
Intellectual Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Intellectual empathy where you understand like why you try to understand what exactly someone else thinks and why they think it."
"A richly stimulating commentary on the nature of choice."
"Objective analyses offer a lot of value, I would argue the most value."
"It's almost like out of place intellectual artifacts."
"It's time for independent critical thinking."
"Chess is a language. It's completely timeless, ageless."
"He Illustrated his views in two of his published works."
"Ronald Reagan was an intellectual in the strict sense of the world."
"Symmetry: intellectually and artistically beautiful."
"All three of those thinkers are instructive and important."
"At the very least, I'm intellectually consistent."
"Aquarius, I'm going to call them the intellectual flirts."
"This movie is not an Indian movie to me, it's an international movie with a cinematic and metaphysical intelligence quotient at Oxford University level."
"It's extremely intelligent. It brings up lots of questions."
"The questions are more important than the answers."
"Aristotle may have been the last person on earth who knew everything there was to know in his lifetime."
"Was like watching the Jordan Peterson versus Slavoj Sadwolf was alpha."
"His mouth forms a pensive curve, behind those eyes lies a flicker of intellectual fire, a spark of curiosity igniting Helen's strategies."
"I think it's important to have intellectual and civil discourse."
"The intellectual pushback is clearly underway."
"They become a center of intellectual discourse as well."
"Frederick Douglass... intellectual through his oratory."
"Since its inception in 1663, many prominent geniuses have been members of this society including Isaac Newton, Stephen Hawking, Albert Einstein, and Elon Musk."
"The primary aim of Jizek's intellectual project is to encourage us to think."
"He really left a lot on the table for us to think about...there's so many things out there very thought-provoking very mindful very meaningful."
"Find anything you can that's written by Bertrand Russell and read it because you will come out better on the other side of it."
"We are in an intellectual and moral freefall, plunging infinitely into the abyss."
"Part of jejak's success is as in a way a kind of popularizer of lacanian and his very astute and creative ability to condense a lot of lacan's difficult ideas into very simple little analogies often using film."
"An intellectual excursion, much food for thought."
"You must realize that business is an intellectual sport."
"I'm a writer, I'm a thinker, and a dot connector."
"Deep learning is on the way to doing the same thing for like intellectual inputs. It's kind of this fast extraordinary thing."
"We have apologetics, philosophy, history, documentaries..."
"The two central facts of intellectual life: atomic theory and evolutionary biology."
"Knowledge specifically for knowledge it can either be a gift or a curse."
"They're not just attracted to your body but they're attracted to your mind."
"Reading this book made me feel smart just because of the way it's written and how like smart the characters are."
"Charles Darwin solved one of the greatest riddles that the human mind has ever solved."
"Bernie Sanders for decades has been like the intellectual thought leader."
"Almost all the interesting problems... are not linear."
"Bitcoin represents a type of intellectual and even dare I say Spiritual Awakening."
"Zager and Evans ought to be celebrated for creating one of the most thought-provoking, intellectually stimulating, and artistically valiant compositions of the entire Rock era."
"All we did was sit there and just chopping up knowledge. That's all we did."
"It is the signifier of a great mind to be able to consider idea from every angle and then to reject it."
"We can cope with ideas, we can cope with nuance."
"The loftiest aspiration is by no means vague, but is thoroughly supported by an intellectual grasp of the situation and a clear comprehension of the method by which it can be put into effect."
"I find it quite intellectually stimulating."
"Bernardo is one of these thinkers that can encompass everything beyond all limitations of Science and philosophy."
"It's also a lot deeper than that; it is your energy and this beautiful intellectual vibe you give off."
"There's something about it that invites intelligent, calm, introspective conversation."
"Even if you're not an intellectual, you're a lot of fun."
"I like you, you really made me think today. I really, I never like in America I live in Seattle I never get intellectual conversation never never never it's impossible to find it."
"So it's intellectually interesting."
"Delighted to be interviewing Noam Chomsky today."
