
Fleeting Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"I feel like internal motivation is discipline... Motivation is something that is fleeting."
"It goes away after... it's like a little kid that just comes and kicks you in the nuts and runs away."
"He's gonna poof away faster than you can say banana bread!"
"The most wonderful memories are those that barely leave any trace."
"These thoughts are fleeting, so it's very important that when somebody comes up as an idea, you can very accessibly and very quickly jot it down."
"I'm just trying to soak up all of this newborn stage because I know that it doesn't last long."
"This time is too fleeting and therefore priceless."
"It was a wonderful time, but it came to an end quickly."
"A float plane will never leave a mark in the water; all you hear is the sound, you see the ripple in the water, and a few minutes it's all gone."
"It was scary... it was gone in like two hours, that's so good."
"Life is a flower slated to be cut down and scattered on the ground below; we make merry."
"I like the idea that one can spend a fleeting evening with a stranger in the middle of a foreign metropolis only to wave goodbye the following day and never hear from them again."
"A cursory glance is a quick, temporary, fleeting look at something, not spending the necessary time."
"We got so excited, it was short-lived."
"Legendary momentary. Thought we were going to get married, then now this is over."
"Give love a chance knowing it would only last a moment."
"I only get brief moments to appreciate things."
"Hope seems like the summer birds, too swiftly flown away."
"Henry's happiness is short-lived."
"That's the point of this movie, happy is a fleeting moment."
"You know, time flies. It just went by so fast."
"For just a moment, everything seems right."
"Life will just go in the blink of an eye."
"Notoriety and fame are all fleeting."
"That's the most wonderful feeling in the world if and it's very fleeting but that I think that's what sustains you and is something maybe holy about it."
"It's like being on the sack really. It's over pretty quick."
"All these people here, they're like smoke. They blow away in the moment."
"Every passing second feels like a precious, fleeting loss."
"the moment was a sort of Bittersweet I had captured this guy up closer than I ever had before yet it was so brief I barely got to enjoy it"
"A light might still shine on them, if only for a moment."
"It truly it's blink and you miss it."
"Enjoy every second because it really, really, really flies by."
"Happiness slips out of our fingers."
"Power is a fleeting and brief gift, changing hands like the wind."
"Every franchise that we've been mourning the death of has had this little like flatulence of life that's like rippled through it for like a few weeks and then it's gone again."
"It just kind of went from 0 to 60 and then it was over."
"There are some friendships that should be short and sweet, that should be exciting for a few hours or a few days, and then melt away like the snow."
"Life comes by so fast; it's just crazy how quickly it comes."
"Time goes by so freaking quickly, it's absolutely insane."
"Your life is like a vapor here one minute, gone the next."
"These moments of loneliness can be fleeting if we don't wallow in that loneliness."
"A little bit, but then they just chew up, and disappear."
"Life is fleeting, but it's something that we've got right now in this moment."
"...we're just vanished Into The Ether because one moment of glory and then the clam was gone."
"Enjoy this win. Savor it, 'cause it's not gonna happen again!"
"If it's kicking off, you know, just try and embrace it and enjoy the moment because it's gone."
"But the most intriguing story that I've heard from this place are the helpful and polite people who seemingly appear out of nowhere only to disappear just as fast."
"It was like a fleeting moment of pure bliss."
"There's no come and go. There is literally there's no coming. It's just the hype."
"Amy couldn't wait to leave afterward, the system matched Amy with many new partners, but her time with each person was always short-lived."
"Life is fleeting, like a vapor of smoke."
"Life is basically a blink on the cosmos of time."
"I feel like you wait so long to have them and then you have them and then you like blink and they're already a week old which is nuts."
"Time is fleeting, and we must grab these moments whenever we can."
"Life is transitory, it's very fleeting, and it's hard to understand."
"Summer is a vibe like X Games, it's over too soon. Get some while you can."
"Life is just so so so quick. And... So short."
"It's a fleeting idea in its purest form," Walter worried.
"I'm not going to be this cute much longer."
"It's sweet and ends far too quickly, but it's enough to make JJ's heart jump out of his chest."
