writing the story."
"We wrote up this small concept on a prequel to Bombshell which would take place in 1896."
"He creates worlds of other characters who feel the same."
"I love the writing of this book, I love the world building of this book."
"By taking a page from J.K. Rowling’s book, you can give that same gift to your own readers."
"World building is the art of crafting the history, systems, geographical details, and cultures that make these places feel real."
"Writing what you would want to hear on the radio or on streaming platforms is what you should be writing."
"Is there a scriptwriter out there? Well, you bet there was."
"Make your narrative outline as a board game."
"Is it possible to write an entire book without using the letter 'E'? Ernest Vincent Wright decided to take on that challenge."
"Write what you think is cool. Write a story you would love. That's everything. That's all of Arcane. The rest is commentary."
"Using the concept of devil attacks as a sort of metaphor for many of the real evils that do exist and it's pretty wild that Fujimoto decided to write something like this."
"The blend of sharp writing, unique characters, and social satire has sustained the show over the years."
"The idea of a shared universe of characters opens up possibilities."
"It was really hard sometimes to make people as bad as they really are, do you know what I mean? No, it's hard sometimes, or it was for me, to make anybody be that evil."
"She writes worlds and Magic that feel impossible for me to hold in my hands."
"I was like, listen, I am a swords and horses fantasy writer, okay? I'm gonna write Tolkien II stuff, that is my goal."
"It's definitely good at some creative writing while also keeping it professional for sure."
"Adding contradictions makes your world feel more grounded and believable."
"The writers studied authoritarian regimes absolutely and they wrote about them in a way that was entertaining."
"Suddenly in one afternoon the walls between fantasy being something these people wrote in, which we all read just exploded and suddenly we were playing a fantasy story."
"Contemplating a different futuristic setting."
"Using tropes in a way that has been done a thousand times before can make your story less unique."
"I want to emphasize these aspects of his character, turn him from a generic baddie into a sympathetic protagonist."
"Each sentence starts with the same level of nihilism anger and despair you would expect from an insult writer which then Bloom into sweet adorable depictions of joy in a way that's invented a new form of Comedy for me."
"If you don't have a good story, then not much else matters."
"Often the world of 40k draws on real-world history, and it's something that I really love the idea of doing in creating whole descriptions of planets and locations that are non-canon and entirely fictional."
"It's an incredible time for TV writing because it doesn't matter when a show comes out."
"Rockstar was at their best when writing this, while relatively short it's an awesome and spooky take on the Wild West."
"Write what you know," said Jules Verne. "Your wife is going to meet a very god fearing man and we'll leave you."
"It's simply what you do with it. If you write something beautiful, it's good."
"The ultimate benefit to thinking about genre when worldbuilding isn’t that it gives you all the answers, but rather provides a list of questions."
"I wrote about a neighbor bro called Engine since 2010."
"Zoom out and look at things like story pacing and character development."
"I've spent a long time writing an ongoing story about REE because I wanted the world to see just how amazing warm talented creative beautiful and loving she was in life."
"You can use flashbacks, flash-forwards, dreams, metaphors, bookends, red herrings, or McGuffins."
"The driving question behind the production was this: Can we come up with the novel Tolkien never wrote?"
"Ambiguity vs. clarity: 'Telling your audience what's going on is almost always better than ambiguity.'"
"Don’t write what you know, write what you want to understand."
"I wrote Batman with the weight of the world on his shoulders."
"The writing is just so tight and well thought out."
"It's all about exploring a scenario and then moving on."
"Every good story has rising and falling action. Okay, well, that was the falling action. What's the rising?"
"The beauty cliche has been done to death. Leave it behind in fairy tales, you are creative enough to dig deeper."
"I'm different, so that just forced my writing into a place where even if I ain't the funniest, let me at least start in a place that nobody else is cooking."
"Eren’s conclusion was not only logical and natural, but also fantastic, inventive writing that truly elevated his character to a level very few could have foreseen."
"Pitting a self-professed and self-righteous straight-edged savior against a devil-may-care candle burner was a stroke of genius."
"Bobby was so inspired by movies that he even started writing two of his own."
"Shell has some really good moments, plus she's a pretty good case study into how to use your childhood to write a d and cartoon."
"There are probably fanfictions with more depth and interesting concepts, and at least I'd be able to find audiobooks or adaptations of those."
"Writing is rewriting. The first draft of anything is shit."
"Foreign Russian fairy tales usually begin with a place in the 39th Kingdom. It is also the perfect opening sentence for a story."
