
Lockdown Quotes

There are 400 quotes

"There are now more people in hospital with COVID than when we went into lockdown on March 23rd, and deaths are already rising."
"Nostalgia for lockdown is very, very normal."
"An elderly woman has chosen to die instead of face another lockdown, and it is one of the most horrifying stories I've ever read."
"We resisted calls for a lockdown of our society because of the profound damage it would cause, especially for the poor and the vulnerable."
"We want this lockdown to be the last and we want progress to be cautious but also irreversible."
"As the modeling released by SAGE today shows, we cannot escape the fact that lifting lockdown will result in more cases, more hospitalizations, and sadly more deaths."
"Lockdown is not sustainable long term, and we have to move to a different strategy."
"100 million people are estimated to have been thrown into poverty worldwide by the economic dislocation caused by the lockdown."
"Lockdowns have to be a dirty word. We have to shudder in fear whenever we think about the concept of lockdown and say we should never do this again."
"I think honestly, people are going to look back at the last couple of years globally and see lockdown as a pretty serious public policy mistake."
"The fact is that if we have no data and when the economy gets restarted, if the idea is we're just gonna stay in lockdown until there's a vaccine, which could take 12 to 18 months, that's not a recession, that's a depression."
"The reality is, we're not gonna remain locked down forever."
"What we are doing right now seems like a smart policy in terms of the lockdowns."
"Anyone who's witnessed the new Chinese lockdown must be terrified."
"One of the oddest things about lockdown for me was the way that people who were working from home...started getting spoken about with the same ignorant vitriol that's normally reserved for refugees or footballers taking the knee."
"A total lockdown that nobody can have access to."
"If you want to keep [expletive] closed fine, but you better figure out how to take care of the people who need things to be open."
"Lockdown decision was of huge weight; every restriction of liberty was felt deeply."
"Going down isn't just about a lockdown... it requires a redoubling of public health efforts."
"If you discover a new fragrance in lockdown... isn't that a happy thought?"
"Quite a smart lockdown there...based on good science."
"Cities around the U.S. moved to lockdowns to control the spread..."
"A city of 11 million people with almost no one on the streets."
"Lockdown has been instigated not to protect health, but to destroy independent business and employment."
"I would vote no on lockdown, I would vote yes on liberty."
"New Zealand has entered a nationwide lockdown over one case."
"Locking down the entire country for one case is so ridiculous, it is absurd."
"Economic self-harm as well, they're just willfully destroying their own economy."
"If they do try to lock us down again, I think you'll see mass disobedience."
"People couldn't find a way out of lockdown. So part of me was sympathetic to... the Black Lives Matter uprising from the point of view that we needed a way out of lockdown."
"The lockdown may save a handful of lives but you have to look at the impact on the entire population."
"If you can lock an entire society down for one year, you convince the population that society is anatomic, it's not real."
"I hope you have a great day, unfortunately in lockdown."
"It's about a five to ten minute lockdown sequence so you're gonna be in there for a while."
"Lockdowns destroyed every single strata of society."
"The only way to contain this thing... would be to do a really serious lockdown."
"Lockdown is an option for a privileged minority." - Slavoj Žižek
"People are getting restless from staying at home for months on end."
"Lockdown has become the all-purpose solution to all of this." - Some of this is just plainly political.
"You are locked down until you could talk endlessly."
"Young people have had a raw deal out of lockdown, there's no doubt about that."
"We are most likely experiencing the same lockdown and quarantine type situation that everyone else in the world is experiencing."
"Lockdown has been like an amazing thing because people started to respect things more."
"Basically what's gonna happen in Australia at the end of the year when we're all gonna be let out of stage four lockdown."
"We can't live in a perpetual state of lockdowns."
"You cannot lock down citizens in a liberal democracy."
"Lockdowns are helping and it's not just an endless draconian violation of Human Rights."
"I want to give you guys amazing content especially why a lot of you guys are in lockdown or armed you know I allowed to like leave the house so and really mean the world definitely subscribe to the channel"
"Plans to further ease England's coronavirus lockdown have been put on hold."
"It's the only country in the EU that didn't have a lockdown."
"Unless we manage to have a viable plan to exit from lockdown and reopen our world, the consequences will be far worse than coronavirus."
"Try and find something like this, especially during lockdown."
"The effect of the lockdown on the developing world is absolutely catastrophic."
"I hope you've enjoyed this video all about what we have been eating in lockdown today."
"The good news is we have managed to keep going. The whole way through the lockdown."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself when you look at what's happening with these lockdowns right."
