
Excess Quotes

There are 662 quotes

"There's something so human about taking something great and ruining it a little, so you can have more of it."
"A self-improvement can absolutely go too far."
"Indulge means to allow yourself or another person to have something enjoyable, especially more than is good for you."
"Anything that's excess in our body is generally not very healthy for us."
"Twice the calories, twice the carbohydrates, twice the caffeine, and twice the taste."
"That's a bit overkill, but you know what? Ain't no party if it's not an overkill party."
"You don't have to send the whole kitten caboodle."
"Any good thing in excess is a poison...you want to be in the middle with things with many things."
"Too much of anything is typically a bad thing."
"It's been a little excessive, but I'm totally satisfied."
"Even emotionally, excess can create problems."
"It's about violent J biting a genie lamp and getting way more than three wishes..."
"Miranda, you didn't have to do all that. She didn't have to do all that, but that's Miranda."
"The overarching ethos of Aeon Trespass is maximum everything."
"That's like N9 or 10 Honeys, that's a lot of Honeys."
"I feel like what happened was it was almost like being given ice cream for dinner every night for a week, it's too much of a good thing."
"The devourer has devoured enough to become hench."
"No one needs a one million two million three million dollar car like there's no need for that."
"This is beyond, over the top, extravagant, fabulous."
"Anything you overdo... will have a side effect."
"Allah's plan is that he will give you more than what you need in order to see what you do with the extra excess."
"You don't need this much makeup, this is just it's my job you know. I review makeup, I play makeup, I test things out so I have a lot of it."
"Most problems are caused by excesses, not deficiencies."
"This whole bag is full of nothing but money."
"I know some people don't always want to hear the cursing, which is fine. It's a lot."
"Slaanesh is the hideously beautiful embodiment of excess in all its mortal forms."
"I think it is so incredibly rare to get a movie that does not care at all about whether or not something is quote unquote too much."
"Is it over the top? Yeah, absolutely. That's not what this is. This is just enjoying the ride."
"Guys, we actually have so much money in this game that I don't think we can even spend it all."
"Too much of anything is no good. Too much fun."
"Are you ready for the kicker? This entire container of butter. Pioneer woman, what are you doing exactly? Like the amount of milk and sour cream and cheese and bacon already in this, it's feeling like a lot."
"I mean, it's the perfect celebration of gluttonous gas guzzling."
"It was like having a full [expletive] pass because everything was funny because you're wasted."
"It's able to accelerate... more than the average person needs."
"It's really impossible to know where the rot is, only to step back and know that anytime there's been such excess."
"Sometimes there can be too much of a good thing."
"I had a jet plane, helicopter, 8,000 square foot house with a racquetball court."
"Sometimes less is more, sometimes more is more."
"But bigger is better and too much is never enough except when it comes to beauty. You look beautiful."
"Too much of a good thing inevitably becomes a bad thing."
"The sheer amount of cheese they put on this is fantastic."
"It was not uncommon for Tom to consume 10 or 12 pints of beer before going on stage."
"Welded directly to the body, overdoing things."
"Too much is a good thing. It's about having fun on your own terms."
"Is this too much? Is this too busy? Is this too chaotic? If the answer is yes, then I know I'm doing something right."
"Too much of anything is not necessarily good, even if it's too much of a good thing."
"We've been saved by the very excess that terrified us."
"The terrible excesses of the cultural revolution were often a result of anarchic mob justice rather than state totalitarianism."
"Nothing less than a solid gold toilet would do."
"Nothing in the house looked abnormal, there was just too much of it. Like a smile with too many teeth."
"Anything worth doing in life is worth doing to wretched excess."
"Malloy just hoovered all of them down and asked for seconds."
"I squirted way too much. Why did I do so much?"
"You will overorder food to meet the minimum amount. How is there a bad side to that? How is anyone complaining about not having to share food and having more for themselves?"
"Nobody is satisfied within themselves anymore because access to excess has made us unable to be contented."
