
Apathy Quotes

There are 796 quotes

"Depression can take on many different forms for many people it's more that they don't feel anything at all."
"I just don't care anymore... I'm so over it."
"The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy."
"People don't actually care that deeply about how much real change happens. The feel-good stuff is enough for a lot of them."
"If society is apathetic about a norm, it means the norm no longer exists or is worth upholding."
"What do you do when people are rooting for you so much, and you're surrounded by so much love, but you just don't want to do anything - you don't really have any ambition, you just kind of want to exist."
"How could you endure that period of time recognizing how valuable it was for the fans to be in attendance but still treat this with the level of apathy and indifference that you've been treating it with? It's a travesty."
"What's with this culture of apathy, as if it's better to do nothing than to potentially do something imperfectly?"
"All that evil men and tyrannies flourish is that good men do nothing."
"In a free society, apathy is an endorsement of villainy."
"By being apathetic towards life and everything, you're not making any changes, you're not moving forward."
"There's just a lot of apathy and disgust with the political system."
"Oh yeah, It’s a shame what happened to them… but you know… they were just in the way."
"When I was 20 years old, I didn't give a damn about anything. The only thing in my mind was fighting. I didn't care about anything else."
"Many people do not want to fix a certain problem; they do not want to have a solution."
"The plurality in this country of voter-eligible voters don't even vote, so if anything, we have too few people voting, not more."
"Murder comes out of passion and this guy doesn't care about anybody."
"You're in a bad position if you're making people show you they don't care. 'Cause people don't care."
"Metal night is apathy so you have empathy which is the ability to care and understand you know other people's feelings and you know oh I feel for you I really do and then apathy complete opposite of that indifference coldness."
"I'm just amazed at how much we don't know and how much we don't care to know."
"The elites, they're all, 'There's nothing we can do.' Of course, it does. It's not really affecting your life."
"Because apathy can be an evil in its own right, and doing good...for its own sake... Can be an act of rebellion."
"Regular people are like the system is broken I'm not playing this game anymore."
"Honestly, the country probably doesn't care too much about anyway."
"You can't cancel someone that does not care. He does not care. He will leave right away if he doesn't like the situation."
"I don't believe this problem exists because it's hard to solve, I think it exists because they don't want to solve it."
"It just goes to show you that Twitter freaks have so little power over people like Pippa who simply don't care."
"I don't really care about black people catching up, I don't care about black people achieving equality, equality don't exist."
"The most destructive impulse is disinterest. It's disengagement. It's silence."
"Symphony do one thing and this is for anyone that might be self-conscious as well... listen to me nobody gives a [ __ ]."
"What keeps the Chinese Communist Party in power: that very same apathy."
"When a person cannot attach themselves to anything, they become apathetic, nihilistic and seek to destroy life."
"I had gotten to the place where I didn't care."
"The universe doesn't give a crap about me, which also means it's not out to get me."
"I truly couldn't be bothered to do anything else."
"This is how your country ends if nobody does anything, simple and plain."
"He didn't seem moved At All by the AstroWorld tragedy."
"In the end, the big problem you have is that regular people do not want to engage."
"Apathy is not the response of the Christian in any situation."
"Honestly, I think he just really doesn't care, which is worse."
"I don't give a shit and I don't think anyone's given a shit for 20 years."
"I just don't think about it, I gave up caring a long time ago."
"The people's moment is watching that Congressional Black Caucus sit on their hands and be like... Y'all really don't care. This is a game to y'all."
"The penalty good people pay for not being involved in politics is being governed by people worse than themselves."
"Nature is fascinating. I do miss it to a point and then I'm like okay, I'm just like I see nothing."
"Who cares who's on the money? Let the church say amen."
"Death is boring now, it's just dull, people living their lives."
"But it's different, it's different. Listen, I don't care about this [ __ ] question, I don't care about this [ __ ] question."
"I don't know how to do that because I don't care."
"Most people are gonna be like, 'I don't care, I'm fine, I don't get flu shots, whatever.'"
