
Symptoms Quotes

There are 853 quotes

"Depression... could be a whole host of symptoms but from feeling sad, blue, changes in appetite, loss of pleasure... Anxiety is like that feeling of dread."
"Depression is more than sadness; it can manifest in unexpected ways, including irritability, anger, and memory loss."
"The preponderance of the evidence indicates that children are less likely to be symptomatic, have severe disease, or be really susceptible and transmit COVID-19."
"Chronic fatigue syndrome is a devastating and complex disorder. People with chronic fatigue syndrome have overwhelming fatigue and a host of other symptoms that are not improved by bed rest and may get even worse with physical or mental exertion."
"Unless you deal with that source, you're only dealing with symptomatology and not actual cause."
"Every physical symptom, every ailment in the body, is the subconscious trying to give you a message; it's trying to get your attention."
"One of the symptom criteria for BPD is intense anger or difficulty controlling anger."
"A very common theme is that they got sick... clearly a symptom that something is wrong."
"Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions, disorientation, paranoia, and hallucinations, with auditory hallucinations being most common."
"This is absolutely a crucial point because if people start saying well you're imagining these symptoms...then what they do is what we call internalize the stigma."
"People are most infectious the 48 hours before and the 48 hours after symptoms start."
"Serotonin syndrome is basically a conglomeration of signs and symptoms that occur in an individual that's been exposed or has consumed too much serotonin."
"The downsides of caffeine withdrawal are universally recognized: headaches, fatigue, decreased energy, decreased alertness, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating, and irritability."
"Depression entails bouts of extreme inexplicable sadness, fatigue, anxiety, social withdrawal, and suicidal thoughts."
"When this happens for a prolonged period of time, we can get stuck in the five main symptoms of complex PTSD: self-abandonment, toxic shame, having a harsh inner critic, social anxiety, and emotional flashbacks."
"Symptoms of insulin resistance: know what to look for."
"Anxiety features include feeling nervous or restless, excessive worrying, and irritability."
"She is not the problem, she is a symptom of the problem."
"People still get those really awful looking pox pustules all over their body."
"The real challenge with concussion recognition is that sometimes it's obvious... and sometimes what you see happens within the first few seconds and then goes."
"Those puppies will get all kind of puffed up and distended, and we call that jugular venous distension."
"I think anxiety might be manifesting this symptom now because even though your test was negative, the doctor did happen to mention that it's possible to have a false negative."
"Broken Blade from the TCL, first split in the LCS finals, game five finds a first blood solo kill."
"Post-vaccination infections are much more like a cold than flu."
"John Bell, now approaching his 70s, starts to experience erratic and uncontrolled body movements, facial twitching, and trouble swallowing."
"Cheating is not the cause of the breakup but a symptom of what was no longer working."
"So, another reason or another way you might detect that you're in ketosis is you might smell it on your breath."
"The common symptoms of low thyroid function include fatigue, weight gain, constipation, depression, hair loss, and dry skin."
"In many cases the symptoms could be persistent and extremely debilitating."
"Low dopamine can result in Parkinson's, cold hands or feet, restless leg syndrome..."
"Most people infected with the bacteria develop bloody diarrhea vomiting and the infection is usually diagnosed by testing a stool sample."
"The world is treating symptoms, not the sickness."
"It's emblematic and symptomatic of what is happening in China."
"You really can't know if you're sick or not in some cases."
"We're not made wrong; every symptom of the body is a portal, a doorway to access unseen energy."
"Pericardial tamponade squeezes the heart, decreasing filling and contraction."
"Small changes in the blood usually equate to huge symptoms."
"Your body is intelligent, giving you symptoms for a reason."
"The symptoms of inattention... might actually be a phenomenon related to the OCD."
"Ideas of hopelessness, helplessness, and worthlessness are particularly important in depression."
"Exposure and response prevention (ERP) is the therapy of choice for OCD."
"People with or without symptoms can be highly infectious."
"Speak to your doctor if it's not improving after a week or if in that time you develop shortness of breath."
"Your symptoms are not your fault. Knowing this is the first crucial phase of healing."
"We treat the system, not the symptoms or diseases."
"If you can hear 'boom boom bam,' something is going wrong with your heartbeat."
"Anxiety and depression: symptoms of immune system decay."
"Symptoms typically point to some problem or condition that can be addressed through mental health treatment."
"His nipples and the area around the nipple are very swollen and puffy in several of his pictures."
"It's a game changer if you're suffering with symptoms like lethargy, shortness of breath, lack of strength, lack of focus."
"Narcolepsy: chronic disorder causing excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy, sleep paralysis, and hallucinations."
"Literally switch overnight and they don't have bubble guts at all."
"Symptom number one is severe headaches... feels like your head is going to explode."