"Nobody wants to sit there and listen to it anyway they just want to experience it for a couple seconds so you did it and then you know move on."
"It's precious, it doesn't last long, embrace it, get everything you can out of it because it doesn't last long."
"The wind can create phenomena that are much more fleeting."
"Here is this brief bright star and boom gone"
"The lizard Queen release was like a supernova, it exploded and it shined brightly with us for only a moment and the light is gone but the gravitational pole will never leave."
"There's sort of a momentary gift for people to look at."
"It's amazing that's the way people are consuming fishing hook sets and fish jumping and it's really weird too because it lives on social media you know and then it's gone just like that."
"The day just ran away, time went so quickly."
"Time is fleeting, it's the one commodity that you can't get more of."
"Fame is fleeting. Accomplishments are yours."
"Nothing will last longer, like this is incredible."
"It felt like forever but was only about 20 seconds before it took its hand away from my tent and walked away."
"It was extraordinary and you knew it couldn't last."
"The sweet smell of success doesn't hang around too long."
"It's definitely the happiest day of my life. It's going by too quickly."
"It goes by fast too so too fast right oh man seems like yesterday."
"Time is short amen no matter how much fun you're having you look up and that'll be 10 years ago after a while you blink a few times your kids should be grown up and out of the house and in college and with Children of Their Own time really is short."
"Success does not bring lasting happiness."
"So, when you get your moment, it comes and goes fast, you know? Like old shit gets new quick."
"especially cuz these days music is so hard to what's it called everything's so fleeting you know it's like scary sometimes and you're like oh God like the world is moving so quick to the next thing like you got to keep up"
"It goes quick man, it goes quick."
"it was just an overwhelming feeling for a single moment for a single day for a single year we felt like we're on top of the world"
"The only bad part about it is that it's over way too fast."
"Life is too precious and it's too short."
"Wow, as fast as it came, as fast as it went away."
"Life is really really a twinkle of an eye, and if life is a twinkle of an eye, I want to make sure that that twinkle continues to shine."
"I know how fast the time goes. It's going to be a flash before they are teenagers."
"January is done and it feels like it went over in the blink of an eye."
"It won't last forever, but it made me happy for today."
"Your days are as a shadow that passes away."
"Your life is just a vapor, appearing for a little time and then vanishing away."
"True art is something like fireworks. In that instant when they just explode in the sky, they're beautiful and they only last a brief second before it all fades out."
"When you made a performance or you did something that was only fleeting, there was nothing to sell so you weren't doing it for consumerism."
"the dog exists for approximately one sentence"
"I almost caught one yesterday, I chased him but he fled."
"Life is fleeting but it passes so fast and so do those feelings."
"A chance of success that is unlikely to be repeated is said to be a 'flash in the pan.'"
"Life is a series of moments here we go in moments pass so let's make this one last as if add that didn't that it as if it's all that we have"
"A microsecond of happiness is all we can expect."
"...pregnancy is such a time to be cherished and although it feels long in the moment it's such a magical time that goes by so quickly."
"It was nice for a while. It was nice while it lasted."
"Make sure you take everything in because it'll be all over very quickly, and then you'll regret it if you don't."
"So this was love. I wanted the feeling to last forever, but it was fleeting like the soft caress of the wind as it struck the wind chimes in the Aegean Tower."
"Oh, I wish this could last forever, Mrs. Honeybee."
"...if you blink, you might miss it."
"The figures in the belfry, their duty done, slowly faded away, their silhouettes merging with the shadows of the church."
"...it makes nothing potent everything is fleeting Everything feels empty nothing actually gets through to your emotions."
"I'm literally shocked this went by so fast."
"Time just goes, slips by so quick."
"I count my blessings every day knowing that it's a fleeting moment of fame."
"You're chasing time before it flies"
"A heartfelt reunion, but safety is fleeting."
"The bird of time has but a little way to fly, and lo! it is on the wing."
"He's working, slaving all day, watching his life scattle away."
"Sure, for a few seconds, everything would make sense."
