
Abandonment Quotes

There are 1111 quotes

"I thought he was the best. My mom was long gone, so all we had was each other. He used to call me his little Moonbeam. As sappy as that is, when I was 14, he vanished and left me all alone. Never even said goodbye."
"This feeling of spiritual emptiness, being abandoned by God...this is all natural."
"Apart from a handful of heroes, almost everyone in authority seems to have chosen to abandon the poor of London to their fate."
"Human beings have two primary fears in relationships: the fear of abandonment and the fear of being smothered or engulfed."
"In a post-apocalyptic world where the gods have all died or left, and the entire world has been turned into a giant dusty wasteland, there's a sense of abandonment and desolation that's palpable."
"This adorable little fox cub was abandoned and stuck under a pile of wood; it never would have survived these harsh conditions on its own."
"These places are condemned to live in a horrible and endless loop where they are stuck in time."
"The theme of the movie is family relationships and the relationships of abandonment."
"You disappeared, you made me cry. You didn't think you should explain, like I don't care, you're kidding me."
"After Chernobyl, there was 12,500 square kilometers... nothing but, you know, animals and birds, abandoned villages, abandoned towns, doors swinging open in the wind."
"You'd think authorities would never give up the search to find them, but Fuad Shuji fears that's exactly what's happened."
"He throws him to the ground and walks off without him."
"It felt as if everyone just decided to not and leave that area."
"Thor decided to totally abandon his new home."
"I dream about Ethan and Jessica every night. You should, you apparently left them on earth."
"Explore the ghost town of Pripyat, frozen in time since the nuclear disaster."
"Pripyat: an abandoned ghost town, evacuated forever 36 hours after the explosion."
"An abandoned carnival in one of the most lethal places on Earth, a truly haunting place."
"Two out of three houses were abandoned. It's [ __ ] terrible."
"I was just a three-year-old kid when his father Samuel Reeves abandoned the family leaving his wife Patricia to raise their two children alone."
"This fabulous old hearse has been left to die in a field in Greece."
"The gods of Olympus have abandoned me." - God of War
"People are leaving an entire generation abandoned."
"I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my child! I've abandoned my boy!"
"I can't imagine abandoning my children, man. It's hard not to imagine the psyche of a man who can truly turn his back on his actual sons, on his actual blood and creations. It's mind-boggling to me." - Brian McKnight Jr.
"He did a great service by mainstreaming Ubi and now he's abandoning it."
"A good song is never finished, it's only abandoned."
"All it does is remind everyone that they've abandoned their family completely."
"Biden deserted you, he's not from Pennsylvania. He left you for another state."
"They were in that perfect love with Jesus, that's why they could easily leave the world behind."
"I did make new friends, and I had lovely, amazing friends in high school. But nothing... No number of friends can really bounce you back from that feeling of being completely abandoned for absolutely no reason."
"They may feel like you left Pisces, this person feels like you're not being fair and they feel like you left them out in the cold."
"Next time we just won't. We'll leave you to it. Let's see how well you're going."
"Emotional withdrawal is a form of abandonment."
"Whatever abandonment or rejection that you felt from this person, they want you to know that it wasn't personal."
"These crumbling, overgrown remains serve as a poignant reminder of the dreams of a nation and humanity's ongoing quest for a clean and limitless source of energy."
"Dixie Square Mall was perhaps the most famous abandoned mall at the time."
"For a mall to be left abandoned for that long is extremely rare."
"They feel like you're done and you're turning and walking away from them."
"No one has ever slept a night in the structure since the family ran away."
"It's heartbreaking to think that this old lady's stuff is just left here."
"Borderline exhibits frantic efforts to avoid abandonment."
"Their ego can't handle it and it's making them feel abandoned or rejected."
"The abandoned are the ones who have a good life. They were a soldier, maybe a noble, but they abandoned, have given up their life, have wandered, have had a purpose."
"The abandonment part of wrath is significant."
"Everybody I have cared for has either died or left me."
"Why did they abandon their [expletive] police station?"
"We create so much, then we abandon it. That's our gift and curse."