"If Luffy didn't have the rubber fruit, I wouldn't be writing a story as long."
"There is actually a story called The Subspace Emissary World Conquest sitting at over 4 million words. Guys, this is the single longest work of fiction in human history."
"Good World building keeps a writer away from becoming a god of their own fictional story."
"The positives of Candyman: the script and the writing."
"So um I guess this is the chapter one of a whole new uh novel we're gonna be starting here."
"A surprisingly eccentric and brilliantly written plot."
"Max Max porter is someone that I'm really excited to see more from, I've read two of his books and I just love his writing."
"The quickest way to make a character who you've already sketched out a little more in-depth is... to have any kind of interaction with another person."
"You could just write your own roles, you know? Write something that's as interesting as you are."
"I think you just have to let the fear go and you have to write."
"David brought originality and mischief to absolutely everything that he wrote."
"It's a clever way to turn the gap into a narrative tool."
"It's an interesting concept, I'll definitely say that much, and I can definitely say that it's very well written."
"This is the first entry in the Discworld series... incredibly creative, really enjoyable."
"I think the biggest draw to my channel and my videos as a whole is my writing."
"I'm writing a better god damn story as I go along with this [__] than the people getting paid to do it."
"Instead, the writers are creating stories that add to the fan's nostalgia."
"Diversity in storytelling leads to better storytelling."
"I'm writing a book, the book can be titled 'What happened to the Crow,' and it's going to be a very funny book."
"The writing for this ending was absolutely brilliant."
"Provide a ton of hidden references and push the limit when he came to adult jokes."
"Having a reference point is a great way to create characters outside of your experience."
"I am a strong believer in the idea that any potential story can be good if executed well, yes, even owl sex."
"Try to create scenes that readers will remember until the day they grasp their dying breaths." - Tatsuki Fujimoto
"The most important decision is what story do I write in the first place."
"The biggest thing is write for the audience of yourself first and then worry about other people."
"It's witty, it's inventive, and it makes you feel very seen."
"Can you believe a fully grown woolly mammoth with flowing blood has been found trapped in the Siberian ice?"
"If you're a writer and your producer is Irving Thalberg, you know you got to write something good."
"It always starts with the characters in the writing."
"I would love for whoever was the creative lead on this project to just convert this into a 700-page novel."
"Stay consistent with your world's rules but leave room for new possibilities."
"The structure can be mapped onto almost any story or plot line that you want to tell."
"You may start putting things on paper and writing some kind of story."
"David Goyer wrote something badass on a baby."
"Every single week, story is king. If you don't have story, you got nothing."
"I had so much fun writing my weird novel and I'm not done I'm just gonna keep on writing it."
"The only thing that can defeat or displace a story is a better story."
"I'm building what is essentially a crime foundation."
"It's the ethos of writing a lot of scripts now: 'That will do.'"
"Start small...you won't waste a lot of effort describing places that the characters might never go to."
"Write a novel. Everyone has any number of different stories in them based on their lives, let alone those that they can come up with based on their own experience."
"Tina Fey taught me how to write but also about the politics of television."
"A good story has a beginning, a middle, and an end, although not necessarily in that order."
"It's really nice to be able to might find that your writing can take on a whole new thing with the change of rhythm."
"You want to build four distinct characters: one protagonist and three opponents who represent the key philosophical dilemma of the story in different ways."
"Passionate writers really do go above and beyond with their stories, giving us internet horror icons."
"This kind of writing is pathetically lazy and shows whoever wrote it gave absolutely no thought into what this sort of thing means."
"Your best chance to sell your story is when you transcend the genre."
"This is truly ingenious writing jar megiddo is an artificial mountain kind of in the jezreel valley made up of over two dozen layers of destruction."
"At the end of the day the hero's journey is a decent narrative framework for storytellers."
"It's like a really cleverly smartly written fan fiction but in the best way."
"Real person fiction: stories about real-life people, from musicians to historical figures."
"Writing is fun, just open your brain up and try a new muscle."
"When I do put the pen to pad, that shit's gonna go crazy, bro."
"Writing us weird writings real weird yeah you have to be open to your methodology changing absolutely."
"Any character can be good in the right context with the right writing behind them"
"The World building characters and storyline were all highlighted strengths"
"I think the best stuff is usually written by older people who have life experience."
"The man who wrote it describes the end of the world."
"My outline is not 'this happens and this happens' it is 'here is this subplot and here are a bunch of things that need to happen for the subplot to work.'"
