
Misery Quotes

There are 262 quotes

"Revenge does nothing but spread the misery around, multiplied like a virus bursting a cell open with a million terrible copies of itself."
"Excess in seriousness is a sure sign of a miserable person."
"Envy provokes misery, and misery loves company."
"Evil is happy from being near misery. Evil Sims really enjoy reveling in the misery of others."
"We have to create our own ecstasies; your miseries will find you on their own."
"Do not let misery control the life that you have."
"Money relieves suffering in cases of true material need, but when money becomes an end in itself, it can bring misery."
"A lot of people just think being miserable and not doing anything about it is the natural state of life."
"You can die from someone else's misery – emotional states are as infectious as diseases."
"I think money, a lack of financial problems can bring you happiness. Not having financial problems brings you misery."
"The astounding thing is just how miserable so many people are, and the misery is compounded by the fact that they don't feel justified in being miserable."
"Misery is an equal opportunist...but being dysfunctional is exhausting."
"Humanity finds themselves in a state of ubiquitous misery."
"That's the difference between the one who lives in misery and the one who is never miserable."
"I believe the most miserable existence on earth is living a life pretending to be something you're not."
"Bullies are a reflection of their own misery."
"As humans, we can always find misery in any situation, no matter how good. You know, if you're a cashier or a sales guy or a banker or whatever, you can always find something that makes you depressed about your job."
"No success of dunya can cover the misery if Allah has promised it."
"If I have Haram in my life, all the selfies of the world cannot hide the pain and misery in my life."
"Believing you're a man is going to bring you nothing but misery."
"How miserable do you have to be to really try to notice everything that's happening in my life?"
"There seem to be three million completely miserable [ __ ] living in the tri-state area."
"Misery loves company. That's something you want other people to feel and other people to experience because you have it. And that's the case I'm making with liberal misery."
"That identity crisis lies misery. It comes right down to the central problem of preferring fantasy to reality."
"The idea [of God]... has caused more misery... than any other single idea."
"Squidward as wrath...Squidward is miserable, he hates his life, he hates his job, and most of all he hates SpongeBob."
"Superior beings define their reality through misery and suffering."
"Misery loves company, and a lot of different people's households that's made out of misery look different."
"Humor comes from flaws and pain, these are the most miserable people in the world."
"Pop culture is making us miserable and lonely."
"Pleasures conceived in the world of the senses have a beginning and an end and give birth to misery." - Bhagavad Gita
"They're miserable... trying to get us to be just like them."
"The children also and the young men wandered about the marketplaces like shadows, all swell with famine, and fell down dead wheresoever their misery seized them."
"Not having standards brings me misery, and so that's reason enough for me to have standards."
"Share the misery, share the dangers, share the camaraderie."
"Man hands out misery to man, it deepens like a coastal shelf; get out as early as you can, and don't have any kids yourself."
"Pain is inevitable, but misery is optional."
"The miserable, unhappy people who cause such misery and unhappiness to others are the self-centered people."
"There's nothing like love for making you miserable, there's nothing like love for making you blue, depressed, possessed, sentimental, temperamental."
"It's yet another miserable day at Maon."
"Absolutely miserable guys. I think it was the flu, but I really don't know. Maybe it was a horrible respiratory infection, cold or something. I don't know."
"Money won't buy you happiness, but it will buy you the best brand of misery."
"I don't think my God wants me in a place of misery. I just don't."
"Misery loves company, even miserable people."
"Imagine feeling absolute torment at the sight of your own misery — that's litos."
"I feel completely miserable when I'm editing sometimes, not all the time. I do enjoy editing sometimes, but once it gets to the later points of editing and just the nitty-gritty details, it's just kind of a pain."
"It was the most painful miserable experience of her life."
"...becoming less self-conscious... I realized how much masking was making me really miserable."
"The path out of hell is through misery. The more that we fight our misery, the more we're going to remain in hell."
"War only brings destruction and misery."
