
Fishing Quotes

There are 15347 quotes

"Let's go! R fam, we just caught our first fish!"
"Humans pose a massive threat to the survival of many shark species with commercial fishing and the global shark fin trade."
"We're playing 'Cat Goes Fishing.' It's a game where you try and catch the most rare fish in the entire world."
"It's a tough place to fish, but that's what makes it so rewarding, I guess, when you finally actually do catch something."
"Despite not taking a fish on this trip, I gained plenty of invaluable experience for next time."
"Our lives are all dependent on our fish and would be completely changed without this wonderful resource."
"It wasn't until I got more used to checking that I started to notice what it looked like when an actual fish bit on the bobber."
"Speaking of fishing, I'm no master angler, but perhaps I can give you a few tips. In my experience, you should aim in front of the shadow of a fish when you cast your line."
"Yes, I caught a black bass. The most metal of all fish."
"This is a loach. It's looking at me with reproach."
"Yes, I caught a red snapper. It looks pretty dapper."
"It's all about the wiggle and dangle, and I couldn't get the right angle."
"This group of fishermen was fishing along the riverbank that faithful morning, not knowing the huge surprise nature had in store for them."
"The hardiest of the people were engaged in fishing: fish were abundant, and at all times one of the chief sources of food for Númenor."
"If you ask me, the best part about fishing is its slow pace. It gives one time to think, to reflect on past events, and plan for future ones."
"These little celebrations that come after figuring out where a fish is, how it lives, and how to catch it."
"Alaska shows what a well-managed fishery can produce."
"It's more exciting for me to see someone catch a fish for the first time than it is for me to do it now."
"The type of bait that you put out determines the type of fish that you're going to catch."
"That's a huge fish! Oh my gosh, look at how fat that fish is."
"We're eager to get in the water. Fish on, guys!"
"I think this is a really good fish to end on."
"Jersey tarpon may not grow as big or put up as much of a fight as real tarpon but they're still damn fun to catch on light tackle."
"Anyone and I mean literally anyone can grab a rod and reel couple baits head out to your local body of water and catch some fish."
"If you put in the time and effort, you will be rewarded with a beautiful fish if not more."
"This is what I saw I casted at this giant fish that it exploded I thought I was for sure sure going to hook up but it wasn't me that hooked up watch out oh my."
"Lebanon's fishing industry has long been pivotal to the nation's economy."
"Their love for fishing doesn't end with the square hook."
"Would you take the one 50 kilo GT over catching 20 other fish?"
"It's not about what you catch, it's about who you're here with and what you're doing."
"Life is good, wind died down, sun's shining, the pike are getting bigger."
"Put out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch."
"If you want to move this country forward... you put that shift Indy and as for America, we will move forward."
"The kayak comes fully equipped for fishing needs."
"World record catfish: Bernie Campbell is a British fisherman who caught what was considered to be the world's largest albino catfish."
"Casting out--the mystery of not knowing what you're gonna catch, that's what really draws me to the sport of fishing in general."
"We've been wrecking some catfish, just look at the one Miles caught just a second ago!"
"Cod was one of the most valuable fish in the world."
"Fishing is such an excellent way to make money."
"The Christianity of modern-day white evangelicals bears no resemblance to the radical teachings of Jesus."
"The answer was the next one, but that's fine. What's the biggest fish you've caught? A bull shark in Florida."
"A daughter, sister, wife, mother, and grandmother, a dedicated caretaker, an avid fisherwoman."
"It's a nice one, yeah, that's good eight nine inches for sure."
"That's what we came here for guys, that is a monster."
"Look at that monster blue catfish! That is awesome! That is the river monster that we are after today."
"Confidence is key when it comes to fishing. You never give up."
"I'm just an avid fisherman. I will always release everything I catch."
"Insect hatches are one of the best times to catch trout, you know right where they are."
"Trout lose their normal caution at the height of a hatch and can be approached more easily."
"Mayfly spinners are the final egg-laying form of the mayfly and they hover over the riffles."
"Trout often ignore something that is smaller than their current food and are suspicious of something that's larger."
"No giant but a nice pass to catch dude that's what I like finding now he's not no huge he's a pound and a half probably he's he's pretty healthy looking it's a good fish."
"Double-sided magnet is probably outperforming that one right there because we're not elevated so it can drag on the bottom a lot easier."
"I am still like on cloud nine after catching that monster."
