
Data Visualization Quotes

There are 881 quotes

"When you're visualizing data, you never want to use color to make something colorful but rather use color sparingly and strategically to draw your audience's attention."
"We figured out how to actually get this information to display all on the exact same visual area using Power BI."
"Data visualization is very good... it allows you to invoke all of your human characteristics."
"A histogram is created with a column of measurement data and the corresponding column of frequency data...it's used for displaying data and assessing its symmetry or skewness."
"Charts are absolutely data analysis also. We're taking a bunch of raw data creating useful information."
"Data visualization is actually often the first step of any type of data analysis work... because visualizing data often gives you an intuitive understanding of the data and it often helps you see patterns that are otherwise hard to see."
"It's kind of interesting to see the data being visualized like this."
"The beauty here is that as you train this model if you visualize these little vectors, it might be that they start aligning."
"We're all suffering from information overload or data glut, and the good news is there might be an easy solution to that, and that's using our eyes more. So visualizing information so we can see the patterns and connections that matter."
"Visualizing information is a form of knowledge compression. It's a way of squeezing an enormous amount of information and understanding into a small space."
"Geographic Information Systems layer data on maps, allowing us to see different spatial relationships."
"In 5 steps, let's go from having raw data with no visuals to creating an awesome dashboard to impress anyone."
"A great thing you can point someone to and say hey, you know not only do I know how to use algorithms but I also can implement them into this cool visualization tool."
"Kids were not interested in just looking at boxes of data."
"Starting with the Russian tank fleet, what you're looking at here is visually-confirmed loss data from WarSpotting."
"Creating a pie chart in Excel is so simple. You can now easily portray complex numeric data in an easily understandable form."
"A dashboard is simply a data visualization that presents useful information and metrics that will update automatically when new data becomes available."
"I'm a big fan of ggplot2. I use it every day in my work. I teach it in every single one of our boot camps to our students at data science dojo. It is a wildly wildly useful tool as a data professional as a data scientist."
"Faceting is the mechanism by which we can do this visual drill down."
"Congratulations to data is beautiful for being the first animated data visualization channel to reach a million subscribers."
"Visualization is important because visuals can help data analysts understand and explain information more effectively."
"There are these graph abilities where you can actually visualize all of your notes and all of the connections between them."
"Tune in for analysis, charts, and breakdowns on these projects."
"Charts try this, it's great to visualize and really helps frame whatever narrative."
"You choose your plot type based on the question you're answering and the data types you're working with."
"This project is all about creating visualizations in tableau so we're going to create multiple visualizations."
"Come with me on a journey into the past and the future as I use visual effects and accurate math to show you something you've never seen before: the true scale of data."
"Graphics give us an elusive confidence. They tempt us to believe in this one aspect we can count and measure."
"Create from your heart space, from your sacral chakra."
"Power BI is a business analytics tool for visualizing and sharing insights."
"So I'm going to show you step by step how to import the library, add a canvas, draw the chart, and then draw the chart using your own data."
"Numerics dashboards help me see business data at a glance."
"No image tells us more about the state we're in with covid right now more clearly than the latest map of places with community transmission. Places where the virus is spreading locally, they're highlighted in red. And yes, it is the entire country."
"Conditional formatting is quite nice for archiving your expenses, highlighting those that stand out."
"You can specify larger data bars to represent larger numbers, making it easier to identify key components within your spreadsheet."
"Conditional formatting in Excel allows you to spot trends using bars, colors, and icons."
"You really start to think of your data in graph form... we can slowly query down to more and more specific sections of our application."
"A dashboard is visualizations from other Power BI reports pinned to one specific place that can be updated in real-time."
"Every flowchart needs to have a clear direction left-to-right."
"Consistent level of detail is important in flowcharts."
"Pandas actually turns us into a really beautiful-looking table."
"Adjusting chart settings for better visualization."
"Tree map suitable for displaying hierarchical data."
"Waterfall chart illustrating income to the amount left at the end."
"Changing color style and adding legends for better chart presentation."
"Top five categories table for quick reference."
"That's what conditional formatting can do so well: help visualize the data."
"Highlighting the whole row, conditional formatting, and in 2007 and 10 they have a bunch of amazing built-in features."
"Icons, top group gets a green up arrow, the bottom group gets a red down arrow."
"Excel 2019 has gotten so advanced that based off the data set you give it, it can recommend a set of charts that you might want to use."
