
Synthesis Quotes

There are 705 quotes

"I think that everyone does that until they're at a doctoral level frankly in philosophy, synthesis, and creating new ideas is kind of a high level thing."
"Moksha (liberation) is the goal, but all paths—karma, bhakti, yoga, and jnana—are useful and interwoven into a wonderful spiritual synthesis."
"We want Horus too, and we want Osiris; we're gonna put them together, boom, we got Jesus."
"There's probably a few benefits to both sides, and try to incorporate them and synthesize them into something better."
"Synthesis does not have to involve destruction of the environment at all."
"This has been the most beautiful synthesis of musical inclinations."
"I studied a lot of philosophy and psychological warfare and film in college and in grad school, and that overlapped to really just be a fun synthesis of all these different domains."
"The dialectic is a kind of combination of opposites... you're supposed to lift yourself up to a higher perspective and see how both pieces are part of a bigger whole."
"I took a little bit of everybody and put it together into what makes us."
"The value of science comes from a balance between this instinct to reduce and the competing instinct which is to synthesize."
"Every development, from the time of our illustrious forefathers to the present day, is caused by forces that clash and create something new."
"The resolution is not one side triumphing over the other, but a synthesis between the two."
"So much of organic chemistry... is the fact that we can create great degrees of complexity."
"Ellie is the synthesis of the two worlds and of the two philosophies."
"It's just the perfect amalgamation of everything."
"The modulation routers are a way to take modulation sources and pair it up with an element of the synthesizer."
"It's not about one being against the other one being right the other being wrong or blah blah it's about understanding how to synthesize these together to go beyond and higher to a new Consciousness."
"What we ultimately need is a synthesis of the two. And that will come in the next generation when Esau and Jacob will confront each other."
"It really starts putting the picture together."
"We synthesize, we're not just half-brained, we're not one or the other, we are both together synthesized."
"In terms of a standalone synth, there are no analog alternatives that compete with Tiger at this price point or even higher."
"You can easily create two note chords but bring in both oscillators and changing the pitch interval between them."
"It's fascinating for me to try to synthesize the concepts of religion and mythology and psychology and philosophy and science."
"Most good innovation is about taking two or three things that work and smacking them together to form something new."
"The Jupiter 8: an analogue dream with digital control."
"Chaos alone is bad, and so is Order, but both combined create something greater and unique."
"Everything is synthesized in the Sunday, a reminder that we first come into this space with everything we truly need."
"Synthesis is as important as reductionism in science. We don't properly respect synthesis, which can weave together disparate pieces of work into a more compelling story."
"The solution is synthesis, you have to find ways to promote positive masculinity."
"Through a series of ten steps we synthesize a specific molecule and this molecule is called inosine monophosphate."
"That's basically when we tie it all together in just a second."
"I suspect we're going to see the same thing with humans and technology merging synthesizing who knows."
"MLK preached a synthesis that made clear that justice doesn't just mean absence of harm but a sharing of power."
"One of the oldest synth tricks in the books is to plug the filter back into the mixer... produce anything from nice to crazy feedback results."
"Now you can get voltage as pitch into any of the three oscillators... play two different notes at a time."
"Let's talk about FM, or Frequency Modulation synthesis."
"The two Gardens existed in harmonious juxtaposition as plants and ideas flowed between the two, linked by the mind of their maker."
"Great granular synthesis is a different kind of synthesis entirely."
"It's a stunning synthesis of perfectly chosen instrumentation, impeccable but organic command of the atmosphere, and just a beautifully crafted song that sends it's kind of one of a kind within this level of mainstream country."
"Aside from note information, you might want to send modulation information from your controller over to Eurorack."
"CV to MIDI is one way of getting your rack data into your regular synth."
"Everything is like a montage, all of these different pictures coming together to see a bigger, newer picture."
"If you marry the reductionist perspective with this perspective of synthesis, then to me that is the most powerful framework for making progress."
"Despite pulling elements from so many different sources, the creators managed to mesh all these elements together seamlessly."
"There are other ways of knowing about reality and the job of philosophy is one of synthesis."
"Gather the information from many different sources and put it together in a clear, concise context."
"Two LFO per voice instead of one would make this machine insanely powerful."
"Activation is just a vca so if i open up activation i'm just opening up that vca and the way that i have things patched in the strega right now as i said before subtractive synthesis style."
"What does being a thought leader look like? Well, it looks like having thoughts and sharing them publicly and learning stuff, and reading things, and then synthesizing things and making videos and writing about them."
"fm synthesis is a really cool, powerful, creative tool and is certainly something you should know about for your sound design arsenal."