"If you're going to be miserable in a relationship where your partner is cheating, you can find daily joy in torturing him."
"The individual who is always right and always miserable must face the fact that he is not right."
"Thoughts of bitterness, resentment, blame, and guilt make you feel miserable."
"Comfort and misery are best friends, who walk hand in hand."
"We think of comfort and misery as opposite ends of the spectrum, but I think they are best friends who walk hand in hand."
"I want to escape from myself, for when I do start up and stare myself seedily in the face, my blankness is inconceivable, indescribable, and my misery amazing." - Charles Dickens, 1856.
"Is your thirst for savagery not sated by my misery?"
"Miserable people will project their misery on others."
"Alas! I was a wretch, and none ever conceived of the misery that I then endured."
"Excessive preoccupation with the self is indistinguishable from misery."
"Life was so miserable, I remember saying that I envied the dead."
"What kind of miserable existence are you living to line up for In-N-Out?"
"A backslider is going to be more miserable than a non-Christian will ever be because the backslider knows what it's like to be in fellowship with God and what he's missing by not being in fellowship with God."
"They will do it because now they're just so miserable, feeling drawn and attached to you."
"I don't believe in staying miserable for eternity because of some duty."
"When it comes to making yourself miserable, you are the master, bro."
"I think those people are deep down so miserable because I'm like literally what is your life like that you're sitting at home trying to hurt people on the internet."
"If you are teaching and you're miserable, you're doing yourself and your students a disservice."
"You don't have to be this miserable," Darkstalker said softly.
"It's a miserable experience from beginning to end."
"I'm so happy that I feel I rested like I got to sleep last night because I was miserable yesterday."
"The female slave's misery was endless and her fate uncertain for she had even more to bear than the male slave."
"Man hands on misery to man, it deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can and don't have any kids yourself."
"We cling to former behaviors that hurt us. We don't let them go. We just grasp it and we make ourselves miserable."
"Goodness is not rewarded with misery. There has to be something wrong."
"It's like the infernal inversion of that, where everyday life is saturated with libido but libido that makes us miserable."
"People are miserable because they're slaves to their weaknesses and appetites."
"Misery is not a net negative unless you allow yourself to drown in it."
"I was miserable, I spent a lot of time miserable, my resting mood is misery."
"I want the campaign of misery as a default to end with me I do not want my kids to have it I do not want to spend the rest of my life focused on what's not working or beating myself up."
"I had a choice...being given a choice while I was kneeling at this expanse of misery and horror looking at it as everything there was turning away from this light and could not look at it."
"If I got to be miserable, I'd rather be in my own house and be miserable."
"Crazy thing is I thought I was miserable with you... but it turns out I'm more miserable without you."
"To identify ourselves with something is fairly easy. Most of us identify ourselves with something - with our family, our husband or wife, our nation - and that leads to great misery and great wars."
"That's what we're going to do. Now it's going to be fun. No, it's not. It's going to be miserable, I just got a feeling."
"Trust me, that approach is going to be both miserable and totally ineffective."
"...some misery buddies down there in the D-tier."
"It's much more difficult to be undisciplined and live a life where you ultimately regret things, it's miserable."
"We learned that misery does not love company."
"Every certain person on this Earth is miserable. You're just deceiving yourself that you're not, but you're miserable."
"And you will never be miserable again in your life, because you are miserable, aren't you?"
"The reality is, the more comfortable you are, well, the more miserable you're probably going to be."
"The horror of it is the misery that suffuses the whole house."
"...there's almost no help in people like that because they will always find a reason to be miserable and they'll find something to have a problem with that they can't cope with."
"I realized that I wasn't miserable because of my circumstances but because I allowed myself to stay there."
"Being rich might not make you happy, but being poor will make you miserable."
"The novelty of this whole idea has worn off and I am miserable."
"I just lost that I was just miserable"
"I know you're just trying to act like you don't care. Deep down, you must be so miserable right now."
