
Rush Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Starting to gather your bearings and slow down, realizing you've been rushing around for nothing."
"I feel like I kind of rushed it, but like, I wanted to stream, so like, you can't blame me for wanting to stream, you know?"
"Once that run to gold starts, it will, as I said earlier, be I think the biggest rush into that commodity that we've probably ever seen."
"Neil Peart was known by many Rush fans as the True Heart of the band."
"That's how it gets you because of of course when you start rushing you start making mistakes silly mistakes."
"The rush to get everything in the shops for Christmas has been severe."
"It's coming so fast, once Halloween is over, immediately stores just go to Christmas. It's a rush."
"This person wants to like rush in and tell you that they do have like unconditional love for you."
"If you rush it and get it wrong, then we'll only end up spending five months redoing it."
"It's too quick, it's too quick, it feels like I'm just on a metro line, you know, that's how quick this is."
"Even though you might be in a rush, don't feel in a rush. Just pretend you got all the time in the world."
"I just tried to rush it and I was moving too fast."
"I've got that feeling rushing through my body."
"We are always racing to get out of the house to try to just get a good start to the day."
"Just had a bit of a rush. It was a, pretty intense everyone coming in altogether but you know, it's, it's the thing that we enjoy the most."
"I'm going go back to listening for like 5 minutes and I go take my cat to the Ved so rush rush rush."
"It was such a powerful experience to me... I felt this rush of just love."
"I was aware of a flash Rush flow I do not know what to call it, no word I can find is satisfactorily descriptive."
"...you're trying to rush things, and she can feel it, she can sense that, she can smell your desperation."
"We are kind of in a rush so hopefully this goes smoothly."
"I remember getting into a situation in college where I ended up getting rushed."
"When an 83 carat diamond was discovered in South Africa, a Diamond Rush began in the area."
"The snake rushes towards Nester as Nester turns around to see the snake being giant."
"I think the universe is trying, like because we also had that Knight of Wands right remember I mentioned like your person is really trying to rush into you guys so it's really just on how much you guys can empower yourself."
"A very rare moment that all three of us are rushing to get dressed to get out of the house."
"In America today, we are always in a rush, and we're very uncomfortable with emotion."
"There's nothing worse than having to rush around, fighting, he unplugs, or worse still, get ready and then as you realize that the car is coming in that lap, you realize that you haven't put your earplugs in."
"He's going to rush you. Bigfoot's going to rush you."
"My heart was beating fast as I felt a wave of excitement rush over me."
"What happened with this car? I rushed it, that's the main story here. I rushed the build trying to make it, I was trying to do way too much, meaning that like I wanted it to be super modern, have every single option that I could possibly think of."
"Definitely thank you for watching. I know this review kind of maybe felt a little bit rushed, but I really want to go ahead and push this out to y'all."
"And then all of a sudden, you've got Rush completely transforming themselves, you know, once again."
"I think it's really fun to meet all the new girls and I remember how excited I felt about the idea about like joining a sorority so I know um a lot of other girls that are like about to go through Rush are also feeling those same feelings hopefully they're just as excited."
"We humans always hurry to fight. We fight before even we have our facts straight."
"Nothing had time to breathe because they were moving on to the next thing and nothing was getting resolved."
"In a hurry to push it into the 21st century, we ignore its original context."
"Kevin rounds the corner a little bit you know when Kevin's in a little bit of a hurry that's what magic happens"
"Thinking this is a good idea, everybody starts rushing to the nearest underground pipe."
"It's the rush that kills everyone."
"It's a far-fetched angle for sure but the Big Red Machine facing an embodiment of his anxiety and past trauma could have been good if WWE doesn't rush things."
"Sentry opened his eyes and quickly rushed towards the submarine."
"Definitely don't change your style for rush, you definitely want to put out the best version of yourself."
"It's incredible what an incredible song, I think this again once once again embodies everything amazing about Rush."
"At the end of the day, man, just take it a day at a time. Women, man, they'll find you, man. If you rush it, that's how you end up getting divorced with four kids."
"It was just a rush, you know, it was fun."
"But when you take the time, it is that same rush, euphoria."
"I feel like I constantly live my life in a rush to do things, which I need to slow down because girl, life is going by so fast."
"When things happen in a rush is usually when mistakes happen."
"I'm always in a rush, everybody's enjoying their coffee, I got this thing from Harbor Freights."
"But when the clock he'd checked was slow and had inadvertently called his beloved at a time of death, he rushed off to find her."
"It was the biggest rush I've ever been in in my life."
"We're about to go out to dinner, we were just rushing to get ready."
"For all the non-prog records Rush makes later on, they're most known for Tom Sawyer."
"Yeah, imagine like the rush you get when you know you're safe."
"Rush has never done it there's no band that has ever or will ever do what Rush did."
"Even the devil was an angel for he tried to rush the throne."
"The rush is you can't explain it you can only feel it."
"I just remember running out that tunnel, and it was like a rush."
"There's something about this one that I just feel like a rush."
"okay just let me warn you this isn't McFarland's best art it looks like he was in a rush to make it and it's even more cartoony than usual."
"La Villa Strangiato on this album, is just amazing."
"Those five minutes were so fast, I don't have time to put on my contacts, brush my teeth, and like use the bathroom."
"You don't think he's on a championship rush right now? He is."
"2112 by Rush... inspired me so much to become a musician."
"I'm actually so happy with it; like we've been a bit rushed but I am happy with it."
"My life has been one big rushed blur towards most things that I didn't even want."
"Life is so busy and it's just so much rush."
"You can't even explain to the people the rush you get from something like that."
"Tom Sawyer and Red Barchetta and YYZ and Limelight are some of the biggest Rush songs of all time."
"I always live my life in a rush, like you have to do this, you have to do that."
"Nothing else gives me this rush; it's ridiculous."
"Rush 2112, and probably one of their biggest albums, probably their biggest album, Moving Pictures."
"Good morning everybody, it's Wednesday today and I am in a little bit of a rush, surprise surprise."
"Think of an industrial lead mining gold rush western frontier town type place."