
Artistic Process Quotes

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"Oftentimes, a lot of young artists make the mistake of over detailing every possible square inch of the page. It's not necessary; in fact, it's often just distracting."
"Everything that you put down into a drawing, you need to draw it, design it, and give it as much thought as any other part of the drawing."
"Inspiration is the fuel that has to then lead into any kind of art form or creative outlet."
"The feeling of paint, the feeling of digital painting, the feeling of drawing, the feeling of rendering, the feeling of sculpting, the feeling of erasing—I love the act of creating an image."
"To me, the feeling of the paint stroke, the feeling of the brush, is as important to me as the image that I'm creating."
"I love that she's taking the time. Take your time; that album is different."
"Mostly what I like about his work is that he doesn't shy away from what other artists would call crutches. He's just interested in making cool-looking stuff."
"I'd like to go on a personal spiritual journey as much as I go through the process of serving the character."
"For me, more than half the magic of being a photographer happens long after I capture the image."
"Focus on mastery. Beethoven didn't focus on how to write the greatest symphony of all time; he just worried about the next note."
"Make something, then you put it out there, and then you just move on to the next thing."
"You just have to play around with it, realize that you're new and it's not going to be perfect or easy right away, but you'll never really know how to use a medium until you actually use it yourself."
"You can't make music unless you can hear your music."
"Music isn't something you pick off a tree like fruit. Your music has been growing in you your whole life."
"With every mark you're putting down on the page, every gesture that you take towards the next step, it's a process that takes a lot of courage from you."
"Remember, it's not about getting great drawings, it's about gathering information... it's about filling up that visual library that I'm always talking about."
"The act of creation should be a blissful, ecstatic, loose, free process."
"When you're engaging in the creative process, you're opening yourself up to something that's beyond you."
"Mixing colors from life is you know you're not you're not mixing color charts that are arbitrary or made-up they're they're just the colors that you actually see."
"One of the greatest challenges and privileges of being a musician is the process of learning how to alchemize the forces in your life to create with."
"Don't be afraid to just paint over things that aren't working."
"It hits something in me that I love to see, which is that creative journey and the birth of an idea and an evolution of an idea."
"Every part of the process can be something that somebody's interested in, you know, like for a while people just thought it was just the images."
"Real artists are contending with the unknown, and they're possessed by it."
"Every masterpiece starts as a single stroke."
"Failure is simply the most vital part of the artistic process."
"You're never gonna finish writing your best song because there isn't in the universe the best song there is only an amazing expansion."
"The kick of creating is the act of creating, not anything that happens afterward."
"It's really hard every time I make a song to make a song and like the song might be like totally milquetoast and it was still really hard and that's like the funny thing about like actually creating anything."
"Guidelines are the blueprints of art... You need to draw guidelines that will guide you through your art."
"Creativity, you need room to expand, maybe make choices that aren't the right choices. You need a lot of room in the creative world."
"Overall, it's just a well thought out design that really feels like the artist had fun making it."
"The unknown is the perfect place to create from."
"Sometimes you have to kill your darlings for the betterment of the whole."
"Play with it, have fun, find the right balance that's right for you and your version of the painting."
"Throughout this painting process, while it's good to get up close and really work on those details, you're probably going to want to take a step back and make sure that you're just not overdoing it."
"This is the peel that reveals the finished painting you know that's the A+ peel you gotta love it."
"Sketch as loosely and freely as you can, but then take your inking quite seriously. Just chill out a little bit."
"Using references does not make you a bad artist."
"At this point of the illustration, there isn't going to be more structure to work on. You just have to refine the existing layers and do your best effort to make the render look good."
"This step is refinement... getting it to a place where I'm happy with it as a finished piece."
"An artist is never done, it's constant iteration."
"Creative work doesn't give you much option, you know. It finds you as much as you find it."
"Your drawing is going to look or painting rather, is going to be worse before it gets good. Like there's a point at which you're just going to look at it and be like, what the hell did I do?"
"An incredible amount of work... redraw and redraw and redraw."
"If you're ever kind of struggling to even put your pen to paper and like figure out where to begin with a background, I would recommend using photo bashing as a way to kind of get your thoughts in order before you start your freehand work."
