
Temporary Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Sex and masturbation... does release chemicals in your brain and make you feel good. It's not gonna make your problems go away but it may give you temporary relief."
"Motivation is a temporary feeling. It's a cheerleader moment of like, 'Oh my god, I needed this.'"
"Makeup is a powerful thing, but at the end of the day, it's all fun; it can be washed off at the end of the night."
"It is finished for now. Alright, I'll see you guys next time."
"If we look at the current status of the Ukrainian Army along this front line, the Ukrainian troops stationed along this front line have temporarily dialed back the intensity of their onslaught."
"So if the reading sucks you know it's just for the rest of October and not the rest of your life, right?"
"Enjoy it while it lasts, it's probably gonna last about a couple of minutes, but yeah, enjoy it while it's here, smash a like, subscribe, get the champagne out."
"It'll be fun while it lasts, I'm proud of you cowboy."
"Food shortage is not going to last forever..."
"Feelings are temporary, they're not forever."
"After all, these unevolved Pokémon only stick around for a little while longer."
"This is a freaking masterpiece its art gonna be sad when we have to take these weapons down."
"We eradicated poverty for like a month during the pandemic."
"It's dusting the red one for now, let's see if it stays visible."
"I'm only here for a little while, but thank you for having me."
"It's just a little bump in the road. It's not permanent."
"But it's not dead. I can't say it's dead because it's really just one of those things that's on pause right now."
"It's not gonna last but in that moment before, like, when have you ever seen a short squeeze where the number where the line just kept going up, right?"
"Vinyl wrap is a temporary way to change your car's color, standing out from the crowd without repainting."
"It basically just takes all of the stress and commitment out of hanging art on your wall."
"It's important to say, I'm keeping this body for a day, and that's it; I will not have this body. It is not healthy for me to keep this body afterwards."
"I suck at goodbyes but this is only a goodbye for now."
"We're moving into this guest place for the time being."
"You get to be a billionaire for 24 hours. If you don't start giving that [ __ ] away by morning, we're coming to get you."
"A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result."
"It's not who I am, it's just a rough time, it's just temporary."
"This is not our favorite home, this is our temporary home."
"We're officially Las Vegas residents, cheers, temporarily of course."
"It may only be for a while, but she will be his number one, and that's good enough for now."
"This is temporary, this is normal, this is okay that you're feeling this way."
"I felt a rush of relief, a short-lived burst of hope that everything was going to be okay."
"Sure, I guess it's temporary. Eventually, all four of us will sleep in the same room anyway," Alex mused to himself.
"Relax, it'll wear off in an hour."
"He is rather sweet and he'd be such company for Jonathan and Judy even if it's only for a little while."
"I'll be all right. I'm just going through a phase right now."
"We've done sort of a temporary UBI in the course of this pandemic."
"This rain is only temporarily it stops nothing permanently."
"I only want the horse for a few weeks."
"This energy will pass; this too shall pass."
"Renting is supposed to be a short-term option while you build yourself up, build your bank accounts up, get to explore places and figure out where you actually want to plant your roots."
"...this is wonderful an absolutely great idea for a temporary design..."
"All those troubles will go away eventually... they're not here forever, don't worry."
"God temporarily is introducing us to exactly the right amount of suffering."
"So, if you're not in contact, this is temporary, and it's meant for healing. It's meant to really bring clarity. Sun card clarity. Anyway, and the Wheel of Fortune, again, there's this reminder of this happening in divine timing."
"So one of the good things about Botox versus other cosmetic procedures is that it's not permanent it only lasts about three months."
"There's no condition you are going through that will last forever."
"It is only temporary, but it is necessary."
"The blessing of the Lord adds no sorrow. So, something like that... you've got to pay your bills, but you realize this is just temporary."
"I like temporary, temporary is nice."
"Alcohol isn't the answer, it doesn't fix anything whatsoever in the long run."
"Goodbye for now, not goodbye forever."
"Because I knew my Bronco was temporary I went with bare aluminum."
"...this is just a stop gap. A temporary fix."
"What you're feeling right now, it's just a temporary fog."
"Problems that look permanent are only temporary."
"…whatever suffering you're going through, it's only for now."
"...it's something that I believe was intended to be temporary, the show did only run until 1987, leaving time for the set to be completely overhauled into a complex stunt pull featuring a tropical island."
"Don't get me wrong, I don't want you to have a Seven of Wands to The High Priestess indefinitely. I can tell this is temporary, this is a temporary status that you've assigned yourself in order to get things done at this time."
"The boys are back in town for now."
"You know, it's amazing what Coach Moore has done there at Baylor. So, this is a temporary situation for Baylor. I expect to see them back in full force this time next year."
