
Wrestling History Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"For the first hundred or so years of wrestling as a public spectacle, the predetermined nature of it was not publicly acknowledged."
"Mania 17 marks the end of the WWF's Attitude Era."
"Imagine the story of Cody, says on the mantle in his home is a picture of Dusty holding up that WWWF Championship above his head."
"Hulk Hogan versus the Ultimate Warrior was a real moment in the history of professional wrestling."
"Bret Hart: Brett steered WWE through some of the choppiest waters in its history and did so while treating its top title as the most important prize in the industry."
"Bull Nakano has been devastating opponents in the ring since the early 80s."
"It's got one of the best pops in wrestling history when Bulldog finally wins."
"Hogan versus warrior delivered on that front it was a monumental moment in WWF lore and for that reason even though the action inside the ropes wasn't a technical showcase Hogan versus warrior is still a special must-see."
"The Dudley Boys are also one of the most decorated tag teams in WWE history."
"It's great that The Undertaker is one of the select few that can call themselves a former WWE Undisputed Champion." - Narrator
"If the clocks could somehow be altered and each of these performers could be placed into the era where they would have had a chance to succeed the most, it could change so much about wrestling as we know it today."
"As the industry continues to evolve Russo's place in its history remains a subject of lively and passionate debate."
"Goldust will always be one of the most interesting and fascinating characters in pro wrestling history."
"He was one of the most prominent wrestlers in the Monday Night Wars."
"Survivor Series 2001 was the night where the WWF battled the WCW and ECW alliance with the losers going out of business forever."
"The hard times promo is still considered by many to be the greatest in all of wrestling history."
"Hebner was now under orders to call for the bell when Michaels had Hart snared in the sharpshooter."
"The backstage incident, all of the before and after that had surrounded that fateful sharpshooter."
"Jericho's feud with Shawn Michaels is considered one of the best feuds in WWE history."
"His hit just so happened to be so big that it made WCW the top wrestling promotion in the world for a while."
"Always remember that when it comes to people who shaped wrestling the most Eric Bischoff remains one of the greatest of all time."
"Harley Race, the first-ever United States champion, became one of the most influential wrestlers of all time."
"This was a natural dream match in the era before you had what we have today."
"A little known promotion named All Elite Wrestling received their first ever five star match."
"Okada Omega 4 currently stands as the highest rated match by Meltzer ever."
"It's WCW's Great American Bash '95, a historic event!"
"The Barbershop makes the top eight solely for featuring one of the most notorious and uncharacteristically violent incidents in Federation history."
"The Funeral Parlor came to an end much like that of The Barbershop, in a storm of chaos and destruction at the hands of one Jake 'The Snake' Roberts."
"This outcome wasn't even supposed to happen... but honky tonk man did not want to drop the Intercontinental Championship to Randy Savage."
"Ron Simmons of mania didn't step - now that's worth a damn."
"What the new world order did when it was at its best was make wrestling cool and exciting again."
"Arguably the greatest storyline in wrestling history."
"But next week, we go back to reviewing classic Wrestlemanias, beginning with WrestleMania 12."
"The fans in attendance witnessed history as this was the first time the world title had changed hands outside of North America."
"30 years on and this is still one of the finest wrestling bouts to ever take place."
"The entire world of pro wrestling today would be radically different without Dory Funk Sr."
"The debut of Steve Austin is quite important in regards to the whole Monday Night War."
"Without this bout, Daniel Bryan's triumphs a decade later would have never happened."
"This match provided fans with maybe the most iconic wrestling moment of all time."
"Remember DX for what it was across its various incarnations."
"The day that I got my hands on an old VHS tape with vintage Brody matches was the day that everything changed for me."
"The meteoric rise of Kurt Angle was something to behold."
"WrestleMania XXX, Money in the Bank 2011, or yes please mate, great shouts."
"History is made when the WCW World Title changes hands on WWF programming."
"Through the ugly and contentious Montreal Screwjob, McMahon accidentally stumbled upon a winning character himself."
"Dallas didn't take off until the Von Erichs."
"We tag teamed, we won the titles, we were the first ever father-son."
"This was a piece of WWE history that will be one of those things that you go back and watch every year because of how great it was."
"Jerry Lawler's there, who in the history of WWE has more epic matches than Jerry 'The King' Lawler?"
"Joan Marie Laurer, better known as China, established herself as the most dominating female competitor of all time."
"I always wish there was something that captured 70s or early 80s wrestling."
"That's the one match that everybody hangs on to... this is what kick-started the women's revolution."
"The undisputed era reminds me of the horsemen and that these are four guys that you can believe hang out together and travel together because they've they've they are very similar as personalities in some cases."
"Her legacy is already secure as arguably the greatest women's performer in WWE history."