"It's the skills and talents of dozens of brilliant artists all working together to make it all happen."
"I think so, like writing a song, like I stress myself out like crazy because literally I will spend like a month changing a word, sure, when no one would notice, but like I need it to be perfect for me at least."
"Drawing in pen allows you to see your mistakes easier. If you freak up, there's no going back."
"Musically, let the journey creatively take us there."
"One thing I believe a hundred percent when it comes to making music that other people may disagree on is my need to collaborate with the world."
"But when you look back at the visual design of that original game, it's clear to see how much work went into crafting 'Rogue Legacy 2's own visual language."
"Hyundai Motor Group accelerates development of next-generation batteries, including solid-state, aiming to produce 3.64 million EVs by 2030."
"Every single frame in the game is hand drawn."
"Regardless, you learn a lot about yourself from crafting a record either way."
"Music is the input, the output is the audience."
"A good song is never finished, it's only abandoned."
"Even if this painting didn't work out, it's just another one. If the painting does work out, great."
"But trying to get past album out trying to think about..."
"This album sounded like you sat down, you had an idea of what you wanted to do."
"This is just how I do it, and if any part of my process appeals to you, then I hope it helps you become a stronger illustrator."
"Creativity is not a solo sport. You need others to give meaning to what you make."
"Music is very important to everything I do," emphasizing the role of music in enhancing illusions.
"How do you get people to also see the beauty in like introspection and finessing and refining what you're working on?"
"It's like a modern-day jam, we know we're all producers, so we'll go in there, someone, you know, even if you go past someone's room and you just hear a song you like."
"Eliminating perfection is going to be good for the artistic quality and the believability."
"Once the animator has calculated the current pose by interpolating between the poses at the two key frames, it then applies this pose to the joints of the animated model."
"I love creating and I love the process of seeing something come to fruition."
"Great art requires some friction, some resistance, some frustration."
"Indeed they had a huge matrix of archetypes and forms with which to work."
"Eventually, all you can simply do is surrender and let the song sing you."
"I think she's gonna work on her album until it comes out."
"Even when my songs are happy, it comes from pain."
"You know, everybody have their own initial thing. But for me, I make albums the way I want you to go back and listen 200 times."
"I think every film is a learning experience."
"I'm very unprecious when it comes to creativity, just pluck something out of the air and make it."
"I hope Trevor and my other collaborators will forgive me for saying that despite the commercial success the show has had in London something of the joy and sense of pure fun that was the original intention seems to get lost."
"My process is, you know, my first thing that I attack is backstory. Who is this person? I have to build out an entire universe."
"You have to make stuff that works, but if I want to be a good artist, I have to experiment."
"There’s really nothing wrong with using references, if you’re using them right."
"I just picked the colors because I'm trying to make something that I like."
"A strong story is the backbone of every film and almost everything in art."
"There's definitely some Zen to the painting, finding that centered place."
"Pulp Fiction is one of the most beloved movies ever made."
"A sketchbook is really kind of your workspace for exploration and experimentation."
"The anticipation is in my opinion the best part of creating something."
"Artists can't tell you what the hell they're up to, you know. They don't know."
"I tend to start the demos with - like you can see I'm doing here like a sort of - I've got an idea in my mind of like the pose or like the movement that I wanna get in but I try to keep the lines that I put down really quite loose and free."
"This is beyond exciting for me, everything went smoothly."
"The sculpture is already complete within the marble block before I start my work. It is already there and I just have to chisel away the superfluous material."
"Everything you make is going to be different than what you thought you were going to make."
"These small paintings help me work on different aspects that are kind of going through my head, which can vary by the day, it can even vary by the hour."
"Learning the actual techniques and finding your style just takes trial and error."
"But once they wrote 'In My Place,' it helped them realize they still had the chops to craft a great tune."
"I discovered that there's way way way like way more to artwork and being an artist and honing your skills than just the end result of making a pretty image"
"I do both there I feel that when Jay said it a lot of rappers said I will stop writing."
"Artists need privacy and focus; don't let anyone undermine your creative process."
