
Modernization Quotes

There are 1381 quotes

"As the future queen of England and the mother of the future king, Kate is illustrating how the monarchy plans to update itself to remain influential while holding on to its essence."
"Since then, China's five-year plans have consistently aimed to modernize China from a developing nation to a leading power in technology, economics, and military strength."
"The pandemic has created a crisis; it has also presented an opportunity for us to reconfigure and modernize our economy and society."
"The Ottoman Empire successfully modernized and reasserted itself on the world stage. A new era begins."
"The Mexicans have taken it and run with it; it's one of the best modernization stories we've got."
"He knew that some traditions had to be maintained and continuity was everything, but he knew that you had to keep up with the times."
"Tourism not only helps to bring in money but also helps to influence and modernize."
"There is no doubting the critical significance of Emperor Meiji and his reign for the history of modern Japan."
"The success of that programme of modernisation was the triumph of Meiji’s reign and it allowed Japan to emerge in the early twentieth century as virtually the only nation outside of Europe and the Americas which was not either a colony of the European powers or ravaged by internal discord like China was."
"The only thing Bernie Sanders has been trying to do over the course of this campaign is literally just update the iOS and just bring us to the same operating system that every other modern nation has been on for like the past 20 to 30 years."
"The Queen has brought new trends of modernization and openness within the monarchy and has kept the institution relevant in a rapidly changing world."
"Native cuisine has been around for thousands of years, but the food we had at Tocabe, that's something totally new."
"Copyright law is incredibly archaic and it needs to match up to modern times."
"Empress Elizabeth is also remembered today as continuing her father Peter the Great's modernization of Russia."
"President Biden sent an immigration bill to Congress, the U.S. Citizenship Act, modernizes our immigration system."
"As a country, Vietnam is developing at a rapid pace, but regions like this, some of the most isolated and difficult to get to, will be the last areas touched by modern life."
"A society becomes modern when it swaps this for this, essentially when it stops going to church on a Sunday and starts reading the newspaper instead."
"They completed extensive structural changes and modernized the estate to the 21st century, all while keeping its authentic 19th-century feel."
"We need a big and bold program to modernize our nation's crumbling infrastructure."
"When tech makes it available to not do that, I think most judges would rather not do that, truly."
"China's missile program, part of its broader military modernization, includes a comprehensive range of ballistic and cruise missiles."
"It's very much down to William and Kate and that generation to adapt the traditional role of the monarchy."
"Perhaps the single most significant aspect of the modernisation process, though, was the separation of church and state in the new republic."
"France's military modernization: a lesson in readiness and adaptability."
"As modern ways of life creep into every corner of the Earth, the skill of animal tracking is becoming obsolete."
"The modernization plan would eliminate BR's financial deficit by 1962."
"As we see the development of modern rail systems going away from the full cheese greater quad rails."
"The last piece of modernization kit I want to talk about is the full chassis."
"Into the nation's living rooms and kitchens came bright new materials, man-made fabrics, and labor-saving devices."
"The modern era brought sleek designs and informative packaging, enriching the experience for young Thomas enthusiasts."
"We've taken a tacky restaurant out of the 80s and put it into the 21st century."
"It's fresh, it's taking part of what you put into this restaurant to begin with and we've modernized it."
"Deus Ex Human Revolution helped bring the immersive sim into the modern age of games."
"We wanted to make that modern. We thought about things that are around you wherever you go in the modern world."
"Behind the futuristic facade of glass-clad skyscrapers and mega-projects, the Chinese government is unfortunately regressing back towards an increasingly authoritarian rule."
"Kong: Skull Island's greatest accomplishment is how it modernizes a classic character while still maintaining the feel of a classic monster movie."
"Changing not just politically and economically, but also moving away from Pagan superstitions into the modern era of technology, medicine, and science."
"Cars have quickly become computers on wheels."
"The hyper-modernization of our economy has made it so labor owners have an easier time depriving their workers of decent wages."
"This further signals the end of the old way of doing things."
"The infrastructure plan is about modernizing outdated infrastructure."
"Every game that's pulled from the past and made playable on modern hardware is something to celebrate."
"Stop trying to force-fit the reality of the 21st century into the box of the old order way of thinking."
