
Inclination Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"The Sun in the 12th house energy...you feel a lot more spiritually inclined."
"Motivation is what we're naturally inclined to do."
"It inclines the will towards those things that pertain to God."
"It gives a person an inclination or lightly sentiments religious sentiments; it inclines one towards God."
"I feel quite into that, so yeah, that's what we're going for now."
"I could easily see myself... drifting into fishing that style."
"What if my predilections lie towards those people?"
"The truth is, we were born not wanting him."
"It's an option now, they could do it if they were so inclined."
"Lie number one: You are not defined by your desires. Your identity is not the sum total of your inclinations."
"Growing up, he exhibited a natural inclination towards movement and performance."
"Men have a natural propensity for order."
"That's how it goes. That's what i like to do."
"I kind of like it. I kind of want it."
"I find myself gravitating towards it quite a bit."
"I'd love to do it. It was something that was in my blood anyway."
"But that's the direction I'm leaning in."
"I think naturally, there's something in us that desires it."
"I always had a tendency toward God and toward the spiritual."
"I feel like it should be deeply imprinted in my DNA to sing and dance."
"I can't help it... I'm drawn to trouble."
"Whatever you are exposed to the most, invariably and inevitably, that is what you will gravitate towards."
"Whatever one frequently thinks about and ponders upon, that will become the inclination of the mind."
"I'm definitely leaning toward the love side."
"Whatever you regularly think about becomes the inclination of your mind."
"If you do something out of inclination, then it's not a moral action."
"If you give in to your inclination, you're not acting morally."
"I think I'm a natural believer, I think it makes sense to me."
"The heart of the sons of men is fully set in them to do evil."
"We all have an inclination to the epitome of love."
"That's why people embrace those type of things."
"I'm naturally tailored towards Jiu Jitsu, boxing, and Muay Thai."
"Sheep will follow one another; they prefer to move uphill or up a slight incline."
"We are all prone to flee from the presence of God and the call of God in our lives."
"I always have an inclination toward doing something not necessarily fashionable."
"The Satan is really the yetzer hara, he is the evil inclination that tempts us and seduces us."
"The Catholic church still had monasteries and that what I really wanted to do was go into a monastery and turn my back on modern society, you know the outsider syndrome."
"What you usually really think is I feel strongly inclined to do this but it's a really stupid idea and that's what you end up doing."
"I would do the Punisher if I had my druthers."
"We have a predisposition to grow, occupy, and consume."
"I've always been really spiritually inclined myself."
"For some, this would be a complete nightmare. For those inclined in the direction of Dr Seagull, it would be a dream come true."
"I always felt that I was more inclined to be doing something creative."
"Our deepest, most authentic ruling love is the Polestar toward which we incline moment by moment."
"A little bit inside me actually really wanted to do the bridge jump."
"Follow your inclinations, especially if you are knowledge-based in what is a good canning procedure."
"Most of us will just spend time on things we care about, that's what it feels like, a pull towards doing that one activity."
"With surrender, you go with the flow of what pleases you and what you're drawn to."
"You have that natural inclination towards the truth."
"Something God-given, you know, there's something within us, a Muslim or a non-Muslim, all of us, we have that call, a natural inclination."
"It's not a choice, it's the way we're built."
"I think the most effective way to do that is to actually marry somebody that has that inclination."
"This one I'm leaning towards keep."
"Our hearts actually gravitate toward recognition and gratitude."
"Human beings are born with a natural inclination to recognize a Creator or a God."
"Whatever one frequently thinks and ponders upon, that will become the inclination of the mind."
"Whatever you frequently think and ponder upon, that will become the inclination of your mind."
"If we have the right tools, we're more inclined to use them."
"This only made me feel more inclined to purchase her."
"Whatever the mind pays attention to, that will be the inclination that it shows in the future."
"The mind actually inclines to peace like a very good dog; it goes in the right direction."
"The tragedy definitely comes more naturally to me."
"Our inclination is to find the solution."
"Mastery is not a question of genetics or luck, but of following your natural inclinations and the deep desire that stirs from within you."
"You have this natural inclination to be optimistic."
"For us in our nature, we will be inclined to the truth."
"This person is very spiritually inclined."