"Dizziness, confusion, and anxiety... very important signs... you want to get that checked out."
"The Ukraine is a symptom of a much deeper problem."
"That feeling where your racing heart, sweaty palms, butterflies in the stomach? That's actually your alarm going off."
"They experienced intense pains in head and bones, and soon boils appeared all over the body."
"Congratulations, you're just pregnant. All of those symptoms are symptoms of pregnancy."
"Most common symptoms: fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of smell, muscle aches."
"We're supposed to use our body and be healthy but look at it that the body's intelligent and does give you symptoms for a reason."
"You got to get your health checks done... you cannot just ignore symptoms."
"Affairs are the symptoms of bigger problems... within a relationship."
"Cheating is always the symptom, it's never the problem."
"KATIE: It comes out all over my body, face, eyes, ears, mouth, arms, thighs, tummy, back. Wherever I've got pores, this is where it comes out at."
"Excess carbon in the atmosphere is not the problem. It is the symptom of the problem."
"The symptoms we see in depression... a lot of those are the central patterns that we see in narcissistic abuse."
"P.S.V.T. is an abnormally fast heart rhythm that causes palpitations, lightheadedness, sweating, and shortness of breath."
"We are emerging from this kicking, spluttering, and coughing a bit."
"Folks, if you're having black poops for God's sake mention that sooner rather than later."
"And just going back to the root of the problem and how we tend to only try to fix things by alleviating symptoms."
"Always take a pregnancy test if something is off, if you have new or weird symptoms."
"Know your body, evaluate when something's not adding up."
"We're moving toward this shift... and I think that they're all symptoms of the same phenomenon." - Interviewee
"The man turned up at the hospital last week complaining of abnormal abdominal pain."
"Tail rot can take several different forms... their tail may become slightly stiff or it could become a bit flaky."
"It's treating the symptom, not solving a problem."
"Symptoms are there for a reason, it's a clue."
"Panic attacks are a symptom, they're not a diagnosis."
"If you are having symptoms then you have to see a doctor, don't put it off."
"A bad head gasket in an engine has multiple different symptoms."
"An overgrowth of yeast causes different symptoms in different parts of the body."
"If you're struggling with lower energy, muscle cramping, or headaches, these top three symptoms can be improved with just salting a little bit more generously on all of your meals."
"Fatigue is the most common symptom in multiple sclerosis."
"The frequency of psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder is even more pronounced than in unipolar depression."
"RA causes inflammation, swelling, redness, and pain and it can damage the joints."
"Knowing the facts about ADHD, how symptoms present in children and adults, what the treatment options are, is really the key to managing this condition."
"Angina is due to increased myocardial demand which is reproducible and relieved by rest or nitroglycerin."
"It's a sudden onset of neurologic symptoms that comes on and doesn't go away for at least 24 hours."
"Symptoms associated with hypothyroidism are not unique to hypothyroidism; all symptoms can be triggered by other conditions."
"I've been a pretty big advocate regarding gut health to listen to your symptoms... what can work really well is do you eat a food and then have a symptom."
"The whole nature of MS is that people get different symptoms at different times."
"An attack refers to the symptoms reported by the person with the disease."
"Symptoms usually start to show up when kids are between 3 and 6 years old, and can continue into adulthood."
"What's happening is that there are changes occurring in the female brain, and they're driving a lot of your symptoms."
"An affair is usually a symptom of a dying marriage, not the cause."
"You can be empowered to deal with some of these symptoms that you're struggling with."
"Whether you're 30 or 35, 40, 45, 50, or even older, you can be empowered to deal with some of these symptoms."
"If you have low energy, low sex drive, don't sleep well, if your mood swings are all over the place, there's a high likelihood that it has something to do with your testosterone levels."
"The drugs today are managing symptoms, not solving anything"
"It seems like she is experiencing some symptoms of pregnancy."
"If you treat the symptoms but not the cause, it won't ever get better."
"Treating adrenal fatigue can make a big difference in patients' symptoms and quality of life."
"My goal is to always look for root causes of symptoms."
"To recover... shift the focus off the past and onto your own symptoms."
"...like insomnia, anxiety, you know, gut issues related to intuition, brain fog, that kind of thing. So, you know, the potential change kind of depends where you're at."
"Treat the cause instead of just treating the symptoms."
"In this triad of fever, right upper quadrant abdominal pain, and jaundice, is known as Charcot's triad."
"Migraines are more than just bad headaches, they are an extremely incapacitating collection of symptoms usually lasting between 4 to 72 hours."
"We see people who are really obviously low thyroid and then we see people who are kind of that their thyroid numbers might be normal but they have symptoms of low thyroid."
"They feel cold all the time, they're constipated, they feel low energy, maybe they've lost hair, the outer part of their eyebrow."
