
Socio-economic Impact Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"There is no silver bullet; all measures to stop the spread of COVID have painful effects on our economy, social lives, and mental well-being."
"The money stays in the community. Why is this important? A dollar leaves the black community within six to seven hours."
"Climate change will affect the poorest the most, that's absolutely true. But what you have to remember is everything bad affects poor people most."
"My big concern with global warming is that the policies being pushed are having a disastrous effect on the world's poorest people."
"Individuals with lower socioeconomic status suffer disproportionately more harm."
"Higher socioeconomic status leads to higher intelligence."
"American families are paying substantially more for everyday products... Inflation is a tax on us all, especially our working class and those on fixed incomes."
"The brain drain of Western immigration is dooming other countries to perpetual third-world status."
"It is utterly insane that small boardrooms of self-serving billionaires are empowered to act as though the only future that exists is in their stock portfolios."
"You've got to help people to understand that if you want a decent quality of life... you've got to become educated."
"The socioeconomic status that you have, if you end up on the lower end of this spectrum, it's going to be a barrier in almost all areas of your health."
"Let's stop this pandemic killing poor people who are already sick and really can't afford this extra burden of morbidity and mortality please someone do that."
"The movie theater is and always has been a sacred Democratic space for all Woodrow this new initiative by AMC Theaters would essentially penalize people for being lower income and reward people for being higher income."
"There's a lot of blame to go around, and the Democrats share in that blame. That said, I think repealing Roe is going to be unambiguously bad for women, in particular poor women in red states. And it'll be bad for the red states too."
"So yes, it does seem that home ownership has a unique positive effect on satisfaction, specifically in low-income people compared to renting."
"Vote Labour, but also...there is the possibility now of making sure that...those that come from poorer backgrounds get the chance of world-class education."
"A child in school, especially if they're from some of the most disadvantaged backgrounds, achieves so much more."
"And one of the most messed up things about these crimes is who tends to be the victims. It's not usually rich corporations because they can afford the latest cybersecurity and the best I.T guys."
"I actually made an entire video last year about the great wealth transfer... a lot of the wealth that is being passed... was an issue because it created pockets of crime because of the way that housing was built."
"After living that type of lifestyle and being in community college and then working with those kids and then still seeing my parents struggle I realized I wanted to help them out in any way I could."
"During the school year, poor kids learn just as much as rich kids, but then they go home for the summer and fall behind."
"Money definitely changes people in our sense that you're able to like do more it's made me more comfortable as a person."
"Charter schools give students their only chance to break out of cycles of poverty and misfortune."
"Being a working American is a life or death work, and while there is a disproportionate impact on Black, Latino, Asian Americans, and Native Americans, working-class communities, white working-class communities are being hit hard as well."
"Inflation is attacks on the poor and attacks on the elderly."
"The quality of your education in the United States of America is defined by your zip code."
"Migrant workers are an invisible yet essential backbone for every developed country."
"Inflation destroys the middle class and concentrates economic and political power in the hands of the social elites."
"Corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption will follow."
"Climate change poses an even greater threat to the people in poor countries."
"Inflation is a regressive tax, it affects the working class much worse."
"Slavery thrived under colonial rule. British and Dutch settlers relied on enslaved people to help establish farms and build new towns."
"There's 200,000 machines in this pokey nation and it's the poorest communities who have the most machines and lose the most money."
"School closures harm low income students the most because they have less access to high quality remote learning."
"800 million people out of extreme poverty, astonishing achievement."
"So if you eliminated bitcoin from the world and you robbed the billions of people of a decent chance at a decent life then you wouldn't stop any waste." - Michael Saylor
"Crime is one of the biggest drivers of socio-economic distinction."
"Crack cocaine: cheap, easy to make, and highly addictive."
"The number of deaths from poverty and unemployment... will enter into something worse than the Great Depression if we're not careful."
"Gun control just makes poor people, the people in neighborhoods who are more likely to be the victim of gun violence, less safe."
"I grew up real poor. Me too... You can't ever know what it's like unless you've been real poor."
"It's about the freedom that comes with having money."
"The lowest performing students had the biggest drops... the gap between the highest and the lowest has widened even further."
"It's a vicious cycle as the lake grows, more people are driven into the charcoal industry, destroying one of the few remaining natural resources left."
"I'm excited about knowing... we're not ever going back."
"The evidence is overwhelming that it had an incredible impact on poverty."
"The effects of coronavirus are very much felt differently depending on what class background you are."
"A college degree, especially from an elite school, has been shown to translate to better employment prospects and a higher income."
"High-speed rail has so many other benefits... economic and social, just so many benefits."
"Marriage associated with improvements in child well-being, even after adjusting for income differences."
"Marriage reduces child poverty by two-thirds."