"Ukraine and its hapless president have been led up the garden pass and having been led up the garden path they have been abandoned there."
"Not one, but two moms decide they're going to leave their children and run off. That's BS."
"Hey, fellas! Hey, wait! Where are you going? Hey, you were supposed to be my lift home! How will I get out of here? Guys? Oh, gee, I've got so many more stories to tell!"
"The ship is sinking, people are jumping ship left and right."
"Steve literally said 'help me, help me from hurting myself' and he said they just left me, they just left me with nothing."
"Desertion of a client by anyone who has assumed the responsibility of care is abandonment."
"Have you spent your adult life trying to make sure nobody ever leaves you again?"
"The way in which so many of these projects around the world were abandoned and have remained unfinished for thousands of years seems to be due to a massive widespread catastrophe that occurred in the ancient past."
"The reason no one's come to help you is the same reason no one's come to help them."
"I find therapy in things that are abandoned."
"Global warming is to blame for a lot of things but did you know it could also be to blame for the abandonment and closure of Belvedere Hotel in the Swiss Alps?"
"It's quite an opportunity really, a place that is so abandoned, the chance to bring it back."
"What did you bring him back to the city? The port is abandoned."
"Why did you abandon me, my love? I floated for so very long in the darkness alone and afraid."
"I can't imagine abandoning your own child just because they have different beliefs than you."
"Now can you imagine the feeling of abandonment and here we're talking about the abandonment of Americans as well as Afghan allies."
"Hard Knot Fort was demilitarized and abandoned during the late 130s."
"It's weird... You cry out to the father in your abandonment. You, the Eternal son, dispense no answers from on high but simply ask why."
"They realized that the Necrons had committed just enough forces to make sure the battle would be won, but once victory was in sight, they had completely abandoned them."
"Courage is one face of leadership... Do you have the courage to endure people abandoning you?"
"Death is the ultimate promise, ensuring we'll never be abandoned."
"This stuff looks like it has been untouched for years."
"Abandonment can only happen to a child because only a child is dependent on someone for their needs."
"The statement 'You can't abandon an adult' is a form of pulling all pressure and responsibility off the person doing the abandoning and making the person being abandoned or neglected the problem instead."
"An abrupt departure left Mrs Abby Bailey in a difficult predicament seemingly deserted by her husband."
"He long gone. Wow, so he just straight up did."
"Germany's been completely left hung out to dry."
"Once you become a liability, once you are not useful to them anymore, they will throw you off the bus and run you over multiple times."
"The federal government has abandoned border states, National Security, our security."
"Roy gathers the bodies in an abandoned Factory."
"A book is never completed, it is just abandoned."
"Baffled beyond belief, the police took off to enlist help but when they returned three days later, the electricity and phone lines had been cut and the place had been thoroughly abandoned."
"Ghost towns are fascinating and haunting places steeped in curiosity."
"It's not always just small towns that are abandoned for whatever reason."
"Pripyat, once a thriving city, now a ghost city."
"Varosha, once the most popular tourist destination in Cyprus, now completely empty."
"Will you leave me like the others? You deserve better."
"Over the next few years, Mallows Bay became a dumping ground for many old or abandoned ships."
"My thing is, we both was abandoned. She went back and got him. Did you go back and get him?"
"His hair was beautiful, his eye color was awesome, but he abandoned me."
"A scam s-c-a-m that made them abandon the first game for years."
"Nara Dreamland is most known for its abandoned state between 2006 and 2016."
"He turned his back on our own citizens stranded in Afghanistan."
"Maybe that was the real reason Lulu City was abandoned."
"Everyone remember how sometimes you'd go in there and it'd be all dusty and no one was there like it was abandoned years ago."
"The entire house was empty. The entire place was coated with layers upon layers of dust."
"He never came back, he never called me back after that."
"Where did daddy go? Daddy bring your favorite contact. Guess what? You about the same place your real daddy went."
"Chernobyl today is still pretty much a ghost town but there are people who live there, some of them never even left in the first place."
"Oil, I just left abandoned, even though it's more valuable than cocking gold."
"Society's moral indignation towards spousal abandonment."