"I just became obsessed with this feeling of creating."
"I feel like whenever I don't know what to draw, I just need to get through a drawing really quickly, I revert to like the same maybe five characters."
"It's kind of fun actually to look back at your old versions of something because what I do is I like do different layers and then I hide them and then I revisit them and it's like whoa I drew that like 15 minutes ago what."
"Everything comes from something else before it, whether consciously or subconsciously."
"Have a little faith, keep making those marks, and the overall effect should end up working out just fine."
"Throw yourself into your pictures, live inside your pictures, and most of all just have fun with it."
"Look at that, see, it brings it all together."
"He works mostly by subtraction, so he's always taking stuff out as much as he can."
"Capturing the essence of somebody has been really awesome to work on."
"And when you're really in tune with the creative process you don't take anything for granted."
"There are no mistakes, only happy little time losses."
"You have to enjoy making it, you have to enjoy the process."
"Sometimes, you know, art, you have to break a few eggs."
"Just trying to find a way to make pictures." - Jasper Johns
"Everything you do should be self-indulgent... it's an important way to create and keep yourself creating."
"Having a good plan... makes your final piece a lot better more often."
"Each drawing is a part of that, and for me, it doesn't feel like I'm doing the same drawing over and over."
"There's the art of making the thing and then there's the art of getting it seen."
"The more time that you spend painting, the more you come to realize that this is an integral part of the process."
"It doesn't look like she really went in with a plan of like what it should look like. She's just like, 'Oh, that's so cool,' and she kind of kept doing that. And that's how the room formed."
"People tend to focus on the wrong things, like brushes or tablets, but the key lies in understanding the tools and their functions."
"An artist's job, a creator's job, an entrepreneur's job is to just keep creating, keep doing the work."
"What is the meaning of drawing in the making of buildings?"
"If you can surprise yourself, you'll have a freshness throughout the creation."
"Magic is made... born of sweat and toil, calluses and frustration."
"It's only paint and it doesn't matter if you stuff up the first time. You know, wash it off and start again. It's no biggie at all."
"He wants to build a portrait not from some idea of the person but from what the paint does on the surface and that's thrilling."
"The score was actually being crafted before the shoot took place with morocconi and Leon working on the themes and notes."
"Mixing is like painting a picture; you're drawing a picture with sound."
"From acrylic pouring to vibrant art: A journey in colors."
"When you release all of this and simply allow the drawing to unfold on its own without your opinions and selfhood inflicted upon it, you disappear."
"I miss making it more than I miss releasing it."
"His whole way of creating was really captivating."
"So I painted it, I shipped it out to my friend Nancy Hadley in California so she can stretch it for me, and I jumped on a plane and flew from east to west coast."
"The more bad paintings you get out, the closer you'll get to that one good painting again."
"As artists, we're all going to hate our work every once in a while, and hey, that's okay."
"It's been really inspiring in a weird way, going through each of the sets has given me a lot of ideas and inspiration."
"The secret to making a great record: it just happened and then it sounded cool."
"Real Evergreen classic songs are never written set down as writing hits. You write songs and you write beautiful songs and great songs."
"Don't tell me I'm writing a [ __ ] song right now."
"In order to make this look right, I need to carefully go through with this chisel plane."
"It's like it's making art, that's what it's like."
"Saturation diving simply means... all 16 of those theoretical tissue compartments have as much gas compressed into them that they can hold."
"The more time you give an artist on something the better their final piece is gonna be."
"It's like it's only the best stuff makes it to the song."
"Having that clear representation of how you want your film to look makes a big difference."
"Stealing is incredibly important, dare I say it, essential to creating anything."
"When you're talking about creative work, stealing is incredibly important."
"Stand out in the wild area, I guess I'm okay."
"Once you start to create, the world around you fades away and all that matters right here, right now, is your art."
"Most of the time I'm always recomposing my shot so I can go back to the main camera."
"It is really really important to be able to visualize the image that you're intending to get before you press the shutter button."
"This meant biting the bullet and cutting out every frame of shadow, layering them, and then adding the color effects in Vegas."
"I just got to go on instinct which I think resulted in probably better stuff."
