
Stealth Quotes

There are 1090 quotes

"Whoever stole Z's gifts had to be stealthy and fast."
"If you can sneak up behind creatures and eliminate them, they know we're here."
"This revolutionary technology allows a fifth-generation aircraft... to have a radar cross-section of just 0.0001 meters squared... about the size of a bumblebee."
"Elden Ring features stealth mechanics that let you sneak up on and backstab enemies if you wish."
"Oh my god, yo. Be careful and be quiet. We have to try and get all the way upstairs and without alerting the snowman."
"Stealthy, we're not overt; we're not going loud and proud, yet we have a lot of capability in this little bag, but we don't want the world to know about it."
"We did it, we did it right. Yes, we got the silent assassin. We didn't kill nobody."
"A group of F-35s is in theory capable of attacking a target without being detected, and this is a big tactical advantage."
"The thing that crept into my fields from the nearby woods didn't seem to notice me sitting there. It's talk hunched and deliberate through the field with the posture of a tiptoeing thief."
"Owls fly completely silently, making their strikes very difficult to defend against."
"This perk can be used for mid-chase stealth."
"This park is super nice and can be paired with med kits or self-care to be used for stealth purposes when alone."
"Did you see that? I was able to go straight behind the enemy even without much aiming."
"Spook is good because it masks your walking, so if you're behind someone they don't really know you're there and they just kind of stand there."
"Skyrim's main thief storyline was fun exciting and it required stealth skills."
"Stealth isn't a tool of aggression but a blanket, a shield, a defense."
"Always sneaking, always stabbing his way through the shadows."
"The Northrop Grumman B2 Spirit: reducing its radar cross-section to the size of a tennis ball."
"The B-2 Spirit stealth bomber... has a RCS equivalent to a tennis ball."
"The Silver Baller is the signature weapon of Agent 47 in Hitman, easily concealable and deadly."
"Invisibility doesn't automatically mean you're hidden. Creatures can still locate your position with hearing or if you leave footprints or something of that sort behind."
"This has been our guide to stealth in Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. We hope that your next stealth mission goes off without a hitch."
"I call it stealing because I know what I'm taking and you don't, you know what I mean?"
"Mission Impossible was inspired by the film 'Top Cappy', most specifically its methodical and mainly dialogue-free approach to an elaborate heist sequence."
"At max level, sneak makes you invisible completely."
"The way of the shadow turns your character into a ninja, with really cool things like shadow step and the ability to turn invisible in an area of shadow."
"Stealth rewards patience and forethought, making it closer to a puzzle."
"The silent assassin that's what we should go for guys in missions from now on we're gonna try not to kill anybody we don't have to."
"I definitely felt my movement in stealth improve over the course of this challenge."
"Shadow kill turns enemies to Ash upon killing them... making this a must-have quality of life upgrade."
"Frank really needs to learn how to hide better. That's twice now."
"Hitman encouraged the smooth, silent assassin approach and despite the decently large arsenal of weapons, discourages combat encounters."
"Tenchu: the art of being an invisible force of death."
"In Tenchu, you're the predator, not the prey."
"Tenchu: where every rooftop is a potential ambush point."
"This is it. This is the moment. You are stealth. You are the knight. You are Batman."
"Rogues are built for stealth. We're meant to do it from behind, baby. That's how it works."
"Going through the vents would have allowed Aidan to avoid needing to use the hallways at all."
"Sabre tusks prowl the slopes and valleys... preferring to stealthily work towards unguarded flanks."
"Baldy really does only know where you are based on audio or, of course, if he sees you."
"The soda can be used pretty frequently just because it's an instant attack, and so as long as the principal doesn't see you using it, you're usually in a pretty good spot."
"Everything or Nothing is a third-person shooter with stealth elements, and it works and controls well."
"Strangulation was the murder method of choice... being quick and quiet while leaving no trace behind."
"Stay your blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
"It's those pesky tank destroyers that sit at the back hidden, you don't see them and they just pound you over and over and over again."
"Evelyn just blowing up the Lee Sin so that's the best part about Evelyn having that stealth."
"Forget Me Not can use this power to his advantage in a huge way in the right circumstances in one case he's even able to dupe all of X-Force..."
