
Political Opinion Quotes

There are 847 quotes

"Biden may not be perfect, but from a harm reduction standpoint...Biden is the guy."
"I didn't think Biden could do it because of his senility."
"I am 100% against the ban on TikTok. I think it's dumb, it's corrupt, and totally pointless."
"I think Obama was great for the economy. I think that his policies were probably what we needed at the time."
"I deem Joe Biden to be one of the most effective, successful presidents in modern American history because of the policy record, the achievements, pulling us out of the crisis, and the long list of legislative victories."
"Mike Pence... his own former boss is not fit to serve."
"Fascism is not an opinion. It's an existential threat."
"People are probably happier with Biden in office... being less engaged."
"Does anybody really think the tax code is fair? Really think the wealthy and big corporations need another 2 trillion dollar tax break? I sure don't. I'm going to be fighting like hell to make it fair."
"A majority of Americans, nearly 60%, oppose overturning Roe."
"Obamacare did a lot of good things and actually Obamacare is one of the main things that made me switch away from thinking Obama wasn't going to get anything done to thinking he did something good."
"It's just a chilling example of why this man can never serve in high office ever again. He's unfit for office; he's fit for prison."
"Those who worked with Donald Trump at the most senior levels of his administration believe he's too dangerous, too selfish, and too extreme to lead our country again."
"You could say 'Trump is a moron, he's a fascist' and not worry about being put in jail—that's something not to take for granted."
"Many people are very upset after Obama flouted every COVID safety guideline to throw himself a giant birthday party, but I think there are some important lessons we can take from this."
"Vladimir Putin is one of the worst people walking the planet right now."
"The do-nothing Congress is the greatest thing going, people. Don't ever kid yourself. When Congress isn't doing anything, that's what you actually want."
"If you are inclined to believe that Trump was pushing a quid pro quo, then the transcript certainly does not disabuse you of that notion."
"I have long maintained, as many other libertarian personality types, even some conservatives and many democrats have always said, it was a disaster to be in there in the first place."
"The idea that Trump is Hitler, he's the worst person who ever lived, he's a dictator... most Americans look at that who have a brain and they say, well, I'm not really seeing that so much."
"This committee is deranged. It's a bad idea, and it will go down in history as one of the worst committees that a Congress has ever put forward."
"America is less safe today than it was the day that Barack Obama became President of the United States. It's absolutely inarguable."
"Brexit was simply, 'We would like the keys to our own house back, thank you.'"
"91% said they'd vote for Trump again... nearly 80% believe that the election was stolen."
"I just hate Communists. Yeah, you know communism is a very bad ideology."
"Democrats are morally and ethically superior to elected Republicans."
"I'm not comfortable saying if you vote for Trump... you're a terrible person."
"Media controls the minds of the masses. Politics is not everything."
"I think Congress is probably better for having AOC in it."
"I do not believe that we have a right to tell other people that women they can't control their body."
"Voting against Trump doesn't make you a good person, it makes you a lazy ass."
"A vote for Trump seems to be a vote for freedom, frankly, at this point."
"It's not political being anti-lockdown. The World Health Organization said that lockdowns don't work, that should be a last resort."
"Choices are good, I think we need choices with lots of talented candidates."
"I have a real negative, averse reaction to any of these big green new deal Medicare for all."
"I'm confident that he will [get reelected] because I think the people recognize that we have to go in a different way."
"For all the serious and dangerous divisions in America today, there is one thing a majority of Americans see eye to eye on, and it is not trusting Saudi Arabia."
"Every single person in that crowd thinks that the January 6 quote insurrectionists ought to have been arrested as they were rounded up and thrown in prison."
"Trump's son or Biden's son? Well, definitely Biden's son."
"Democrats do not care very much about border security."
"I would absolutely probably vote labor because I think that things like um one of the big things they talk about is that uh young people or anyone who works on the weekends should get weekend rates."
"He's not trying to hide it, Ukraine is a failed State, it's a fake State."
"But their opinions, their views, these reactions confirm that the political and social side of Russia's war aims is untenable."
"I thought it was a rigged election. I thought it had a lot of problems. I had every, I guess he's Secretary of State, I called."