"When I was sitting in the back with Andre I was afraid that if WrestleMania sucked or the main event sucked that would be it for the WWF or WWE whatever you want to call it."
"Any pro wrestling fans who grew up in the 90s cannot forget the dozens and dozens of slim jim ads featuring Macho Man Randy Savage."
"His story has been undoubtedly one of the most fascinating in the history of professional wrestling."
"Pick up the win this Feud with Randy Orton ended at backlash where fully fought Legend killer and one of the best hardcore matches of all time."
"One of the best debuts in wrestling history as a whole."
"The return of Scott Hall and Kevin Nash to WCW in 1996 immediately changed the whole professional wrestling landscape."
"The beginning of the New World Order and Hogan's unthinkable heel turn are among pro wrestling's most unforgettable moments."
"From WrestleMania to SummerSlam, every event was a chapter in the epic saga of wrestling history."
"Jeff Jarrett being owed money leads to the launch of TNA: 'Jarrett's decision to hold up the WWF for the money he was owed meant that there was no hope of the company bringing him back after WCW folded.'"
"The iconic WrestleMania 10 ladder match set the template for every bout like it in the future."
"1994 would ultimately be the year where a new generation finally took hold."
"2K Showcase: Rey Mysterio's journey from WCW to WWE."
"In Crazy Characters: Wrestling's Wackiest Gimmicks, we take a deep dive into some of the wildest of them all."
"Wrestling for a long time is like heavily reliant on let's bring on this legend let's bring on this you know veteran."
"Almost every result will be something about ridiculous or dumb characters in WCW... it'll be interesting to hear what others have to say in regards to gimmicks they enjoyed during the company's active years."
"Maybe those names mean absolutely nothing to the NWO, but they mean a lot to the fans of WCW."
"I've come to terms with the fact that I probably like it a whole lot more than others do because nobody really talks about it all that much but the Final Four story and match to me is a real showcase of what made WWF so good in 1997."
"Everyone knows that Vince McMahon went public with his feelings towards Bret on WWF television during this interview, but people may have missed some of the finer details."
"This was the Genesis of the New World Order, unquestionably an OMG moment."
"The Briscoe Brothers, easily the number one tag team in Ring of Honor history."
"The cruiserweights of WCW left an indelible mark on wrestling history."
"Paul Heyman changed the entire pro wrestling industry with ECW in the mid 90s."
"Hulk Hogan and Macho Man Randy Savage didn't just implode right away, they had a year of build."
"Ring of Honor purists and longtime fans have debated the idea of Xavier as Ring of Honor champion, and time has shown him to be among the least memorable champions in company history."
"Guys were making the equivalent of two and three and four thousand dollars and five thousand dollars in today's money for one night's work."
"I'm telling you what, that is in the upper echelon of historic things in the history of the wrestling business."
"What a moment... Kofi Kingston is the new champion!"
"FMW was the land of Broken Dreams and Kendo sticks."
"TLC match: History, excitement, more fun. That's how I'm looking at it."
"Simmons beat Big Van Vader to become the first officially recognized black World Heavyweight Champion a milestone feat in wrestling still talked about to this day"
"His crusade against Vince McMahon and the corporation took WWF from the brink, turning the tide in the Monday Night War." - Stone Cold Steve Austin
"Booker T: Last WCW Champion before the company folded."
"There was not a better rivalry after Lauer like this one ended in late 2013. I don't think of any other rivalry that was better than the John Cena-CM Punk one."
"Tonight is history, tonight is the greatest night ever in WWE." - Emphasizing the significance of the moment.
"The story of Cody and the Rhodes family is one of the most fascinating in professional wrestling history."
"The significance of WrestleMania 1 cannot be overstated."
"Eric Bischoff is the only human being on the planet that can look in the mirror and say I beat Vince McMahon at his game for two years."
"I could sit here and name names of who it could have been, but it just was Brian Pillman and sadly enough, and I don't want it to be anyone else."
"The creation of the million-dollar championship was a memorable gimmick."
"War Games isn't in New York, Chicago, or L.A. War Games is in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, the home of the Four Horsemen."
"MJF's promo was punk pipe bomb, Dusty Rhodes hard times level amazing."
"Savage vs Steamboat arguably changed the landscape of professional wrestling and the WWF."
"The formation of the New World Order was innovative."
"With a tear in my eye, I witnessed one of the greatest Ric Flair performances of all time, a true star-studded classic."
"This is a match that stands the test of time to this day."
"Johnny wrestling is one of the greatest superstars in WWE history already."
"The night after WrestleMania 13 was all about Bret's Hart's The Hitman, who had beaten Stone Cold Steve Austin in a classic during which he turned heel."
"SummerSlam's creation was another thumb to an already ailing Crockett's eye."
