
Trial And Error Quotes

There are 393 quotes

"Humans are one of the most trial and error species. We do what we think is right, but we [__] up most of the time, but we're trying."
"I can pretty much guarantee that the first idea is going to be a flop, but you got to get started."
"The first trial may be a success or a failure, but don't give up. The next trial will definitely be a success."
"You gotta throw something up against the wall to see if it sticks, 'cause we all do it."
"Keep throwing [expletive] at the walls until something sticks."
"You are seeing him trial and error... that's all things that most people are not going to be hyper aware of."
"You didn't know how to walk until you tried walking and falling down and making mistakes."
"So fundamentally speaking painting or illustrations is just a bunch of decision making that leads to infinite possibilities and with trial and error it increases her chance to achieve what you want."
"Honestly, for me, it was trial and error and just making the mistakes a few times and then realizing like this isn't right or someone would point out something and then I would look it up and try and make it better for next time."
"Just intentionally fail over and over and over again."
"Don't be discouraged if your first goes don't really go as planned."
"It's nothing to be alarmed about if a test doesn't go off without a hitch the first try."
"Don't be a one-and-done err. It takes time, energy, and a lot of testing before you realize what is actually going to work."
"If you throw a bunch of spaghetti against the wall, some of that will pay off and some of it won't."
"Well, I mean, if you don't ever try, you know, you're never gonna really get there. So to me, it's like, um, it's like, look, you don't know how to really succeed unless you fail a bunch of times."
"Most of what you do is not going to work. Learn from it."
"As long as you just try your best, you're going to find something that works for you."
"Unless they actually try it for themselves, they're never gonna know."
"That's true guys, maybe let's try this, we've never given up."
"Go to the gym, do something, eventually you'll figure out what works, what doesn't, what you like, what you don't like."
"I'm happier now that I know you can attempt things you don't have skills for and succeed."
"I think they should find where their talents best fit instead of just sort of picking the first thing that comes across and devoting ten thousand hours."
"There is an element of trial and error when it comes to clothing."
"Trial and error will always outperform design."
"You know, a lot of trial and error, a lot of failures... however successful they are today is an indication of how many times they've failed in the past."
"Life is good, we can always reset this if it doesn't work."
"Anything worth having in life seems to come after a long time, a trial and error, and lots of things don't work out."
"Failure is just making an attempt and learning from it."
"What else can I try? All of these are so bad."
"Literally everything in life is like weightlifting... you learn what doesn't work."
"Work it until it doesn't work, and then you're like, 'Nope, that didn't work.'"
"My expertise mostly comes from trial and error."
"I made this. It might not work. Want to try?"
"Just getting started is already a big step toward your money making journey trial and error can literally be your best friend and your best teacher."
"See what works, see what fails, and then just do it again."
"There's lots of content, rather try something and fail than then play passively."
"You should try something even if you might fail"
"I'm failing multiple times and every time I do fail, you know, of course, I'm tasting along the way."
"Trial and error is kind of a fun of space engineers though right."
"With a little bit of trial and error, the women in your life will start to appreciate you for being more expressive of yourself."
"Don't be afraid to try and fail - sometimes things work, sometimes they don't, and that's okay."
"Lord, please bring comfort and relief to my body and soul. I pray for boldness and courage to overcome every storm that will arise against my life and my health."
"Keep writing it's just like throwing something at the wall and seeing if it sticks."
"You can't say it ain't won't work until it blades equally might work eventually."
"We got a CH okay so we jump we jump over here we do that and okay that that did not work."
"Trial and error is your greatest learning lesson."
"You're never gonna know if you can do something until you start it and until you try it."
"They are throwing everything at the wall and they're hoping that something sticks."
"The worst thing that could happen is a botched jar of kraut that gets tossed big deal just try again."
"At first we don't succeed, we'll try two more times."
"Nothing is ever guaranteed; you've got to try it."
"Give it at least seven tries before you write it off as all this doesn't work."
"Things that evolve have great value because there's been a lot of trial and error."
"Trial and error went on throughout human history and that produced some pretty good stuff."
"Start with one if it doesn't work, swap it out with another one."
"Throwing random answers at the wall and just hoping that one of them sticks is not going to solve a problem like this."
"You should just be open to trying and failing or trying doing it, seeing what your mistake is, and then being willing to learn from that and move forward from there."
"It's all about learning. It's, we just did, we just tried it. We tried it and it's all about learning."
"You have to fall and get up and try some things."
"One of the best ways for us to learn is to try something, fail, and realize what worked and what didn't."
"A lot of planning, terraforming, trial and error."
"It's a reminder of how things don't always go perfectly, especially when you're trying something out for the first time."
"Honestly, it's always good to give things a try... even if they don't turn out perfect."
"Sometimes you are going to have to throw out a team... because if you force it... you're just doing yourself a disservice by hanging on to it even though it's not working."
"If this doesn't work, that's still mission accomplished."
"It doesn't always work but sometimes it does and it doesn't hurt to try."