"This happened not long before the virus of unknown origins lockdown."
"Remember we're all in the middle of a lockdown and the only way that we should greet that is by saying good."
"No one wants to go back into the kind of lockdown we were in."
"Life became unbearable, and after an entire month of being locked down, the dam finally broke on November 23, 2022."
"After two years of lockdowns... the cost of housing has exploded."
"I don't feel relaxed, I mean, no one's gonna feel relaxed in the middle of a lockdown."
"I prefer it and I want it to go on forever. Not the social unrest, the lockdown. I'm enjoying the lockdown, I mean. It suits me."
"Thank you for making me smile, food locked down, congrats on winning MCC!"
"If your birthday was in lockdown, you gained a year of life because it doesn't count."
"Hope you're enjoying these, won't be long now 'til lockdown's over, we got some big plans."
"Thousands of New Zealanders protest for freedom after six weeks of lockdown."
"Lockdown starts in two days. Yeah, I don't know."
"Lockdowns are awful... they have very profound consequences on mental health on education on job opportunities particularly affecting people on lower incomes."
"Lockdown is now means a whole bunch of different things in different areas."
"Hopefully you enjoyed and keep you entertained during your quarantine times."
"Many of us are probably still in some sort of lockdown, so we have the opportunity to really take advantage."
"There are people who have discovered during this lockdown period that they quite like having some time out of work."
"This guy was so desperate to sneak out during lockdown that he dressed up as a bush."
"You cannot keep people cooped up in their houses for two months and expect everyone to abide by that. It is not going to happen."
"Honestly the lockdown hasn't been bad because I work from home anyways and by work from home is just I build stuff and read books and just hang out and eat food so nothing's really changed in my life at all."
"Live is where it's at. If we could just get out of lockdown..."
"I appreciate your insight regarding the terrible impact lockdown has had on children."
"The harm the lockdown caused to young people of not being able to go to school is much harder to quantify than the number of lives saved."
"That lockdown life, and apparently cleaning some toilets along the way."
"...the time we got the most peace and quiet was during lockdown."
"Cheers to being [ __ ] over by boys, cheers to girl chats to gin to this amazing gin to this candle which smells very nice and to lock down because isn't this a weird situation we're all in?"
"I've been waiting for the perfect time to change my Netflix password so my ex can't use it anymore and it doesn't really get much better than a national lockdown."
"It's day 823 and my coveted lockdown beard still going strong if I'm on loopy."
"Fishing was the first sport in the country to be allowed to run competitions again after the first lockdown."
"Each week we assemble a group of our friends and play a game to show you how much fun board gaming can be, even under the constraints of lockdown."
"We are currently in a two-week lockdown in Sydney because of the Delta strain."
"Stress will make everything work worse, and a lot of patients currently with POTS have said that they've felt better since the lockdown because they're not so regimented."
"I started this blanket in lockdown April 2020. I was working at the hospital during that lockdown and I was a little bit stressed. I needed something easy and I needed something happy, and I think this blanket was the key."
"With lockdown came a lot of mixed emotions."
"...if anyone has ideas on repopulating it in lockdown I would be intrigued to hear."
"Well, I'm a bit like everybody else, getting uh, just doing the right things, staying at home, not socializing, not doing anything like that, uh, lockdown, uh, a normal night for you then?"
"I'm loving making people's days while they're on lockdown and giving away some cool stuff."
"Lockdown was the best time for us, man. Best. The best. You know I mean?"
"We gather our friends together to play a board game, show you how much fun board gaming can be even under the constraints of lockdown."
"Supporting lockdown was really good for me."
"As soon as they announced that second lockdown, my heart just went to everyone who's in situations at home who are in situations work who were just in situations that are in one way life and death and in another way just not healthy situations."
"There was no federal lockdown. The federal government did not tell any church they have to shut their doors at any point ever."
"Lockdown was a divine test of thy faith, fortitude, and endurance."
"Thank you guys for being fans. Thank you for supporting me here on Cameo. Means a lot in this crazy world we live in right now with the lockdown and all that good stuff."
"Twenty one million people sent into lockdown in an area of the country does not seem much Covid, a stark reminder of one of the big risks that still hangs over here."
"The Prime Minister has just broadcast a statement to the nation from Downing Street: 'You must stay at home.'"
"During lockdown, a couple from Central India named their twins 'Corona' and 'Covid'."
"Every week we gather our friends together to play a board game to show you how much fun board gaming can be, even under the constraints of lockdown."
"I decided to do that in the middle of lockdown, partly because, you know, rightly people started to think really hard."