"It's a song built around a series of synths, it's a credit to Harrison that he managed to utilize them seamlessly into his music."
"Three Teeth's 'Endex' is the perfect example of a dystopian nightmare sounding amazing, deep synth work, great choruses, and guitar work that adds so many layers to each song."
"Love is the synthesis of calm and turmoil."
"...it's the culmination of all of that and their information."
"The best criticism comes from a synthesis of knowledge and self-awareness."
"Spinach also contains folate, which is a B vitamin involved in DNA synthesis and repair."
"...the main process is organizing and synthesizing the information into a coherent structure and model."
"The smooth endoplasmic reticulum is a site of lipid, phospholipid, and steroid synthesis."
"...creativity as I mentioned with Picasso is essentially taking two idea spaces and merging them, that's what creativity is."
"Isaac Newton... synthesized their knowledge and became one of the most influential scientists of all time."
"Maybe the combining of the two lemon grabs created a more well-rounded individual capable of better understanding his citizens."
"There's something really satisfying about taking a bunch of elements from very different places and bringing them together."
"...the combination of the vast diversity of sample and preset content along with the 400 voice polyphony means that you can put together soundscapes that you just can't on any other synths."
"If you load up an FM patch... without really knowing much about FM synthesis, just play around with operator levels to get different timbres or tones."
"That just shows you the power of synth layering. It can literally transport you from one physical location in the world to another."
"Creativity is putting two things together that haven't been together before."
"Wrapping up on history before we go to chemistry, Hofmann also rapidly developed the first synthesis of psilocybin in 1959."
"His life's work serves as a bridge between the often-divergent worlds of science and religion, advocating for a synthesis of rational thought and ethical consideration."
"The goal is to keep mixing until all those small crumbs form into larger pieces."
"The synthesis of the future and the past is just the present."
"So grab your popcorns because we're talking about Daddy, the father of all synthesizers."
"Aquinas combined and synthesized and reconciled or married philosophy and theology, reason and Faith better than anyone else ever did."
"Just really clever story design here showing how true love is something where both partners play a role synthesizing something new from each other that should logically be impossible."
"Every time you press a key, your oscillators start from zero, giving you a really punchy, in-your-face, immediate sound."
"You can plug the output of the filter into oscillator one as feedback."
"Quick ways to make cool wave tables without even using the wave table editor or importing any samples."
"I really like making wave tables with just the basic shapes here and then using the render oscillator warp option in the menu."
"Duality, relativity, science, and spiritualism. This is where they meet."
"Anime mixes all this and stylistic shorthand together to make something better than the sum of its parts."
"...overall it's a really strong synth...I think it's going to be remembered as one of the synths of the 20s."
"What is the no coast? Well, no coast is essentially a reference to whether it's east or west coast synthesis."
"Finding angles to view the whole from the sum of its parts."
"It's a time of synthesis. It's a time for us to begin to see where all things stem from a single place and different disciplines... intersect."
"And it is the most wonderful combination of tradition and modernity, and I think, ladies and gentlemen, that that is what we have had this evening in a truly memorable evening."
"You can absorb any amount of protein... but the limit is on how much will be used for muscle protein synthesis."
"This is basically a great blend of everything that kind of Suffocation has to offer you as a band."
"Everything comes together in Yesod."
"We're no longer Darwinian natural selection people. We have a new synthesis. Some of my colleagues call it the extended synthesis. I'm most sympathetic to what some of my colleagues say, the functional synthesis."
"It's genius. They've synthesized basically this all of the sort of political and cultural trends of like the 60s all the way through the 80s."
"The world from this point forward is going to be run by people that he calls synthesizers."
"The left brain and the right brain, this conversation was right, we had the logic and we had the art all coming up but really showing us the end point like you said love and be love."
"Extroverted intuition does not go from brain to paper or from brain to computer or from brain to meeting okay extroverted intuition needs to work with introverted sensing in order to figure out what the best synthesis of ideas is."
"Don't assume that because you carefully and painstakingly synthesized information that some failure makes it totally irrelevant to your user."
"Our goal is to take small pieces of data and begin stringing them together into a larger picture."
"they can gather up things from all these different domains and make combinations of knowledge"
"Over the years, it has become progressively more difficult to find scholars talented enough and brave enough to attempt the kind of synthetic approach to the study of East Asia."
"...from the breakdown products of acetyl-coa I can make phospholipids."
"She has a realization... she reworks the formula and finally synthesizes the heart-shaped herb."
"But what if we could find another Axiom, a deeper more intuitive principle from which these two seemingly conflicting axioms would actually emerge as being one in the same thing?"
"A resurrection should be easier than a bottom-up synthesis."