"WrestleMania 20 grew on me... it's one of my favorites of all time."
"July 23, 1984: the first live wrestling match in cable TV history."
"Many wrestling fans and performers look back at ECW as a revolutionary and unforgettable era in professional wrestling history."
"El Santo removed his mask during an appearance on the talk show Contrapunto, exposing his face without warning as a way to say goodbye to his fans."
"What happened next is possibly the most memorable and heavily speculated upon event in all of wrestling's vast history."
"Listen to all of his shows, folks, 'cause they're good, and we need to remember our classic wrestling while we have these memories."
"The showcase of the immortals itself."
"...and while it may not be the most fondly remembered year in wwf history it's probably one of the most important."
"Omega wanted to wrestle Abushi. That's the reason he went to Japan over a decade ago. They formed a team with sort of a tongue-in-cheek name at the time called the Golden Lovers."
"Ox versus Ellis, Ox versus Bruiser... that worked even though Ox was never jack briscoe."
"If Steve Austin had had to retire after SummerSlam, would WWF have folded? No."
"The YES Movement was probably the biggest incidence of audience rebellion in modern wrestling history."
"Wrestling wouldn't be here if it wasn't for a guy like him, you know?"
"WWE teased a reunion between the Cerebral Assassin and the Heartbreak Kid in 2002 but actually followed through with it four years later."
"SummerSlam 2014: Unforgettable wrestling history."
"and it's one of the most amazing feel-good moments in the whole history of Monday Night Raw."
"Frank Gotch probably one of the greatest all-time submission wrestlers to ever live."
"Kane and Jericho to me are still the two best debuts for a star in WWE history."
"MJF's pipe bomb promo will go down in wrestling history as one of the best promos of all time."
"When we think of the best big men in wrestling history, we know that Ray Traylor will forever go down as one of the all-time greats."
"the irresistible force meeting the immovable object would become a moment in wrestling lore that would live forever."
"the body slam to you has become iconic, the flashing camera bulbs and the crowd noise make it such a great moment in wrestling history."
"It's one of the greatest moments in WWE history."
"I declined the offer... I now felt some sort of obligation to kind of hold and protect and show off and be like a good steward of owning this thing."
"The story of the Holy Demon Army versus the last two standing from the Super Generation Army is an epic on par with the Misawa-Kada singles feud."
"I don't see why Hulk Hogan, who was the greatest babyface of his time and became the heel that popped the company, can't be on somebody's Mount Rushmore."
"Misawa versus Kawada are going to create history and they're going to create matches that are the stuff of legend."
"I was pretty thrilled to be working with Bruno Sammartino."
"The road to WrestleMania of 2001 is perhaps the greatest one ever."
"98 was far and away the year of Steve Austin."
"It's hard to imagine the history of WWE without the Undertaker."
"Watching Hulk Hogan, watching The Attitude Era, living through that WCW WWE WWF Monday night Wars, I loved all that stuff."
"What started the wrestling boom? Of course, the NWO."
"It's the defining moment of WWF/WWE as a national wrestling Powerhouse."
"The night that Hogan turned is the most important night in the history of wrestling."
"Harlem Heat became synonymous with WCW during the Monday Night Wars."
"It's a brilliant, brilliant rumble and sod it, I'm saying it, the best of all time."
"The clock struck midnight for the Honky Tonk Man at the first ever Summerslam in 1988."
"Hogan joining Hall and Nash and forming the new world organization of wrestling was a shock sent through the wrestling world."
"Hogan pulling the pin out of that specific grenade created an explosion wrestling desperately needed."
"What about those wrestlers who were ahead of their time? What about those wrestlers who were perhaps born too early or whose contributions were monumental but often go overlooked?"
"The moment created was so emotionally potent that it informed the future of the Heartbreak Kid as well as the company at large."
"Many would consider May 27th, 1996, the true beginning of the Monday Night Wars."
"That's the greatest moment in WWF history."
"The back and forth the Monday Night Wars were great for business then."
"Jim Crockett Promotions kicked Vince's ass."
"That final moment of Benoit and Eddie, you know, that was just unbelievable."
"That's an iconic clip which will be played for the rest of history."
"I hope the people that have a chance to look at it will get a really good idea from Gary Hart was and what Gary Hart was all about."
"Gold Dust was the true beginning of the Attitude Era."
"I would have liked to have witnessed a Jumbo Saruta versus Harley Race match."
"What we have done in this wrestling business is history and no one can ever take that away from us."
"I am gonna create the greatest championship match in all of ROH history."
"This will become the first pro wrestling event ever held in North America to do a 1 million dollar gate that wasn't promoted by Vince McMahon."
"We lost Antonio Enoki not too long ago, an absolute pioneer of wrestling around the world."