"Minimalist fashion came from the concept of ridding one’s self of excess, distraction and extravagance."
"You never know how much is too much until it's too much."
"Overabundance burdens us with excess, turning what should be blessings into sources of stress, anxiety, and distraction."
"During his four year reign, he indulged in so much excess that 2,000 years later his name is still a byword for cruelty and perversion."
"Extravagant and impactful, I am excess."
"Alexander the Great warned his own soldiers that gluttony and opulence lead to much unmanliness."
"It's about releasing what's no longer serving, getting the extra excess weight off of us."
"Gluttony leads to loneliness in a very real way."
"We use 'no more' to express when something is too much, like when someone brings us lots of food."
"In today's world, it's super easy to buy way too much stuff."
"It should have been too much a long time ago."
"More is not necessarily better more is most of the time is just more."
"It's more of like, you just like indulge, it's just like way too much food everywhere."
"More is better in this situation, more is more."
"We didn't like that, it was just too much."
"Superfluous means not necessary, it's more than is needed or wanted."
"A little bit of anything is bad, but too much of everything is just right."
"Nothing is any fun if you can get as much of it as you want... especially money."
"Think about a good Beauty blender, it picks up any excess, so it blends in what you need, and then the excess goes into the sponge."
"No man in his right mind needs to have 600 fragrances like me, but yeah, for a regular guy, for a non-fragrance addict, for a guy that just wants to smell good, three fragrances is more than enough."
"We got two dishwashers, why? I don't know."
"It felt really really wasteful to me and it felt bad, it felt negative, it felt like I had been just buying things that I didn't need."
"How many sneakers does one person need? Exactly."
"In a world where the excess and superficial often overshadow the meaningful and fulfilling."
"I know I went a little bit overboard with the amount of products that I'm featuring in this video."
"She cannot eat the whole recipe that I prepared."
"Hyper means above normal or in excess."
"That was a bit excessive, but I had to make sure."
"Alright, our makeup is done and it looks really good, I kind of got to Too Much H but you know whatever."
"Anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing. Moderation's for cowards."
"Crapulence describes the sickness or indisposition that occurs when you excessively eat or drink."
"Anything done too much is too much."
"I was having so much and just like throwing [__] into a room, throwing [__] to really not even like appreciating it."
"And it's not even 24 hours and the four bottles of champagne are gone."
"It's the small things that make him you're happy yeah but he's obviously going too far with it she's had enough."
"We didn't count it while we were doing it and Jonas was helping me film it so it was like well we don't how many do we think we got well I don't know let's do 10 more just in case and we ended up with way too many."
"Too much of a good thing is too much and hence not a good thing."
"The 50s gave us some of our most unforgettable cars cars that would come to symbolize an era of bold glittering excess."
"How did cars like the gorgeous Lamborghini Countach, the Ferrari Testarossa, and the beastly Roof Yellow Bird become potent symbols for an unhinged 10 years of excess?"
"I feel like I'm putting too much in, honestly. Can't there be too much?"
"Sometimes rich people have too much money."
"Do not be idolaters... as it is written: the people sat down to eat and drink and got up to indulge in revelry."
"Who would have 1,000 pairs of socks?"
"Once too many, a thousand is Never Enough."
"Greed is the root of evils... wanting more than is good."
"I got a little carried away and ended up potting all of the window boxes."
"It's too good, it's too much fun."
"Enough isn't enough with this guy. You got a whole wagon full of snacks."
"It's like having 1,000 horsepower in your car, you know it's excessive probably never going to use it but it's kind of nice to know that you have it."
"Once the old man's dead, boom, up go the huge mansions and the Gilded Age excess begins."
"The Starwood club quickly became synonymous with the era's excesses and the entertainment industry's hedonistic pursuits."
"Too much of a good thing is never a good thing."
"A life of overindulgence and grandeur had its toll on the King."
