
Racial Representation Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"The spectacle of a black champion... being heralded, being celebrated, loved, and recognized for those abilities."
"I feel like we've left it in the hands of non-blacks for about 10, 15, 20 years; nothing's happened. So now, let's see some young Black people take a stab at it."
"I'm the only Black-owned diaper company in the United States of America."
"1968's Night of the Living Dead by George A. Romero is one of the first horror movies to ever include a truly black heroic lead."
"How come that only six percent of black males represent nearly 50% of all violent crimes in America?"
"He was someone that, in particular, the African-American community pinned a lot of its hopes on."
"Instead of having a great story that happens to have characters who are female or who are of whatever races, instead, we start with characters who must be of a certain race and of a certain gender." - Host
"You're not even taking a risk and listening to this black dark-skinned woman."
"With a show like The Bachelor, if you look at the demographic of people, black women don't really stand a chance in that setting."
"for all the young black boys and girls out there I'm here so wait I see you I thank you and it is beautiful work here in this film here so we appreciate the work and we're gonna we're gonna send you on the way so you can celebrate yes"
"A lot of curriculums are inherently based around the literature and work of particular white artists, writers, and thinkers."
"There is no other black cable network, no other black website that is doing what we are doing here at Roland Martin Unfiltered."
"The increased scrutiny of this game is obviously because it's a black woman protagonist."
"Heaven is gonna be filled with black people heaven is gonna be filled with black people."
"Atlanta is a black city built by successful black people. Our cops are black, our chief and the captains are black, our judges are black, our mayor is black. No need to burn down our city."
"It's the fact that 84% of African-American Millennials play video games but only 4% are actually in the gaming industry."
"Black voters make up 13% of the national electorate, up from 11.5% just two in 2000."
"In her essay 'The Rise and Fall of the Disposable Black Girlfriend,' Yomi Adegoke describes the disposable black love interest as a race-bent gender-specific version of the disposable fiancée or romantic false lead tropes."
"From as early as the 1960s up to the present day, the fleeting black love interest has been a conspicuously persistent on-screen motif."
"Historically, this curriculum is one-sided in favor of conservative views, in favor of supporting white students, not students of color."
"I want a black photographer I want a black hair choice or whatever number of things do you think that's something that could that that we should be encouraging a lot more."
"Joe Biden needs to pick a black woman as VP. That's it. That's the tweet."
"Colin Kaepernick represents the future of the black man in this country."
"The fact that I have been the angry blacks avatar for so many people's work for so many people's stuff - I've been the angry black avatar and what's true doesn't matter."
"Get you a black doctor, find a good black dentist, we have some of the smartest people in America."
"Lonnie Johnson, inventor of popular toys like the Super Soaker, showcases black excellence in innovation."
"Black people make up 13% of the population and look at what we have done."
"Let me give you the scoop on the brother who playing quarterback for Philly that's why I don't care who win and it ain't because oh it's just two black quarterbacks it's because I know how hard it is to get your proppers at quarterback in the NFL."
"Up until Black Panther, there was that whole conversation of black films internationally can't make money. Exactly. You guys are the ones that changed that."
"White people in these films are often portrayed as the real heroes, robbing any societal gains or achievements of their own and giving them to the white characters."
"Ernie Ladd is my pick for the best black wrestler of all time."
"Last week Ugandan activist Vanessa Nakata found herself cropped from a picture and dialogue as the only African on a youth panel in the Davos World Economic Forum. She said the erasure showed how we are valued."
"The Academy does occasionally award Best Picture to a black film about the black experience."
"It's an affirmation of people of color's place in history and their contributions."
"The movie succeeds in an area where it probably shouldn't...it's the chance to see black wizards and witches in a story that is whimsical for once."
"Many critics of the film were upset that white actors were cast in parts which should have gone to people of Persian or Middle Eastern descent."
"It's imperative to maintain authenticity to the original source material, especially when dipping into a small pool of roles for actors of color."
"Jordan Peele breaks new ground for challenge of color in the horror genre."
"And in the cases of Yang and Tai, their appearances seem more Caucasian than Chinese."
"We need a strong black man to represent us in Washington."
"You mean to tell me that the fourth pope was black, but the first three were white?"
"Diversity cannot be a priority of MTV or E when the shows that they showcase with black cast members don't even showcase them in positive ways."
"It's honestly disgusting to think that there aren't that many TV networks or TV shows that support black people and black people literally are the most entertaining demographic of people on almost every show."
"These paintings revealed by Russia prove that Jesus was not white but black he his mother and the people around him were all black that's a groundbreaking Revelation."
"Russia stands alone in preserving religious artworks where Jesus and his people are depicted as black while the rest of Europe whitewashed such artworks."
"Do you still believe that Jesus has his mother and his people were white like Europeans or are these untampered and centuries old paintings Real showing Jesus as black?"
"To see Black characters having to use research, having to come together as family members..."
"Make Magneto and Professor X black to draw a more direct line to that inspiration."
"Does race affect a player or a tribe in the game? What does it mean to be Asian American or African American or Caucasian?"
"Black folk are representative in this institution because by default if we're not, we're going to allow this critical American institution that will not be going anywhere to be ravaged by white supremacists."
"I just don't want her to be black... leave these characters how they are."
"Is publishing putting black girls on covers to sell books now as bait when they're not the POV character? Is that what's going on?"
"A sucker for the people in the crowd going 'That's Captain America, that's a Black man!'"
"We are the only race of people on the planet whose savior doesn't look like us."
"These black women are the ones doing the work."
"Accept them as black in every role that they play."
"Dark-skinned women, don't let anybody tell you that you can't uplift your beauty exclusively and also uplift your daughter's beauty in spaces that are meant for her."
"All we have to do is to stop financially supporting mixed women who are portraying black women in the media."
"Using British Africans to play American African leaders is part of a white power agenda."
"It's a dodge, we know that it's gonna come out that this CBS channel has been all-white for decades."
"Let's use black features for comedy but when they want to do it for sincerity there's a problem."
"Can somebody send me something good about black people for a change?"
"Can we bring somebody in that's all they cover? Just great news with black people in the community, some positive, you know?"
"I will no longer just be the token black person. I will no longer just be the black boy that is there to make you look good or to speak up for you because it's not reciprocated."
"One black girl to get an extra subscriber, some more views, I'm gonna do that."
"They should be grateful for any information that comes from you, Roland, because your show and your commentary really reflects what black folks are thinking and feeling on the ground."
"A subculture has developed around Zoro's fights, with a pattern of opponents often being dark-skinned or in-world minorities."
"I understand I oversee and the things are done for the sake of storyline. To be honest, Insecure is a show about like nothing just like any other white mainstream sitcom."
"The colorism issue along with how it portrays black and brownness in odd ways is a real problem."
"Tell me what, says 'I don't want a white guy playing Black Panther. That [__] out of here."
"Because then it's not just about getting black movies made, it's about getting black movies with final cut."
"Yes, a black Superman or Batman will be cool, but you know what's cooler? An original character that shares similarities and faces the same conflict as real people of color."
"As a black female artist, every time I go in a room with a script, it feels like I'm hustling for my worth."
"This film is for the people who maybe even are the naysayers who didn't ever believe that black women, especially dark-skinned women, can lead a global box office."