"Grab hold of the opportunity each day breaks, or it will slip through your fingers like sand."
"It's mind-blowing. I feel like June and July were a blink, especially July, like I feel like July didn't even happen."
"Time feels so much slower, each moment is more rich, and yet it slips by faster."
"The days are flying by so quickly."
"The summer has gone by way too quickly."
"Although the vacation was 12 days, it went by like that."
"You need a taste of summer before it fleets."
"A million emotions in a fraction of a second."
"We were happy. We really were. At least for a little while."
"Let's fall in love for the night and forget in the morning."
"Oh blessed, blessed night! I am afeard, being in night, all this is but a dream, too flattering-sweet to be substantial."
"Here we are right now, this very minute. Now. But while we're talking, now this minute is passing, and it'll never come again, never in the whole world."
"It's crazy that it's already August; I feel like the summer has flown by so quickly."
"Time is absolutely flying, terrifying I know."
"I'm sorry," he whispered, the wind carrying the quiet apology away.
"The scent of gardenias lingered for a moment longer before fading away."
"These moments go by way too fast."
"The MAA school experience was a lot of fun, it was kind of over like within the blink of an eye."
"The coolest hours of the day are slipping away from us and there's so much to do."
"The time with our children is but a blink."
"Our feelings can be so fleeting, especially when it comes to love."
"Why does the weekend always seem to fly by so quickly? Literally, you blink and it's gone."
"Time just slips away from you sometimes."
"It's one of those days where time is just slipping through your fingers."
"It's all kind of this blur; certain things stand out, maybe a picture in my mind, but I never took the time."
"It's born from just one single glance, but it dies and it dies and it dies a million little times."
"Time is moving slowly but also fast, like it was just Monday and now it's another one."
"Every day is over in a heartbeat; it's crazy."
"A time was had, and I'm so sad it's over with, it just came and went so quickly."
"Time just flew by there, the sun is going down quickly."
"It's crazy how the year just melts away like that."
"August slipped away into a moment in time, 'cause it was never mine."
"Was life like that? You could look ahead to the future or back at the past, but the present moved too quickly to absorb."
"She's sweet and cute; you never know if it's going to be the last time that you see her."
"Time really does fly, doesn't it?"
"Possibility vanishes as quickly as it flared."
"Time sure flies when you're having a lot of fun."
"A dark shapeless figure emerges from the bathroom and quickly darts across the floor before vanishing."
"Enjoy every little milestone because it goes really quickly."
"Life is precious, and it goes by quickly."
"Happiness isn't some permanent thing we're all trying to achieve in life; it's merely a thing that shows up every now and then."
"I think I just saw the love of my life, and then she's gone."
"No time really does fly, man. It flies so fast."
"I'm not talking about happy ever after, Clyde; I'm just talking about tonight."
"It's like Christmas or like your birthday, you wait all year for it and then it's just like, it's over so quick."
"It's just like so much freaking fun, it seems like as soon as we sit down, it's over."
"It honestly feels like it flew by."
"Every now and then with an Alzheimer's patient, you can see that they in their eyes know who you are, but that's about it."
"Every year just seems to snap the fingers; it just goes by so fast."
"A moment that’ll never come back."
"It goes so quickly, so so fast. You need to treasure every single moment."
"True love... how altogether fleeting and elusive a thing it is, and yet how much we all desire it."
"Soak up every moment... it goes by so fast and you can't get that time back."
"We kiss in the shadows, we hide from the moon, our meetings are few and over too soon."
"December is the one that just goes by in such a flash."
"Why does the good time fly by so fast?"
"I feel like I blinked and the holidays just went by so quickly."
"Life is not about happiness; happiness is a feeling that's fleeting, comes and goes."
"Time flies, doesn't it? Like, it really, really does."
"Time goes by quickly, especially the weekends."
"Life is like driving on the highway; you just blink, and you are off."
"We're like ships that pass in the night."
"Time goes by in the blink of an eye."
"Enjoy those moments. It's such a small time, it is such a short time compared to when they're older."
"Christmas just goes by way too fast; the holidays just zoom right by."