"This person still thinks of a future with you, but right now they feel abandoned, they feel like you don't care anymore, they feel like you totally just, you know, just poof disappeared, but they feel like you're being strategic about it too."
"There's nothing left for nobody down at Cinder Brick Fort."
"Her husband did a runner, now she's on her own with two kids. Terrible! What an ass."
"My dad left when I was young my command so and no matter what your parents say when when you're a kid and your parent leaves in your mind you think I wasn't worth sticking around for."
"The village was abandoned in the 15th century after suffering terribly in the Black Death."
"With no signs of anyone having visited the property in years...this house remains cold and abandoned a trove of treasures lost to time."
"A burnt out empty ship sh of what it was, cold and forlorn."
"The scrap yards is for the engines a museum of death."
"There's no shortage of scrapped locomotives in our world."
"Nothing lasts forever, and today we're going to look at the world's creepiest abandoned stadiums and tell you why they were built and ultimately left to rot."
"Probably one of the most overgrown places I've ever explored here in the UK."
"No one really knows what it's like to feel rejected and abandoned by someone who gave birth to you."
"Nobody's answering me, this is like a fucking first so I'm out of here."
"Guys will abandon long time friendships... they will leave you behind."
"Let's not repeat the frankly falsehood that we didn't leave Americans behind."
"She left, she moved out, Celeste showed them off like shiny new toys and then threw them away in the trash exactly."
"It seemed like the place had been long abandoned."
"The monster explains that after Victor freaked out and abandoned him, he kind of wandered around for a while, barely sentient and incapable of understanding his surroundings, because he was basically a GIANT NEWBORN BABY, VICTOR."
"You see the ghost towns around this country, the boarded up shops, the boarded up homes."
"This stone-built family home has been left abandoned for over a decade for unknown reasons."
"The creature is believed to be a big factor in the abandonment of the fishing village of Portlock."
"Nowadays it's an otherworldly Ghost Town left to Decay and Frozen in time as the rest of the world Carries On."
"Though my father and my mother forsake me, the Lord will receive me."
"This is supposed to be the greatest country on earth, and this is what we do to our people. We abandon them."
"It's now been dark for hours, everybody except for Earth is gone."
"What happens when a place abandons you? Do you stay there or do you take your millions and go live a successful life?"
"There is a moment when a ship is lost when the crew no longer have that duty."
"It makes you wonder, like how does a car like this just sit for 27 years without anyone getting the itch to start it, drive it, do anything?"
"He left with his guitar and never returned, he abandoned his family, that's so sad."
"Once he got with Velvet, I was discarded, that's how I felt."
"When the coal ran out, the island was abandoned in a matter of weeks."
"Spooky Sanctuary: Hospitals can be scary at the best of times, but abandoned hospitals? They're terrifying all the time."
"I couldn't believe that someone had built this and why were they leaving."
"It's very painful that when the narcissistic person is done with you, they just walk away."
"As we left the city behind, I threw myself just as I was on the ground and reproached the walls: if what you were built to protect is no more, for what purpose do you still stand?"
"It's a really heart-wrenching moment when Alfred deems it necessary to abandon Bruce."
"It's so wild to see that this place is just sitting abandoned like this in such amazing condition."
"She's gone her whole life wondering where her mom went."
"Projects aren't finished, they're only abandoned."
"I haven't seen it in some time, and I moved out after a while. Maybe it's waiting, maybe it's done with our land because everything there is dead."
"Feelings of abandonment, rejection, you're not good supply anymore, it's triggering my ego."
"He left me at the altar," Ali whispered, devastated.
"You're not gonna throw me away, are you?"
"It was a massive failure on the part of the United States when we abandoned Afghanistan like that."
"Yeah, abandonment issues galore. This stems from childhood though, this is not your doing so don't worry. You could have abandoned this person, but that don't blame yourself, you had to probably do it because they were sabotaging."
"I know pain and I know it hurts I know that and and I'll just give you a snapshot my mom got pregnant with me when she was in high school and my biological father found out left I've never met him I've never seen him."
"I would fight for my nation, no, you would leave."