"Reflecting on my lockdown, I can honestly say that your mad idea has had a genuinely positive impact on my well-being."
"I mean, I can't speak for anywhere else, but in the UK we're in another lockdown"
"Lock yourself in your house and binge read them to completion and have that satisfying ending."
"Wow, what a fun night out was it was so great to be out with friends after so long of being in lockdown and I really had the best time."
"Now I can completely lock down the app to not allow anything other than this particular private endpoint."
"This world is a strange one. In all seriousness, every school lockdown that's not a drill is a horror story."
"It's time to kick off impact with a lockdown Escape qualifying matchup."
"That was amazing. Because that was done during lockdown. Because it just felt like absolutely no one was watching for that."
"Support and lockdown feels like it's going to be very good."
"I enjoyed lockdown, the first one, we were doing like the pub quizzes and that."
"YouTube killed it the stats tell us YouTube did so well through that lockdown because no one was doing [ __ ] right they were checking their phones so."
"When these lockdowns and everything started I think that's when I guess I started becoming more serious about where I was at spiritually."
"People are starting to retroactively romanticize lockdown."
"Lockdown has driven a trend towards nostalgia and comfort."
"I turned 30 during the whole thing. I don't know if it was turning 30 or it was the pandemic, but I turned into a middle-aged white woman during the lockdown."
"Boom, there we go, the first week back since lockdown was lifted on Monday, done my 30 charity shops."
"I remember just reflecting on that moment a ton as we were all locked inside in those initial stages."
"For those who endure lockdown conditions of 23 hours a day in a cell, life can be almost unbearable."
"I miss those days in lockdown when my family stayed away."
"It does not matter everybody is different. I had lost 40 pounds last year on lockdown there's nothing else to do I said let me go ahead and do it and I want to share this experience with you guys."
"Lockdown got me really creative and I started experimenting with a lot more makeup and a lot more colors."
"I think if they try to enforce lockdowns again in the UK I legitimately think there'd be riots here."
"I think the lockdown, to me, Carrie, has been a blessing. It's been a huge blessing. I have loved being at home. I've gotten more work done without the traveling and the packing up and unpacking all that crazy stuff."
"Cheers to a good meal, a good lockdown meal."
"Things have taken a bit of a turn, and we are perhaps going to be into some sort of lockdown here."
"...make this whole lockdown experience a bit better."
"I've been in lockdown for 10 weeks and I have never felt more surrounded by love."
"...one of the things that I did in lockdown, uh, in the coronavirus period this year in 2020 when I'm filming this... I got back into guitar playing."
"...this rack has literally saved my butt during the lockdown."
"...it got me into routine, it got me getting up early."
"In the first phases of lockdown, it was bliss because there was just nothing. All of the roads were had nothing on, and the sheep were chill."
"I need to come out of lockdown with something to prove."
"I started gardening in April last year at the beginning of the first lockdown. It's been a real comfort to have this outdoor space to watch things grow."
"I think the lockdown period was a period of shock and cocooning and uh for some people great fear for some people Revelation for others a little bit of all of it."
"Lockdown was Vibes, it was hot, it was nice, everyone was in the house you had to do things in order to keep your life entertaining."
"So now most of the time, I either watch football or badminton games. And if the lockdown is lifted off in France, then I go to the gym to play badminton."
"I want you know people are stuck home i want to put a smile on their face you know what i mean uh because it is it's tough uh back home you know i mean it's it's lockdown's been going on like it seems forever"
"I just want to end this video by saying, don't put too much pressure on yourself to be productive all the time during lockdown because I don't think that's healthy."
"It feels like ages since we hung out, really thanks to lockdown and virtual school and all that."
"The first lockdown was quite possibly the happiest time in my life."
"I wrote the songs in lockdown, so they're quite reflective because... all you had to do was think."
"I love D&D. I wish I played well. I've since lockdown. I've done it online. They have a regular Sunday D&D, and they've been doing it for years and years now."
"Well, this will be my second birthday in lockdown, so [expletive] me, right?"
"Italian mayor uses drones to scream for adherence at residents ignoring lockdown: Modern problems require modern solutions."
"Lockdown will be less and less so you can get out more and live your life to the fullest."
"During lockdown, all of us were kind of stuck in a very small space thinking about the world."
"There was an assumption that lockdown was impossible in a Western country. It was thought of as a completely crazy idea."
"I think we all kind of learned that by lockdown. I think a bit of independence, yeah, it's a good thing."
"Now that we had the experience of being off for that year, you know, with lockdown, and I've never really been that great at not working, I like working and I enjoy it so much."
