
Leadership Evaluation Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"Biden may not be perfect, but from a harm reduction standpoint...Biden is the guy."
"Just the one safe, is he the safe pair of hands?"
"All that matters is you see stories like this and people start saying with all of the chaos and violence, do I want Joe Biden?"
"Trump won't do anything unless he feels like he has the interest."
"In the end, Jefferson's life and policies encapsulate the best and the worst of us."
"The measure of a man is what he did with power."
"No rhetoric is needed, just judge this president on the facts."
"Stalin has certain responsibility both positive and negative."
"When it comes down to it, right, is normalcy, stability, compassion, intelligence."
"For two-and-a-half years he's been just an excellent Secretary of Labor."
"2012 to 2022 has actually seen China develop a lot of issues... Every bad thing that's happened in China has been under the leadership of Xi Jinping."
"I think after this now, how much time can you give someone?"
"At what point do we say maybe Phil Spencer isn't good at his job?"
"At this point, Vladimir Putin has exposed himself."
"Hillary Clinton has been there for 30 years and delivered nothing but failure look at her record she's got experience but it's bad experience her policies have brought death and destruction overseas and poverty at home."
"Absolutely pathetic. That's the most popular president ever? Pathetic."
"Are we starting to hit the ceiling with Fred? What does he actually bring? What is the future with Fred like?"
"I want us to fire Brian Kemp because he's bad at his job."
"The true test of leadership is not determined by age."
"Personality is now, I don't like Boris Johnson. I don't think he should be the Prime Minister."
"We can't allow that sociopath near the White House ever again."
"I think Arteta is the right man but I don't know whether he's the right man to get Arsenal fans where they want to be."
"You're going to get judged based on the types of leaders you develop."
"I just think in every conceivable way, even independently of his agendas which are horrible, I wouldn't want [Trump] leading my nation at all. It's an embarrassment to the United States."
"I think this January 6th hearing is really pulling a lot of that teflon off."
"Can you imagine if you had a 9/11-type situation or a financial meltdown or a war, a military collision happen with this crew and with this commander in chief? That's the really frightening prospect."
"That Mitch McConnell has failed at everything he's tried to do."
"Nikki Haley just continues to prove to the world that she is unimpressive, relatively unintelligent, she lacks common sense, and most importantly she lacks integrity."
"Donald J. Trump is good for the United States of America."
"Churchill will continue to be judged and analyzed through the ages for his failed decisions and unpopular attitudes."
"He put there also as his sort of example as to why she's the right person for the job the apparently extraordinary success of the test and trace system..."
"The rest of us... pick the best candidate who handles it the best."
"President Donald Trump won that debate hands down."
"Judge me by my actions and you talked before about the things I did during the pandemic introducing furlough supporting the country through a very difficult time those are the things I've done and yesterday we did more things that will help people."
"Ron's just doing a terrible job of running his State."
"Maybe Soulja would need to go because he's not good enough but I just think it would be the fourth bad appointment."
"If he's saying that, it's kind of hard to say like 'Oh, this Pope got it totally wrong.'"
"I have never seen spirit like it is right now and the reason is because crooked Joe Biden is so bad, he's the worst president in the history of our country."
"We can't have a guy like this. The guy doesn't have a clue."
"COVID-19 has been used to clear out racism, industries, and leaders who are not leading us into the future."
"How many of you in the chat are worried about whether Eric Ten Hogg is the man?"
"For someone like Moses, his analysis was spot-on."
"Of all the enlightened intellectuals, brilliant artisans, cutthroat generals and great kings."
"Putin is not doing well...presently on that battlefield they are losing the war."
"Putin is extremely unsuccessful in international politics as well as in state administration."
"Come on, listen. It's a sad day when our elected officials have quirks with the personality of the president but ignore the policies and what has been accomplished and the bigger principle of what is at stake."
"Biden's slow-footed response on abortion was just the latest example of a failure to meet the moment."
"Think seriously about his mental condition and psychological state. Then tell me you’re fine with him as president of the United States for an additional four years."
"Should we stick with the governor? I think the answer is no."
"The numbers haven't moved from this, about half the American people think this guy should be out of office."
"He's a bully to start with, everyone knows that. But beyond that, his policies actually have not been that good."
