
Taoism Quotes

There are 110 quotes

"Peace on Earth can prevail if we can individually follow our own paths in life with no resistance to the unfoldment of the Tao, which will surely soften our hearts."
"Translated into English, wu-wei means 'nondoing,' 'nonaction,' or 'effortless action.'"
"Nature’s Way is harmonious because each of its components follows its own li, its way of harmonizing with other manifestations of Tao."
"Blunting the sharpness is a phrase used by Lao-tzu in the Tao Te Ching to describe the softening of one’s rigid personality."
"We go about our life quietly and do not make a noise about the mystery of Tao that we experience within our consciousness, because it is in itself indescribable."
"The essential premise of these ancient Taoist sciences is how our psychosomatic organism aligns and comes into harmony with the formless realm of the Tao and with the movements of the heavens."
"Lao-tzu’s teaching of sticking to the yin with a conservative application of yang aligns you with the universal order of Tao."
"The art of wu-wei, on the other hand, is an affirmation of life, because wu-wei is a trust in the function of the universe."
"This is a famous Taoist parable that kind of illustrates how life is sometimes just gonna do what life does and you can't really control whether good things turn into bad things or vice versa."
"The master does nothing yet leaves nothing undone."
"The story is basically the author talking with Winnie the Pooh and he is explaining Taoism to him."
"There is no light without dark, such as the way of Wu Dawn."
"There's some continuity between Buddhism and Taoism."
"Through non-action and aligning with the Dao, one can become a fully realized person."
"Your attitude is reflected in the Taoist teaching: soft is strong, great is low."
"Taoism is more individual, it's about more about cultivating yourself for intrinsically virtuous reasons."
"Returning is the motion of the Tao."
"He who knows the eternal law is liberal-minded. Being liberal-minded, he is just. Being just, he is kingly. Being akin to Heaven, he possesses Tao."
"A true Taoist is one who is able to find balance."
"When you let go, the world will unfold in accordance to the Tao."
"The Taoist gets rid of karma without challenging it."
"The principle of the Tao is spontaneity... it loves and nourishes all things but does not lord it over them."
"In esoteric Taoism, the Eight Immortals teach us to lord control over the fundamental aspects of manifestations."
"I won't care about anything. I've also been studying the sacred text of Taoism."
"Do without doing, talk without talking, listen without listening, and work without working."
"Taoism became a popular ideology for those who felt displeased with the rigid hierarchy and work ethic of the Confucian School."
"Taoism focuses on living in harmony with the natural order and principles like yin and yang."
"The name that can be named is not the eternal name. The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao."
"The Tao is named. It is the mother of myriad things. Nameless, it is the origin of all. Ever desireless, one can see the mystery itself."
"The teachings of Laozi and the philosophy of Taoism bring us to the art of flowing with life."
"Taoism teaches the virtues of simplicity, humility, and compassion, advocating for living in harmony with the Tao."
"In Taoism, the ideal state of being is to live in accordance with the Tao, where actions are performed without unnecessary struggle or resistance."
"Taoism offers practical guidance for navigating the complexities of modern existence."
"Taoism is more than a philosophy or a religion; it is a guide to living."
"The 'Tao Te Ching' is a cornerstone of Taoist philosophy, offering invaluable insights into Taoist thoughts and teachings."
"The eternal Tao has no name; although simple and subtle, no one in the world can master it."
"If you want to be a great leader, you must learn to follow the Tao; stop trying to control, let go of fixed plans and concepts, and the world will govern itself."
"I have just three things to teach," says the Tao: "simplicity, patience, and compassion. These three are your great treasures."
"Where there is the Tao, it cannot be described, articulated. The knowledge that cannot be articulated is the Tao."
"Those who know the Tao do not speak."
"With the limitation that one cannot be limited. That is how you attain the Tao."
"Except you cannot limit. Except… once the Tao is attained, it cannot be contained."
"Taoism stressed the way or inaction, considering it to be the best form of government as it was a state of perfect harmony."
"In the pursuit of the Tao, every day something is dropped."
"The Tao gives life to all things and its virtue nourishes them."
"The nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth; the named is the mother of ten thousand things."