"At the end of the day, nutritional advice should be individualized."
"If you knew how little I cared, you'd be offended. But also, you do care."
"The biggest threat to our democracy is indifference."
"He's kind of just like not trying super hard."
"What is choice? What is consequences? Who cares!"
"Do we all need it? Do we all want it? Who really knows? Who really cares?"
"They don't care if we perish, then we could be part of the disaster that pushes The Narrative along."
"Most people don't give a [ __ ] about anything they talk about."
"Shane later tells police that his brother sent him a text, Timothy said 'Oops, wrong door.' That's all the text said, heartless, inhumane, 'Oops, wrong door.'"
"Therapist: 'So how depressed would you say you've been feeling lately?' Me: 'I don't care anymore if my foot hangs over the bed where a monster can get it.'"
"If you don't care to be involved in politics, you surrender to those who are."
"I just don't care right now, so right now, it's about... I'm sitting at home and I just don't feel like looking at that crap."
"There's nothing else going on, so it's just all right."
"The level of apathy that we're seeing in our society is very disheartening it's not just apathy it's actively avoiding situations that put you in the crosshairs of the government."
"Apathy is a sign of dysfunction... ultimately we were created to be passionate."
"However, this time I'm still in college but I just don't care about it."
"If you're asking me do I care about a segment of a class of people in another country... it is below my line."
"But then once their daughter was born, Joanne just kind of stopped caring."
"A total lack of concern, a total lack of urgency."
"Isn't it sad that you guys are already bored? Screw that, whoopee bored, people are saying screw the duel."
"Nobody hates, nobody cares, just live your life."
"When you take a step back and you look at the bigger picture... it's really hard to care about other things."
"It sucks because it's like, why are we letting this happen to us?"
"It's complete NPC behavior, like they're not... it's not that they really had an opinion on whether Russia was or wasn't an enemy."
"The death of democracy is not likely to be an assassination from ambush; it will be a slow extinction from apathy and indifference."
"Tolerance and apathy are the last virtues of a dying society."
"Nobody seemed to notice... everyone pretends nothing is happening."
"I realized that I just don't kind of give a [ __ ] about a lot of things now, yeah."
"It's like an impervious cloak, not caring about some of these historical events."
"There's a lot of freedom in not caring if anybody watches."
"They don't really care about these issues because it doesn't affect them personally."
"Once a decision is made, who really cares anyway?"
"This guy doesn't seem to give a [expletive] unless he's trying to peak for a role."
"It's easy for them all now to just shrug their shoulders and say, 'Oh, the beauty community is dead, huh?'"
"But of course the fan base are just interested in who's going to win and they don't really care anymore maybe they did a few months ago but now I don't think anyone cares."
"They don't care what your feelings are. They don't care that you find them to be hypocrites. They don't care that it's obvious to you what's going on. They could give a [ __ ]."
"It's a fascinating condemnation of apathy and complicity through inaction."
"It's the concept of being a bystander while terrible stuff is going on, and everyone else is perfectly willing to let you."
"The root cause of the evil in America today is an apathetic church."
"All this nonsense of 'We've tried nothing and it still doesn't work.' I'm so sick of it, I'm disgusted by it."
"First they came for the Socialists and I did not speak out..."
"My generation doesn't give a [__] about the things we don't agree with."
"I just don't care whether they're offended. I know that sounds horrible, but this is really [ __ ] low on my list of priorities."
"I think about all this and I try so hard and I just can't give a [ __ ] yeah there's just no hype for it and there's nothing there's no hype for any of this stuff."
"Everybody's just not giving a [] which I think it's a necessary thing for you to have people who just don't give a [] for people who back down for people who don't you know I'm saying?"
"Not caring about politics does not mean politics doesn't affect you."
"People at a certain point they're just going to care less."
"I'm sorry to that lady but oh well your daughter calls this for you and that's just life I don't feel bad about none of that."
"People don't care and they just open another trade."
"The opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference."