"This strange-looking plane was created to demonstrate that a low observable stealth surveillance aircraft with a low probability of intercept radar could operate very close to the line of battle."
"A ninja would rest and act in whatever way it needed to to blend into the society."
"She doesn't want to draw any unwanted attention on herself... getting caught has much more severe implications."
"This is how you break down barriers this is how you kick down walls this is how you sneak in the game when they not even knowing that it's happening right you doing it when no one's looking."
"Alright so now that guy's down the other guys distracted will sneak up from behind and try to interrogate them."
"If you're a fan of stealth games and sniper duels... you gotta give this a try."
"Pick your targets wisely... priority one or enemies that can be taken out without breaking stealth."
"Real deal stealth is very much possible in Elden Ring."
"Version 3 of the vanishing point allows Gwenale to vanish his existence from his opponent's minds, making them forget he even existed entirely."
"Phantom Pain is not only the best Metal Gear game in the series, it is also by far the best stealth game ever made."
"Origami Shadow Edition is definitely a lot more like Tenchu."
"My technique for building on PvP servers is you build small you build smart you build layered and you build hidden."
"Smart man, I could use somebody who can operate under the radar around here."
"I wanted to get through this room undetected."
"It allows for stealthier play and a better opportunity to pull off flanks, plus you know when you spotted now due to a recent mechanic addition."
"You have the ability to not draw attention to yourself compared to gas generators when being used."
"But then you get like the stealth aspect of it all."
"Being completely silent and shift walking allows you to keep the element of surprise."
"So long as you can resist stealing any of the gold you find and are able to stay in stealth and keep the bloodshed to an absolute minimum, I reckon you complete this heist completely guilt-free."
"it's okay how like you run up to the goal and you think freaking hell I'm so sneaky I'm gonna"
"Reconnaissance is at its best when movement needs to be quiet, calculated, and precise."
"A submarine is a platform whose mission is to arrive by stealth, to kill without warning, and to escape without damage to herself."
"The stealth fundamentally has the systems in place... to feel authentic."
"A single Russian tank can sometimes sneak very close to a Ukrainian bunker to destroy it."
"A civilization on the run, trying to stay quiet and escape pursuit."
"The reservoir does an excellent job of reinforcing how valuable stealth is right off the bat."
"We gotta make this a stealth mission. Lucky for you, spiders are sneaky."
"Life's just more fun if you're sneaky, okay sh, you never saw me kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa kappa good."
"F-117: Penetrating heavily defended airspace undetected."
"I recommend that we try to breach this door as silently as possible and gain advantage over the one who stands watch."
"Sam Fisher’s distinctive gait as he crept up on enemies, the way he shoots out lights to create darkness to hide in, and the famous three green lights on his head meant there was no mistaking Splinter Cell with any other series."
"Shadowstep hides Fixated's visible scratch marks."
"Her third ability is called Breach Surge... It doesn't just give out bonus damage but it actually enables stealth multiplier."
"But right as we start to dismantle his fence in almost absolute silence, I noticed something out of the corner of my eye."
"I don't want to get banned, one of them is the admin but I gotta stay hidden. If they call a meeting, I get voted out. So do me a favor if you don't want to get banned, just hit the like button down below the video."
"I've got the power of camouflage and my Minecraft friends will have no idea that I'm fighting in plain sight."
"With this build... very deadly... hit players that are in stealth."
"We're so sneaky, honestly I'm pretty sure we're gonna last months out here."
"This easily missable nest of hellbugs is an excellent example of how some of them could be hiding in plain sight."
"Their stealth is their most important weapon."
"The Raven Guard are the sneaky sneakertons of the Horus Heresy genre."
"So seamless no one will even know we're there."
"Only the B-2 bomber can penetrate heavily defended airspace, fly for thousands of miles undetected, and deliver weapons precisely."
"I've decided to do something about this myself and sneak a modern painting into the most secure, most respected, and most famous gallery in the world."
"Lethal but invisible poison has historically enabled killers to strike without fear of reprisal."
"Rogues: masters of subtlety and precision in a world of danger and opportunity."
"Stealth requires you to complete maps without setting off the alarm."
"Stealth is generally better for leveling up."
"That would be you, you'd sneak up on another General."
"It is fun as hell when you slide under an enemy's feet non-lethal, a taken down shadow leap onto a brick wall and escape as his friends look around."
