
Transphobia Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Racism and transphobia is real, maybe some people exaggerated, maybe some people underplay, but I mean, I'd say they're both real."
"Years of unnecessarily awkward encounters ranging from antagonistic transphobia to awkward celebrations of my bravery were just one component of growing up trans."
"As long as criticisms of trans women's participations in sports overlaps with transphobia, you will never be taken seriously, flat out, period."
"Sexuality is on a spectrum, and also, on top of that, transphobia is at the intersection of many different forms of bigotry."
"Homophobia or transphobia is not doing any good for us as a society."
"Transphobia is when you do not believe that trans people are really the identity they identify with."
"I also know that because I talk a lot about transphobia on this channel, a lot of transphobes like to attack me and insult me."
"Transphobia is probably the only form of bigotry I haven't been accused of yet."
"When we use the word 'transphobic,' we're describing something that's presenting a false understanding of science and data that perpetuates dangerous myths."
"Being aggressively transphobic constantly on social media is a particularly judgmental thing to do."
"She gets to express her transphobic views and we get to identify it as transphobia. It's really as simple as that to me."
"To view trans women as not women is transphobia in its purest, most basic form."
"Transphobia has always been at the heart of fascism and is still at the heart of fascism."
"Let's show all the transphobes out there that we are capable of caring more than they do."
"Y'all love to say nobody is exempt in comedy but fail to realize that intentionally misgendering is blatantly transphobic thus making the jokes fall flat and just as ignorant as everyone else's."
"What transpired from that video was more bullying and transphobia than I could have ever imagined."
"Transphobia contributes to the struggles trans people face."
"Conservative and ignorant transphobic [ __ ] aren't synonyms for each other."
"I hate how every time someone is making a transphobic argument they'll say some [__] like 'oh I don't hate trans people I just don't support the transing of kids.'"
"Trans people being rejected solely on the basis of being trans is just transphobia."
"Seriously, transphobia and transphobic arguments are just making less and less sense."
"Transphobia is a legit mental illness...how can you just live with this much hate?"
"Violence against trans people stems from terrible beliefs about trans people."
"If you are a man who doesn't want to make out with a biological man that looks like a woman, you are now considered transphobic and a bad person."
"Either they're just straight up transphobic, they say there's no science behind it, or they say it's not grammatically correct."
"The redirection of anger about misogyny into transphobia has been a disaster for feminism."
"If your friend is being transphobic, they are not a good friend. Like, just fully drop them. Block. See you never."
"We're the ones that are wrong and if we dare raise a scintilla of an issue about any of this we are transphobic. We're the Bad Guys and gals and they attack like a swarm of locusts."
"She's become so entrenched in her transphobia she's one of the most visible transphobes in the world."
"Calling a trans woman he or a trans man her is about as creative of a transphobic insult as calling a black person the n-word."
"It's almost like they were looking for an excuse to express their transphobic views as openly and cruelly as possible."
"You either look at that situation and educate yourself, or you go in the other direction and become incredibly transphobic."
"Society's transphobic, you grow up with certain sets of standards."
"Umbridge lived in a world in which there were trans people, Umbridge might not be very nice to the trans people."
"This is your reminder that the BBC has yet to address the consistent transphobic leanings in its news coverage."
"That means you hate trans people right?"
"Trans people do not threaten sports, transphobia does."
"...transphobia is and always has been so so stupid."
"They're so desperate to try to argue that Chris Tyson being trans is bad without it being transphobic."
"It's obviously completely valid to exclude trans people from your dating pool if you're not attracted to them, and anyone who says otherwise is honestly kind of rapey."
"This is the insidiousness of transphobia. It's never quite often it's never like, 'You're a disgrace.' It's very like, 'No, we just have some concerns about you living and trying to earn a living.'"
"It feels a little bit of like a virtue signal, I'm not trying to be mean but a specifically transphobic insult, I just found it confusing why you were saying that we shouldn't dehumanize trans people but then you are calling them subhuman."
"I agree that maybe your motivations aren't transphobic from it, but I feel like it's can foster transphobia in your community."
"Transphobia is not okay, bro, especially in schools."
"Young Rippa as well as literally every other transphobic content creator we've ever watched in the channel has failed to supply a single source or study or bit of evidence for what they believe in."
"I think it's very important to speak back against transphobia and call it out."
"Transphobia is not an immovable object. It will get battered by the force of allyship and representation."
"We get almost zero homophobia, almost zero sexism, but if we post a trans guest, we get so much transphobia."
"Not dating a trans person was transphobic... but today, present day, do I think not wanting to date me because I'm trans is transphobic? Still no, not necessarily. It depends on the context of the situation."
"If someone were to reject me and then say, 'You are trans, that's disgusting, I would never date a trans person,' then I would probably think you're transphobic."
"The identity isn't what matters here, it's the fact that what she's saying is transphobic and discriminatory towards trans people."
"Transphobia is a pattern of negative conduct towards trans people that begins with misgendering and can end with violence and murder."
"People seem to think that like saying somebody's being transphobic means that they're just an awful, irrevocably terrible person, which is not the case."
"If you're happily transphobic, you can call in and learn something, get educated a little bit."
"Transphobia as something that you do, not something that you are."
"Explaining why even just transphobia is wrong, it's fairly trivial because there's no rational reason to do it, and it harms people and prevents them living a safe and happy and normal life."