"Synthesis, in its most general sense...putting different representations together and...grasping what is manifold in them in one act of knowledge."
"...now when you're doing this, you need to make sure that your synth has velocity modulations set up."
"The knowledge stage is when you begin to see patterns between history and philosophy and psychology -- or whatever it might be -- when you connect bits of information into at least small wholes."
"it's like tradition meets you know the future I suppose"
"I actually came up with my own religion which is like a bit of Buddhism and a bit of Christianity, you know, like everything like all the nice bits, you know, yeah."
"Once you put the whole package together, it really starts to make sense."
"...faith and reason can somehow get wedded together..."
"I think it's perfectly fine to combine the pagan religions because the more we combine, the more we preserve."
"What's in that balance during fasting period, muscle is in a net negative and during feeding periods, it's in a net positive. Liver's not doing that. So, that's kind of an overview of what is synthesis."
"Synthesis, that process of making those new proteins, whether they're enzymes or structural, whatever those new proteins you make every day and in the muscle, particularly as we get older, is very much meal-driven."
"Thesis, antithesis, and synthesis... a beautiful baby which is a digital cinema camera."
"From a retrosynthetic perspective, given the high complexity of the ibogaine scaffold, there are various disconnections that lead to sensible synthetic approaches."
"The synthetic function of the ego includes a capacity to integrate potentially contradictory experiences, ideas, and feelings."
"...what makes Star War so brilliant is that it takes the best lessons from so many widely disparate sources but it very clearly crafts all of these into one very singular thing."
"Apart from everything else, the matter released in the course of a supernova event contains products of thermonuclear synthesis."
"Humans have a very, very, very difficult time because it is a mark of maturity to be able to integrate opposing ideas and synthesize them."
"It's where everything really comes together and the diorama becomes more than the sum of its parts."
"I'm just a synthesizer of this information; I've been so grateful for all of the guests that I've had the privilege of being able to sit down with."
"The player who wins will be rewarded with the body of his opponent which can be used during the synthesis."
"The ability to hold two opposing ideas in your mind and somehow force them to work."
"So when you have a number of synthesized ambient effects on top of each other, what happens is that your brain ignores most of them, settles on resolving one of them, typically the dominant one, the loudest one, or the one with the wettest mix."
"That's cool. It's like The Best of Both Worlds."
"One of the big things that we're trying to do at the moment, and again, the stuff that I work on in my research, is how we marry those two up."
"An instrument with the name prophet blazoned on it... will likely make most synthesis a little weaker than these."
"Anytime I use this synth, I'm using that delay. It's a core part of the character of the sound."
"So let's show you an example to pull all this together for you."
"Combining different cultures and ethnicities is how you create new ones."
"It's really about the Symphony of life, the way I understand it and the synthesis of what can feel like contrasts."
"He's a master of synthesizing influences to create his own type of music."
"Synthesized fertilizers that are on the market."
"This is the most analog sounding digital synth that I've ever heard."
"You take the good parts of everything and you create something new."
"Having things modulate other things that are modulating other things is really really fun and that's where these things start to get really crazy."
"But yeah, the mod matrix what is going to where and by how much you're just connecting the dots synthesis is that easy."
"There's a whole load of different ways that you can combine these very simple synth voices."
"The modulation matrix is probably the one of the coolest and the most powerful part in this synthesizer."
"These truly is like a hybrid of all of that."
"The synthesis becomes way more fun because you make tiny changes and it makes giant differences."
"Synplant 2, oh my gosh, this is a mind blowing synthesizer."
"It's so cool to see that and I really love that you're synthesizing what you've learned and you're able to take what you're learning and then break it down."
"What's amazing about the DFAM is how it takes those traditional building blocks - oscillators, filters, envelope generators, VCAs, and sequences - and it just mashes them together in a completely new structure."
"You cannot do what a DFAM does on a subtractive synthesizer that you may already own. It's the kind of thing that you would do on a modular synth and that would be impossible to do in a traditional setup."
"Understanding this helps us see how different religious ideas mixed and merged in the ancient world."
"I could finally capture all these random ideas from completely different fields and actually make sense out of all of them."
"Now let's dig into one of these LFOs and see what can we actually do with it."
"This is the same ADSR if you've ever used a synthesizer."
"His work produced a synthesis of many areas of physics."
"Developed a process for synthesizing ammonia from hydrogen and Atmospheric nitrogen."
"Creativity is basically taking two disparate ideas and putting them together in a novel way."
"You don't necessarily have to do that unless you think that your glycogen synthesis in between sessions is a limiting factor."
"The goal is to get as much of that muscle protein synthesis as we can not just whole body synthesis but isolated in the muscle and that is where Lucine matters the most."