"The stealth technology returned a lost element to aerial warfare."
"Put on a few pounds a year and just creep up on everybody."
"He grabs the cash fast then disappears without a trace."
"Snakes have no voice, they are subtle, and that's one of the reasons they're able to get their prey."
"There is simply nothing like it. This is true open-world stealth that is unrivaled by any game or series in its genre."
"The Yu Yen archers are highly skilled archers used for stealth missions."
"You silently under the surface are making your way rising up."
"Stealth was very clearly something that Bungie wanted to be more prominent in Halo 2."
"The Ghost perk is crucial for staying off the radar."
"The tracker perk allows you to faintly track footprint trails of enemies."
"Designed with some of the most advanced stealth capabilities in the world, enemies of this aircraft may never know what hit them."
"Stealth now has a practical application too."
"Collaboration and trust will be needed to sneak past guards, hack through laser grids, crack safes, and much more. Challenge accepted? Yeah, it sounds a lot of fun to me."
"The bubble wrap silencer explained how the square of plastic adhered to the bullet."
"The stealthy approach is the best for infiltrating a secret base!"
"Silent shooting... I can actually photograph people without them noticing."
"Shadowcat can blend in with shadows, making her fantastic at sneaking."
"The whole point of being a submarine is to stay underwater."
"We must take them somewhere where the Sith will not sense their presence."
"Stealth is one of the most reliable forms of survivability because there's no counter to it apart from area of effect attacks."
"It's very bouncy, very fast, very maneuverable, very stealthy."
"This is going to be so useful in building and even probably raiding some more ancient cities because we'll be able to sneak around without activating the wardens."
"Silent killer, sometimes the most dangerous."
"People say, 'Oh, you use a GoPro,' yeah, that'd be really inconspicuous in a store."
"Stealthy ninja monkeys forming a Pacala knees, spreading DNA while avoiding detection."
"In order to emerge victorious in combat, you'll have to utilize Stealth at any given opportunity."
"I managed to secure nine bags of loot via the window."
"I don't see anyone else, I think we're good to go."
"This is the most cool thing to get out here and be able to do this without making hardly any noise whatsoever."
"There's just a certain feeling you get... sneaky and snuck onto a ship."
"You should kill your Target and then vanish into the crowd."
"That team will probably go deep over there to rest, because they can't rest here unless they're sneaky sneaky."
"This is way more exciting to me, getting this done stealth."
"Dishonored: the best stealth games you can find."
"Always out of vision, always trying to exert some form of pressure."
"This is a group that for 15 or 20 years has done nothing but practice flexibility and invisibility. You will never find them."
"You can stealth grab from any angle even if someone reacts..."
"A true shinobi does not set out to seek glory, they protect from the shadows."
"Shadow monks are basically ninjas on steroids. They can teleport from shadow to shadow."
"This both conserves Fuel and greatly reduces the vehicle's thermal signature from enemy IR Optics."
"Zagras, Thief of Heartbeats, is almost impossible to catch with flying, haste, and deathtouch. He's from Zendikar, a plane where rogues can fit right into an adventuring party."
"Follow Through: Great for ranged sneak damage dealers, a nice damage boost."
"Try to make it as quiet as possible both on the wall and on the ground when you land 'cause that's going to be better for your joints."
"That's how you do it, killing all three without being detected once. I have to say I walked away from this feelin fairly proud of myself."
"The greatest stealth mechanics of any game in history."
"The shadow monk is great for exploration and infiltration, bringing them to life outside of combat."
"She had slipped the gods and made it to the outer wall. Her nose stung in the cold, and the skin beneath her leathers was bruised. She barely made it out alive."
"Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 might be one of the best stealth Action games ever made."
"Druid is a top tier stealth er... polymorph being able to turn you into powerful creatures..."
"Legend has it he can kill Dream after hiding in the shadows."
"Lights out absolutely one of the best perks in the game if you can pull it off 200 damage when you sneak up on an enemy and attack them."
"One of the most unique aspects of the ninja is being able to camouflage themselves."
"Use the dark shadows and limit your angles as much as possible."
"Did I get it, you did so bad, I have sympathy for you, is it the murderer supposed to be stealthy."