"It's a great thing that Excel allows you to save the modifications you've made to a chart so that maybe one day you can apply it on another data set."
"What if we wanted to see these country jazz pop rock as the bars and not the quarters?"
"It's real simple to spice up a chart with images."
"Among the best charts in cryptocurrency land."
"Graphs, charts, maps, which is kind of... kind of so that I do and it's aesthetic which is pretty much the most important part."
"Leverage Grafana's power to visualize and query data effortlessly."
"Dashboards allow you to create a one-pager that has all the information that your user needs."
"Towards the end of this video, I work on something to try to scale the size of the circles according to the magnitude of the earthquake."
"Nothing more complicated than his twitter log charting tweets over time."
"It will now draw at the end of the chart here, and you can go as far back as negative 9999."
"Charts are used to illustrate and compare data."
"We live in a world surrounded by these sorts of charts."
"Visualize the distribution of text lengths using a histogram."
"This map really shows the visual story of the tale of two housing markets."
"Charts are a great way to analyze your data very quickly and they look great."
"This is what a line of best fit through this data would look like."
"This is probably a better way to visualize the data at the end of the day."
"Generate a chart showing which day of the week I spend the most money."
"You can use QuickSight to visualize your billing data as graphs."
"In this line plot, we can quickly see the evolution of the population throughout the years."
"The beauty of Anaconda is it provides you various data visualization and analysis tools like the Jupyter Notebook and Seaborn."
"We have made our first time series plot."
"...this is a pretty cool way to visualize your data using uh you know Python and jupyter notebook."
"Excel allows you to beautify your data and present it in the form of charts, tables, and data bars."
"The size of each circle or node is proportional to the amount of incoming links to its corresponding article."
"Expand your mind a little bit when it comes to creativity when you're working with your pivot charts."
"Now hopefully what we should see is if I click India, it's going to change, so we now have a dynamic chart title happening, which I think is actually pretty cool."
"It's a really nice interactive way for people to be able to pull out exactly the information they want."
"Here I can select how I want to view this right now it's viewing it on a monthly basis but if I click on this I can change it to quarterly or yearly even."
"So let's actually go over some common visualizations starting with a bar chart."
"...we can insert a chart and we can insert charts on the layout."
"Pie charts are really important. They are a great way to visually represent data as a fraction part of a whole, hence a pie with pie slices."
"Sparklines are something very minimalistic and nice."
"Let's spend some time talking about charts, because most people are visually based."
"If I had more records, let's say maybe if it's more than 10, it might be hard to quickly ascertain what's the majority. So I can within this tool, I can render it different ways."
"You can use a pivot chart to visualize your data."
"Data visualization is a powerful tool for exploring and communicating insights from your data effectively."
"These labels here kind of don't mean anything because our raster is not a nice uniform grid of progressive data it's just like scattered so you kind of should have just ignore pie plot sacks these labels here if that makes sense isn't too confusing."
"so what it's basically going to do for the plot these online 81 through 83 plotly basically takes lists of data to create a graph"
"A measure doesn't calculate its results until it's been added to a visual in the report. So it doesn't really matter which view you happen to be in when you write the expression for your measure. You won't see any results until you add it to a visual."
"Data visualizations are pictures. They are a wonderful way to take very basic ideas around data and data points and make them come alive."
"Data ink ratio should be high. The second rule is no chart junk that is junk."
"When we build our dashboard, we'll use visualizations when we want a quick impression and tables of data when we want to compare precise numbers."
"Graphs are an incredible way of encapsulating tons of information in a really fantastic picture."
"How about we make the title of the chart dynamic as well?"
"Being able to create dynamic, user-friendly, and beautiful visualizations always comes in handy."
"...we're done with the theory, we're done with the computation, we're going back to plots and visuals."
"It's neat, okay, so we have a band graph generator, we got a Jacob's Ladder."
"Once you've created a dashboard, you can see it here in the start list."
"If you're a project manager, these dashboards can help you identify bottlenecks reasonably quickly."
"This should be the arrow chart like if you had an arrow chart where you could type in your specs and it just showed you what would happen that way then that's a huge huge difference."
"The better you can see and mentally process the data you're looking for as you glance down quickly at your computer, the more valuable it is on your ride."
"Do profiles change based on the type of bar being displayed?"
"The primary purpose of a bar chart is to compare categories against each other."
