
Quickness Quotes

There are 203 quotes

"Whoever stole Z's gifts had to be stealthy and fast."
"It teaches you so many things about being quick, about telling a story."
"Could just swing a leg out. Salah hasn't got time to react."
"A heightened sense of elegance in its line and a perceivable swiftness of foot."
"He did that just so quick. It's almost a spike at this point. Richard, it just goes straight to him from the chase to play."
"Let's go over some moves that will get you open really quick, like the Trey Young into the speed boost."
"Once a match gets lighted, the fire is going to spread quickly."
"You should contribute. You will feel better for it."
"Confirm edit on release... proven to be way quicker."
"They're very wise and quick with their intelligence."
"Lee was a fast learner. He's very smart."
"It's almost a matter of who's quicker, you gotta be vigilant on the button press."
"Alacrity, liveliness, eagerness. Someone with a lot of alacrity does things critically, very quickly."
"This comes together in like 3 hours."
"...this doesn't take long at all."
"You have a really quick, expansive mind."
"You're going to be happy that something is about to happen very quickly."
"The French toast croissant casserole is so decadent and delicious, it came together in less than 10 minutes."
"That was very quick, so I just like sectioned my hair. You can take much bigger sections when you're using the max."
"It literally takes less than 5 seconds to put together, 5 seconds to cook it."
"It's really really quick to use, so it saves me a huge amount of time."
"All right all right all right, that was quick and easy."
"It's nice, right? Yeah, it was really easy and really fast."
"It's just quick in and out guys, quick in and out."
"You can see how quick and easy it's gonna be to connect this to the engine."
"...it was the recognition, the quick read, and how quick he was able to make a decision to get up there."
"It's a beautiful thing. I think there's people who would be envious of how quick you can get hard."
"They got it right back on within a minute."
"I probably took a total of about 15 minutes to throw this together."
"Efficiency is our battle cry: looking for the least number of steps, least amount of effort, and something that's quick, simple, and efficient."
"It's quick in sort of like an effortless pace sort of way."
"The greens super, super quick, barely touched it and it just went boom."
"That was such quick reactions right there."
"I don't really know why it actually came together so easily so quickly."
"You'll be surprised how quick this is."
"You don't think about that moment. You only think about the bit before it, before the whistle goes. So we took care of that bit, eventually, and then the rest of it sort of happens and it's gone very, very quick."
"Her tongue was as quick as a whip."
"I'm too quick for you to lock a target on though, so I'm just daring you to shoot, feel like I'm guarded Lonzo."
"I did not expect it to go that quick"
"You gotta be quick man, on your feet."
"He has an ability to process information very, very fast."
"Things happen really quick... it's kind of hard to believe sometimes."
"It is so beautiful, and how quick it is to put together."
"It really is that easy and that quick."
"We just do whatever we can, that's quick."
"...it's porsche though which means it's definitely quicker than that they always undersell their cars which is a great way to be..."
"It's one of my favorite projects that I've done and it's really quick and easy."
"...how I found and assigned a deal all within 24 hours."
"Things happen so quickly from there."
"This thing is really quick, man. Those shifts, it does not mess around with those shifts."
"A couple of really cool things that you can do really quickly here."
"I just got done brushing my teeth, so I'm about to do my makeup super quick."
"Trying out a lot of things and seeing what happens really quickly is a great way to build understandings and learn a lot."
"No more unfulfilled dreams and visions, it's all coming to pass quickly."
"Overall, I have to say, this is a great quick service."
"I think we can put this together real quick with a hand mixer."
"But I can honestly say that the time from summer to summer went very quickly."
"The faster the delivery, less time the batsman has to make a decision."
"Skill, right quick. It's the ability to do something well, a particular ability."
"I can get it on in under 10 minutes or less."
"The reaction of the protagonist was lightning fast."
"Get ready for something that takes off rather quickly and you're like, whoa."
"It's kind of fun, I love that there's no waste, and it's relatively quick."
"Look at how quickly Marino gets rid of that ball when he decides to throw, just whips that ball out."