"You can watch it for the intellectual subtext or the titties and decapitation, and both satisfy very nicely."
"Well, there's also somewhat called food for the mind and that's just as important as working for a living if you want to be a round human being."
"Making this move dissolves the intellectually destructive dichotomy between genes and culture."
"Even if you're not a skincare fanatic, a skincare junkie, it's intellectual. This isn't even about skincare; this is just hygiene."
"He sounds very intellectual as he's talking about something extremely emotional for him. He said 'embarrassed' and 'afraid'."
"Most engagements about black thought aren't based on reading black authors but on pop culture representations, which leads to a vast difference in acceptance standards between black and white intellectual discourse."
"One of the most exciting things to do intellectually is to look at something that's totally commonly accepted and ask why."
"Hereditary is easily one of the more intellectual horror movies released in the past decade."
"Game theory is one of the major developments intellectually of the 20th century."
"He helps those who think Christianity is intellectually bankrupt take a second look."
"...this was a thinking persons movie that really caused your mind to open up and think."
"The Quran is the best indicator of what intellectual tensions were."
"Intellectually, we've advanced, but emotionally we have not advanced very far. The same kind of struggle that each individual human being has to deal with... hasn't really changed."
"These examples illustrate that the medieval period was more intellectually diverse and less oppressive than often believed."
"The intellectual exchange is just priceless."
"Being friends of Esther's and mine, you are perhaps inclined towards such intellectual pastimes."
"Just because they're willing to open the door doesn't mean that they will walk down towards Christianity. It just means that they become dissatisfied intellectually with their own worldview."
"The work is intellectually stimulating and the business skill set you build has both breadth and depth."
"Although art can elicit rich and meaningful intellectual response, it is important to remember that the experience of art is not primarily intellectual or conceptual. It is holistic and experiential."
"The natural world is the greatest source of excitement, visual beauty, and intellectual interest."
"This conversation is one that began to stretch just past the boundary of my intellectual capabilities, and I mean that in the most enjoyable way possible."
"Jihad is not just physical; it's also intellectual. It's also seeking knowledge."
"Keep an eye out as this video progresses and I think it'll become more and more apparent throughout the course of the conversation that I was the only one who was actually expected to be intellectually honest and to show my homework."
"Wow these lights are warm yes observe... you're not coming from a place of intellectual honesty so debating you would be toiling."
"The pleasure you get from borges is the pleasure you get from a crossword puzzle or playing a game of chess or a riddle."
"Friendship is optimal friendship is optimal yeah I'd like to have some Elite stuff on the intellectual realm some AI friends that argue with me but the the Romantic realm is weird definitely weird."
"Noam Chomsky is absolutely a towering actual figure in our era and in any era."
"Thomas Sowell came to fame as one of the first black intellectuals to question many of the policies advocated by the civil rights establishment."
"This course of domestication, it's of intellectual interest, it's academic, but it also is really practical."
"Coffee houses were originally a meeting place for lively debate and intellectual discussion."
"Intellectual attraction says, 'Hmm, you are stimulating to me. I get you. You get me. We have enough similarity, we can understand each other.'"
"Your intellect and ability to challenge others mentally is a major turn-on, fascinates and arouses them."
"I feel like some people intellectually, not even sexually, intellectually if that's the kind of girl or male or whatever you dated before me, if that's what you like, then I know you're not here intellectually because I've had conversations with a lot of people."
"We're not after a polished performance. We're not after nice people. We're just after the best intellectual students with the greatest potential to do well."
"Guatri wasn't an intellectual imposter nor did he really try to swindle people with his ideas."
"By attending to its structural aspects through analysis, we can appreciate better the real intellectual achievements of African musicians."
"That's like learning a new math problem and being like, 'This is intellectual manipulation.'"
"Surprising, fascinating, intelligent."
"There's a full-on energy going on, it's quiet but there's like, there's a lot of brain power going."
"It's not an intellectual process, it's a supernatural process."