"Free market capitalism is not perfect but it's the best system we have to raise the standard of living for the poor and middle class."
"College is effectively the plug, networking and wealth is the outlet."
"Child care creates a longer runway for black single mothers to get to where they're going."
"Slavery was a big business, a highly productive economic system. It was suitable for various tasks like mining, construction, farming, and factory labor. It generated a huge amount of wealth in a short period of time."
"Even if landlords eventually get government cash, they may forever be less willing to rent to low-income people at low prices because of the way they were treated by government policies."
"The brain drain, it's not just what it does to the businesses and everything else, it's what it does to the human spirit."
"Are you better off now than you were four years ago? Unless you are a big Tech billionaire or a drug cartel Lord, in which cases the answer is yes, you're better off under Biden."
"Inflation causes the rich to become richer and the poorer to become poorer."
"Caring is not a luxury, it's the only economy that makes life possible and worth living."
"It hurts regular working Americans, single moms, and seniors on a fixed income."
"Farmers are saying we've had it, this is why you're seeing Farmers not just in France, not just in Germany, not just in Greece."
"What we want is for the poor to have access at public hospitals."
"When a company like Tyson can get so big and powerful, they make their own rules and rake in profits while everyone else suffers."
"It's just so sad the way that the poor people are affected."
"That's reparation, they stole trillions of dollars out of eight to nine million black folks that worked hard every day."
"Sanctions are hurting average Russian citizens."
"If you compromise the Working Class People, it will do nothing but pull the economy down."
"Your socioeconomic status does have the power to impact your thoughts, feelings, behaviors."
"Wealth is very important when it comes to liberation."
"College is still a good deal for the rich while it's a scam for poor and working-class kids who because of Interest pay more for the same credentials as the rich counterparts."
"Lockdowns are immoral, unconstitutional, anti-science, and handouts to the wealthy."
"People tend to be less reactionary and more open-minded when the threat of extreme poverty isn't constantly knocking on their door."
"We are watching a systematic deliberate dismantling of the current system."
"The grades that people get... is almost totally mapped onto socioeconomic class."
"I've always had a chip on my shoulder, coming from a bit less, but it's fueled my motivation to build a life on my terms."
"It hits everybody. Poor people first and more deeply, but ultimately the ultra-wealthy will be hit as well."
"There's proven fact that women of color die more, yes, because of the low income in the hospital that's provided near their environment."
"It's a known fact that pretty attractive people make more money."
"China is the hope of the world. China has lifted 800 million people out of poverty."
"A new proposal in California calls for increasing taxes on high earning individuals and corporations. It aims to use the funds to incentivize electric vehicle purchases for low-income communities."
"This hits rural, tribal, and low-income Americans the hardest."
"When you tell the unemployed steel worker in Pennsylvania or the unemployed coal miner in West Virginia, 'I'm sorry, globalization really was good for you because you can buy those cheap goods now at Walmart,' that message isn't getting through."
"If we impose restrictions on emissions, the poorest of the poor are dead, okay? There are people that have just come out of poverty over the last 20 years and they cannot survive these kind of regulations."
"The people who are being affected the most are the people who can't afford it the most."
"You're seeing the shrinking of the middle class which has always been really the kind of strength of the American economy and it's having these repercussions and ripples."
"It doesn't have to be regressive against the poor."
"Megan is literally changing her socioeconomic trajectory for the rest of her life and likely for future Generations."
"The existence of private schools wages war on meritocracy because it tells kids that having money will get you further in life than having talent."
"Living a deliberate life is something anyone can benefit from, regardless of where they fall on the socio-economic scale."
"Having a dual parent household... is the single greatest socio-economic indicator of future wealth employment graduating college."
"Poverty's a disease. Like, your zip code is as impactful on your future as your genetic code."
"Safety rules have trade-offs, and many of those trade-offs hit working and poor people harder, not elites."
"Everything in life is so much harder when you're poor."
"People who live on lower socio-economic positions or in poverty have increased risk for mental health problems."
"Skyrocketing food prices are regressive and particularly damaging to low-income families."
"If you could statistically eliminate segregation, you would completely erase black-white differences in America in income, education, and unemployment."
"The arrival of the Spanish fundamentally changed the social and economic makeup of the Americas."
"As illiteracy increases, income decreases."
"The thing that changes the socio-economic situation for people is education."
"Higher education for black people proves higher income."
"It's disproportionately working people making less than fifty thousand dollars a year, African-Americans, Hispanics, people who are struggling to get by."
"The effects all the positive effects are substantially increased for girls from lower income families."
"For every stone a woman gained in weight, there was about a 1,500 pound reduction in annual household income."
"Not only does this provision deny people the right to due process, it targets low-income families."
"We need to look more holistically about the role that the historic black church has played."