"Depriving 8 billion people of thermodynamically sound money and a digital monetary network is just as cruel and non-progressive as turning off their running water or their electricity or depriving them of antibiotics or any other modern technology."
"And it allowed this new beautiful, modernized image of Japan to be seen around the world…in color."
"Elizabeth's reign has seen the British Empire come into the modern era."
"I hate these Flats where people destroy every old thing because they want to have a modern thing."
"This would be an all-new experience, a total overhaul of the original faithfully reproduced but incorporating modernized gameplay mechanics."
"The woman single-handedly modernized organized crime in London."
"We'll build back better with modern roads, bridges, highways, broadband, ports, and airports."
"Western policy should get behind forces of modernization and moderation."
"It looks fantastic. It is unmistakably Forerunner...but it is also clearly been modernized."
"The CCP... is at its end... because if you look at modern industrializing societies, regimes fall because of revolutions in cities."
"The whole world is moving away from this stuff."
"This has been how Japan became a Modern Nation."
"Smart machines designed with modern technology are contributing to a revolution that supports us on the path to modernizing agriculture."
"What really matters is whether the U.S can modernize and invest in new military technology."
"She certainly made it easier for the more modernizing progressive voices in the palace to be heard."
"For more modern machines an expansion pack developed by nerf software followed in 2005 doom 3 resurrection of evil."
"The Rotom bike and Corviknight taxi service are so quick, easy, and seamless that they leave the old system in their dust."
"The obvious choice was the most modern submarine on the drawing boards which is the french nuclear submarine."
"We're not dinosaurs; we're never sitting back saying, 'let's just hope it could be as it was 20, 30 years ago and we'd all be good.'"
"The global majority needs public investment and infrastructure to modernize the economy."
"Boom! Is it worth it? Let's read. Doom returns as a brutally fun and challenging modern shooter."
"The appeal of Fantano was that he brought back the art of reviewing music for the modern age."
"Maintains the beauty and Design Elements of the original while still being equipped like a modern luxury travel trailer."
"This is the beginning of the modernizing of our club."
"You're not dealing with your granddad's Oldsmobile here."
"You're absolutely correct, the cell phone modernizes the way we told our story and will forever modernize the way we tell our story."
"Modern LED light bulbs aren’t so much light bulbs as they are electronic devices."
"She's sort of shaking off the cobwebs and moving the royal family firmly into the 21st century."
"It's time to re-examine and update policies for the modern world."
"Our mission as Romans is to invent, design, and inspire the new way of doing things."
"Following the completion of our industrial renovation project, modern industrial methods allow for a greater level of productivity."
"Copyright law is so outdated, it needs to be redone because it's so dumb and outdated."
"They made the perfect fortress that was continually modernized through to the 18th century."
"Football has to adapt to the times we live in."
"We wanted to bring a new modern take on gameplay."
"I think he'll be able to make it more modern without losing all that 80's cheese."
"Our political system will not deliver anything significant unless it is reformed and modernized."
"They're not afraid to change for the modern era."
"This invention and the entire war itself really created the modern U.S. and in part the modern world might not exist at all."
"I hope I helped any of you that have some of these outdated fashion trends in the back of your closet give them a new life and maybe more of like a modern spin." - Alexis Sunshine 83
"Before Lenin, the country was very far behind the rest of the western world in terms of industrialization, education, and modernization."
"We cannot allow the temples of modern India to be destroyed."
"She's modernizing the royal family one step at a time."
"What better example of something to modernize than this story?"
"Blinkist took an age-old technology - books - and brought it into this century."
"It's simply bringing cars to the 21st century."
"It's just nice that I'm driving a new Tundra that feels fully modern because the old one was just so old with its V8."
"Our education system, rooted in the 19th century, won't give young people the skills they need for the 21st century."
"In the face of new Divine occult power, the Quincy rapidly modernized."
"The Postal Service should be re-engineered for the 21st century."
"With the appearance of modern machines, the burden of the people has been significantly reduced."
"Modi has recognized the efforts of new Modern India."
"My country has embraced the past present and future through its coexistence of palisades skyscrapers and other technological advancements." - Korea
"Combined with much sleeker styling and a full suite of apps, it suddenly feels much less like an old man's car."
"We focus on renewables, but innovation means doing things differently in a much more modern way."