"I don't know why anything about gay rights would be on a ballot because they already have them."
"I don't know... I think people should be able to vote for who they want to vote for."
"I think the United States government is just too gigantic and this is too large a country to be governed under one main governing body."
"A lot of Republicans over the weekend said this shouldn't be going on."
"I'm very concerned about it but I want a state categorically people talk about Trump as if he's a genius who's thought up all of these techniques and everything I don't believe that for a minute."
"Trump's been right on about this from the very beginning."
"The bidens are just such sleazeballs... Joe Biden has been a politician his entire life, his family business is corruption."
"For me, I think they hate him because he once in a while would tell the truth that you're not allowed to tell."
"I think he's the best candidate... he could win easily."
"Minnesota I'll be honest I'm one of the few Americans who actually approves of President Biden's job."
"It's not bigoted to not want to just allow your country to be dissolved."
"I'm not voting for TR. My reason is ravs looks magnificent. He knows what I want to see."
"I don't understand why she would then decide that Trump is good."
"If you wanted to take like the left right now right, I would assume that more people, if you took a poll, more people would say, 'Hey, I agree more with the left than the right.'"
"The democrats have gone so insane, the only way to restore balance is if Trump wins again, that's how I see it."
"The great thing about democracy in the U.S. is that even though I hundred percent disagree with your point of view I a hundred percent support your freedom of speech."
"If there's a minimum age for voting, there should be a maximum age for voting."
"The majority of American Democrats support the brutal crackdown on political dissent in Canada on the Freedom Convoy."
"I think she's the worst Prime Minister we've had in my lifetime."
"If I couldn't listen to John Kasich, my First Amendment rights would be violated."
"Just because you defend Trump when he's worth defending does not mean that you like Trump overall or you think everything that he's doing is right."
"Because it's an election year and we're in the midst of an election, we don't know who's going to win, you know, we're hearing different opinions, we don't know who's going to win."
"Nobody needs an AR-15 if you've never even seen an AR-15."
"You eliminate mail-in voting from the equation Trump would have won handily that was the mistake I made I missed that sort of and I got to be fair not even that that much."
"This isn't about Joe Biden lowering gas prices because he just cares about American people."
"If Trump was a bad president... then I would probably be like, 'Yeah, I get it.' But Trump wasn't that guy."
"We need a businessman to run this business of the USA. The USA is a business. It needs to be run by a businessman."
"Here's here's here's the thing if you don't like alabama's uh policy at a state level maybe it's not a state in which you want to live maybe then you vote with your feet."
"We should be able the government should not interfere with us."
"If you deny the 2020 election or question it in any way, you're a traitor to the country. No [expletive], it's actually the opposite."
"Our country was in a much better place when Donald Trump was the president."
"Donald Trump I believe was the best president of the 21st century it's a fact."
"Joe Biden's mistake is thinking he was elected to transform the country but actually everyone just wanted less drama."
"I actually know a liberal feminist who watched our interview with Tara Reid and said, 'You know what? I believe Tara Reid and I'm gonna vote for Joe Biden anyway.'"
"That's fine. That's actually a totally reasonable position."
"Hillary Clinton is the best candidate they have."
"It's sad that we don't have competent leadership."
"You got to have police on the street maintaining order. Defunding the police is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard."
"I've said it a million times, but the progressives should have been behind Trump."
"Trump thinks the media is largely responsible and entirely responsible but largely responsible."
"Farage deserves some sort of credit, I see him as a hero of the realm."
"Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate." - Lindsey Graham should be kicked out of the Senate.
"We prefer to live in reality with Tim Ryan. I don't think Tim Ryan lives in reality, but he says he does. And if you're going to disregard that reality we have no reason to go along with you."
"I don't believe what Trump says, period. Okay? When he says something, I don't accept it as fact."
"We have a $22 trillion dollar debt and I think Donald Trump thinks that he can get through the 2020 without a 5% cut."
"If you're saying America was never great compared to the Utopia that we shall create, that's Messianic thinking."
"Civil disobedience works. Protesting and obstruction works. When antifa does it, it's dangerous."
"President Trump, I believe, was the best president of the 21st century. That's a fact."
"DC obviously should be a state... Puerto Rico should be a state."