"Misery loves company, so I figured if I'm going to be going down there and organizing a bunch of stuff why not bring you along."
"What I am not wallowing in misery!"
"...it's one thing for a short, very short season of struggle, it's another thing for prolonged unhappiness, being miserable, struggling, and letting it deplete you and drain you."
"Trying to consume 'The Drug In Me Is You.' And I'm so high on misery."
"It is in the middle of misery that so much becomes clearer."
"Others realized quite clearly in what misery they were living."
"So, this disappearance is a total mystery and that's still a misery to this day."
"In society, it's like when when are you ever that miserable, push that hard, question yourself that much, whatever you know?"
"Marriage to the wrong person can be hell on earth."
"Sometimes it's better for them if they're so miserable working for you, then maybe bye-bye Alicia."
"Directly pursuing your own immediate desires is the path towards misery."
"Sharing in misery is a very British pastime."
"Why can't misery go on a holiday, why can't we just have fun without the fear?"
"I knew that I wouldn't be happy as long as he was in my life in some capacity. I would be in the state of misery which was comfortable for me."
"Misery loves company. Trying to bring me with you, sir. Get out my business."
"Does it have to be such a miserable task?"
"Would you rather not be working at all, making no money, over a job that would actively make you miserable like this one?"
"you're interacting with is miserable there are no happy people"
"Am I going to be spending 90,000 hours in misery?"
"Happiness is never to be a destination that we intend to aim at. The most miserable people in the world are those trying to be happy."
"Money can't buy happiness, but it sure does make misery easier to live with."
"Misery loves companies we love the [ __ ] company."
"I could not recommend this to anything with eyes and ears and senses. Even if you like misery, avoid it, 'cause you'll then hate misery."
"Misery is good for comedy because that's where if everybody's in pain then there something for us to all unify under and laugh at."
"They want you miserable because they're miserable people, and misery loves company."
"There's no reason to be miserable. I mean, life's too short."
"Very few persons really want to be miserable."
"I am now the most miserable man living." - Abraham Lincoln
"All the narcissists I know, they go down. Miserable people. They fail."
"Love breeds love; misery only breeds more misery."
"The greatest misery is a battle gained."
"The only thing that consoles us for our miseries is diversion, and yet it is the greatest of our miseries." - Blaise Pascal
"That's a miserable way to live for anyone."
"Do you want to live your life in fear and misery and taking a beating every day?"
"This is someone who feels that you will never fully leave if you are still connected to the pain in the misery that they caused. They don't want you to forget it."
"Misery loves company, so people are always trying to rope you in."
"He's the rich miserable guy. Serious."
"For new ways of happiness are theoretical unreal things about which it may be difficult to form an opinion, but misery is with us here and now."
"Death isn't the worst thing. The worst thing is being alive and being miserable."
"You can spend 30 years in misery or do a couple of months of inner child work and you're done."
"A garden of misery needs room to grow"
"It's just been absolutely miserable."
"It is easy to be miserable, but happiness takes work."
"He sounds really bitter, and as the saying goes, 'misery loves company.' Don't let him pull you down, and remember you can't change someone who won't change themselves."
"I don't have to be miserable. I can choose to be miserable. I can get miserable but I don't have to stay miserable."
"You have one consciousness ever and I have to spend it with someone who thinks they're so perfect, who's obviously not perfect, makes me miserable and I can't talk about how miserable I am."
"A selfish person is a miserable person, a selfish person is jealous, suspicious, he doesn't trust God, he doesn't trust people, he doesn't trust himself, he doesn't have faith in people."
"Try it brother, try it sister, you shall find that any misery that comes to you through being too tender-hearted and too gentle and too merciful will be so light in affliction."
"He grew to hate them and the very misery of his knights made his days more tolerable by giving them an increasing purpose."
"If you're miserable, you're going to make other people miserable."
"It is human misery and sin that call forth the Divine Mercy."
"The life of a popular person at any age is extremely sad because it's misery."
