
Permission Quotes

There are 1076 quotes

"You are okay to take a second to breathe, you are okay to take a second to relax."
"Giving yourself permission to feel makes you really powerful."
"It's not called freedom if you have to ask for permission."
"It's not called Freedom if I have to ask for permission."
"It felt scary and awful because it was so new, but then at the same time, it was like, oh, this is permission. This is permission to feel."
"The main thing is to have fun, so if you have fun doing it and it's still a challenge, then it's allowed."
"Dean, it's okay to cry. Something tragic happened. Go ahead and cry."
"Consent is giving permission to someone or something."
"When we see somebody caring that deeply, it gives us permission to do the same."
"Feel free to let it out; you're allowed to talk about your feelings, you're allowed to express your emotions."
"You just make it happen. You don't need permission from anyone. You just do it."
"Hey Arnie, are you sure it's okay to take pictures here?"
"Permission...not just if there's no soul involved...it's not immoral."
"You have to give yourself permission to write badly."
"May you give yourself the permission to create in stunning and brand-new ways."
"Authority protects power, authority gives power permission to function."
"Ultimately, I want you to give yourself permission to do whatever you need to do to grow and to heal."
"Looks like they'll let me back into Nova Scotia."
"So ultimately, the easiest way around this that's good for everyone is just ask for permission."
"Give yourself permission to play, give yourself permission to have pleasure."
"You have to give yourself permission to heal."
"I give myself permission to rest and heal without guilt."
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission."
"The permission is the most important element to your wealth blueprint."
"We use can to ask for permission to do something."
"Janet said yes she said absolutely you have my permission that is my girl and let's also make take heed for everyone listening there is power in numbers and people."
"I just want to give us all a little permission to be angry."
"Give yourself permission... to be successful in life."
"It's better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission."
"You're very fresh, it's like a whole new you, you know? Give yourself permission to be different, give yourself permission to have a whole new experience."
"You have no tests coming up, you're allowed to be high right now."
"Give yourself permission to live from the end."
"I'll allow it, I'll allow it, yep okay thank you."
"You can't give someone permission to do what they have a right to do."
"Essentially gave economists permission to think."
"Better to beg for forgiveness than ask for permission."
"Don't wait for anyone else to give you permission; give yourself permission."
"It's absolutely completely fine to take a break if your work and life allows for it."
"Give yourself permission to take care of you."
"Give yourself permission here you deserve it you've earned it give yourself permission to let go for once."
"Go and get something delicious for lunch today, all right, you have my permission."
"If you've not had juice from your garden running down your neck yet this year, this is your permission."
"Everyone's allowed a day off, all right? Everyone's allowed at their office is absolutely ridden."
"Realize that you don't need anyone's permission to do something new and different."
"Why do we need Wells Fargo to give me permission to zel money to someone."
"You have permission to choose yourself and you have permission to honor your heart."
"It's better to say you're sorry than ask permission."
"You have to give yourself permission to change right now because you are not going to be the same."
"Give yourself permission to be well."
"You give yourself permission to play because it could unlock something and get you out of that very samey creative rut you find yourself in."
"Allow yourself to be happy, allow yourself to be joyous, allow yourself to be successful."
"Mother, may I go to school?" - "Yes, you may."
"Give yourself permission to be happy and to just be."
"I give myself permission to put my needs first."
"You're allowed to be happy; there's no law that says you can't be happy."
"It is cold and windy, but the sun is shining, and this is a new permission that Gary received recently."
"Allow yourself to be bad at something, allow yourself to fail."
"You're an adult, you don't need my permission."
"I'm the fear. I give you permission to be you unconditionally."
"If you're a streamer or YouTuber and ever want to react to our videos, go for it. I don't mind."
"Let me have this one, okay? Let me have this one."
"I'm so happy we got permission for this place."
"Give yourself permission to let go, to relax your body, to become present with what's going on in your body right now."
"What do we do when a landowner gives us permission to land on their property? Well, we're legally allowed to land there as precedent set by the faa."
"If you have permission from the landowner, it's a well-established precedent that you can land your aircraft there or on a public use airport or on public land that is open to aircraft."
"Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask, guys. You don't always have to sneak into places; every now and then, just ask."
"Thanks for asking nicely, yes yes yes."
"Even if the cleaning people or maintenance guys were back, they didn't have permission to go into the dorms."
"I'm worth this, I have permission to engage the voice of my heart."
"Part of recovery, a huge part of recovery really, is giving yourself the permission to eat and giving yourself the permission to be kind to your body and rest."
"It's better to ask for forgiveness than permission, right?"