"Is it possible to beat the entirety of Hitman 3 as a Silent Assassin using only your starting suit and never being spotted by anyone for even a fraction of a second?"
"Any action that triggers the attention of anybody on any level will result in an immediate fail even if it's only for a split second."
"I then got to thinking about how I could silently take down my next Target Carlos and remembered that on his route around the upper floors of burger Al gazer he liked to stop for a glass of whiskey in the living room area."
"The camouflage system makes all the difference, especially since there's no set distance where you can be spotted from anymore."
"Me successfully avoiding spawning a warden while mining. The bat that just spawned. [Applause]"
"Shh don't tell anyone because I don't think anyone realized I was still on the roof and I made it back up but uh I won this challenge you commented hashtag Lizzie you were right and time for me to celebrate my legs time to meet us."
"There's nothing better than being able to scout ahead stealthily and see what's going on and then be able to communicate back to your allies."
"This game is hard, dude. This was hard. If I'm seen, I'm done."
"The Nightcap excels at stealth and mobility."
"A planet transiting a star is essentially a dimming of the star...so you could cloak that transit signature if you so chose to."
"Wrapping an enemy around the neck with a well-placed rope arrow and then yanking them to choke them out—these are amazing moments in the game."
"Stealth kill allows you to kill from stealth."
"You're seeing quiet helicopters, is that what you're saying? Or you're just, I'm seeing actual helicopters, you know, but they're quiet and they're not marked."
"This approach is working, Igor. Looks like we can sneak in and out of the zone without attracting attention."
"I finally made it. Those guards are so brainless," exclaimed the masked girl.
"The burglars were so methodical that they got in and out without being seen or heard."
"The Umbral Choir spreads by hacking absolutely everything."
"Quick stealth check, not obvious at all, that's basically borderline invisible."
"Movement gives you away especially in this game where one bullet matters."
"Aqua Tofana provided a quick, discrete solution to their problems."
"The Akula with its stealth mode can actually hide cargo."
"There is no better feeling than getting a perfect assassination in AC1 and then running a clean parkour route before hiding in a roof garden."
"Unity's stealth system truly gave the player the control to tackle each stealth mission whichever way they pleased."
"His weapons are so quiet you'll attract much less for sure."
"A perfect S grade. Zero detection, zero kills, zero retry, zero bullets or tranquilizer rounds."
"When you're executing an elaborate escape plan, the key to success is not to draw attention to yourself."
"Prone is a very valuable way to hide your person and make yourself less visible."
"After finding four torpedoes, the U-47 hadn't set off any alarms."
"I'm just gonna drop a little backdoor into the system so I can get back inside later."
"I'm just gonna hide in the water like a crocodile."
"All I had to do to sneak away and steal this match, just play a little bit of defense."
"Dumping bodies you can hide dead and unconscious enemies in certain places."
"He quietly became a millionaire then he made the fishing channel and the cars channel and the Weather Channel gangster his shit in silence."
"Stealth is extremely deadly in this game you can clear entire camps Assassin's Creed style without anyone ever seeing you without ever having to fire a shot."
"When you see me with my sniper, it's already too late."
"The Dragon overhead is his call to action and he will investigate the commotion avoiding being seen at all costs."
"The ghost blade haunts his foes cutting them down where they stand without revealing himself to his poor victims wielding an ethereal blade known as the ghost blade."
"Imagine an ancient red dragon the size of an enormous house successfully sneaking onto another Dragon's Lair and stealing their treasure."
"The great horned owl is capable of silent flight."
"We gotta move fast. We can't make too much noise. Come on!"
"Stealth is going to be largely preferable to direct confrontation with the city watch."
"For those moments we're able to kill someone next to another person and they don't notice what you did, is the reason why we have the phrase 'Perfect crime'."
"Sticking to the Shadows makes you harder to detect."
"Colonel, I'm trying to sneak past the cars, but the sound of the food in my cheeks keeps alerting them."
"He's got invisibility, and he's the only character besides Violet who has it."
"Real G's move in silence like lasagna."
"Laserbeak honestly might be the most competent Decepticon out there, a great assassin and enforcer."
"Batman's cape would help him glide through the air or cloak himself in the shadows."
"The sea Shadow was a result of collaboration between the US Navy and Lockheed Martin in their attempts to develop a stealth ship."