"Just start writing and just have a character and just give them a goal."
"But it's also a lot of people's first exposure to creative writing for the fun of it."
"You can break the rules of creative writing... if you understand what effect is created when you use that technique."
"At the same time he continued with his academic work as professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford which was so closely related to his creative writing."
"I wrote a play called 'Together Again Forever'."
"RAG may not be appropriate for scenarios like creative writing or fine-tuning tone of voice."
"A mind-reading Dragon who uses mists and illusions? You're rare, a sweet character of mine you will be."
"Alan Moore, yes the Alan Moore behind Watchmen, Tom Strong, League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, and more, actually wrote Supreme for a while and embraced the Superman ripoff concept by turning it into a book that was apparently entertaining and awesome."
"Get out of your own way and just be able to focus on writing."
"As long as you're telling a good story, I think that's what matters more than anything."
"Hope y'all enjoyed. I definitely had a blast writing this. Stay spooky, friends."
"I made up stories about haunted pizza parlors in New York, my cousin's encounter with the Jersey Devil, or how my grandfather encountered a feral human-like demon creature in the woods of Colorado."
"You can always write yourself out of anything now. You couldn't back then."
"The writing is so creative and abstract and lyrical."
"For a fiction writer to have those sort of gaps to fill, it's wonderful for our imagination to construct story."
"It's all set up and earned, and I can't imagine the writing of this movie, it must have been so difficult."
"It is Star Wars meets Romeo and Juliet meets every damn good story in a heavy metal magazine."
"Creative writing helps your creative thinking and it's a great exercise to sharpen your critical thinking."
"This is such a unique world that Rick created within our world, and he made it so tangible."
"Rappers are writers, rappers are authors, and so whether they know it or not, they're often using the very strategies that teachers tell us about when writing books."
"Try to make your creative have some type of moral message but at the same time make sure that that's super clear for the marker."
"I want to do more writing and directing."
"I decided to kill off a few characters in the new book I'm writing. It would definitely spice up my autobiography."
"First you show, then you tell, then you show, then you tell again. That's excellent storytelling."
"He gave himself all these rules and somehow still managed to write five cohesive narratives."
"RPM is the kind of season you get when great actors are led by visionary producers who hire great writers."
"Mirabai writes creative nonfiction and contemporary translations of sacred literature."
"It's the thing I wanted to make, a love story with vampires."
"It was so lovely to be able to write for a pirate or a crocodile or Tinkerbell the fairy."
"She's doing creative writing at university."
"I'd want to watch season three of Lost and Found if I wrote it; it's a lot more mature than the Next Step is, it has deeper storylines."
"I turned that into a short story for my creative writing class."
"You don't have to have all of the bones but you need to have enough of the bones that you can create a story scaffold, a story skeleton."
"In the future, I intend to use whatever I can make my own to write the truth as I know it, or better still, feel it."
"Explore options and ask yourself what the most interesting way to structure the narrative would be."
"I wrote a 9000 word fanfic called Godfeels which explored those ideas through conversations with some of my favorite characters."
"Making Goku a woman has actually been pretty fun to write."
"Star Wars - and by the end of the year, he already written a 19 page treatment outlining his idea for the next film."
"It's hard to write a good Batman and Joker scene, it truly is."
"Not all worlds have to be 100% believable, they just need to be consistent."
"It's key to good writing is to take your characters and put them in fish out of water situations."
"Eliminate writer's block by using AI to help you generate sentences, paragraphs, outlines, and much more."
"Genres can be as fluid as genders, and that experimentation can happen right on the page."
"Being able to write things and share them with people and workshop them was really eye-opening for me."
"After that, she went on to college and she got her master's degree in creative writing."
"I'm a former professor of creative writing who became a Twitch streamer and YouTuber."
"My major requires just a lot of writing, like writing scripts."
"Can the best movie critic write a good movie?"
"We're here to make magic with words."
"That's a great novel name: Before the Fog Clears."
"I've started a traditional novel, I've got a about halfway through a teenage superhero novel."
"Welcome to the first semester of creative writing."
"I paint emotion well, I think what I want to do is to write emotion."
"It was doomed romance is what I love writing for; doomed characters are fun."
"I always felt like there had to be a beginning, a middle, and an end."
"The writers really took it there, they pushed the envelope entirely."
"This story didn't actually happen."
"It was great actually that I had to write it in this huge burst, this outpouring of creativity."