"Music is the end and the guitar is the means."
"Juice WRLD stopped writing songs after 'Lucid Dreams' and would just go in the studio and record off the top of his head."
"After the shoot is everything for me because obviously like I have a certain vision in my head for how everything should look and how it should all flow."
"I want to show everything, absolutely everything, the whole process."
"I think a bit of self-absorption is necessary for any creative person."
"The quality of your art is dependent on the quality of your mental state."
"Let's turn this off and on just see what it looks like actually getting a little bit of three dimension in the painting really cool."
"Art isn't just about the finished product, it's about the process that you take to get there."
"Did Leonardo da Vinci paint the Mona Lisa from memory no he had a woman sitting in front of him and he was looking at her that that is a great grand tradition of art to draw by looking at the actual thing as it would have been in the old days."
"Creativity is actually a result of parameters."
"Using reference is not only fine, but also a helpful and even necessary tool."
"You can apply as much creativity to your career being an artist as you can to the artistic process itself."
"He thinks he could have done better. That he didn't put all of his strength into it. But he drew what he wanted, despite the flawed execution."
"Don't be afraid to experiment with these guys, but do not stop in the middle."
"It's inconceivable that an artist in the 16th century would paint a portrait without first doing a drawing on it."
"When you're painting at home, step back, always stepping back and looking. That's how you know when you're on the right track."
"The delicate interplay is the place where the magic happens."
"Sometimes, I don't really know what it is yet, so I'm just gonna keep painting and hope that it resolves itself."
"Thumbnailing and sketching has always been my favorite part of the art process because there's no wrong way to do it."
"There's a little bit of magic that goes into the making of them."
"It's interesting as a musician to play another musician because that's essentially what we're doing."
"It's almost like a rough draft of their first album fallen."
"If you are genuinely interested and genuinely curious in music, the inspiration will come back."
"It's important for anyone who does any kind of creative work to always remember that you might be good at making your thing but you probably don't understand your thing."
"Picasso painted the old guitarist on top of another unfinished painting."
"It's cool to see his creative process within those two songs."
"Everything was kind of done with intent for this album."
"How do you take a blank canvas and create this or this one here or no better yet, this one right here with the mist through the trees? I mean like how do you do that?"
"When you first see a scene like this it can be a bit intimidating because the artists have spent a fair bit of time going through each of the aspects that create the scene."
"The first phase of How Soon is Now was an exploration of building a song around a single chord."
"Lettering a quote and designing a quote is really just the process of considering these four points."
"Making art isn't always about efficiency... it should just be about doing what it takes to draw whatever you feel like drawing."
"I think rejection is key. I actually think it's really essential for art to be really good."
"Once you have everything done, you finally inject feeling, expression, and multiple points of interaction."
"For me, even when making this, it's just sort of having that sort of one thing that's in my life that is consistent and it's just I know it and I know what to expect when I'm making it."
"Most people enjoy the process of photography, not just the next new thing."
"I just be me, man, I just be me and come up whatever come up with you. So, yeah, I, he said, 'Oh, writing stuff down, right?' Oh no, no, I mean, it's natural."
"I like how Cudi kind of expresses that he's found an outlet to kind of peel back those layers of himself."
"It's much closer to the actual use of a pencil and paper if you think about it."
"Definitely pay attention to your reference photo when you are working on something that has detail like this."
"I thoroughly enjoyed the process because I really connected with the topic."
"We all rehearsed well into the evenings and stuff like that, so when we were able to kind of reconvene and here we were like 28 years later doing almost the same [ __ ] things in some scenes."
"Doing two things and then you go on to do another thing and that's the nature of what we do in the nature of art I think."
"Never draw what you can copy, never copy what you can trace, and never trace what you can cut out and paste up."
"Creative disappointment is not failure; it's unmet expectations."
"Drawing is all about practice, making mistakes, and correcting them again and again until you get your desired result."
"I think this one took me the least amount of time to make but I still really like it."
"But usually I just kind of go off how it visually feels like, does this feel right?"
"I'm at that weird place where I could keep drawing forever on it you know but it's done it's over that's it peter that's it."