"It's best practice to 'lube up' your hands with some aloe vera from Ultimate or something like that while you're handling those fish."
"Fish don't care how much you paid for your tackle."
"It's like having a fishing guide in your back pocket."
"Finding that ten percent zone where ninety percent of the fish are and then blowing out the spot because you position the wrong way... there's nothing worse."
"Can we give you proven fishing trends and actually show you exactly where to fish every single week based on this 90/10 rule all year long? Completely risk-free."
"If all this did was help you catch one or two more fish per trip would it be worth it?"
"How much is it worth investing just ninety-seven dollars to get guaranteed results...?"
"We want to unite friends and families you know through fishing and we want to be able to let as many people come in as possible and at a really fair price in 97 it's where we've settled even though we know we could charge a whole lot more for it."
"We are here to serve you we are here to help you become not just a better angler but you know just to help you save tons of time and tons of money."
"So knowing that all we have to do is go, there's about ten spots like this up and down the shoreline. So if we really want to maximize our time, we just fish this one hard, go fast, slow down, fish this one hard, and just do that."
"It came out of nowhere, literally thin air, came out and just smoked a little prototype swimbait. First good one of the trip, I think we'll probably get some more, just gotta keep doing that swimbait."
"Five-pound largemouth are really cool, but those two-pound river smallies, they get you going. They get me giddy, man."
"He literally, as he thrashed, spit it into my boat. So, we're gonna get a few shots of this guy, release him. How unreal is that? Buddy was still hungry even after the main course. Wow."
"Bad days fishing is better than a good day in the office."
"Just a matter of odds now, nowhere's gonna be really better as long as I'm catching lots of fish and treasure chests I'll find it."
"It's basically a stripped-down form of fishing where you've got essentially a rod, a reel, and a weighted hook."
"The braid is the be-all-end-all, really. Feeling every tiny little knock, every time you touch a little bit of weed or anything like that, you can just feel it."
"Literally, that's all you need. That's it. You've got a little net as well. It's one of the beauties of this method."
"Speaking of two mouths, a woman fishing on Lake Champlain hauled up a pretty special catch..."
"Speed cranking: triggering a feed response in a bass."
"Speed cranking is about catching fish, but it is also about catching monster fish."
"If you want to use your catamaran as an offshore fishing machine, you'll need a tackle rigging station with plenty of storage for all of your gear."
"The last thing in the world i want is to hook a giant in the mat and lose them if you can get a jig through your odds of hooking that giant in the mat and getting them out skyrocket if you can't get the jig in you can't get the jig in."
"You can go out there, catch more fish, catch bigger fish."
"Later on in this lure's life, it became known as the old faithful. There was pretty much no point ever when I went out to a body of water with this that I didn't catch a fish with it."
"We're fishing in every state, in every city, in every town, in every village, and every country."
"To all the fishermen out there, bravo! You've shown us all what it means to be a true hero."
"We needed that. If we went to bed tonight without that fish I would have felt like a waste of space."
"That's awesome. You stick with it. You're so good at catching those largemouth, too."
"That is my first king, ladies and gentlemen. That is a one-year-old, oh my gosh, let me... I apologize for the length of that thing."
"Down Imaging is a way that you can take pictures of what's going on underneath your boat."
"But it is something to consider it another thing to consider that folks always want to know about obviously it's gonna be cost of ammo so five five six for practice stuff is definitely cheaper there's just the fish that jump behind me."
"Fishing can be a great way to relax and clear."
"Fishing isn't the most engaging of activities, it needs to make it up by being relaxing as fuck."
"Let's get rigged up, launch the boat, let's prove that these worst lures on Amazon can actually catch fish."
"I think this is gonna be one of those lures it could it might take us all day or we could just get lucky and catch a fish right off the bat."
"Snakehead fight hard, look incredible, and are delicious."
"There's been trips where I've fished for four days not even caught a single one."
"We're making it, we're having a freaking day. Last minute buzzer beater. Came down the water's edge to release this guy."
"This footage from April 2022 shows the moment when anglers off the coast of Brisbane, Australia, almost thought that they had made a magnificent catch."
"Oh, I thought it was a small, that was a little small dude, that's like a 14-inch perch, bro."
"Probably one of the most legendary Smallmouth videos we've ever filmed on this channel."
"How many of you all know that when you're trying to catch a fish most folks don't just throw the line out there?"
"There's a lot to do in the wild area... fishing is one of them."
"The weather is the most important and also the most overlooked factor in bass fishing."