"The night of glam, glamor, and excess had taken a dark turn, becoming a cautionary tale of the price of fame."
"Definitely need to get rid of a lot of blush because I have way too many."
"You can never have too much cheese."
"It's unsustainable, it's outrageous, it's twice as much as what other countries around the world spent."
"Gluttony is not primarily a problem with food, it's a worship problem."
"As Bay does his thing and gives us countless shots of police cars moving into formation, black police helicopters tearing across the LA Skyline, and lots and lots and lots of guns, it has the opposite effect of his other movies. Now, it's scary."
"The movie just having too much of everything including too many tones... way too many subplots."
"Here's a guy who has all the possessions that money can buy, he has all the women that men can lust after, he has all the wine that vineyards could produce and he has all the success that life has to offer."
"But what if he ate a hundred boxes of Cheez-its every single day?"
"...if you overplant, you're gonna overreap, which sounds good one chocolate chip cookie, delicious, 100, you're about to have a stomach ache, you see what I mean? Anything in excess can become toxic."
"There is such a thing as too much of a good thing, right?"
"When in doubt, it's not a bad idea to do in excess of what is required."
"The president got so carried away himself."
"Hollywood just can't let a good story stop when it reaches its natural end. They have to kill everything by doing too much."
"What's not to love? It's completely over the top."
"People love that, there's enough to build a coke problem."
"Feeding you until you cannot breathe."
"No human being can spend and benefit from 100 billion dollars."
"Hopefully I got everything that I need. I know I got more than what I needed, I got unnecessary groceries."
"The triple is definitely too much meat."
"It's not the big man getting the Haagen-Dazs blow jobs, they're getting started."
"So logically here we should have something which is excess, more than sufficient, excess. Like a word like 'excess' would match here within the system, some locations within the system with an excess of bicycles and other areas with insufficient supply."
"John Hughes just loved to shoot more than was needed and always encouraged his actors to have fun with their parts."
"Why was that necessary? That was so unnecessary I can't even put it in the words."
"Too much vanilla is never enough."
"And if you're drinking for Oblivion then there's something else going on you know I mean well I know one thing for sure moderation isn't going to work for you because if it's Oblivion you're after um baby you're entitled to go for Oblivion."
"It's like the heart suffers when we really, really overdo it."
"I think we probably got too much stuff, too many sweets at least."
"I just mentioned me and Jen just bought a dresser set. I literally think this thing's got like mine has like five or six drawers in it and uh I probably fill up two of those drawers that's it, it's ridiculous."
"It's a bit overkill actually sometimes I think that they overdo things but there you go."
"Some things are over the top, like a 75-inch TV... That always works, you can always find wood out somewhere."
"Mar-a-Lago is filled with excessive luxury like seven million dollars worth of gold decor."
"With 11 kitchens, 30 bathrooms, and a 20-car garage, this place is the ultimate in excess."
"Too much of a good thing can be wonderful."
"Plenty of cup holders - 19 total, because you can never have too many."
"Well, hoarding takes up way too much space."
"Where the hell do you even fit 5,000 pairs of sneakers?"
"It's excess in its purest form and it's utterly awesome."
"I've literally been drunk eight days in a row."
"It's a really good deal except we don't need any more cinnamon star cookies."
"Jane Mansfield's wild mansion parties: where Hollywood's elite indulged in excess."
"I lived on cherry Kool-Aid for four straight days, drinking an average of five gallons a day, and I peed real good."
"...Nothing exceeds like excess, or is this it? Is this what it's all about? Eating, drinking, f***ing, snoring, then what?"
"...there was almost like this mental and physical compulsion to just continue having more."
"I really didn't think I needed both."
"Exactly how obscene an amount of money were you talking about, just profane or really offensive?"
"He's such a [ __ ]! Sixty-two hot dogs, eating that much in one sitting could kill you."
"One of the two most important concepts you ever deal with are excess and balance. No excess, excess."