"The new ager demands the same updating in his religion that he observes taking place in all other phases of his community living."
"We need to engage in that new generation of reforms."
"Prince Philip was able to bring the royal family into the 21st century."
"I think Harry and Megan will probably be remembered as the people who bury that attitude for themselves and for future generations of the royals, and that maybe is no bad thing."
"It's time to bring our legal immigration system into the 21st century."
"The meme stock market event demonstrates the need for modernization."
"France now has a standing army, a principal development toward the modern world."
"She represented the modernization of the royal family and she represented... the most sort of anti-Britain royal family that you can get."
"The best reworks...are the ones who still feel like the champion that you know and love but with modern tools and designs old league could never offer."
"This trend of having a vintage car with modern upgrades... is gonna appeal to younger enthusiasts."
"It looks like any other gentrified block: there's a Starbucks, there's an upscale grocery store, there's a lot of metal panel facades."
"India is modernizing in a very interesting way."
"Between the thumb throttle, the bar clamps, the updated forks and the wider axle, I think that'll give this tri-z a much more updated feel."
"Zhang semin...represented a new era of socialism...following Deng Xiaoping...to build a modern socialist country."
"Like the impact of the railways, this is the story of how the railways created modern Britain."
"If you really want to kill religion, translate the holy books into modern speech."
"I believe we are well overdue to update the rules for the internet."
"It feels warcrafty, back to its roots, while simultaneously being like the most modern WoW has ever felt."
"I think it's an issue which faces all royalty. How does royalty fit in with modern life, with modern concepts?"
"Elizabeth is really both an embodiment of the old England that she grew up in and the new, fast-changing modern world that she increasingly adapted to."
"The modern battlefield has changed, so the platforms need to be refreshed, but to do that, the 'thinking' needs to be refreshed first."
"Technology will help even if you look at generally how to conduct elections they moved away from the crude and barbaric way of just manipulating figures to now."
"Laura has not only brought this house back to life, she's completely reimagined it for 21st-century family living."
"We wanted to keep simplicity and make it a bit more modern and more functional."
"Mass Effect Legendary Edition is a marked success in modernizing a trilogy."
"Our infrastructure is how we literally... It's modern infrastructure, it's broadband, it's internet... We need a level playing field in this country, and that starts with infrastructure for everybody."
"Loading times are essentially a thing of the past now."
"A testament to Singapore's rapid modernization, adaptability, and a celebration of Harmony and culture... this truly is home." - Miss Grand Singapore
"NATO member countries continue to build up and modernize their offensive capabilities."
"The architecture and the energy of Hudson Yards is really invigorating to New York in the 21st century."
"Concrete is responsible for modern civilization."
"The new machines will actually have a modern CPU architecture that delivers a proper generational leap."
"I think she's brought life energy and passion to the job she's managed to modernize and evolve monarchy like no other."
"Modern Warfare 22 also brings with it a very interesting spin on the classic progression system."
"The so called VISION 2030 is Bin Salman’s plan to bring Saudi Arabia into the 21st century… at least, when it comes to economics."
"I'm all for that, I think most people should be."
"He saw modern 20-story buildings and apartments that were not there on previous journeys."
"The new front really goes a long way in making the GX look a lot more modern."
"What I'd actually like to see from the Batsuit is a less modernized armored approach."
"A mix of old and new would be really good to see."
"This is essentially the future of Windows and pretty much every legacy component that was once part of Windows 10 has been removed and containerized."
"Everything on this version of Windows is entirely modern which is great for those who are interested in consistent user interfaces and all of that good stuff."
"When you're running Microsoft Edge here, you aren't actually loading up those legacy components in the background, it's behaving on Windows 10x as if it were a native app."
"So everything is switching to software. Your phones, your iPhones, your Androids, your computers, the iMac that I'm using. Every single thing is switching to software."
"What if instead of bailing out these airlines and these cruise lines, what if we said we're gonna build the most modern transportation system the United States has ever had with that money?"
"The Zelda series had stagnated and the reboot made it feel modern and exciting again."
"The teaching profession has to stop operating in the 1970s when it comes to how they pay people and deal with where we are in the 21st century."
"The embarrassment of defeat prompted a major push for modernization."