"Tableau is a data visualization tool that manages the vast volumes of data and turns data into actionable information."
"The great thing about a pie chart is it really shows what parts make up the hole."
"Two parameter density plots allow determination of single cell positives for each marker."
"What we're creating here is not an image, we're not creating pixels, the grayscale values here represent a data point, a numerical value, and as those data points that we're going to plug into formulas later that we can use then to generate our image."
"Pair grids offer specific control over plot layouts, allowing customization of data representation."
"Facet grids enable multiple plots in a grid, with options to define rows, columns, and attributes."
"Dashboards are an intuitive and interactive way to visualize your data all on one single screen."
"What makes an effective dashboard? It communicates information at a glance and makes it easy to spot what's most important."
"Creating heat maps in Matplotlib is just a few lines of code, making visualization easier."
"Now, if you need to do a quick visualization of the data, you can actually simply do a couple of plots and see how this looks."
"This is really good data visualization. We're taking a time series of maps, I mean just displaying EVI over a time series, which can be really great for looking at change on a year-to-year basis."
"You can create visualizations in Python and Excel that are just not possible to do without of the Box Excel charts."
"Spatial files are quite an interesting addition to Tableau."
"ArcGIS Dashboards allow you to create informative dashboards that use charts, gauges, and other visual indicators to track the status of events, people, and assets in real time."
"It's a great way to help people understand data quickly and easily."
"They're very beneficial for visualizing stock price trends and volatility over time."
"...before you even begin to build visualizations it's worth taking a look at your data and working out exactly what's going to be of interest to your audience..."
"Range equals Max minus Min, this is pretty much all you need to know about box plots."
"...because let's face it, nobody wants to stare at just a bunch of raw numbers."
"...you have this really useful one right at the bottom called a scorecard chart..."
"The easiest way to create a histogram is just to go to your measure so I'll click on price and then let me go to the top right here go to show me and then I can just click on histogram."
"Isn't it amazing how easy and fast you can make dashboards using Tableau?"
"Power BI allows you to gather, transform, and visualize your data from various sources, like Excel workbooks or SharePoint."
"Allows your users to be able to interact with and see their data from a different perspective."
"Power BI is more user-friendly and within a click, a few buttons, you can visualize your data. You can do everything and it's not that complicated."
"I think adding bar charts or heat map in a table chart allows our audience to have better visual cues."
"Time series chart is very useful for us to visualize daily, monthly, quarterly or yearly data."
"We made those good graphs great by focusing attention sparingly and using words wisely."
"This view is where we're going to create every individual visualization. It's where we'll do a lot of the heavy lifting when it comes to building any sort of Tableau workbook, any sort of Tableau dashboard. A lot of the work is done in this particular sheet."
"A really good dashboard is like a newspaper article on the front page of a newspaper."
"Python has libraries for this basically things you can install into python writing python in order to visualize graphs super simple my favorite is Seaborn."
"...time series are very helpful to see the evolution over time."
"Think about what is important to display in the chart and also think about what is the most appropriate chart type."
"Our mission is to help people see and understand data."
"That kind of ability to express your data in that way is very important."
"It has substantially better data representation, the way that that data is displayed to me is much better and gives me a better picture of my overall health and fitness than the Apple Health app does."
"These data bars, color scales, and icon sets are fantastic if you want to quickly show and highlight relevant numbers."
"Conditional formatting allows you to highlight problem data."
"With conditional formatting, you can put some visuals on your Pivot Table."
"The top and bottom rules in conditional formatting are a great feature and your data really does stand out."
"...we can create some interactive charts here, which are very powerful and you can start making some dashboards."
"Our mission as ever is to help people see data in new ways, discover insights, unlock endless possibilities."
"Make your charts match the message you're trying to communicate."
"...how can we give commanders of the future better visualizations of the data that they've got before them so they can make decisions quicker..."
"Interactive drillable dashboards...now we're really starting to give the user all the information they need."
"I really enjoyed using Grafana so far. Learning how to use it has been such a treat."
"...to make the case for better sanitation and like better medical practices and so I think that these are both great examples of how data visualization can be used for civic purposes and for convincing people and this goes all the way back to the beginning of the discipline"
"...and like better medical practices and so I think that these are both great examples of how data visualization can be used for civic purposes and for convincing people and this goes all the way back to the beginning of the discipline"
"...I think that these are both great examples of how data visualization can be used for civic purposes and for convincing people and this goes all the way back to the beginning of the discipline"
"When visualizing data becomes as easy as with MATLAB, you're not thinking about formulas and specific use cases."