"Joe Biden's own policy is a catastrophe. And I'm like, you are saying this about your boss ultimately. Like, this is like if you were working at a private company, you're saying this about your CEO."
"There's a difference between judging a manager based on the players he inherited versus the ones he's brought in."
"Success is also seeing how the team react to different situations."
"How do founders position the business or the organization for success when they're no longer here? That's how I determine your greatness as an organizational leader."
"At the end of the day, look, okay, I get it, Joe Biden and the Democrats, they're politically inept, you know, great."
"I think the American public will not tolerate that."
"Joe Biden is very much the starvation president. That's what he's going to be remembered as."
"People vote for Trump because of record low poverty, record highs in household median income."
"Putin was unsuccessful in this conflict despite the fact that he employed more extreme tactics against the Ukrainian military."
"I maintain that Walter Hamada is unfit for position of leadership."
"Modi ji and Yogi ji, your thoughts on these two individuals."
"They're losing that battle, Joe Biden's approval rating is at 37 in aggregate among independents."
"You need to have at least 10-15 years of history on the leader."
"The person who is wielding the powers of the state as president is not working in the interests of the country."
"You can't impeach somebody that's doing a great job."
"There's just no doubt, like if I was just to look at all the things that I care about and everything else, Trump especially pre-COVID was doing a lot of the right stuff."
"This is the least qualified, least knowledgeable, least educated, least diplomatic, least human president we've ever had."
"It's become increasingly clear to me that the Secretary of State Tony Blinken is not remotely up to his job."
"The United States has perhaps the least effective Secretary of State that I can remember."
"The true sign of a visionary leader is who they surround themselves with."
"The job he's done on the task force, the job he's done as the vice president, has been outstanding."
"I honestly don't think that he has a clue about what he's doing what's going on and that's my honest opinion."
"You can argue with his methods all day long but you can't argue with the results."
"Tottenham have hired a winner, let's see if he's a winner at the elite level."
"It's time to have that moment of are we going to keep losing with Donald Trump."
"If Trump loses, it's COVID that's what killed him."
"The true reflection of King Charles's reign will be determined by how he deals with these two men."
"Nicholas Sturgeon, it's hard to imagine a more effective politician..."
"Trump's hit another level in the past week with everything going on and how he's handling it."
"This prime minister is just not worth the cost."
"It's clear that this prime minister is just not worth the cost."
"I can make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy."
"Trump did keep his promises like a mofo and I'm not going to forget that."
"What preparations have we done for six months the new ceo started in february what's he been doing for six months the season starts tomorrow richard."
"The blm movement, which was incredibly historic, but the results, you know, in terms of those what the leadership was provided was not actually commensurate with the strength of the movement."
"The governors are gonna do a good job and if they don't do a good job we're gonna come down on them very hard."
"Klopp was a great manager who would have been sacked by an impatient owner."
"We have a complete nitwit as president who understands nothing listens to nothing judges nothing except by the stock market." - Jeffrey Sachs
"I like the sound of that based on the Dolphins performance."
"The incoherence and emptiness of what Putin is offering will become increasingly obvious to more and more Russians."
"The Democrat Party is in shambles. Joe Biden's popularity is going down because everyone can tell he's half senile."
"Many say is the greatest power in the world see mentally competent to run our world our country."
"Fudge went down in history as one of the worst ministers of magic."
"Donald Trump did he do a good job denouncing white supremacists and far-right groups? No he didn't."
"Will there be accountability for the top people who led the coup efforts?"
"You see which kind of leader someone is by just watching what they do."
"I've seen enough from him now to say that I think he's not the guy."
"It's not about age, it's about his mental capacity."
"Trump is panicking Republicans or panic panicking and we know exactly why."
"People do not trust Trump on handling race relations."
"President Donald John Trump is the greatest president of my lifetime."
"This prime minister isn't worth the cost, the crime, the corruption, or the cover-ups."
"The leadership principles are so much imbibed within people, within the culture here that people actually evaluate you on leadership principles."
"The ultimate standard for judging our leaders is what we should be looking for today more than anything else."
"It's worth it to look back on her tenure with a keener eye."
"The PLO leadership under Yasser Arafat was deeply corrupt and didn't do nearly as much as they might have to better the lives of Palestinians."