"What you're seeing in Georgia right now in Georgia the secretary of state is moving to end runoff elections which I think is great."
"I wish we could have gone with Nigel Farage."
"Nobody wants Biden, and the people that even his own supporters don't want him," stated the speaker.
"This country would have been far better if Mitt Romney had been elected in 2012."
"It's the dumbest thing in the world. I'm with Senator Bernie Sanders who says when people got their checks from the American Rescue Plan, they didn't say, 'Did a Republican and a Democrat vote for me to get this check?'" - Mehdi Hassan
"There's good reason to distrust the government."
"Trump is actively making the United States a better place, and this is tangible."
"Nobody wants foreign intervention except the ultra wealthy oligarchs."
"No Deal would be utterly catastrophic for this country."
"It's dumb. It's shameful. It's dangerous. It's un-American." - President Biden
"When I see Donald Trump speak, he looks like a weak, unhinged loser who can barely put together a freaking sentence."
"President Trump was one of the best presidents the United States has seen in her lifetime."
"It'd be a very good thing for the country if the Democratic Party would move somewhere closer to the semblance of sanity."
"We do not need ICE period we don't we don't need ICE we just don't I just don't think they do anything good for the country that other institutions couldn't do better and cheaper."
"There ain't a bigger Crook in this nation than Donald Trump in America anyway."
"Trump is not a saint, but Trump is at the very least someone who's our only chance."
"I truly hope, within seven within eight years, the narrative has flipped on the horror that was the Obama Administration."
"I would vote no on lockdown, I would vote yes on liberty."
"Fantasy and conspiracy theory... if Donald Trump wins, it's a victory for fantasy and conspiracy theory."
"I do not believe Joe Biden is physically or mentally fit to be the president of the United States."
"Joe Biden started off really popular and is really, really unpopular right now."
"The worst of labor party is still better than the best of PDP and APC combined."
"His story has not changed. I think Herschel Walker would make a great leader."
"You don't have to like Glenn Greenwald or the Jimmy Dore show to be skeptical of government claims."
"Letting 16-year-olds vote and I think that should be very disturbing to America."
"Trump's view is now more persuasive... until we fix the social problems, you're simply not going to fix the fiscal problems."
"Brexit is still a profound and long-term national diminishment."
"Brexit could have been so brilliant, so bold, so beautiful, but it's been ruined by the Brussels bullies and the remain traitors."
"Most Americans believe that American democracy is currently under threat."
"What's happened to our country is the greatest thing that can happen."
"This is the best thing Biden's done and there are criticisms I have but he's correct on the overarching point."
"I do not think it is tenable for half of us to feel one way, half of us to feel the other way."
"The mere concept of defunding the police should never again be stated or even heard. It is so ridiculous and so dangerous."
"It's insanity and it's destroying our country."
"Vladimir Putin is really expressing what most countries around the world, most peoples around the world are feeling."
"Donald Trump is not the Savior, he's not a hero, he's not going to come rescue you, there is nobody to rescue you but you."
"This is an inept, one of the most pathetic administrations we have ever seen."
"One of them has decency, compassion, generosity, and caring for other people. The other one doesn't."
"Remember that Obama was the worst president the press ever saw."
"Almost all of you think Donald Trump is preferable on the economy after watching the debate tonight."
"Being free from the shackles of the EU can only be good news."
"President Trump has proven over and over that he genuinely cares about the American people and he's working with this political party who couldn't care less about the American people."
"Many of us were saying all along it cannot be Dr. Oz."
"Whatever you think of trickle-down economics or Reaganomics... they warm to it because it actually worked."
"He should be immediately removed from office."
"Ultimately, I've had very strong opinions recently about this defend democracy line because I don't think we live in what could really be understood as a real democracy." - Grace Blakely
"I met a guy during the referendum who came from Colombia and he said 'oh yes you know I support Brexit.'"
"Communism, the worst form of systematized evil in human history."
"This has been a disaster for the Democrats." - President Trump
"Personally I believe that Trump is guilty as hell"
"All of their ideas essentially come down to one idea: they're going to take other people's money to pay for your stuff."
"Donald Trump needs to be impeached and removed."