"It finally feels modern, it finally feels premium, and it finally feels new."
"Is this truly modern Arabia? Critics question the ethics of neon's development amidst displacement and silencing."
"Toyota made it wider, lower, much more aggressive, and it looks like a much more premium car especially like the rear spoiler."
"Let's do real science, let's recognize that the world is moving towards the modern era of biotechnology."
"Times have changed and the industry needs to change with them."
"What's old is new...bringing it back and presenting it with modern visuals."
"Robot camel jockeys, the new working man's game."
"Degas' art is tearing up the old script and starting from scratch."
"From theory to practice: upgrading ancient machines for modern tasks."
"Every company is increasingly becoming a tech company and its own way using pieces of technology to innovate and improve what they're doing."
"From financial uncertainty to modernization, it's been quite the journey for Saudi Arabia."
"He dragged the club into the 1960s with an emphasis on youth energy and style."
"Dubai's flying Rescuers showcase the true power of modern technology, a testament to how Innovation can make a real difference in saving lives."
"Get rid of your silly chunky wallet that your grandpa gave you and have a better life with the Ridge Wallet."
"The teachings are always updated... because we apply them to the modern time."
"America is an anti up society. We have a profound breakdown in our humanity because we believe that the way to solve violence is with violence."
"It seems very clear that Nintendo has fully opened up to the idea that they need to get with the times and kind of modernize themselves."
"They've really managed to walk that line between making a Streets of Rage game and yet also making it modern and accessible."
"Something the federal government, I think, needs to catch up on."
"Modern cars bear no resemblance to the streetcar, so you don't feel the connection."
"The way that things were done for 150 years in museums is not the way that things are done today."
"It's a great new dimension to the game that slightly modernizes it without taking out the feel that the original gameplay Loop had."
"There's a lot of ways to make Skyrim feel next-gen."
"This is the future. You don't want to be doing the old school stuff."
"The new defender keeps some of the charm from the old model... but it refines it for the modern era."
"River City Girls, the Streets of Rage-inspired brawler, garners excitement ahead of its release, offering retro fun with a modern twist."
"Tashkent is modern and traditional at the same time, with business in high-rise districts coexisting with traditional Uzbek bazaars and old low-rise communities."
"We have 39 billion dollars to modernize American transit."
"They just really look nice and cute... this is a really easy way to modernize your home."
"Overall the interior and the responsiveness of everything in the interior from the screens and everything that's now moved to a screen is fantastic."
"Now the new model s and x feel like the updated cars and I honestly kind of wish I could get one."
"I think we need to slim down the monarchy for a start."
"This was one of the games I wanted to see with modern quality of life changes."
"Money is edging closer towards its biggest reinvention in centuries."
"I think their job was to remake the game's graphics, kind of updated for modern systems, update the game itself."
"President Donald Trump today moved the music industry into the 21st century."
"Perhaps it is time to use up-to-date quotes."
"Regions like this, some of the most isolated and difficult to get to, will be the last areas touched by modern life."
"It's time America's lawmakers get with the program and enact 21st century housing policies that adequately address 21st century challenges." - Ron Wyden
"Pruning up a fight against machine learning would be like a farmer refusing the tractor."
"Taking steps to sort of modernize the academy."
"Those physical pagers at restaurants are being phased out, replaced by text alerts."
"Christian spirituality and Christian apologetics needs to get out of the box they've been trapped in for the last 50 years."
"It executes on exactly what I wanted it to be, but it's more than just a remake."
"It makes it more modern where you have all these different wireless controllers."
"The Looney Tunes show embraced a more contemporary vision."
"Blockchain technology can help identify and authenticate individuals set to receive government benefits, streamline supply chains, and create a registry of medical professionals."
"HeartGold and SoulSilver are what any remake should be: a modernization of a fan favorite game that not only gives you the classic experience but improves all the flaws that the previous installment had."
"They've kept all the things that worked and retrofitted all the old-fashioned stuff."
"This isn't a case of we fell out, we decided... they basically aged out and we have a new and better agency that will do things in a better, more modern way."
"Al Anam animal Factory is a modern building that sets a new standard for the quality of meat production in the Muslim way in Qatar."
"Aluminum knuckles for weight reduction: modernizing suspension."
"Tehran flourished into a modern advanced City."