"Give yourself permission to be able to try and fail to adjust accordingly to escalate when you need to give yourself permission to do all of that."
"I love remixing, sampling anything, so if you want to remix my song, go ahead, go crazy, I love it."
"Give yourself permission to do what my body needs, to do what my brain needs, with no Ed involved."
"What happens when we give ourselves permission to do things badly?"
"Why won't they just let me live? I don't need permission to make my own decisions. It's my prerogative."
"Give yourself permission to make mistakes."
"This is why I love professional wrestling because it states that the rules in the elimination chamber are if you want to flub the ship out of someone and just go I'm them now you're perfectly allowed to do it."
"I would have to ask to go to the bathroom."
"You absolutely have permission to throw things in the trash."
"Here's the cool part: NASA recently gave me permission to do this."
"You will permit me to put a few questions?"
"You have the license to roam anywhere."
"Thank you to OP for granting permission to use their story from the pro revenge subreddit."
"You have permission not to know, you have permission to ask for help, you have permission to ask questions, and you have permission to fail and learn from that failure."
"He's being just the kind of jerk that you've always wanted to be and maybe that you are but you feel inhibited socially inhibited before Donald Trump and he's given you permission."
"I just think the space needs a pop of color. Yep. Do I have permission? I will give you permission on behalf of the entire internet."
"You're actually seeking that kind of wild permission to be fully, fully you and to discover all the incredible possibilities that you have."
"Better to ask forgiveness than to seek permission."
"May I give you some feedback? Asking permission is how it starts."
"Don't allow other people to make you feel like you need permission to be yourself."
"Always think just enough permission."
"If someone makes something and there is one serving left and you eat it without permission that is evil as hell."
"By virtue of doing the work like we spoke to becoming aware of those parts of yourself and then being willing to be vulnerable and express them authentically just give so many people permission to say hey it's okay."
"It is now time to give yourself permission to begin to heal and move forward."
"It falls basically in between like permitted and encouraged."
"If Heaven cannot do anything on Earth without your permission, then you've got to keep permitting it."
"When they're healthy, they give you permission to be yourself."
"That was so nice - it doesn't matter what you decide, I'll always love you. It's such a nice way to give permission."
"Allow yourself to have this because you deserve it."
"Give yourself permission to be yourself. The magnificence of who you are is far greater than any fantasies that you will inject or impose on yourself from outside infatuations with others."
"It's like when I need you to tell me it's okay to eat a dozen cookies in one sitting."
"What if you gave yourself permission to do that, to release the tension, to just let it freaking rip?"
"A huge part of healing is giving yourself permission for joy. Joy is not walking around saying affirmations about how great you are."
"Joy is leaning into the small moments that happen in your life and giving yourself permission to enjoy them."
"If you want to kick it, you can kick it!"
"Fair use says that in certain situations you can use copyrighted material without asking for permission."
"If you're attracted to someone, allow yourself to be attracted to someone. It's completely okay."
"Dariel accepts and requests permission from him to marry Malika."
"Just hang out here and then, um, and then can you let me go?"
"...do the thing don't wait for permission to suddenly one day at some point in your life you're going to magically have the time to do the thing..."
"...the most conservative way to build an email marketing list because if an individual confirms it means then that they had to initiate the process to become part of your list."
"...this is your proof that you added people to your list only with their permission."
"Let yourself have a do nothing day, it is okay to just take a day and do absolutely nothing."
"We're changing the game without asking their permission."
"It might make you feel uncomfortable, but you have to allow at least to at least allow it to the WAN interface even if you don't allow it to your whole network."
"If you let us, we'll be on our way."
"I'm recording you right now, Josh. You giving us the okay to do it a certain way? So, I have video confirmation."
"I'd let you take the Gran Torino."
"Just to have that permission to know that it's a part of the process and that you are working towards something."
"May I just encourage you, may I give you permission, may I bless you with the spirit and a practice of Sabbath rest?"
"Charente smiled and told the boy that he could now go."
"Are you going to give yourself permission to lead that life, to live that life, and to let that out? It's permission you need."
"We literally got permission from the GM."
"Best results always come from if you just ask first... just let them know what you're using this for."
"It's literally allowing yourself permission to rest"
"No longer wait for permission to do the thing that you want to do. This is your permission."
"Start allowing yourself to dream again."
"Hooray! You may now do magic again."
"If you wanted to go lighter, feel free to do so."
"I asked my dad for permission: 'Yo Dad, can I build a 7-Eleven inside my own room? 7-Eleven? Yeah, I like Slurpees. Yeah, why not? Why not go for it? Go for it. Good!'"
"The essence of permission marketing is you can't buy it, you have to earn it."