"This is where the Jeep sits for the time being."
"Motivation is not permanent, but then neither is bathing."
"Winning solves everything, at least temporarily."
"The psychological benefit of the pump, which people love, you know, if you're trying to develop a body part and then it swells and you could see this temporary muscle growth, you know it's temporary because the pump is transient, but it looks good, it feels good."
"This phase in your life, it's not going to be forever."
"Where you are is temporary. You will not be there for the rest of your life. Sooner or later, if you do not surrender, if you do not give up, if you do not give in, it will subside."
"It is just a temporary parking space for your money, that's the key thing to remember."
"You shall have your wish at least for now."
"Don't be blinded or misguided by those who are in power because their power and their rule is temporary."
"We have no intention of keeping the National Guard soldiers or that fencing any longer than what is actually needed."
"It's never goodbye, it's see you later."
"Everything is pretty dismal right now, zero positive emotions, but at least this [ __ ] is temporary."
"This haircut is temporary, but it's all about instilling confidence in the client, making them feel the best they possibly can."
"It is not going to heal the problem for the long term."
"That spot that you're holding in his life is temporary."
"Broke is temporary like I could be broke today."
"They say the game is temporary, but pride is forever. No pain is forever."
"Unavailable today doesn't mean unavailable forever."
"It's good to be king, if just for a while."
"Well this is home sweet home for the next few nights."
"Enjoy this power while he still can."
"If anyone is about to have one, try not to be worried about it because it doesn't last very long."
"We got the rental trailer again, we rented it for a week but we're not gonna actually use it for a week."
"But over a week of this, it was fun for a week."
"...until the next one, I shall see you later."
"Now peace was finally restored to Earth and the universe for now."
"For now, we'll just get them snug."
"You don't have to live on less for the rest of your life, usually this is for a season when you're trying to accomplish something specific."
"You just have to adapt to your surroundings, this is all just temporary."
"In spite of being a temporary replacement, he did a fantastic job."
"Cute girls are temporary, but FBI drones are eternal."
"This will not be staying, but we do need temporary power."
"It's almost enough to make you feel safe, for the time being."
"...we only see the temporary fruit. God sees the eternal root. He sees it all."
"Replacement dad, just you know, adoptive dad for the week. It's all good."
"They're not gonna last you your whole life, but they'll get me through the summer. I kind of love these."
"Don't let a temporary situation or temporary feelings make you feel like you have a bad life because maybe you're just in a season and this season is preparing you for your big breakthrough."
"It's designed for it to be here, and then because it's a rental you don't you don't have you can't you're not going to be putting any permanent holes and walls whatever."
"Come in as a foster parent, sure, be a foster parent but knowing it's temporary."
"It's not going to last forever but again circle back to free truck and ultimately it wasn't in terrible shape."
"Knowing that it's temporary and that you will get through it."
"...we want to inconvenience you now rather than forever and want to inconvenience the few rather than the many."
"Temporary imbalance is how we're going to get ahead."
"This is not gonna be forever. This is just a short amount of time. Do it right."
"That's not real love, that's just temporary."
"We made it, for the moment at least. We're safe."
"Is this home, Spencer?" "For now."
"...maybe goodbye is the wrong word, perhaps 'see you later' is a better term."
"If you're going through something... let yourself feel the feels and then pick yourself up and remind yourself that these feelings are temporary."
"I genuinely think I hate cheese now. Who am I kidding, of course I don't. But I at least hate cheese for now."
"Embrace the temporary aspects of life. Just enjoy myself because that's all that you can do."
"You know, find out if maybe we use it for now."
"I know I'm not going to be living in this space long term."
"No need to worry. It's temporary."
"Being a hero is not necessarily a permanent condition."
"It won't last forever, but it made me happy for today."
"But the truth is, goodbye isn't goodbye. It's just temporary, like a 'see you on the flip side' sort of thing."
"I've never had that thought again the one thing that we can guarantee everybody who becomes suicidal is that it will pass."
"I do understand at times suddenly that yes, I am Brahman, this clarity does not stay permanently."
"Temporarily because you pull yourself out 'cause fun. I like partying, I like drinking, I like doing drugs, you know, it's fun."
"The spread of the Dark Mist has been temporarily contained."
"The most permanent fix is a temporary one."
"You will get through this. Everything is temporary. Externalize your emotions. Don't trap yourself in your own head."
"I truly think what we were going through in that moment was temporary."
"Training manuals just a temporary assignment for 2 weeks."
"Broke is just a temporary state of your finances at that moment."
"the best thing with getting hurt is just like it doesn't yeah it sucks but it doesn't last forever"
"Your metabolism is not broken but it is currently mucked up, but this is temporary."