"The most miserable people on earth? Christians trying to live like the lost."
"No matter how good you look on the outside, if you're miserable on the inside, you're still very miserable."
"If we should inquire what constitutes the misery of the fallen angels, the answer would be they are destitute of love."
"...everything he does is just another [ __ ] shovel full of dirt in the grave of misery and it's just a [ __ ] awful."
"I was miserable, to say the least. I was unhappy. You know, my partnership was falling apart. Things at work just weren't... like, a lot of things were just very stagnant."
"Misery does love comfort, that's why we watch Kenobi together."
"Instead of being just miserable, why not just have some fun with it?"
"Worry does not make your life longer, it just makes it more miserable."
"One of the best and most common formulas for being miserable and making those around you miserable as well."
"On and on is the name that they gave me and your misery came here to save me."
"We are miserable, poor, blind, and naked."
"Apparently because they think I'm miserable around children."
"As hard as it is to believe this, we prefer that misery, that recognizable devil that we know, that beating ourselves up."
"Desire does cause misery because no matter how many desires you have fulfilled, the very nature of desire is such that one desire will always be unfulfilled."
"It is the lack of Mercy that allows misery to dominate publicly and privately."
"How to be perfectly miserable: If you want to be perfectly miserable, only think about yourself and talk about yourself."
"I think us as comedians we romanticize misery too much."
"Misery loves company and we're all in misery."
"The only thing that keeps evil powers going is human misery."
"The only way to describe it is miserable."
"These people are always miserable because their self-centeredness, their attachment to four of the eight worldly concerns, their rejection of the other, their mind is so revolved around this that they can't just let things be."
"If you're miserable you're going to be limited in terms of like your scope because you're so miserable that you cannot live outside of your own misery you can't you don't perspective."
"I think it's some people's goal in life just to try to get under your skin. I don't understand. If you're that miserable, if you just walk around miserable all day, then it's you. You gotta deal with you. Look in the mirror and deal with you, man."
"All the misery or unhappiness that we experience is caused only by our desires."
"If you want to be miserable, stay here. Fine. It will accommodate you."
"I've been miserable for months," Ethan confessed, the weight of his emotions heavy in his voice.
"But then what? Are you just going to be miserable for the rest of your life?"
"I am far from attributing any part of Mr. Bingley's conduct to design, but without scheming to do wrong or to make others unhappy, there may be error and there may be misery."
"I complained of despair and nervousness in social situations, but as I was reciting my practiced speech, I realized it was somewhat true. I wasn't an insomniac, but I was miserable."
"Revenge makes you more miserable than the person you're trying to make."
"Happiness is of levels, like misery is of levels."
"I was benevolent; my soul glowed with love and humanity; misery made me a fiend."
"Misery fell on the town when they all lost their looks, spent all those years with their jobs and their scholarly books, with no one to share all their thoughts and their worldly to-be's, oh no, they got down and prayed a little more for a life that was free."
"Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pound ought and six, result misery."
"The most miserable people are those who have passively and unwittingly adopted frameworks that work against their own interests."
"Don't compare, because if you compare, you're actually going to find something that's going to make you miserable."
"Nothing is more miserable than man."
"We create a society where we associate all of our miseries with other people and we hoard all pleasure to ourselves."
"I'm going to find out why is it that the thing that I think is relieving my stress actually is making me feel miserable."
"The most miserable people I know are the people that only look at themselves."
"The reason why I entered into a religious order is this: first, the great misery of the world, the wickedness of men..."
"The moment that clicks that you realize that you're not yourself and that you're miserable, you need to listen to that moment."
"The most miserable man on Earth is the one who fails to protect what he loves."
"Lowest depth of misery is when you actually enjoy making other people miserable too."
"Money doesn't always make you happy; some of the most miserable people I've ever met were rich people."
"I can't think about the misery, but about the beauty."
"The path out of hell is through Misery."
"The belief that you should be something other than what you are is the cause of our misery."