"Give yourself permission to dream."
"Your dreams are actually your thoughts asking you for permission to live."
"You have permission to just kind of have fun tap into that kid get anything out that you feel like you need to get out."
"Well, you're allowed to blink, you know."
"Do we make more of them out here? Is that what he's saying? Do you allow it?"
"Sun Wukong was indeed intrigued and greedy for battle but first of all he asked for permission from his teacher to enter the battle."
"Give yourself permission to make bad art."
"Permission marketing is an invitation where people volunteer for a long-term marketing campaign of increasing value."
"Lord, we give you permission to use us in any way you desire today."
"It's okay to take a break when you're tired."
"When God gives me a revelation, He is giving me the permission to enter the domain that revelation controls."
"You're asking permission before you do the thing."
"The key is giving yourself permission to feel whatever it is you want to create in your life."
"Don't ask for permission, ask for forgiveness."
"It's better to beg forgiveness than ask for permission. It's a tool. If you abuse it, you're gonna get crushed."
"You have permission to dream. You have permission to be happy."
"He thought it was a funny idea and he let us do it."
"Maserati has given you permission to drive this."
"It's good, it's allowed, no one to stand in their way, not even children."
"Estelle contemplates the need to send the back and realizes she requires kaizen's permission for this."
"...it's okay to have fun and post content..."
"You don't need my permission to go spend money on a man. If you want to spend money on a man, go spend money on a man."
"Giving ourselves permission to do something crappy is the most liberating thing."
"You won't be taking any pictures until you officially have permission from Colonel Andriev."
"I'm giving you the permission to try a radical idea that might change your life."
"I have only one favor to ask you: will you allow me to eat my lunch?"
"You don't need permission. Just do your own thing."
"You have the permission now to reinvent yourself and to become the person that you truly want to be."
"You're not on here yet so we can do it because you're not on."
"Ah," said Poirot briskly. "Well, we must return to town. You permitted?"
"...God gave you the ability, gave access, God opened the door, you're sitting at the table or in the room so you have access and the final thing is give permission."
"Nerves. Is it ok if I record the talk like I record your lectures?"
"I give myself permission to evolve as often as I need to in any way that I need to without explanation."
"Give yourself permission to move."
"If you want to pull it off, go right ahead."
"You deserve every joy. It's safe for you to enjoy this. It's safe for you to have this."
"I feel happy, am I allowed to be happy?"
"I had to give myself permission to evolve because it was almost like I wanted to grow but I couldn't grow because of my surroundings."
"No one can stop us from enjoying this meal, so enjoy it."
"Give yourself the permission to just throw away for a day or two any like rules or expectations or pressure that you put on yourself to avoid screen time for your children."
"Harp is now considered a hero and they give him permission to go home so he can finally reunite with his fiance."
"We never needed their permission to believe in ourselves."
"You're not the a-hole. You're allowed to have a puppy."
"Nothing is forbidden in my faith; Godhead forbids you nothing."
"it was like he gave me permission to live my dream and be happy"
"Happiness is a permission you have to give yourself."
"I'd rather just keep doing the thing that I'm enjoying doing as long as I can continue to make it work. And what's cool about having a company like ours, which is an independent business, we don't have to ask anyone for permission. No one can tell us no."
"Permission to make mistakes is so freeing it's the root of creativity and change."
"You guys are free to do that right now."
"Am I allowed to curse? I did not expect."
"Can I bring the homies? Can I bring a date? Absolutely."
"You have permission to not have what it takes."
"The most important thing though was I was gentle with myself. I would tell myself you know it's okay for you to eat this you know you deserve it."
"If you want me to take the video down I'll take the video down no questions asked."
"But you know what? Does everyone have permission to go out their window if they're... yes, yes, yes, yes."
"It's almost like, are rockets allowed here? Who's not allowing rockets? Everyone's allowing rockets, everybody wants to go to the moon, come on now."
"Is that illegal or is that allowed?"
"Don't send us places unless you're okay with us doing that."
"Empower them by giving them permission to say yes."
"Give yourself permission to do it wrong."
"You can't deny the anger. You have to give yourself permission to feel the anger."
"You didn't allow this to happen. Allowing something implies you gave it permission."
"Always get permission before you have to start moving things around."
"DAC allows owners to grant or deny access to resources."
"It's okay to be tired. It's okay to rest. It's okay to stop. It's okay to say, 'That is not my task.'"
"Give yourself permission to get the support that you need, whatever that looks like for you."
"Can you send emails from a shared mailbox? Yes, however, the user needs to be allowed to send as an Exchange administrator."
"Can't you just walk in? Do you have to, like, are they gonna stop us or anything?"