"In cognitive-behavioral therapy, the focus is on understanding and changing the factors that maintain a person's symptoms rather than solely on their origins."
"Fever, weight loss, fatigue, and changing murmurs are common clinical features of infective endocarditis."
"OCD is defined by three things: obsessions, compulsions, and the disordered loop between the two."
"Symptoms almost don't matter, my back pain is somebody else's fatigue, in somebody else's neck pain, somebody else's migraine, somebody else's reflux, it's all coming from a brain that is turning on a warning signal to say Danger."
"Drinking a lot of carbonated beverages, my head's all clogged up, this is giant ropes of yellow snot emitting from my nose, you got the gurgle in the chest, the general overall weakness and malaise."
"And there were many other features of lupus that there were not differences whether you had lupus with Sjogren's or lupus without Sjogren's."
"I have low libido, I'm fatigued, brain fog. I hear a lot of guys come in, 'I just, uh, I'm at work, I can't concentrate, I lack that drive, I lack that motivation that I used to have, I have a hard time getting up and going to work in the morning.'"
"I'm a little distended. I got sour belches. I'm a little lethargic because I'm irregular."
"...psychoanalysis treats multiple symptoms so-called conversion symptoms that represent physical symptoms based on unconscious symbolic meanings related to unconscious conflicts..."
"Niemann-Pick disease presents with foamy histiocytes and a cherry red spot on the macula."
"Fabry's disease may present with angiokeratomas and renal disease, often affecting males."
"Patients with lupus can present with constitutional symptoms such as fever, weight loss, and fatigue."
"And all of these things are symptoms of buried grief. Of grief dominating your life and destroying it from the inside out."
"The hallmark symptoms: short attention span, easily distracted, disorganized."
"There's not just one common or two common findings in hypothyroidism. There's many."
"Hip arthritis again difficulty putting on socks groin pain stiffness etc we already went over this."
"Take one tablet by mouth as needed to alleviate symptoms caused by being cancelled. It's anti-cancellation medicine."
"So I guess it's a case of you know um being aware of that and recognizing um the problems that are arising and and you know trying to sort of get to the the root of of them rather than just trying to D down the symptoms."
"He reportedly continued to experience symptoms including memory loss."
"One of the things that the literature indicates to look for or can be a sign of did is depersonalization."
"Why do some diabetics have mild cases with almost no symptoms and other diabetics have everything?"
"In orthostatic intolerance, symptoms like lightheadedness, syncope, and fatigue are common due to reduced brain blood flow."
"Since our patient is suffering from spontaneous continuous dizziness with features of CNS lesion, our differential would include vertebrobasilar ischemic stroke, minor cerebellar hemorrhage, or a small discrete MS lesion."
"Any disruption at any level of that circuit with communication can lead to symptoms."
"Actually in patients with joint hypermobility syndrome, GI symptoms were very common."
"Just itching is definitely a sign of potential for food allergy and it's one of the ways that your body's going to communicate to you, stop eating that food."
"You're depressed, it's not sleeping, your heart's constantly racing, the sweats that you're getting, that is your body trying to get your attention."
"Chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, mood disorders, anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism are often linked to low magnesium."
"Symptoms of high magnesium include nausea, vomiting, fatigue, low blood pressure, trouble breathing, and even heart attack."
"Paranoia is characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance."
"Would you agree that those symptoms are consistent with a severe abdominal condition, a possible perforation?"
"Yeast infections are fungal infections that thrive in dark, warm, moist places like the vagina. Classic signs include itching and clumpy discharge."
"I had symptoms for about four days solid."
"Validation that the symptoms are real is very, very important."
"It's important to understand that atrial fibrillation can be asymptomatic and wreak havoc because the patient doesn't feel it, doesn't know."
"You know you hear people who have polycystic ovaries and they don't have any symptoms, and in which case, that's amazing, but then you hear of other people and they have horrendous symptoms, and sadly, that is me."
"I began to feel feverish. It started in my forehead and spread over the side of my face before traveling down my body."
"If you're experiencing any of these symptoms shortly after eating a meal rich in carbs, you may want to consider that you may have reactive hypoglycemia following a blood sugar Spike."
"True healing addresses the root cause, not just the symptoms."
"It started with my spine, went up to my neck."
"So we're seeing this dynamic evolve as you're saying all over the world. I mean Brexit, the election of Trump, I think it's a symptom, or these are symptoms that the system is not working."
"If you really wanted to be a medical doctor... then the first thing you should be is really good at identifying physical illnesses that may be causing these secondary symptoms, right?"
"One limitation of modern medicine is its tendency to focus on alleviating symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of an ailment."
"Be aware, sometimes you're going to be the first one who notices symptoms of trauma kicking in."
"Rejection sensitivity is a common symptom of ADHD, especially in women."