"Your worst fishing conditions are high-pressure situations."
"As long as it's not lightning, we'll get right out there in the middle of it because that is when you see your low-pressure situations occur."
"The weather is a hundred times more important than moon phase."
"Fishing just takes on a whole different meaning when you have to catch fish to survive."
"We need to give this guy some... wait a minute, is that a big fish?"
"Then we can get back to catching fish, doing what we love."
"See that placement of that circle hook that's exactly how it's supposed to go it turns out at hook point points back at the shank of the hook."
"I've had a change of tactics, and after just an hour and a half, it's paid off."
"Let's get up to trolling speed and get a fish."
"Fishing in a game like New World, I think should just be obvious, you should definitely have fishing."
"Alaskan crab fishing: one of the riskiest occupations on the planet."
"While there may be some pretty hardcore locations on Earth for you to earn a living as a fisherman, surely the Amazon River is the most terrifying of them all."
"For our final entry into this surprising world of deep sea fishing, what better note to end on than with the man's best friend?"
"In the world of extreme deep sea fishing, marlin are some of the most coveted variety of fish, particularly blue and black marlin."
"I hope it catches the Magnum bass, we'll see what she does out there in the depths."
"I can't believe I caught a five-pounder on the jerkbait!"
"I can't believe I caught a fish on a little shrimp, that is crazy!"
"If I could just catch it before Devon catches a fish, I win this thing!"
"Oh my gosh, that's the ugliest looking fish I've ever seen in my life."
"Overfishing has disproportionately targeted fish who are at the top of the food chain."
"If you feel like I'm cheating people or not doing things right then please do not fish the tournament."
"I'm not gonna disqualify 50% of the fish in this because their pictures in the wrong direction."
"You have all these extra rules on the supply chain, rules regulations, you have all these industries like the seafood industry here in the U.S., you had all these fishermen in different states and counties, they weren't allowed to go fish."
"Continuing to promote catch and release is crucial for sustainable fishing."
"Sometimes, like I did last year, you can catch many, and sometimes you come up empty-handed, but it's a matter of persistence and not giving up."
"That was first drop oh my God how about that for a first drop on a brush pile guys that is a slab"
"That's another big one second Big Slab crappie of the day"
"That's a really nice one JJ I'm glad you finally decided to join the party up here finally"
"That's a nice one put him in the bucket get back out there"
"Beautiful, probably two and a half pounder right here."
"If you're into fishing, you're taking part in a hobby that's almost as old as human civilization itself."
"Cormorant fishing: an ancient practice dating back to 960 A.D."
"The feeling of catching the fish and getting that bite and then hooking it out of the water it was really like it was kind of like primal almost like I don't know I don't know how to describe the feeling but it was like a real rush catching it."
"Massive live wells, fish care quality, all of it."
"Late summer in '92 or '93, I was on a day trip to fish my favorite small stream."
"Nine o'clock on the dot, 140 pounds of fish in the boat."
"This spot number three, we finally found a good fish."
"It's been a tough bite so far, so I gotta stay positive. We gotta stay fishing."
"Every single one of these fish I put on the bank was exciting, fulfilling, and really just what fishing is all about."
"What a unique looking fish. We're with Brian today. Probably in the morning for a little bit if you guys want to come out here and see some of this fishing that we've been doing."
"I got really lucky you know what it was dude here's my very first cast and so I guess on your very first cast they don't like the bar doesn't go down."
"I decide to go fish at Ginger Island because why not and I actually find out that I didn't fish up all the golden walnuts so that's a little bit of progress there."
"Try something different this spring get out there pick up a finesse jig pick up a handful of trailers and go give it a try you're gonna have a blast."
"That's what I call jazz. Look at this, isn't this awesome? This is urban fishing."
"Being an angler, I'm always trying to figure out the reason and the why as to why the fish are biting or why maybe they're not biting."
"One thing I thought about last night was how cool it would be to fish with a viewer, someone that is from one of these cities that we're fishing, and just link up and pick their brain."
"That's the secret of fishing, you said, you have to be humble enough to learn and you have to be eager enough to ask."
"There's something really, really cool about catching a big fish and releasing it..."
"There's nothing wrong folks with letting the fish go... you know?"
"Sometimes snakeheading is easy today it was more like musky fishing it took about 10,000 casts so i certainly know just how good christine feels after working so hard."
"Anytime, it's our pleasure. Nathan outfished me, he outfished me good."