"This appears as darkness, darkness within darkness, the gate to all mystery."
"The practice of Taoist magic in its pure form is like water, taking on the shape of whatever container you put it in, able to carve valleys through mountains and yet gentle enough for brewing a cup of tea."
"Deny nothing to the ten thousand things, nourish them without claiming authority."
"The Tao gives life to all things."
"Of all the religions I teach, Taoism is arguably one of the most unusual."
"My objective for this video is to introduce a general audience to the He Tu Lo Shu, which is one of the most fundamental principles of Taoist mysticism and East Asian occult practice."
"Taoism has piqued the interest of many people outside of China, and its concepts are known to be similar to those of Buddhism and Stoicism."
"To sum up, a characteristic of Taoism—I think—is it’s like a mirror. No matter who you are, how you think, or what you believe, you can look at Taoism and see a reflection back of your own identity."
"In the beginning was the Tao. All things issue from it, all things return to it."
"Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, or the Way."
"Wu wei means non-action or non-doing; it doesn't mean not acting but rather taking action that is in harmony with the natural flow of things."
"Living in accordance with nature, Taoism encourages harmonious living with the Tao, which is the fundamental principle that is the source of everything."
"He who knows his manhood and understands his womanhood becomes useful like the valleys of Earth."
"The Dao that can be understood cannot be the Primal or Cosmic Dao."
"Great Tao is all-pervading; it can be on both the right hand and the left."
"Everything in Taoism, at the most simple level, can be described that yin and yang."
"A major principle in Taoism is separating the real from the false."
"Don't take my words; the Tao that can be spoken is not the true Tao."
"Taoism comes down to three main pillars: Simplicity in life, learning patience, and developing compassion."
"The Tao that can be spoken is not the eternal Tao."
"The Tao of heaven is like the bending of a bow; the high is lowered, and the low is raised."
"The Tao of heaven is pointed but does no harm; the Tao of the sage is work without effort."
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao; the name that can be named is not the eternal name."
"Wu wei is natural effortless action in harmony with our natural way of being."
"Tai Chi is what's called an internal Kung Fu style, and what separates Tai Chi from other external or hard styles is the study of energy and it's related to Taoism."
"The Dao that cannot be spoken is not the true Dao."
"Practice non-being, effortless action, and contentment with what you have; then you will truly become free."
"The golden flower frees the ego from the conflict of the opposites and it again becomes part of the Dao, the undivided Great One."
"The Tao that can be expressed is not the real Tao."
"Taoism itself is about reclaiming your health and sanity."
"Not only can we make judgments about moral choices by virtue of the Tao, but also we can make judgments in art and beauty."
"In eastern religions, this symbol pronounced 'dao' means the way; it symbolizes the way the universe works."
"...the way that can be named is not the eternal way, the nameless is the mother of all things..."
"The Tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao."
"Taoism helps us see that there is beauty and even the smallest things around us."
"The water method of Taoism is characterized by dissolving methods which are like water, becoming very awake and aware."
"Ngong is the Taoist science of how energy or Chi flows in humans and the art of developing and using Chi."
"The Tao is defined by Laozi as that which provides for all things but doesn't lordeth over them."
"The Tao isn't necessarily the substance; it's the way."
"A Taoist physician believes and practices self-cultivation; he asks the question, what can I contribute to the world."
"You're in a state of wu-wei when you can get in touch with the Tao and let the Tao carry you along."
"That which exists through itself is called the Way, Dao."
"The Dao itself never comes into being nor goes out of being."
"All is one according to the Tao; the dark and the light are part of the same day."
"The Tao that can be spoken is not the true, the eternal Tao."
"In Taoism, one must follow the path of nature."
"Tao is the most mysterious force in the world; it surrounds and pervades all things."
"If you can name the Dao, you don't know the Dao."
"The basic Taoist dissolving thing goes ice to water, water to emptiness."
"The Dow is called the great mother, empty yet inexhaustible, it gives birth to infinite worlds."
"The Tao does nothing, and it leaves nothing undone."
"The tangible is called a tool, and the intangible is called the Tao."
"Practice non-action by not forcing things and allowing the natural flow."