"Stem and leaf plots are useful for understanding data distribution."
"Box and whisker plots visualize the spread and quartiles of a dataset."
"I think it's a really good introduction on how you can visualize data within Python."
"Jessica and Mike are happy with the PivotTable."
"This tool will allow you to for example select nodes and I can for example change the colors of all of them and I can change how they're captioned and you know make some nodes bigger than others and so on and so forth."
"One of the best bits of feedback since the book has been out is that people write to me, particularly on Instagram, and they say, 'Hey look, I love this combination chart. I just it because I did want to do more than three.' And I say, 'People don't do more than three.'"
"For today, I'm really excited to do a deeper dive into the JavaScript side of data view."
"We also can work with 3d data. You can take your 3d data and visualize it online, and ArcGIS Enterprise has a scene viewer for viewing your 3d content."
"Forms let you work with the data on the screen in a nice pretty interface."
"Effective spatial analysis requires data visualization every step of the way, from exploring and getting to know your data to communicating your findings effectively and honestly."
"Pie charts are not the most effective way to visualize proportions. We want to get the most amount of information in the least amount of time with the least amount of effort."
"The other advantage to the ggplot command as we'll see is that it's layered you can start with one graph and just add to it in a very natural and organic way."
"A good dashboard grabs your attention to where it's needed, communicates important information at a glance."
"So make sure to use colors that are going to be understood by your audience, that can quickly be interpreted correctly or in the way you intend."
"If your dashboard users will need to open it on a mobile device, create another dashboard with a simple layout that looks good on the screen size."
"For monitoring dashboards remember that you may have to refine and adjust the dashboard over time, as more data accumulates or as thresholds for metrics change you may need to adjust them."
"So fantastic and we're not done, it gets even better. We're going to be able to animate our plots here really soon."
"Let's customize a brand new pie chart."
"That was it. Yeah, so basically this is a great start to visualize data or web applications, and the application of some of these libraries are endless."
"This CSV turns into something that could be opened up in Microsoft Excel."
"You can control the color palettes in Seaborn to customize the appearance of your plots."
"Drawing attractive figures is important when exploring a dataset. Visualizations are central to communicating quantitative insights to an audience."
"Move it around, resize them because I will actually want to see a lot of logs at the same time so I'm going to make it a bit bigger."
"... so far we've used matplotlib."
"We have done very little in terms of dragging and dropping some fields and we've been able to create two very nice charts that describe our dataset."
"A lot of people use Grafana for all these different things and I've been using it for the past couple of years now and really enjoy the fact that it's open source, simple and just works really well."
"Radar charts are one of the most effective ways of being able to compare and contrast different players in different metrics."
"You can customize this dashboard just based on those queries and adding them to a visualization dashboard."
"We're going to start with a super blank Power BI report here which literally has nothing."
"A good way to show data is to show data visually."
"...it's sorted by date so all these numbers are a bit more scattered around. So now you can see how useful that scale is where we can just very easily see where the highest number is and the lowest numbers are based on their colors."
"You can do things like having multiple lines on your charts, you can have different bar charts, you can fine-tune what the different time points are on your individual graphs."
"It's very useful to split your graphs into multiple axes."
"What kind of graph can I use? In this case, because I have categorical data, I'm going to try out a bar chart."
"The idea was to recreate that bar chart but with a nicer design."
"You can arrange elements on your dashboard, bring elements to the front, align them horizontally or vertically, and make something report level."
"Making reports look good for our audience so people want to visualize these charts."
"Power BI is easy to connect your data and create different visualizations."
"Now it is time to use filters and controls on Google Data Studio so our dashboards can be interactive."
"Another good example will be drop-downs. Let's say, okay, I want to visualize my traffic data, but only from these specific locations and from these specific devices."
"Now, we can create visualization using this data."
"Once the visualization is ready, we can publish it to show it to the customer."
"But the important thing here is that Google Sheets is able to draw a histogram by default."
"If you want to show changes over time, you do have the option of doing the basic line chart."
"Now I'm going to show you how to make these in-cell visualizations for several different kinds of data because this sparkline function in Google Sheets is pretty flexible."
"A full story can be told by one chart."