"Look at that, what a beautiful fish that sucker fought like a champ too."
"It's very easy to tell when I hit a particular fish out here, because it sounds like I hit a squeak toy mid-flight."
"I work my butt off every day hopefully giving you guys hardcore practical walleye information."
"Urban Fishing to me is not only about trying to find interesting spots within city limits to try to catch fish but it's about finding the most unique area that we could possibly get ourselves into."
"Pretty cool do a little bit of jigging In The Wind in between the locks nice little hot baths."
"Huge 550 pound shark hooked just seven miles from the Devon coast."
"Have you ever considered upsizing your spy baits? Well, I am. We're gonna make a giant spy bait, big old chunk of Douglas-fir."
"Usually I don't make eight-inch baits to fish with on a Hyundai, so this will be a challenge."
"That looks pretty sweet, they spin freely. Wow, guys, seeing this, this thing's crazy, that's the biggest spy bait I've ever seen, it's gonna work good."
"It's official, bass like this swim bait. I am gonna rig my other pole up with a little jig."
"It can be used as a teaching tool for all of us."
"We did it! We came to the Arctic and we caught an Arctic char."
"It's okay, what is this? Oh my goodness, I got a big one."
"Wow what a beautiful fish right there you guys see that barb look at that it's huge."
"If sustainable fishing practices were in place everywhere, this could lead to over $50 billion in profits globally."
"I thought I was gonna get all the fish today, I thought I was gonna get the best fish ever!"
"Look at that old catfish, you see we got... we even got some tummy meat bones."
"Experienced some of the most humbling fishing of my lifetime."
"You get caught up in life and what do you do to kind of just get back to your inner peace, your inner core? You just go fishing."
"Sweet! What a beautiful morning. What is going on, my friends? Welcome to a little fishing adventure with the ancient."
"Well, I've achieved what I originally set out to do and that was catch 30 from England and what an absolutely amazing way to do it, start from that snaggy, a couple of rod lands out, the fight was just incredible."
"It's our duty to help the next generation of anglers."
"There is just something special about catching a fish on a bait you made yourself."
"That is prime time. It's when a lot of the fish will slide shallow."
"Some aquatic insects can swim; a swung wet fly could imitate a tiny bait fish or it might also imitate an aquatic insect rising to the surface to hatch."
"Artificial nymphs can imitate the larvae of mayflies, caddisflies, stone flies, midges, and also freshwater crustaceans like scuds, crayfish, and even aquatic worms."
"Experiment with various arrangements until you catch fish; it's really satisfying when you figure it out."
"Sight casting to a fish that's feeding in shallow water with a nymph... that was cool."
"I'm glad I had the opportunity to harvest the fish of a lifetime. But if this is the last big mouth buffalo that I'll take, hopefully this isn't a monument to the fish that are gone."
"It's a versatile bait north to south east to west, the bass love it and it's honestly probably one of my favorite ways to catch a really really big bass in the summertime."
"Oh man, that was wild, cool little bit a lot cooler I brought it in."
"Striper, they're one of those fish it's kind of hard to fish for. But they're so big that it's worth it. The payoff is so huge."
"When the post spawn fires up and gets going, the guys that adapt with it come out and chase this stuff, they're having the time of their life."
"They are incredibly smooth but let's face it we're all carp anglers we like things to look nice and I can sit looking at that setup and I can just be quite happy it just looks the part."
"This could be one of the best days of fishing ever."
"A little wooden pier and we have a fish off."
"It's all about going out, finding a body of water, and just doing what fishermen do, and that's fish."
"Creativity is key in growing and creating a successful fishing channel on YouTube."
"We got a shark, baby! Let's go! Oh man, I wonder what we're going to catch next."
"Just from today, day three of fishing... We got pretty much a thousand scrap, just from that."
"The pain, okay? So this might be an arowana, most likely a bass, but it could be something good. Maybe it was definitely a bass, I could feel it."
"If you go fishing one time a month and just want a unit that works right out of the box Lowrance Active Target is the one for you."
"Oh, that's fish, as soon as it hit the bottom, bro."
"It's more honest to go out in the oceans and provide the food that you need."
"We have a responsibility to protect that fish."
"If you can't catch fish, a boat ain't gonna help you."
"Finding out where these wintering holes is really important."
"That's without a doubt the most incredible, crazy, mental five days fishing."
"Catching fish is always a very exciting moment for me."
"Oh yeah, you're right, you're right. I'll just land him. I got him by the line."