"I'm all about as fast to laughs as I can get."
"This recipe is not only simple, delicious, it is also very quick to make."
"You can only imagine how quickly they went."
"This is easy peasy lemon squeezy, when I tell you, you can do this in 30 minutes and you are out the door, okay."
"The quickest way to in general manifest is also by constant implementation of self-love."
"It comes together so quickly, you will be surprised."
"I fell in love with her pretty quickly."
"It's a battle you should win; it forces the ball to come out quick."
"Look at that quickness, isn't that great speed? He makes big guys twirl."
"I had naturally heavy hands and a very quick mind."
"The blink of an eye art was the sort of compounded technique ninja would use that would combine their quick reactions with their distracting capabilities."
"You have to be able to think quickly on your feet."
"She's really quick on the uptake."
"No one's slickest Gaston, no one's quickest Gaston."
"It's crazy how quick it gets dark once that sun goes below the top of the hills over there on the horizon."
"Oh, I'm right from zero to hero real quick."
"But in just a few minutes, you have a custom resin piece."
"Popcorn goes from delicious to burnt in one point two seconds."
"This is easy, this is quick, and this is fast."
"It only takes a second to score a goal."
"I love this block; it is so quick and so fun."
"I feel like I just moved in for freshman year, but yeah, it goes right quick."
"It only takes 10 seconds to fall in love."
"I'm flowing just like a river, I think your words so much quicker."
"It's just crazy that it's actually a possibility and it's come around so quick."
"We were elated that we got pregnant pretty quickly."
"Boy, did Bernard Clark hit him quickly. Wow!"
"The heroic cowboy who can shoot faster than his own shadow."
"We should be back on the road in no time, guys."
"That guy gets rid of the football, he gets it out quick, real quick."
"Fresh, natural, homemade ice cream in 15 minutes or less."
"We seemed to hit it off really quick."
"They're very quick when they take a fly; they're like boom."
"Skillet biscuit bread is a great bread to make when you're in a hurry and have limited ingredients."
"It didn't take long to warm up a Rolls Royce, does it?"
"Brady looking to strike quickly, and he goes to the end zone. Touchdown."
"I whipped up some toast and scrambled eggs, it's doing it quickly and sounds like you're not following a recipe."
"This young lady has an amazing action... it's a super action, it's very quick arm action."
"Do you think he suffered at all?" "I'm certain he didn't. It was all so quick; he wouldn't know a thing about it."
"It is so quick, it is so delicious, it is so... we love it."
"You have to be quite limber and quite fast on your feet."
"I like to use the app as a way to create quick mock-ups of images, a photo compositor's version of a sketch, if you will."
"She is the Bandit Queen, the female Robin Hood, who was quick with her fists and even quicker with her Colt 45."
"They're going to run 50 to 60 yards, fall over dead, and be done. It's very, very quick; they're very efficient."
"It doesn't take long for him to awaken Super Saiyan God."
"If you find it, things will get right pretty quick."
"Mercury Uranus combinations sometimes bring that quickness because Uranus is also like a very fast planet."
"When you need a quick gift, this is awesome for kids."
"Bada bing bada boom, just like that."
"It can take one round; he's like a microwave, he can get hot in a hurry."
"Some Eastern promise this entails, but be quick and stay on the rails."
"It took about a minute, which is pretty quick."
"A courageous decision is made in seconds."
"I'm so glad that I found what I'm looking for very quickly."
"January usually takes forever, I feel like January was just yesterday."
"I remember saying, 'I guess I'm gonna be with this guy like God, you did this thing quick'."
"It only took a minute to fall in love."
"Habit-based goals are the quickest way to get that consistency down."
"Herringbone is a really great versatile stitch that you can learn rather quickly and it moves quickly also, but gives a nice feel to it when it's actually laying on your wrist."
"Espresso projects are small projects that come together really quick."
"This bowl is super quick and easy to make."
"Setup is extremely easy and quick and takes no more than a couple of minutes."
"How cute is that, and it's so quick, especially once you get the hang of it."