"It was one of those things where Americans were like, 'A pox on both your houses.' They're like, 'Screw both of you.'"
"I love it. It's so true. People need dramatic examples to shake them out of apathy."
"This year is all about the Republicans who are the crooks, the Democrats who are the cowards because they don't fight enough in the couch is to apathy. And you know, in November, it feels like the couch is going to win."
"The world is a dangerous place to live not because of the people who are evil but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
"They don't want to come to school. They don't want to make them work. They just bum around."
"I mean, who really, who really gives a [__] frankly? But it helped. It's helped me get closer to my mom."
"Nobody should give a [] about what the [] happened to Josh Hartnett."
"I'm not every day going, 'Boy, I can't wait for the antichrist to come.' I could care less about that fella. I can't wait for Jesus to come."
"No one [ __ ] cares, move on and don't drop out of high school."
"It's the apathy that's absolutely killing our country in our world's health."
"The reality is for most people... it doesn't matter."
"It's not that they don't know that what they're saying isn't true, it's that they're saying to all of us, they don't care."
"If you're not going to actually allow yourself to take advantage of being a free country then you may as well not have freedom."
"Know that term 'it takes a village to raise a child'? Right now it's like, 'I don't give a [__]'."
"Because I'm just I don't know man I'm just don't give a hiding [ __ ] anymore at all."
"Hopefully americans wake up before it's too late but it's hard to say a lot of people don't seem to be interested in waking up."
"Just fucking let all those assholes can tell you whatever they want right and do whatever they want like you know, awful. You at the editor are never gonna have an impact on changing it right?"
"15 million people died, we haven't done a thing about it, nobody seems to care."
"Who cares? Why is it so important to everybody? I've never understood it."
"In such a world as Lane's, truth becomes irrelevant when both the unbelievable and the tragic occur, and the population seems apathetic."
"No one wants to hear the excuses no one no one cares."
"Joel just walking in and just not even caring and being like, 'Oh, so they're dead.' That just showcases again how he is in such a survival mode."
"Just let us vape. I don't even care. I don't care about any judgments. I don't fucking care because it doesn't matter to you."
"Why don't you care more about the world? Why don't you want to learn?"
"If you don't care about the unraveling beauty and variety of the planet, what would you care about?"
"They don't care. They're just spiraling towards Earth about to be Street Pizza and there's the academy safety net."
"Whatever. Let me tell you what I've said whatever too. I have said whatever to just about everything except for minding my business."
"So many of these politicians left and right, all of them, they don't care about you, they don't care about me, they don't care if I believe in universal health care and you believe in a robust private market."
"Realizing that the world isn't necessarily out to get you, it's the fact that they don't care that is the problem."
"It feels like they're trying to make us upset about these things that we don't really care about that much."
"Society wouldn't survive in our current structure if everyone became completely apathetic."
"Therefore, the greatest weapon in the world is ignorance, perhaps after apathy."
"Dude, you literally have to pay us to care about any of this garbage. Otherwise, we honestly couldn't care less." - Blind 30
"Who cares about lives? Misinformation, who cares? Money, yup."
"It's a generation that has given up before the fight has even started."
"I think the greatest freedom is not to give a [__] once you care it really is you're done."
"Most people don't care about their communities or what's going on in the world."
"Because over time I've learned the opposite of love isn't hate--it's indifference."
"The only thing needed for evil to flourish is for good men and women to do nothing."
"If people really wanted the world to be a better place it would be a better place... The reason why it's not a better place is because people don't care enough to try enough."
"I'm Sans, Sans the skeleton. I'm actually supposed to be on watch for humans right now but, you know, I don't really care about capturing anybody."
"We've all got examples of jokes, this is why we just all got to stop giving a [__]."
"Don't be fooled by none of that, these people don't care, fam."
"If you show me that you don't care, I don't care."
"We're so inured to his statements that we tend to ignore them."
"A lot of people legitimately don't care about an issue if it doesn't affect them."
