
Learning Importance Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"It's essential that we do everything we can to keep children at school and keep children learning."
"Education is education is the foundation for any change."
"Most of us have had to learn in life that you need to get things right."
"Students learn how to use their ears, which is extremely important."
"This is why in CS50 we spend time on some of these lower-level building blocks."
"Understanding the sentence is more important than memorizing individual words."
"As an academic I care that I learn something every day if a day goes by I don't learn something that's a wasted day and ideally you should get your mind blown at least once a week by just something whoa I never knew that."
"Nothing more horrible than a person who has stopped learning."
"If you don't learn from history, you're doomed to repeat it."
"Learning is not important, but how to learn is important."
"People don't understand what you learn about yourself is far more important."
"The moment you destroy 'I do not know,' your entire learning and expansion process has come to a cease."
"You're never gonna learn if you're the smartest person in the room, that's a good point. Surround yourself by people who are better than you."
"Invest first in education. Learn, then invest." - Robert Kiyosaki
"And that is it for this video I know it was a lot of nitty gritty information but it's all very high yield so make sure you know this information well."
"Nothing frightens me more than a person unwilling to learn even at their own expense."
"If you don't learn these things you may never improve or reach your maximum potential."
"You may not nail it 100% the first time, but that learning experience is imperative for the future times you try it."
"We did some science today, and that is the most important thing."
"Everybody should have to take an introductory biology course and an introductory Physics course just to know the world you're living in."
"Do not be deceived if these early exercises seem trivial. Learning this skill to a high level is the backbone of musicianship."
"Learning is the most important thing when it comes down to mitigating your risk."
"I'm not going to hand you proverbial fish, I want you to learn how to fish."
"I'm here to learn, and this is the conversation I wish someone had with me a decade ago."
"The dumbest person is one who does not want to learn."
"Nobody is blinder than those who refuse to see and nobody's dumber than those who refuse to learn."
"Education is not just about getting the degree or getting the diploma in your hand, it's about expanding your mind."
"People that try and ignore it or don't learn are the ones that suffer."
"Now more than ever with the convergence of our technology and our lockdown situation it is more important than ever to develop your English skills."
"It's important to watch, it's important to learn, it's important to never forget."
"As I learn, I think it's important that as I learn I tell everybody what I'm learning."
"The only way you're going to retain and really master this is by practicing what you learn."
"Learning is key and... challenge conventional thinking."
"The ultimate goal is to get you guys learning how to fish to make your own decisions."
"Love is at the root of everything, all learning, all parenting, all relationships."
"You should have played the tutorial you dum-dums."
"Those who don't learn from the past are bound to repeat it."
"Authentication is a big, big, big important topic that you guys will need to learn."
"Your grade is not what you should worry about; you should worry about learning."
"I'm not doing things to make money I'm doing things that make me super happy that happen to have the potential to make me money."
"Even if it means just watching and observing because it goes such a long way."
"If you want to do something at a very high level, it is important to study its history and its origins."
"Be prepared to learn marketing one way or another."
"There are universal principles... whether you know how they work or not, you're going to continue to fall on your face if you don't observe and learn and come to know what those principles are."
"Isn't it crazy when you think of it that way wow like children I mean I know just getting them any education is good but these babies you know"
"If you think about the other cases that I've talked about, this should be humbly recorded into your mind."
"Exploration is important when learning in this type of scenarios which are actually sequential decision making scenarios."
"It's very important that you learn how to use this help function."
"I must insist you pay close attention to this lesson."
"You have to know your fundamentals."
"The more you absorb information, the more you're likely to create transformation."
"His insistence on learning applied to himself and his family as well as all those attending his court."
"Those who don't learn from the past are condemned to repeat it."
"This is highly important to understand."
"Knowledge is like medicine; you don't need it all the time, but when you need it, you need to know where to find it."
"If all you do is practice and you don't ever study, you're not going to get very far in your understanding."
"Learning without thought is labour lost; thought without learning is perilous."
"It's not just about being careful not to get infected; there are several important things to learn to ensure it doesn't happen this way again."
"Never ever feel like these are the basic topics; why do I need to learn these things?"