"There's so much enjoyment and so much intellectual stimulation to be had from those novels."
"I personally regard him as the greatest intellectual of all time he was a walking encyclopedia."
"In the work of every great thinker, there are tensions."
"I'm not concerned with being a good American... I certainly do have this feeling of affection for the absolute sense of intellectual freedom that exists as a live nerve, a live wire right through the center of American life."
"I sort of reached the point where I'm like, okay, I'm kind of tired of pushing the meat too, I wanted to push the brain a little bit."
"Professor Senate, by in reckoning, is one of the foremost intellectuals in the world."
"This is a community of thinkers; we have to understand the positions that are being made."
"We were getting a bit more cerebral."
"It's well thought out, it's a good intellectual exercise."
"I'm the type of person that needs to be mentally stimulated."
"The best exercise for your mind is reading."
"He's a great person to think about how the ancient world fits into the world history more broadly."
"They are responsible, intellectual, committed, and supportive."
"It means a lot more having somebody that I actually respect on an intellectual level."
"Aquarians have almost all of their energy up here in their mind; they are absolutely brilliant."
"The chains of hell are not physical; they are spiritual and intellectual and emotional. They are chains of ignorance."
"...we exist in a battlefield of ideas and sometimes I wonder if we are even really trying to win."
"It's very much like a circus for intellectuals, and Dylan is the ringmaster."
"He's never less than 100% thought-provoking."
"He's more into like reading books and educating himself, man. At a young age, he was precocious, man."
"I've always been into profound deep abstract ideas."
"We're hackers, we talk a lot about security systems and how to defeat and bypass them, and a lot of times, that's a purely academic and intellectual exercise."
"They connect on a mental level and can provide a lot of intellectual stimulation for one another."
"The Canon is the consequence of the cumulative impact of a thinker's thoughts moving forward."
"There is an extraordinary demand out there for true radical dangerous intellectual thought and expression and discussion."
"The study of theology and religion has influenced the intellectual progress and development of humanity for thousands of years."
"In undertaking theology and religion, you're actually placing yourself at the heart of human intellectual endeavor."
"Michelle Foucault is one of the most controversial and enigmatic of contemporary thinkers."
"It was a really edifying conversation, it wasn't just a bunch of fluff."
"Awakening from the meaning crisis lecture series is being turned into a book."
"If you're intellectually curious, you're going to have problems in that kind of environment."
"Intellectual standards such as clarity, accuracy, relevance, breadth, depth, logicalness, sufficiency have always been adhered to by the best thinkers."
"The most exciting intellectual discussions at the moment... involve theology, Consciousness beyond the human level, and so on."
"His music makes you think, it gives you something to chew on."
"A thinker, a writer, someone who loves language and loves ideas."
"A symposium could be... a light drinking, very intellectual, very philosophical discussion forum."
"He's an economist, a historian, a philosopher, and one of the greatest social theorists America has ever produced."
"He was this guy who had a huge library but a very selected library of very interesting texts."
"We want intellectual diversity and more representation."
"I'm an intellectual person; I like to read, I love history."
"You have an amazing talent at blending intellectual commentary with humor."
"They're going to be very smart and intellectual."
"Because it's intellectually stimulating."
"There is a difference between intellectual intelligence and emotional intelligence."
"The Renaissance contained an elegant internal tension, one of the most productive intellectual dialectics in history."
"C.S. Lewis, one of the great minds of the 20th century."
"It is from this hybrid location of culture that the postcolonial intellectual attempts to elaborate a historical literary project."
"It's important that we have a debate and challenge these things on the intellectual battlefield."
"So glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles."
"It's an intellectual tour de force."
"I'm not a Tory, but reading some of the debates in Parliament, it was really instructive to see the level of intellectual rigor that some of those debates had."
"Think about what your path has been up to this point, that is your intellectual journey."
"Jordan Peterson has to be and is one of the most brilliant minds for the past few generations."
"I really enjoy having high-level discussions and discourse."
