
Public Acknowledgment Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"We want to see the crowds erupt for a black man; it's to be reminded of your value and humanity and what's possible."
"Nickelodeon said in part they were dismayed and saddened to learn about the trauma Bell endured and said that they commend his strength and courage to come forward."
"When I make a mistake, I've got to correct myself publicly and then I've got to make sure I learn the right lesson from the mistake in and of itself."
"If they don't claim you publicly...then you don't need them."
"He was apologizing for telling the truth. Everybody knows that what he said was true."
"UFOs are real, no matter what they may be, they clearly are real."
"I believe his family is here his wife Mandy his daughter Leah and Michael and the other part of the family is Mackenzie and Jack."
"On behalf of all of America, may I say you make us proud to call ourselves American."
"Time magazine has named Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin one of the most influential people this year."
"What a career from Kevin. Can we get a round of applause for Kevin?"
"Thank Abbott Labs for the incredible work they've done."
"Yeah, it's insane, I saw that and openly saying that and it's crazy just, you know, we still look back."
"Logan, congratulations on not having a major controversy this year."
"Thanks to all of us, thanks to the American people, thanks to the bipartisan cooperation, many of you that are sitting here today. That's a leader."
"Let's all acknowledge right now that not one of us knows what happened."
"We honor every survivor in this country. We love you. We hear you. And we honor you."
"It's insane and I just want everybody that's watching to know how thankful I am."
"I'm delighted to discover that I have been wrong and to publicly come out and admit it."
"This marks the first time Vatican Representatives have publicly acknowledged the possibility of extraterrestrial life."
"This transition needs to be acknowledged because I'm aware that I have been a part of and I have participated in a lot of [] [] that has happened on the internet."
"I respect those who support me in public, not just behind the scenes."
"And with that said, I would like to give an extra big thank you and a shout out."
"Karen Eubanks Jackson, you are an inspiration to millions."
"I think it's very clear we are headed towards some public acknowledgment of other intelligences in this universe."
"If he acknowledges it in a good light then I might actually acknowledge the shine myself."
"You even had the skeptic doctor Shermer really praising that performance."
"I was wrong about Tesla and I'm gonna get into that a little bit later."
"Huge day for everyone, I was wrong about Tesla."
"The imprisonment of somebody who everyone, including the judge, concedes is not guilty seems like it would be some type of federal civil rights violation."
"God is good for real. I gotta just give, I never really take the time to give thanks to God on any platform, not even alive, that's crazy."
"It's been very hard to get anyone to acknowledge that it could be related to the vaccine."
"Ladies and gentlemen, give it up for the one, the only, Mr. Jim Gaffney."
"Join me in thanking this marvelous, thank you so much."
"And we are so sorry for your sacrifice but thank you for your service uh Mrs Moffet thank you both for being here tonight and God bless you and our condolences."
"It's good when people publicly state they've changed their mind."
"There is no show without the man standing to my left. Give it up for the marvelous Mr. Mark Bernard, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, Captain Smith."
"If Vox.com is now saying it's not overreacting to prepare, they have my eternal respect and gratitude for finally coming around and saying please take care of yourself."
"I have the utmost respect for Miss Silverman here."
"Those pinnacle accomplishments on the field were simply byproducts of the moments that would lay the foundation of the man who stands here this evening."
"Round of applause for Paul Ricard, round of applause ever."
"So before I answer any questions, I just want to say, thank you."
"A man of great wisdom there, ladies and gentlemen."
"Give it up for the champ, yeah, ain't gonna lie, look y'all."
"The narrative changed a little bit and people were willing to acknowledge that maybe there's a possible relationship to the vaccine."
"Gigantic thank you to everybody out there, that's all I can say."
"Just start laughing at your mistake because everyone knows you've messed up."
"There's so much to celebrate in the community."
"It feels good for people to finally have to give us the credit that we have rightly deserved for a long time now."
"I want to thank everybody here for being here."
"Somebody comes out victorious here a lot of options out lots to choose from somebody comes out victorious here it's also public being publicly recognized for something you get me I feel you get publicly chosen."
"He said, 'If you're not willing to acknowledge Me publicly before men, I'll not acknowledge you before My Father which is in heaven.' There's something about coming publicly that helps settle it."
"Have you ever admitted publicly that the church taught an untrue narrative?"
"The mayor publicly thanks Walter for his selfless efforts in stopping the hijackers single-handedly."
"Make sure the apology is as loud as the offense publicly."