"The emotional symptoms of anxiety are constant worries, feeling of uncontrollable anxiety, and inability to tolerate uncertainty."
"The physical symptoms of anxiety include feeling tense, having difficulty sleeping, feeling edgy, restless, and jumpy."
"Psychotropic drugs mask or ameliorate symptoms and have severe potentially deadly long-term side effects. These drugs don't cure anything, they mask symptoms or they ameliorate symptoms and they lessen the symptoms but they do not cure anything."
"In reality, dizziness isn’t the only thing. Symptoms can range from confusion and anxiety to hyperventilation and drastic changes in heart rate."
"Mitochondrial disease can involve any symptom in any organ at any age through any mode of inheritance."
"Yes, both conditions will have dry scaly skin. If you rub your hands over your arms or legs, you can probably see a little cloud of skin cells swirling in the air. However, eczema is more likely to also have increased redness or inflammation of the skin."
"Symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, bloating, and joint pain can indicate issues with microbiome or parasite infections."
"Issues like brain fog, bloating, and joint pain can indicate problems with the microbiome or infections like parasites, yeast, or bacteria overgrowth."
"Mast cell activation diseases are characterized by increased numbers of pathological mast cells or abnormal release of mast cell chemicals."
"Symptoms of mast cell activation include itching, hives, flushing, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, and anaphylaxis."
"Hereditary alpha tryptazemia is characterized by elevated basal serum tryptase levels and symptoms such as flushing, itching, gastrointestinal issues, and anaphylaxis."
"Individuals with hereditary alpha tryptazemia often show symptoms resembling mast cell mediator release and may be mistaken for systemic mastocytosis."
"So, while some people will kind of suggest that maybe genetic testing is a useful tool I would suggest that you're probably already exhibiting symptoms."
"Our histamine bucket analogy: the more we put in it, the more symptoms we're gonna start to experience."
"Untreated primary symptoms lead to secondary symptoms that result in crisis, unmanageability, and relational issues."
"This kind of not leaving a room much is one of those negative symptoms I was talking about."
"Common digestive issues like nausea, indigestion, bloating, burping, or belching can be indicative of low bile production."
"Symptoms come out when dopamine is low."
"Symptoms are your body's way of communicating to you that you need to make a change."
"...food goes unnoticed for a long amount of time because they do not give big symptoms."
"Do you feel cold or hot?" "My head is just fine, my stomach kind of hurts."
"When you stand up, you feel the onset of brain fog, fatigue, breathlessness, chest pain, dizziness."
"Low magnesium can actually contribute to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) like symptoms."
"Depression is more than 'I'm sad.' Depression can also be 'I'm brain foggy, I can't think clearly, I can't focus or concentrate.'"
"Non-motor symptoms are often poorly recognized by healthcare professionals as being part of Parkinson's."
"Levodopa helps with bradykinesia, rigidity, and stiffness."
"That's another pregnancy symptom I've been so out of breath oh another pregnancy symptom mom brain mom brain pregnancy brain combined it's not a good combination I can't remember a thing and it's bad."
"Beggars can't be choosers, what are these symptoms?"
"Non-motor symptoms can often provide problems for quality of life much more than the movement issues."
"We are changing the root cause of these symptoms as opposed to just treating the symptoms."
"For many women, they're going to be having symptoms even before they get there [menopause] and I think it's safe to say that the most common symptoms that women experience are the so-called vasomotor symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats."
"Symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction can vary, ranging from urinary hesitancy to fecal incontinence."
"I don't care if I have ADHD or not. My best friend has ADHD but like genuinely there's no other symptoms that would make me have ADHD other than the fact that I forget what I'm going to say, right?"
"Did you answer four or more on the first list or four or more on the second?"
"...if you answered yes to any of those situations, we would view you as being significantly impaired by your symptoms."
"When I'm positive and when I'm doing things that I enjoy, I don't have symptoms anymore."
"You've had this your whole life, why are you coming in now? The demands now are exceeding their ability to compensate."
"All symptoms are relationally driven. So, I just can't accept my son's acting out at face value. I will need to ask more questions."
"When I assume that all symptoms are relationally driven, I just can't accept my son's acting out at face value. I will need to ask more questions."
"The symptoms are the frequency of urination, urgency, difficulty to get the flow started, having to push or strain, weak flow of urine, and dribbling afterward."
"Patients will often have feelings of sadness, emptiness, and hopelessness most of the day, nearly every day."
"Now I imagine the CSF would be entered first as the person quickly begins having physical symptoms."
"What is common in A and B is A and B both are preclinical. Both do not have any history of clinical features of congestive cardiac failure or they do not have any current clinical feature related with congestive. But still both of them are, you can say, pre-symptomatic."
"Fatigue, unexplained weight loss, bloating, just not feeling right."