"You saw how you can create this from scratch with just noise."
"...okay so then you don't even have a right side or a wrong side issue because you're blending them together."
"...how to put these all together in a completely different way."
"It's sort of like acrylic meets gel, you get a little bit of the benefits of both."
"...easy as that to create a polyphonic synth from external sample that you've just recorded."
"What a great way of tying those things together."
"A natural product is synthesized when substances that are found in nature are combined to create a new product."
"The future of work belongs to the synthesizers."
"But I think when people who are not involved in this part of science hear about... they're synthesizing life... this seems profound."
"Composers who want to breathe life into pads and syns in their compositions."
"The Beowulf poet is a supremely careful and gifted poet, striking a delicate balance between paganism and Christianity."
"If you could hear the entire amalgamation of experience, data, and just general respect for the type of content, I guess, the issue that I have is that I want this sort of video essay content and this debate live stream style content to work hand in hand."
"Everything comes together, everything makes sense."
"Your final synthesis wrapped it up all really nicely."
"It's like you've distilled the two best things out of them and put it to work in your own life, that's what I mean, that's my gut feeling, that's how it feels."
"...nitric acid and sulfuric acid we will form nitro benzene."
"Creating a streamlined version of the entire polytheistic faith or a syncretic attempt to amalgamate all individual myths surrounding each deity."
"In my opinion, adjusting the Unison, Filter, and ADSR is where you really create the majority of your sound, like at least 80 or 90% of it."
"Speech API, this API has speech recognition and speech synthesis."
"Every decade has something that's beautiful about it, and it's a matter of understanding that all art is a synthesis of the art that's prior to it."
"Bataille speaks in this place that brings together Nietzsche and the Marquis de Sade but also the French school of sociology, Durkheim and Mauss."
"I'm trying to give you sort of two main pieces that pull it all together and then bring out a lot of smaller pieces of those into their own fabric."
"At this phase, we're now taking all of that foundational research, problem exploration, and discovery, and we're starting to really synthesize that."
"The ideal Harmony of all of those notes put together."
"Bringing different things together." - Aaron Preston
"...you're taking little parts of each email and putting it all into one and we're transforming it."
"My approach then is not purely in either camp or how I think of it it's really an amalgamation of both."
"It's kind of interesting to see how it all finally comes together."
"An actual tarot reading is going to be a seamless, fluid synthesis and fusion of many facets of what you see up on the screen."
"What's nice about this also how will she tie them both together."
"The hybrid takes the best of both worlds and kind of puts them together."
"And so there's, and so, and so like I'm pretty convinced there's no way to synthesize all of their kind of different approaches and views and frameworks into a single model like it's just, it's too complicated."
"It's very cinematic, it's lush, the bass synth has a shitload of harmonics."
"She's holding on to him and he sort of like carries it through his body and then it goes into the big giant Phantom organism that's coming up to them and then it passes into it and cancels it out or essentially just absolves it or synthesizes it into the Gaia Spirit itself."
"So, there's something about the synthesis of the alien Gaia energy and the Earth Gaia energy that was kind of necessary for that eighth spirit and these two spirits combining. I have to say, we can get a little bit Frey in here, right?"
"...if you take the two now and combine them you could see this idea of the supreme meaning."
"Christianity was at first a combination of Greek theology with Jewish morality."
"For me, it's where science meets art."
"The Bhagavad Gita is a synthesis of all the Upanishads, containing the heart of their teachings combined into one text."
"Here's a sub-base patch that uses a triangle which as we can see from Serum's wavetable editor again has odd harmonics but these roll off more quickly than the square waveform."
"The dialectic is the combination of opposites that leads to a higher level understanding."
"Traditional synth voices have an oscillator that creates a sound and then at least one envelope usually an envelope to control the volume of the sound."
"I love the music in these Terminator movies, there's an '80s synthesizer kind of thing."
"Magic had achieved the best of both worlds."
"These engines aren't limited to any particular form of synthesis. There's subtractive, FM, wavetable, additive, physical modeling, even evil synthesis."
"The New Testament reads a lot like Plato. If you take Old Testament and introduce it to Plato, what you get is the many elements of the New Testament. But many of those elements come from Zoroastrianism."
"The Gene Keys is a synthesis. It's a global synthesis and draws many different paradigms together. It's a weave, if you like, it's a woven tapestry of many different modalities approaches to life and existence."
"It's not like it's not one thing, it's kind of a sum of all parts."
"The only way you're going to fully get the effect is actually by having these two side by side or having one of them at least to kind of explore yourself because it's not about the end result of just having a cool patch. It's the creation of the patch."