"This is literally all for a weekend."
"You only have to live with it for like seven days."
"It's like a short-term release because you can only just grasp it and then you use it and then once it's gone, it's gone."
"You can go home again, at least for a little while."
"We're not going to make permanent decisions based upon temporary emotions."
"For a while, things were going pretty well for him."
"Peace was finally brought back to earth for now."
"It's not a goodbye it's just until next time."
"We are not saying goodbye to you forever."
"It is a temporary product but it is a beautiful facelift in a bottle type product."
"Putting short term bandages on people is counterintuitive."
"You are my new favorite right now."
"It satisfied her heartache for him, at least for now," she said.
"Goku, you are a temporary plaything, a bauble to be cast aside if you lose."
"This isn't long-lasting but it's so lightweight and beautiful."
"But here at the Everdawn, we can at least take in the sights for now."
"Until next time, everybody. Bye-bye for now."
"It's really, really easy to remove out of your hair but the pigmentation when you first dye your hair is very, very strong so it's very bright pigmented but it's also very easy to remove because it's more of that conditioning based color."
"If she wanted him, why not let her have him? Even if it was just temporary, it would be better than never having her."
"I don't think that depression is something that like people are born with and I don't think it's a permanent thing people have. It's like getting sick."
"This is not farewell but a see you later."
"I just happened to move into the neighborhood, so I'm merely just staying with the Kurosaki family till I finish school here."
"Communists' Lex Bots are temporary, but democracy is non-negotiable."
"I'm very, very happy with it, and I'm sad that I have to give it back."
"This isn't goodbye, it's a 'see you later'."
"We're in Hawaii for a month, it's a temporary relocation."
"I'm not going to be permanently holding this up with scotch tape."
"I had fun building the cardboard buildings, not sure how long they'd last, but they certainly were fun to build."
"I promise I'll stop being a fan soon. I'm just having a moment."
"Will I be like this forever?" "No, only till the morning. You'll be big again tomorrow."
"Power word fortify is a way to give a person a mountain of temporary hit points."
"It's not goodbyes, just see you later."
"I hope you liked my pink hair because this is probably going to be one of the only times you ever see me with pink hair."
"The pain is temporary, picture your goal in front of you."
"Embrace the pain. The pain is temporary."
"We don't have to maintain these restrictions forever, and they will have invaluable long-term effects."
"Nothing is more permanent than a temporary solution."
"It's a truce, don't even go back to hating each other tomorrow."
"It's not sustainable long-term, but for one month it retrains your habits."
"Goodbye for now, and sweet dreams."
"Pain is temporary. It's not going to last forever, but what will last forever is your failure by not enduring that pain."
"Knowing that this phase of life is not permanent... is kind of also what keeps me going."
"It's funny, all these temporary programs that governments, these central banks make, they always say, 'Don't stress everyone, don't worry, it's just temporary.'"
"It's a nice way to get some relief temporarily."
"It's just a phase, nothing to worry about."
"I'm not saying goodbye, I'm just saying see you later."
"It's like dabbing a burn with cold water; brief peace, and then twice as much pain."
"You will. This won't be forever, I promise."
"It doesn't need to be your forever partner, but it can also be a relationship that teaches you what you want."
"This is bye for now but not forever."
"This isn't my plan to buy this and keep this for the rest of my life, this is to relive it and let it move on to the next guy and live in the past for a bit."
"This is a place I think we could live for, well, say a month."
"Reversible, that's good, it tends to be self-limited."
"A contingent worker... is someone who is here on a temporary basis."
"This is normal part of childhood and it will go away."
"You are not going to be on the medication forever... it's something that you'll be in control of."
"Pain is temporary, that's right, pain is temporary."
"That's the 100% key to having a safe place to sleep: use it for a night and don't come back there for at least a week."
"Sometimes it's just a transient symptom of a skincare ingredient."
"I am not a raincoat here to keep you warm, then go back in the closet after the storm."
"With this sticker, we can be invisible for a very short time."
"I'm gonna enjoy my balcony view while I have it for another three nights."
"This is temporary and someday soon I'll see you back in a studio."
"Drink this and you'll be an expert dancer for around about an hour."
"We had peace, love, and understanding for two days, much like a honeymoon."
"The presence of these trials is as long as a guest stays in your house."
"You know how often friends staying together works out. It's just... Rhoda, I don't care, it's only going to be for a couple of days. I insist."
"The sufferings of the present are temporary, the glory to be revealed is eternal."
"Don't allow anybody to drive any stakes in the ground; make everything temporary."
"Don't worry, these kinds of spells wear off in a day, usually."
"So long, this isn't goodbye, it's just so long for right now."