"Out of respect for my family and the situation we're all collectively in, being on lockdown, I couldn't travel anymore, I couldn't work anymore. I had to, and your whole... that's how you get your sustenance, yeah, that's really it, you know?"
"I think everyone's had the same problems in lockdown, plus it hides the gray, baby. It hides the gray."
"It's great to be out in this weather, isn't it Paul? Oh, it's great, yeah. Shame we missed a good part of the spring with the lockdown, but the weather we're having now is absolutely fantastic, isn't it?"
"The lockdown lock-in which has become a bit Infamous and according to the statistics everyone who's got access to it has watched it at least twice."
"Barbecue is one of those things I've been craving since the lockdown began."
"Lockdown turned out to be a blessing in some ways for me because it gave me the opportunity to just study hardcore."
"Lockdown was one of the best things that ever happened to me because it did like ignite that passion again."
"I turned a negative into a positive and said, 'There's no flights, there's no shows, there's no calls, we're not going nowhere. We literally cannot physically leave the house. California is locked down.'"
"We probably wouldn't have chosen to do this for Jace's birthday had we not been in lockdown, but we don't have a choice. But actually, it's been a really nice day."
"Ham radio has been on the rise since about 2006, and exploded last year with all the lockdowns."
"Lockdown has been difficult it's been boring but just having a bit of excitement has really put me off it really has."
"So look, to everyone that's just getting out of lockdown, congratulations guys I really hope you guys make the most of it. Touchwood we can have a near normal Christmas this year because we're all hanging out for it."
"Lockdown made a lot of relationships literally."
"People aren't locked in their homes anymore, they can go and do things."
"The effects of lockdown are not going away anytime soon."
"We're doing this based solely for fun, right? We're doing the channel just to have fun with it, just to try new things, and basically just to, like, we did it because we wanted to kill some time during the lockdown."
"It's that time of the day where I've just hit a wall. I don't know if this is happening to anybody else during lockdown, but I just get so tired of doing nothing."
"I literally feel like the biggest egg right now can't even deal um but I just wanted to say I hope everyone's feeling okay they did just announce in the UK that lockdown is starting again."
"Lockdown has made some fabulous friendships."
"Lockdown has really heightened my love for fashion."
"Lockdown week one: everything I said last week still applies, but I am actually going to do it this time."
"After six months of lockdown getting back to doing the things that we enjoy doing was disproportionately satisfying."
"I'm really an introvert. I mean, I really am. Any excuse to not go out is perfect for me, and this is a hell of an excuse to not go out."
"Yeah, I just think, if I'm going to be in lockdown, I'd be unlocked down."
"Honestly, my whole lockdown has been people trying to get me to go on telly or radio."
"...the lockdown is outstanding..."
"Nobody could have predicted that in March a global pandemic would send the country into lockdown almost overnight."
"Guys, I also. Best night of lockdown in the history of lockdown, yeah, easily."
"The absence of air traffic has been a real feature of the lockdown, hasn't it? Even when flights started operating again, there's still an awful lot less frequent. I mean, it's really noticeable here."
"Lockdown did wonders for the wildlife."
"You got to celebrate the little things in lockdown. I can't wait for lockdown to bugger off. Oh my god, I need a haircut, I need it all."
"I believe that we've found a workaround solution to get the cabinetry happening on this in the next week or two despite Melbourne's COVID-19 lockdown restrictions."
"We hope that we lightened your lockdown."
"The lockdown is being lifted over here, so yeah, I hope this was of interest."
"Every single day of lockdown: 'We should go for a walk, it's nice outside, let's go walking.'"
"The benefits of imposing lockdowns had to be balanced by policymakers against the social, health, and other economic detriment they would cause."
"There was a tradeoff; there were huge, self-evident, devastating economic and societal consequences from the lockdown decisions."
"That's what they'll go down in history for, 2020, when we all stayed in for two and a half months."
"I got married in 2020, a week before the lockdown. Pretty cool, you know."
"After traveling to 11 countries, we were locked down in India for five months."
"I'm locked down anyway and usually I'm home alone, now I get to have lunch with my husband."
"Johns Hopkins published this huge study looking at all the lockdown areas versus the non-lockdown areas; they could not find any difference."
"There is nothing to fear but fear itself; we cannot stay in any form of lockdown for too long."
"I am such a home bird, and I don't know if anyone else feels this, but since lockdown, I am loving being at home even more."
"Lockdown sent people one or two ways: you either kind of embraced it and used it for that extra time we all say we need so badly."
"2020 was a year of being locked away at home, bored probably with not much to spend your money on."