
Functioning Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"If you're able to be functioning in your life across your life domains, then you're probably fine."
"If we are actually going to have a functioning society, there are certain basic things we have to agree on."
"Civilized democracy only works if you have the concept of the loser's consent."
"People feel and function at their best when their needs are met."
"It's impairing their ability to function at their job."
"Everything is working how it's supposed to work."
"It was a great relief to me that the jury system worked."
"I actually don't know how I'm functioning I really really don't but I didn't drink on the last night of Butlins because I knew that I was going out today and I just really didn't want to overdo it."
"After that big power supply explosion, everything seems, so far, to be working just fine."
"Dude, this thing's 48 years old. Four kicks."
"I survived. I was a functioning alcoholic, drug addict, but nonetheless, I was doing what I was doing."
"It was much harder to function with so little sleep."
"Most of the time high functioning I figure means that we're good at pretending that we're normal."
"...do you believe that you are not functioning effectively in any of these situations?"
"So when that's gone, there's just functioning. Nobody is doing it anymore."
"Symptoms that involve a distortion of normal functioning"
"Who does that? Like how do you function every day?"
"She's doing very well in life, that's good functioning."
"To be alive as a person is to be able to engage in P-functioning. And to be dead then, is to be unable to engage in P-functioning."
"There can be no thoughts at all, and this body might function perfectly fine for long periods of time. It's amazing actually."
"One thing I don't think people talk about enough when it comes to mental health is just how much work it takes just to function."
"It causing distress or impairment in important areas of functioning because so many of these different things right, they can be experienced in other sort of situations."
"It's incredible how much alcohol he just downs. Like, how are you even functioning as a human being at this point?"
"We didn't do a thing. It just started working last night, actually."
"The brain doesn't actually work like that."
"I'm feeling like a functioning human finally."
"It's great if you are happy but if you lack certain functionings then we should provide those functionings even if you manage to be happy without them."
"Psychopaths they just pop up in society and they... function in a similar way."
"It's running. So that's good news."
"This is a massive milestone for this machine because it's working. We have a functioning PDP 11 in this room."
"My focus is almost always on just functioning as a human being and learning how to do that."
"Underfunctioning is sometimes the consequence of overfunctioning for a period of time."
"It's not like my emotions are gone; it's like they're working properly."
"The gifts of the Spirit don't function in the flesh; they function when you are in the spirit."
"We're the most perfectly functioning society on earth."
"And I'm very glad because this laptop is working again."
"The functioning actually becomes more efficient because there isn't the needing to compromise."
"We're doing okay, everything's working."
"The covert borderline actually functions very well."
"...the world functions through a form of self-sacrifice; that's actually how reality works."
"We have ourselves a running watch now, how well it's running, who knows, but the fact that it went from being a complete non-runner to a watch that's actually working is incredible."
"Alleluia, the electricity is now working."
"We want to bring everything to bear to help a person, not just treating the psychosis but treating other aspects of their functioning."
"I was glad to see how much joy the car working like normal brought her."
"Everything is working, the NZXT Kraken cooler is all functioning once again, the RGB is all fixed."
"Codebattles.dev, nice, it's working."
"Find what works for you, find what things allow you to function the best."
"Pleasure indicates we're functioning well, and so pleasure's completely linked to performance."
"It's working, it's working, oh yeah, that's called working."
"Happy days, um, that's all working."
"People could definitely be raging addicts and function very normally in society."
"You have to accept the reality as it is imposed on us by the society because it is very essential for us to function in this world intelligently and safely."
"He was apparently functioning within at least the normal range of intellectual ability at this time."
"That's how democracy works, that's how society works."
"The IADL assessment really assesses higher level functioning."
"Minds, like parachutes, work best open."
"We have to find a way to make this work."
"When interacting with people, try to focus on you and on your functioning, not theirs."
"The extent of political competition... contributes towards the working of democracy."
"The democratic process is working."
"The best challenge of Terry Sanderson is how is he doing, how is he functioning in life."
"Wow, this is working great. I can't believe it's actually kind of working."
"I'm just so happy, like it runs, it freakin' runs."
"I drank like eight glasses of water and hopefully that's why I'm functioning now."