"What are we going to do with 11 prom dresses? That is a fantastic question."
"Those big [ __ ] said bend and go when you step on the brakes anything in life worth doing is worth overdoing."
"It's not even trendy to [__] on these YouTubers anymore. Like, this is just excessive at this point."
"I will do a proper Swatch card but that's about it I can't believe I I I have too many paints um and I will always reiterate that you do not need this amount of watercolor that's absolutely insane."
"It's too much of a good thing, being highly competitive is a good thing, there's too much of a good thing, um, and you're just, uh, you're sick, you're angry, you're tense, you're, you're, you're putting people off, etc, etc, etc., and you're just unhappy."
"The reason I have so many of these, by the way, is because on Amazon, I ordered them in a multi-pack and I didn't realize I ordered them in a multi-pack, so I now have this amount of detail, but at least I won't have to buy it for a long time."
"I shopped so much, I just needed some retail therapy."
"Retail therapy really hit hard, really hit hard."
"I lost my mind, I was tired and lonely and I wanted to shop."
"In a world where excess often dictates the pace of our lives, setting limits for desires emerges as a beacon of wisdom."
"Overdoing everything... overworking, overthinking, overachieving, overexplaining."
"If you have too much of it, it just kills your day."
"Did it limit the amount of champagne you sprayed?"
"How many feathers does he need? All the feathers he can have."
"You have like 100 pairs of jeans at home, and when I see how much those jeans are... That's not right."
"I was so involved with this stuff I mean I had money on my person at one time so much I couldn't hold it on my person."
"Everything in moderation, right? You can't have too much of a good thing."
"We're in this Habit in this world of consumerism where we want to buy bye bye."
"I wanted to overdo it...to the point that I hate the food, so that's the way that they stop having it."
"Its appeal is in its excess, and all the wild exaggerated elements — the giant swinging blades, the ludicrous safety spiel, getting sprayed in the face while during a corkscrew over a naked all make it feel so...special."
"Extra was just a pacifier in your mouth so y'all can shut up."
"Flushed with cash, Saddam built palaces with infamous golden toilets, hosted lavish parties, and most importantly, got himself a few choice whips."
"Boundless intemperance in nature is a tyranny, it hath been the untimely emptying of the happy throne and the fall of Many Kings." - Shakespeare
"This book's biggest problem is the sheer volume of bloat."
"If music be the food of love, play on. Give me excess of it that, surfeiting, the appetite may sicken and so die." - Shakespeare
"There's virtually no relationship for the most part between the amount we consume and what actually functions."
"You can never have too much bacon, too much cheese or too many jalapenos."
"Now what goes great with steak and shrimp? More shrimp."
"Hope you've eaten too much, drunk too much."
"The problem is never not getting enough, it's always getting too much. Look around you. Do you see any people dying from deficiency? Why are you worried about deficiency when everybody's dying of excess?"
"We just don't live long in the open, just don't win more, otherwise put them in a bargain as much as they can drink."
"What happens when there's something new? People have a tendency to overdo it, they abuse it."
"An artist who is loved quite often for being just wild, absolutely drugs and sex and sex and drugs."
"I would never encourage hoarding."
"Oh yeah, I mean, really, there's nothing worse than overdoing it."
"Plenty of flexibility here on the left-hand side though. Very good. Too much."
"I don't have a number in mind, I just know what it feels like too much."
"I'm losing my mind. Look at this, I'm eating the whole thing, dude."
"Wow, Snoop Dogg, 75 to 150 joints rolled for him every 24 hours. That alone could put me to sleep just hearing that as a concept."
"More is more, my mother and I live by that motto. More is more of everything."
"We legit did buy like a thousand tomatoes, so..."
"We were already drunk, we did not need any more liquor, okay?"
"you have to have props you have to have quarters you have to have a lot of money spread around I don't know what too much is but it sounds to me like too much."
"They do have a shopping problem. Alicia's dog has more than 30 outfits."