"You guys get to see the trial and error process."
"Give yourself that opportunity, and the only way you'll know if it's actually working out for you or not is if you consistently execute what your plan was supposed to be."
"Something will eventually click and something will work for your body."
"It's turned into a well-oiled machine after much much trial and error and very thankful we have a cord right now that we're about to plug in."
"You gotta just start throwing darts at the dartboard and see what sticks."
"You should never be afraid to try. Failure teaches you a lesson."
"We don't learn anything if we don't give it a shot."
"You went through so much to get heat the first time you struck gold once, and it was through years of trial and error."
"Your life is enriched by going out and doing work... trying and failing or succeeding."
"Guys, you gotta try some stuff, you know? If you fail, you just get back up and try again."
"Um but you know it all goes through trial and errors we need to basically the society that i'm comfortable with is a."
"Creativity requires tons of trial and error and tons of failure. Failure is a part of the process of learning new things."
"I would rather they tried something and failed than didn't try."
"Skincare is not a one-size-fits-all. It is definitely not something that you work on trial and error."
"Even if you're trying something and it doesn't work out, it's better than not trying at all."
"Well, none of those seem to really work for what I'm going for, darn it!"
"You just have to keep trying so you find something that works because I'm not gonna go home and that is my top five most successful underdogs in Survivor or back baby."
"Just do it, man. Just try it and if it fails, it fails."
"Understand the different principles and mechanisms, then use trial and error to find what works for you."
"Every baby is different but it's worth a try."
"You have to write a screenplay to learn how to write a screenplay, so you just have to fail."
"Unsuccessful attempts don't count, right?"
"Your type is changing, so it's looking like your love story is through trial and error, but you finally get it right."
"Sometimes you just have to try things and see if it works."
"Sometimes it takes a little trial and error before you find your right match."
"There are better optimizers than this trial and error out there."
"The approach for solving any problem in neural networks is actually trial and error."
"If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, try again."
"Organizing is a lot of trial and error. You gotta figure out what can stand up, what can lay down..."
"Sometimes things just don't work out the way that you thought they would, and that's okay. It's trial and error."
"If it doesn't go perfectly, you'll still learn a ton, and I guarantee the second time you try it and realize any errors you made, it will work brilliantly."
"You don't know what you need until you try it out."
"...lesson learned and we learn by we're learning by doing it..."
"It's just a trial and error thing, you learn what works, you learn what doesn't work."
"There are a million ways to do things. I'm going to try one."
"Keep doing it wrong until you get it right. There is no wrong or right, things just are."
"Almost 100% of artists that you see being all successful in the public eye didn't find that audience with their first project or the first format that they tried."
"It's not cohesive from the beginning. You just need to try things out and see how they work and find the balance."
"Trial and success or failure is essential to grow as a human being."
"You're just making decisions, some work some don't."
"Mess around and experiment with as many variables as possible."
"I went through a lot of phases stopping it, and there's only one way that worked."
"Never gonna be right the first time you do it."
"You want to keep experimenting with what feels right."
"It's like the invention of a light bulb, you got to try a few tries."
"Trial and error, what else is there?"
"That's how you learn, by trial and error."
"I know nothing about planting corn or if this is big enough, but we're gonna find out. That's how you learn, by trial and error."
"Just keep your mind open when you're trying on things. Things are not going to work and then things are going to look amazing on you. Like you're going to get a bit of both, that's just life."
"It's trial and error, you want to see how it goes, a lot of like scientific method kind of like here's what I think might work, let's try it out for a couple weeks."
"Through lots of trial and error I promise that you can eventually get there."
"Throwing spaghetti at the wall, seeing what sticks."
"...honestly we just need to try a bunch of random things and see what works you know see what works best for you."
"Starting plants from seed indoors... is not for everyone. So try it out before you go invest in all this stuff that I'm going to show you."
"It's kind of just like trying and failing and hopefully finding the right one."
"You know it's all about experimenting."
"You just got to take steps and try things and guess and see what works."
"This is more the meticulous process of screwing things up. Someone's got to do it, it might as well be the guy who screwed it up."
"We just try anything and everything. If it's good, it's good. If it's not good, it's bad. You won't use it."
"Just have a jab at it, have a little prod, and see what happens."
"If this doesn't work for you, try something else."
"That's how you find out that it's not for you by doing it right."
"Stop asking which is the perfect path, experiment, experiment, experiment, see what works."
"I didn't have internet access, so basically, if I wanted to learn how to do something, I had to learn trial and error."
"Innovation comes through trial and error. The way we build things, the tolerances have gotten better."
"In order to arrive at the right solution, you have to put out a couple of wrong ones."
"You don't need to be accurate, you just need to be wrong in the right direction."
"Don't be discouraged if it doesn't work the first couple of times you're doing it."
"That's my motto: if it doesn't work, try again."
"It's not science if it works perfectly every time. I mean, you gotta have some room for improvement."
"Maybe I need to keep trying this, maybe I need to figure it out."
