
Individuation Quotes

There are 92 quotes

"Self-inquiry, reflection, purpose, and individuation."
"Individuation is punished, boundaries are not accepted."
"The task of individuation: establishing a dialogue with the fantasy figures or contents of the collective unconscious."
"Individuation is a movement towards being who you are."
"Individuation requires an effort of radical self-acceptance."
"Man becomes whole, integrated, calm, fertile, and happy when and only when the process of individuation is complete."
"The process of individuation leads to a whole, integrated, calm, fertile, and happy life."
"The process of individuation moves us towards wholeness by making the unconscious conscious."
"We have to transcend, we have to individuate from our own unconscious and from our own shadow."
"The need to be seen has to do with two issues: the perception of a threat to life... and the need to separate, individuate." - Sam Vaknin
"We're meant to express our truths, stepping into our individuation process confidently."
"Individuation is not about becoming perfect or eliminating flaws, it is about embracing all aspects of oneself."
"This mythopoetic way of seeing is like nutrition for your soul, it's fuel for your own individuation process, your own curiosity, your own wonder."
"Individuation goes to the heart of what spirituality is, what spirituality even means, and what our spiritual imperative is as individual humans."
"The individual stands as it were between the conscious part of the collective psyche and the unconscious part. He is the reflecting surface in which the world of Consciousness can perceive its own unconscious."
"Man is a gateway through which you must pass from the outer world of gods, diamonds, and souls into the inner world. The Dead who besiege us are the souls who have not fulfilled the principium individuationis or they would have become distant stars."
"The bird is attracted to those who are individuating and able to bear singleness."
"Human beings have developed the adaptive processes of religious practices, ritual, and myth that historically helped us to provide a natural individuation process."
"It's all about separation and individuation, and we, in my field, lionize this concept in ways that are really problematic and hurtful."
"The thing that you most need to do that'll change your life forever is when you individuate from Mom and Dad."
"Shadow is full of life, a raw life that fuels individuation if held in the right way."
"Integrating these masculine and feminine aspects is essential for individuation, the process of becoming whole and realizing one's true self."
"Individuation is the natural state of mankind and the human structure of the psyche."
"He had subdued you, he had discarded you, he had separated from you, and he had become his own man or woman. He's individuated."
"To advance always begins with individuation, that is to say with the individual conscious of his isolation."
"Individuation requires consciousness and ego for the unconscious to be known. But if the ego gets in the way, then the essence is not given its true form."
"Standing together gets split apart, and thus, singleness in community and communal in our singleness. Opposite of individuation."
"Allows the child to separate from her and to become an individual and acquire personhood."
"You need to extricate yourself by again becoming an individual with boundaries, you know where you end and the world begins, re-establish proper reality testing."
"Individuation and individualism are not the same thing. The whole point of it is to see them for what they are as just these little features that are bobbing on the ocean, essentially."
"By recognizing, confronting, and integrating the shadow, one embarks on a journey towards self-realization, towards individuation."
"Individuation essentially means learning to develop a healthy sense of self."
"Individuating is one of the most important parts of healing."
"... we can individuate by recognizing an emerging image of ourselves that is uniquely rising up from within us..."
"He had to find his own myth and he could no longer just take over Freud's mythology."
"The process of individuation involves the integration of the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind."
"The Grandeur of the human Journey towards individuation culminates in the stage of self-realization."
"Individuation is a mystical Journey, a source of meaning that has been practiced in various forms by many civilizations."
"It implies that we're meant to find out who we are, we're meant to undergo Jung's individuation process, follow our own paths, endeavor to do the right thing, aspire to harmonize our soul, and travel our personal labyrinth with a higher purpose."
"We've hit individuation, conscious transformation, introverting the libido."
"Redemption is individuation. The difference here is Jung is not saying you're saved by a god but you're rather saved by yourself."
"...a time of individuation where a person begins to let go of the conditioning of their parents of their family society and grows into their own being with their own desires..."
"Individuation is one of the most important parts of healing."
"We really can't be free, can't really self-individuate, be free and self-actualize if we are emotionally enmeshed with our family of origin or with another person."
"How do children or adult children deal with frustration of their attempts at individuation? How do they act out? Well, that's a great question."
"Individuate simply means to withdraw from consensus reality to begin to individually define reality from within yourself."
"The archetype of the wounded healer is in many ways an ideal model for understanding Jung's theory and for understanding the process of individuation as a structured psychological maturation."
"One of the lessons of being a Jungian: not to be identified with Jung, but to find your own individuation."
"Understand increasing conflict as an effective individuation."
"We could therefore translate individuation as self-realization."
"Solidarity was a virtue in tribal societies... but the whole of civilization is about individuation."
"Individuation is the realization of one's fullest potential, becoming who you were born to be."
"Individuation means striving towards wholeness, which is not perfection."
"Individuation is when all the elements of the personality are integrated into a fully realized individual."
"The transcendent function is the motor of individuation."
"Jung's theory of individuation is important now more than ever because of the very context in which we currently find ourselves."
"Individuation means becoming a single, homogeneous being, and insofar as individuality embraces our innermost, last, and incomparable uniqueness, it also implies becoming one's own self."
"Individuation does not lead to isolation but to an intenser and more universal collective solidarity."
"Giving you all the tools that you need to individuate properly, or in other words, become who you are."
"Our individuation continues; meeting the shadow is part of the path."
"...the goal of individuation is not perfection, but wholeness."
"This individuation spreads to all different areas of your life."
"The process of becoming who we were born to be is actually within us already."
"The life of Christ is the quintessential example of the individuation process."
"The real goal of the individuation process is not perfection but wholeness."
"Individuation means your real personality."
"Once you've completed your personal myth, you have your personal equation, you know what's added up to being you, and then and only then can you individuate."
"Individuation is not the same thing as unification of one's own life; it is a subtle difference on the surface, but with massive psychodynamic consequences."
"We could therefore translate individuation as coming to selfhood or self-realization."
"Individuation can only mean a process of psychological development that fulfills the individual qualities given."
"To individuate means to become separate enough to lead your own life."
"Individuation is so important because we have resistances that we don't know exist yet."
"Since modern man knows himself only insofar as he can become conscious of himself, the individuation process involves the capacity, culmination, and control of consciousness."
"Addiction is anathema to the individuation process, rendering it improbable if not impossible."
"Individuation is a process of differentiation, having for its goal the development of the individual personality."
"The goal of the individuation process is the synthesis of the self."
"This is a normal psychological developmental process, and your child needs to separate as part of their individuation, as part of their growth."
"Healing is about individuation, you no longer living in their reality, meeting their needs."
"Individuation means taking responsibility for my choices and my actions."
"The whole point of being a child is to individuate and become autonomous."
"The emphasis of CPT is upon individuation, the overcoming of subtype, the attainment of true cognitive equilibrium."
"Individuation is the process by which we grow into our own authentic self."
"Individuation allows you to build a life that is in line with your values and dreams."