"Even if Trump were gone tomorrow, I'd still believe in making America great." - Commentary
"Life's good for a lot of people. They're better off now than four years ago under Trump. Trump did that."
"If a president putting his thumb on the scale in favor of workers is wrong then I don't want to be right."
"I oppose mandates, it's wrong and it's the road to tyranny."
"Joe Biden is a good, decent man." - Hakeem Jeffries
"We absolutely need to defund the federal department of education. Not saying that as clickbait. It is absolutely not only what I believe but what I'm pretty sure you will at least understand when you watch this show."
"Trump is right. If we secure our borders, if we bring back manufacturing, if we defend the nuclear family, we will not face a hard fall when competing with BRICS."
"Nearly one in five said he went so far that he threatened American democracy. Oh, calm down, it was bad, it was bad."
"I predict that you're going to ask me to make one, right? Do you think John James is going to win? I think he's going to take it all."
"He's basically just doing his own thing, trying to bring back common sense to this country."
"74% of all voters think Trump supporters did the wrong thing by inciting violence and threatening our democracy."
"I think Biden will take it seriously... He understands the severity of the situation."
"Trump is all he is talking about putting some of them in prison which would be awesome." - Dr. Steve
"If you hate wokeness, you should elect Joe Biden."
"The trend's been going down, thanks Reagan Mundas."
"I have come to the conclusion that there really is such a thing as Trump derangement syndrome... but I am now also convinced that the opposite exists."
"DeSantis won the pandemic and he saved Freedom."
"It's not just that it's unpopular, it's that this is an issue that really matters to people."
"Republicans 'can't win a fair fight and they know it.'"
"60% think he has something to do with January 6. 60% think he should be indicted for this document."
"Donald Trump cares about exactly one person and that one person is named Donald Trump."
"I can't entertain the idea of him winning. So let's just preface it by that. Because it makes me literally sick to my stomach to think that we'd have four more years of this abuse." - Hillary Clinton
"Just because I voted for Biden doesn't mean I am stupid."
"President Trump deserves the Nobel Peace Prize."
"Most Americans want stimulus checks and they reject the GOP's red line on liability protections."
"Trump was a good instrument against it, flawed though he might be."
"At least under Trump things weren't this bad."
"The vast majority of people and indeed politicians across Northern Ireland believe that whatever the question double jobbing is not the answer."
"Call them a hero just like people in China and in Russia are calling him a hero because he's you know he's on their side."
"Donald Trump was the best president of the 21st Century."
"What's good for America is a divided government."
"The guy should be president right he really should."
"There is no such thing as a good Republican."
"Everybody's trying to convince you their side is winning."
"The left has decided, because they are our moral arbiters and the arbiters of our truth, that you can simply ban Donald Trump from the ballot."
"It's a rigged election, let's see how it turns out."
"Trump was the right man for the time but chaos follows him."
"You can't support Citizens United and then get mad because they're now speaking against something you like."
"We all know they're crap, like we all understand that Biden was our tenth choice."
"A Brexit vote is actually a vote against Washington's ridiculous attempt for its new world order."
"Personality is now, I don't like Boris Johnson. I don't think he should be the Prime Minister."
"That only makes sense. That is more in keeping with what America is all about." - Glenn Kirschner
"I'm pretty sure the people who listen to me can understand my argument as to why it's wrong, whether they agree or not." - Kamala Harris
"We never should have been in Afghanistan to begin with."
"No way in the world did Joe Biden get more votes than Barack Obama."
"The optimism dropping by more than twenty points just since May. What's the cause? The cause of that drop or democratic policies being enacted by winning the White House in the senate."
"If I was the governor, it'd be like everything open."
"Trump did not encourage it, that's the big difference between the two."
"The American people hate critical race theory."
"We ought to First secure our own border uh be concerned about our own citizens our own Homeland before we spend $60 billion dollar to fuel a bloody stalemate."
"Americans aren't clamoring for it; this was not the message of the last election."
"Ultimately come to the conclusion no matter how you analyze it that these Trump Maga extremists are criminals and need to be held accountable."
"President Trump is right to call for a ban on this barbarity."
"Joe Biden is now president, an extremely corrupt individual in my opinion."