"It's dope, man. Another blessing, quick blessing too, one week blessing, crazy."
"She moved with a thrilling quickness, gesture sudden and light, always perched on the edge of her chair like some long, elegant marsh bird about to startle and fly away."
"I'm able to make quick decisions without having to think about it for days, and those decisions are high quality."
"After seeing them gravel spots, I've put some bait in and I'm not kidding when I say the rod's been in the water for probably about 15 minutes maybe 20 at a push."
"Goodnight, now it's time to go home, and he makes it fast with one more thing."
"He's got very good vision... can turn 5 into 25 in a hurry."
"Be quick to ask forgiveness from each other and be quick to forgive."
"The excellent thing about raviolis are that they cook so fast, just about three or four minutes is all they need."
"It's amazing how quick they are with their beaks and how they're able to see things that we just can't pick up."
"If you're watching Minnesota Fats play for the first time, don't blink because the shot is on its way."
"Quickness is important in this position because it's more about being skilled with your quickness."
"Oh, can you get me a crocodile sandwich and make it snappy?"
"It honestly works like a charm, they caught on really fast."
"This is a simple and easy pattern that works up in no time."
"He's so quick, look at his face, he's so cool."
"If you wonder what makes a great athlete, it's usually speed and quickness."
"It's pretty amazing how it just took us like basically an hour to make Atticus really comfortable again."
"Entrepreneurs make decisions in a split second."
"When the lightning bolt comes and strikes, there's a quickness within that; it's almost kind of overnight in a certain way."
"Just by twisting my wrist like that, it pulls up the camera right away."
"It's very easy to do, it's quite fun and quite quick to do as well."
"I've never met a man who infuriated me as quickly."
"This isn't about stability and speed, it's about quickness and agility."
"This is seriously very quick and very easy."
"I'm trying to hit the ball hard, I'm trying to be quick with my swing."
"I love little jackals; they are incredibly quick."
"This project works up so quickly that you are going to fall in love with it."
"It takes 30 minutes to make but honestly, three minutes to eat it."
"So what do you think? How easy is this, right? Like super quick, super easy."
"This miracle, it ain't gonna take him long."
"These storms can produce a tornado very quickly."
"It's almost instant that the animal loses consciousness."
"Summer arrived in the blink of an eye."
"Only takes a minute, girl, to fall in love, fall in love."
"Pretty simple to recreate, we're going to do that in a couple of shakes of a lamb's tail here."
"Your wish is about to come through quickly."
"It's so good and simple, fast, easy."
"It doesn't take long, and it puts your mind at ease."
"Storm takes the skies, these guys are done for in a matter of seconds."
"Something is happening quick and unexpected."
"We're gonna cover three things: one, convenient; two, without lacking flavor; and three, relatively quick."
"Sick block, Chiaka. She's so quick."
"The knight of wands can adapt quickly."
"Whatever you've been manifesting, it's coming in very quick, there's a lot of new opportunity here."
"It's like your higher self is reaching into your experience and lifting you up to a higher awareness, really quickly."
"I'm so fast, I turn off the lights, get in the bed before the room gets dark."
"She attained full recovery in a very quick period of time."
"You're wishing for something and getting it quickly or you've already asked for something and it's kind of like destined to be in your life."
"It's just so quick, I think it's really, really lovely."
"If you're someone who has to get ready really fast but wants to do something a little bit different, I think a shadow like this is really nice."
"There's quick success coming in for you."
"You want that emotional connection, that soulmate, things could take off quite quickly."
"It just feels like a nice home-cooked meal but it takes two minutes."
"The awesome thing about growing radishes is most varieties mature in only about 21 to 28 days."
"There could be some quick opportunities that you're going to want to take advantage of this week."
"It happened kind of fast, you were not expecting this."
"I love it; it's easy and it's quick."
"You can quickly manifest fortune in your life."
"You will receive one of your manifestations very quickly and very unexpectedly."
"The more that you go with the flow and be at ease, there's going to be something that comes in fairly quickly."