"A baby learns a thousand ways of how not to fall by first falling a thousand ways."
"Broaden your horizons, defeat your insecurities. Sometimes it's just right on the first try."
"It's a real trial and error of this program, but as I say, I've been out on this field twice in the last two weeks."
"Embrace it as organic and try again."
"The only way to know is to just try it."
"grab a tool and start screwing up"
"You never know what's going to happen until you try."
"Just go ahead and experiment with them."
"Best way to learn is safe trial and error, sometimes Adventure."
"Also something that I really like if the first therapist isn't the perfect match for you because a lot of the time therapy is trial and error you can switch your therapist free of any additional charge."
"It's all about trial and error and just trying and trying and trying."
"Ignorance is beneficial when you trial and error."
"The thing is you never know what is going to work until you try it."
"We have been successful. She's booking clients, the Facebook ads worked. You only need one thing to work, you can fail a trillion times and you only just need one thing to work."
"Every time we changed it when we pulled it off no matter how slowly we did it the method we tried the type of sterile pads we used it removed his skin made him bleed and caused him pain over and over again."
"Don't overthink just start. You're gonna deal with highs and lows ups and downs just it's trial and error so like that'll be the main thing."
"A lot of it really is as most things are sort of learn as you go there is no better way to learn than through doing."
"No one does it because it's bad the first time."
"...trial and error so we can make it easier."
"To do something the right way, you have to do it the wrong way for a while."
"Juicing is trial and error, finding what works best for you."
"Unfortunately, not everything is going to work for everyone."
"Coaching is an educated trial and error process."
"Sometimes my arrangements turn out really beautiful and I really like how they turn out and sometimes it's a total fail and I'm like, 'Oh, I need to take that apart and do it again.' And there's no shame in that."
"If you have symptoms, it's worth a shot. Try it. It might work for you, but it's a 50-50 chance."
"There's a very good chance things aren't going to work perfectly the first time, and that's a good thing."
"It's a learning experience. That's the risk you take when you get a prototype."
"I tried all sorts of things and ended up with this."
"The only way to find out what works for you as a neutral eyeshadow palette is trial and error."
"Stuff that didn't work, stuff that does work, it's just like, a learning experience."
"This is the part in the production process where I just listen through things over and over and over and I'm making tiny little tweaks adding little sounds and just kind of using trial and error."
"Trial and error leads to discovery."
"Don't allow yourself to get frustrated over something simple as trial and error is sometimes necessary to get the end result that you're looking for."
"So my changes are being saved, but let's say got it. And now let's do something before jumping into anything else, let's try to do it the hit and trial way."
"I definitely should have done this before I went to El Mirage but that was a Shakedown run and that's what Shakedown runs are for."
"It's not a bad thing, it's just one of those things, it's a trial and error type of deal."
"I love doing this trial and error and learning from my mistakes."
"Trial and error are your friends. Always be open-minded to trying new, different fingering."
"Experiments are not necessarily supposed to work, you run an experiment to see if it works."
"this was a car that learned entirely just by going out crashing a lot and you know trying to figure out what to do to not keep doing that in the future right"
"It's about learning what works and what doesn't, so your success rate will increase."
"...there is no way to get this wrong just doing it gets it right."
"It's all about trial and error, it's all about trying to figure out what you need to do and it's all about figuring out how to do something that you can sustain long term."
"I learned by trial and error, listening really paid attention."
"Expect to make finished perfume trial number 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 20, 30, 40 until you are satisfied."
"So, if it works, it works. If it doesn't, it doesn't. You'll see that straight away."
"Hardly anything works the very first time you try it. Yeah, this is not the first time, it's many, many times and it's very established bad habits, but that's why I tried to say think ahead like you just said Matt."
"It's not a blueprint. You have to go through trial and error to become who you really are."
"That's how innovation in anything happens, right? We just keep hammering bikes, everything exactly."
"I just need to do that on various different ones and then let's see how many I can get."
"Expect that you might have to try a few that don't work."
"It's all about trial and error and also write everything down. Oh, you don't want to do something, come up with something magical and then you think how many grams do I have this?"
"I jumped up and down on it, and it worked."
"But like I said, I've been trying things so much over the past few years that I get excited about and either it works or it doesn't."
"Trial and error is a way to learn but it can be an expensive way to learn."
"Sometimes you gotta try a lot of stuff to land."
"This is a trial and error product. Do not feel bad if you can't get it the first time."
"The most important thing is that you have somebody who is sufficiently talented who does enough trial and error to find out what works for them and then does that long enough to actually get good."
"A good way to learn something is to do it wrong first. That's how I learned everything, pretty much. Mess it up."
"...this is how you learn in this game, right?"
"But that's the cool thing about building something like this, is that, learning, trial and error, hey, if we need to change this, we break this, whatever, let's start all over and improve on what we started with, and let's just have a good time."
"You never know until you try it to see what works."
"I mean, trial and error, you've got to just try and see."