"The intellectual part of our brain usually says yes, I would like to know and I'd like to be able to have that exchange."
"She was obviously of an intellectual turn of mind."
"Yates is very much a starting point, someone who really opens up these complex areas."
"Presenting the gospel in the context of giving an intellectual defense of the Christian worldview."
"I'm a very intellectual person; I like to have intellectual conversations with people that I'm talking to about things that matter."
"The intellectual legacy is something that persists down to the present day and will continue to persist for a period of time."
"I like talking about ideas, not about people."
"Ideas are important to be consumed; these conversations are important, the content is important."
"For me, psychiatry has been intellectually stimulating."
"Every emotional experience you need to have, every intellectual idea, every cathartic bringing together of image and sound and perspective into a little prism to view another person's view of the world through."
"I'm more of a fan of science fiction, oddly enough, the more cerebral stuff, the smarter stuff."
"Troubleshooting is primarily an intellectual activity rather than a physical activity."
"Splunk gives us a very intellectual tool to interact with the data and get the meaningful information out of it."
"He's an amazing intellectual sparring partner."
"Very fascinating discussion, very much up my alley."
"This is a boss fight of the minds."
"At some time in the future, they would be tested... intellectual rather than physical."
"AP is animated by a deep respect for the intellectual freedom of teachers and students alike."
"He had a range of intellectual interests and hobbies as vast and diverse as the universe."
"I have an arrangement with them where I have a separate life as a public intellectual."
"I might sort of enjoy teaching and I might enjoy the intellectual inquiry that you get to engage in as a professor."
"This speaker series brings together leading thinkers to examine the crises of identity that confront us in a rapidly changing global age."
"These endgames are probably in the top 10 most interesting endgames that I have ever come across."
"I had a very intense intellectual conversion on many issues."
"The stay under the permanent bright sky embedded into an evergreen flora is most suited for mankind, especially for intellectual activities."
"I never ever had more intellectual, rewarding, entertaining, time flies by conversation before or since meeting her."
"The salon is both an intellectual and a social institution."
"You like conversations that make you think."
"You stimulate this person on that level and that's something they find very intriguing."
"Their battles had always been fought about ideas, never about themselves."
"Hopefully people are entertained with intellectual things as well, not everything has to be superficial."
"An intellectual by nature and a poet at heart, Zhu Bing is without a doubt one of the most important Chinese artists of his generation."
"The series itself has many psychological elements, yes, but there's also the intellectual elements where Ayanokoji's genius is truly able to shine."
"The best unknown biblical scholar in the country and one of the most important Christian intellectuals of his generation."
"I love to read, and I love my guy to be intellectual."
"The growth and the novel and like the philosophical thought spirals it sends you through."
"Strange Love is a thinking man's comedy and intelligent satire."
"He tends to speak more philosophically, intellectually, carefully."
"Alice and Eileen are educated and intelligent young women who have a lot to say to each other about religion, politics, economics, climate change, art history, human history, philosophy, gender, sexuality."
"It's like intellectual Game of Thrones out there, and I believe that is a healthy ecosystem when it's done respectfully and without toxicity."
"Practice is as much of an intellectual endeavor as it is a physical one."
"It's important that they are finding a community to have very intellectual conversations with because if they don't, they will feel very isolated."
"The cross-fertilization between ecology and evolutionary biology can produce a terrific intellectual hybrid."
"The concepts in this book are really strong."
"I'm spending more time doing my job where it's most, I get to use my brain and I get to focus on using my brain power."
"The society seeks to promote a forum for the discussion of ideas with economic implications."
"It's a whole last vibe, very intellectual and humorous."
"He's been a great and provocative thinker in archaeology."
"I prefer the intellectual challenge of parenting to the physical part."
"Internal medicine is really good for those who are drawn to the cerebral aspect, that intellectually stimulating and critical thinking aspect of medicine."
"We have these really intellectual conversations; it's really cool and stimulating for me."
"I like how much it made me think and I like how much it made me want to discuss it further."