"Americans as a whole are guilty of that stuff that happens in other countries is over there we don't care about it."
"Your voice is already more powerful than you think it is. Most people don't take action, they just stay at home yelling at their TV."
"Honestly, like, listen you guys, I'm at a point in my life where I just don't care about those things and I don't care."
"I frankly don't care anymore... I just want to be happy."
"Only 45% of young Britons support UK's role in Ukraine - Western apathy grows."
"How do the animals seem? Do they seem like animals that would give a [ __ ] about their writers?"
"These [ __ ] don't even care about that [ __ ] [ __ ] and wait they sit back right and then you have to sit back and think like okay what's the whole what was the whole purpose of a war."
"Nobody really cares. Well, I don't know how much experience you have with Marines, but he got a little colorful and forceful with his language."
"Most people don't give a [__] about the rules, they don't care."
"People care about privacy they say they don't like the IRS spying on them they say this they say that but when it comes time to actually do something they don't do it."
"I'm not denying or accepting such stories about what happened during the life of our beloved; I don't care about them."
"We all care about the planet, but the caring usually stops for most when it comes time to putting any effort into doing anything for it."
"If I like it, I like it. If I don't like it, who the [ __ ] cares?"
"You know, you got the slacker and uh, you know, it's high school like who cares?"
"If the parents don't care and the businesses don't care, shouldn't somebody care?"
"How can we live in a world that doesn't care? That's a profound man, that's very profound."
"When you see a knee on George Floyd's neck, there's no reason to go out there and protest because God is dealing with them."
"Nobody cares genuinely nobody cares what you think."
"Honestly I don't care. Truthfully, I don't care. Overwhelmingly positive, probably 97 to 3 is the ratios."
"If you're gonna care about people in Apocalypse if they don't care about them each other then you're not gonna feel it either."
"That's so cool, man. I don't care about anything."
"As long as we're there, they were allowed to not care." - Narrator
"If nobody cared, none of it would really matter."
"Who's next? Somebody says I'm not voting, for what?"
"I just don't give a fuck anymore. It's the best and the worst."
"The data is boring. I'm bored by it. You're probably bored by it."
"There is a substantial proportion of the people who don't vote who are voting with their feet by not voting and saying this system is not going to do anything for me."
"Towards the end of my reign on morning radio when we knew the jig was up, my partner just stopped giving a [ __ ]."
"Nobody cares until everybody cares, and then it's too late."
"That's how little I care about any of this, they're on a cosmic level."
"I don't really have much to get up for, and it's just been so nice to not do anything."
"Depression takes away our hope for a future, our excitement about anything, and can just make everything seem unimportant."
"Apathy is a tragedy, and boredom is a crime. Anything and everything all of the time."
"What we want to get at is the truth, do you? I don't. I don't care tuppence about the truth."
"The opposite of love is indifference."
"The most difficult thing to do is to make someone care about anything at all."
"The opposite of hate is not love, it's apathy."
"It's a contest to see who cares less, and guys win a lot at caring less."
"When you look at the news, 12-year-old kills a 15-year-old. They're shooting each other and no one seems to care."
"Nobody cares about your complaints."
"What if I didn't care maybe it's not about you maybe it's just the air."
"I stopped thinking about it many years ago, after the first one. After that, I didn't care anymore."
"People definitely fall into depression when they feel like they're just...well, there."
"Apathy is no longer our greatest evil in this culture. It's distraction."
"I could not care less about s's esophagus."
"help save the world but apparently even though the human race will be destroyed should our heroes fail he's cool with just doing nothing I I guess"
"It is through phases like that, one gets to a I don't give a fuck phase."
"No one cares anymore. There's no emotional investment at all anymore."
"I'm just like I don't care what you guys say or think anymore."
"They don't care who they hurt, they don't care who they take money off."
"Okay, so she lives? Okay. So she dies? Okay. Then, question mark? I don't care."
"The level of apathy towards this girl shocked me."
"Come on, babe, no one cares anymore."
"Y'all really gave a [ __ ] about this."