"So surprisingly, it looks like nobody had rebuilt this."
"No matter what you say or do, that fear of rejection and abandonment cannot be quashed."
"There's a resentment, especially because this person feels like they got left behind."
"The saiyans have long abandoned their use of scouters."
"How can I be with someone who can just abandon his kids over an accusation and more so be so horrible to them?"
"We've watched in recent days as we have abandoned our own citizens in Afghanistan. It's unprecedented in most respects."
"Ginyu laughs more and throws his scouter down."
"A crumbling city abandoned in the wake of the collapse of the USSR."
"Hitler abandoned the idea of creating a nuclear bomb as early as 1942."
"What learning about our past through abandoned places enables for me."
"An artist's work is never completed, only abandoned."
"I ignored the kindness of the people around me and abandoned those dear to me to walk this path. Maybe that was a mistake."
"Soon after bringing her third little one into the world in 1974, Lula mysteriously signed her kids into her parents' custody left her home and walked off without a trace."
"I would never abandon you. You left. She accused me of doing the very thing my father did to me."
"Abandonment says this: 'I will be alone.'"
"The feeling of Abandonment when your parent chooses their younger half-sibling over them is real and you don't forget it easily nor is it something that can be reasoned with often it leads to long-running resentment."
"The story of the house is there was once an old couple that lived here, the woman passed away and her husband couldn't deal with the grief moved into care and the house has been abandoned ever since."
"They abandoned everything. Every room in this schoolhouse looked like this."
"The house was abandoned in the 90s so we can only imagine what happened and why the family never returned."
"...all structures, rides, and attractions... still standing rusted and overgrown and creepy..."
"What’s amazing about abandoned places is nature takes no time at all to start setting up shop."
"This is my first time seeing an abandoned resort like this, and it's blowing my mind."
"This used to be an information center, but now it's abandoned. What the heck?"
"Ghosted, cut off, cold shoulder, walking away, ignoring."
"You let me go, you let me wander off. That's what you did."
"Seeing the exit from Afghanistan and what happened to the people that you supported in that country and now they're left to their devices right."
"This is exactly what it is. There's literally stores, churches, there's shops, there's hotel rooms, houses, cottages, everything left behind."
"Elkhorn was not even counted on the 1930s census by then Elkhorn was all but abandoned."
"So with what we found so far we could assume that this place was definitely abandoned in 2008."
"He broke her after abandoning her."
"Sora goes against her parents, claiming that she didn't abandon them—they abandoned her."
"He just up and left, just dancing and [ __ ]."
"I haven't worn it in like several years."
"There could be fear of abandonment, feeling shut out."
"You're crying over who left you out in that field, but you have forgotten who has never left you."
"No poem is ever finished, rather the poet abandons it."
"Sometimes someone must be left behind."
"They found out he lives on an allowance we give him, they drop him like a hot potato."
"As far back as I could remember, the house had always been abandoned."
"Centralia is a ghost town in Pennsylvania, USA."
"An entire housing complex, an entire community completely abandoned."
"Don't leave me like the others did," its voice was a mixture of hatred, desperation, and fear.
"The desert tribe gave up on the hosts ever returning and took matters into their own hands."
"For some people, the void can feel like they're being abandoned by the universe."
"They will relax and pop, we will drop them like hot potatoes out in the desert, their new home."
"she was dosed and the defendant left her to die alone"
"I'm not even sure if I'm going to update this anymore."
"You put all of your, you put everything into this relationship. You cut people off for this person. You burnt bridges for this person, all for them to leave you, all for them, you know, all for it to not work out. And now, now you're just heartbroken, you're just empty."
"Wait, don't leave me here with them!"
"Despite everything, a part of me didn't think he'd go as far as to abandon me there."
"I was terrified that he would leave me alone with nothing more than the scraps of our family."
"He didn't really step up or take responsibility for our son and I felt like he abandoned me throughout the pregnancy."
"And in the moments leading up to the operation powder has been instructed with the commands too you're not coming I'm not afraid it's too dangerous I can help you're not ready she's been left behind."
"They feel very guilty for abandoning you."