
Survival Challenge Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"This right here is a prime bottle and for the next 24 hours, I'm going to be surviving on one of these amazing delicious treats."
"Surviving a hundred days on just three layers of dirt, this challenge is gonna be brutal."
"God is giving us time right now to examine our life, our rhythms, our schedules and to actually build our life with Jesus the worthy one at the center."
"Grab your favorite snacks, relax, and enjoy as I survive 400 days in Better Minecraft Hardcore."
"You've got to imagine all these people are trapped in a valley with nowhere to shelter, they are just left at the mercy of these giant hailstones."
"If this timer reaches zero you die the way you get rid of this is by punching this corrupted hex drinker."
"A lot of y'all wouldn't last a week in a zombie apocalypse."
"This isn't about killing you. It's just about putting you in a slow dance with death."
"Scarcity is a mod that makes finding loot throughout the world a little bit more difficult, perfect for ramping up the difficulty of survivalism."
"Surviving these spiders is like navigating a nightmare, but with determination, anything is possible."
"Can you survive every animal every person potentially turning within seconds?"
"Fight the cold, we need to get the generator working."
"Surviving 100 days in ancient Rome while building my own empire, let's find out."
"Left with only the clothes on their backs and a single seemingly random tool each, our six maze runners will have to work together if they want any chance of making it out alive."
"It's me against the killer. Who's going to win? Who's going to laugh last?"
"Experience pure fear and an anxious atmosphere that put the players' survival instincts to the test."
"With all of that now being said, it is now time to see if we can survive."
"This planet is a game preserve, and we're the game."
"It's dense, it's tough, and when you finally figure out how to properly survive, it's very rewarding."
"How on earth were a bunch of kids with no equipment supposed to get back to land?"
"Not only is this challenge physically taxing, but Boney Island is rumored to be cursed, and any item you steal from the island is said to haunt you forever."
"I thought she was gonna pull me down too, 'cause she had rocks on her feet."
"Jelly's goal will be to survive 24 hours, which is for us 24 minutes. Will he be able to do it? Well, just watch the video and find out!"
"100 days Minecraft hardcore in a nuclear apocalypse. Day one, we spawn in a city that was abandoned due to the war."
"Struggling to survive in the harsh reality of life on the frontier."
"Earth's temperatures are set to soar, presenting a stark challenge for life to either adapt or face extinction."
"The real horror of Blair Witch is watching people unravel during a truly hopeless situation."
"I'd successfully survived another 100 days in Minecraft hardcore."
"Increase experience... adds a sense of urgency... trying to survive... challenging."
"In the apocalypse even a bowl of instant noodles can cost a life, it won't be easy to eat your fill."
"A fight for survival that would make the Hunger Games look like the Very Lovely Games."
"That was a hundred days in an ocean-only world."
"It's such a tense scene watching them close in as she struggles to spark up her lighter due to it not triggering and her hands trembling because of the infection."
"Larry went on to say that his father seemingly died in the crash leaving this young boy alone and stranded."
"The real enemy of Walking Dead is the other humans that are surviving right."
"That's right the world's most feared monster was now rolled up in a nice little ball of rice and i had survived 100 days in an ocean-only world."
"It's just you and your raft against the world."
"The game begins with a series of disturbing, compressed photos depicting Bucky the Beaver and his friends out at sea on a fishing trip when a storm blows in, wrecking the trio on a dangerous desert island full of vicious, hungry wolves."
"This cruel truth started a month ago when he was summoned to a strange world called a dungeon."
"You're not fighting a war per se, but you are fighting a war to survive, that's for sure."
"You can freeze to death. That's the first biggest thing it adds: weather matters."
"Humanity carving out a civilization for themselves."
"The only thing to say is that I survived 700 days in a hardcore Minecraft."
"I want to see if we can just survive, you know, for a certain amount of time."
"On day one all we started with was a chest with a few essentials in it and a tree."
"Your hearts turn blue and you start to slowly freeze, and it does eventually kill you if you don't make it out of the powdered snow."
"Now we need to make it out alive, that's the real bit of the challenge."
"Last time I survived 100 days on Mount Everest and made it to the peak. This video I'm gonna have to survive 100 days in the real-sized Sahara desert."
"One Lonely Outpost: make the world life-sustaining for yourself and future colonists."
"The fight for survival starts now hang on tight because you're all going to play a little game of fate."
"I might last 100 days, I might last 50 days, heck I might last two days."
"But that's where things must come to an end for this video because we have just survived 100 days in an expanding world and it's also really crazy to think that we came from a one by one square to this absolutely insane thing."
"Starvation is my current adversary, I hope assistance comes soon."
"We're being regulated into the ground and told you will grow this food without your fertilizer or you'll go out of business."
"What made the first Half-Life make such an impact on me was the feeling that Gordon Freeman was an underdog barely scraping by with his life scavenging for weapons and utilizing whatever he can to get out of Black Mesa."
"It's currently minus 48 degrees Celsius... I'm kind of curious how people are going to survive on this planet."
"The weather will always be the boss. It doesn't matter how tough you are."
"I survived 100 days of Skyblock in Hardcore Minecraft, left stranded on this floating island of dirt surrounded by the void."
"It was nice just kind of when sleep was optional. When you could sleep to make it daytime if you wanted to, but if you wanted to kind of live through the night and try and survive, you could."
"The overwhelming consensus is that Christians will succumb if they don't take Jesus seriously."
"This is TGF, and we're about to try and survive 24 hours in the wild with no phone or technology."
"A violent windstorm assailed the place, threatening our camp."
"There's no tougher way to test your survival know-how than escaping a death trap."
"Can they master the island, or will it master them?"
"I survived 100 days in hardcore 1.17 Minecraft. What an epic adventure, huh?"