
Spiritual Energy Quotes

There are 161 quotes

"This is definitely energy for you with all this fourth house energy being activated where you're acting on your intuition more than anything."
"The loving energy of the universe is the most powerful healing force there is."
"Sexuality is the only most powerful energy that can feed the soul and spirit."
"Unconditional love energy is the key that unlocks the door to what many refer to as 5D new Earth."
"You have this power to you, this high priestess energy, which is very powerful."
"Powerful energies for you; thank you for listening."
"This is an enchanting time and it's also gonna kind of suddenly there is an idea that is going to be when it comes to the blockage of energy."
"It wasn't by coincidence that this man was killed on Slauson and Crenshaw. If you believe in energy, an energy being released, the energy that Nipsey had was not his own."
"Stand users are just people who have the extra ability to control the invisible spirit energy to have powers. The idea of a fragment of this soul coming from a person's ancestors is also supported by the manga."
"There's a lot of psychic energy between you both."
"You are ready to allow the energy from the divine and Mother Earth to fuel you as you fulfill your potential."
"It feels like there is a lot of strong energy that's pulling this connection forward still."
"They can and may for some of you come towards you and it will be quite a strong energy."
"Service to others is automatic at the released energy generated by this state of consciousness."
"Working with the gold light within meditation, so also working with gold light and meditation and stuff of that nature."
"Spiritual energy moves inside out, not outside in."
"Focusing on all of the high priestess energy that we pulled on, let's manifest something here in this next minute or so."
"A devoted heart is the most powerful energy there is in the human race."
"The castle shakes as he is enveloped in a golden spiritual energy so intense that it destroys the demon planet just by being released."
"Love light is the enabler, the power, the energy giver."
"Patience in the upright position. This person I'm channeling here I feel is a masculine energy who is most likely a twin flame."
"It's a sacred energy I feel really is and it reminds us of the interconnection of all things all living beings."
"Prayer releases a golden stream of spiritual light, life, and intelligence."
"You are very powerful, in tune with the earth, with a mother earth, with the actual energy of the earth."
"Everybody has divine masculine and divine feminine energy within them."
"Uncover the secrets within yourself and embrace your power. You are an Earth Angel radiating high-frequency energy."
"Throw yourself in the water: use the sacred energy to face challenges."
"Full moon energy has different characteristics. It's about completion, about ending things, knowing how to release things."
"The heart energy is the only energy of all of the organs in the body that can transform a low base energy into a higher base frequency."
"You're enveloped in high vibrational psychic energy."
"This isn't just an apartment, this is a beautiful place of spiritual energy, it's spooky, it's haunted, it's all the things."
"Visualize maybe light shining from your heart or feel that there's all of this beautiful green energy starting to swirl around you creating a sense of healing abundance love."
"You have been chosen for a reason, you are here for a reason and you hold the high priestess energy power within you."
"The Divine Feminine is really made up of the indigo and Chris energy complementing each other."
"Everybody has divine feminine and divine masculine energy."
"Your soul is your true essence and you have an unlimited supply of soul power at your command whenever you need it."
"What everybody should do if you want to raise the energy is let's raise the energy so that people can really see, so let's pray for people to see the world with real glasses on, with clarity."
"Your energy is attracting attention... that may actually help the dynamics in your twin flame union as well as we go forward."
"Utilize this Leo new moon and this Lion's Gate energy to cleanse away all the emotional and mental debris that no longer serve you to allow all this beautiful new energy in."
"Activating energies and powers that are already within us."
"It's happening fast for you, gorgeous energy, and so deserved from so many lifetimes."
"Doing so is difficult for normal humans," but thanks to the special bullets she created, anyone can store spiritual energy and activate it whenever they need it.
"Focus on how to tap into energies that have transitioned."
"Peace and love are actually the two most powerful energies that we've got on this planet."
"Many believe it is a source of mystical power, a spiritual vortex where natural beauty and supernatural energy mysteriously merge."
"We are literally creating an energetic hologram of love that is going forward to create that new world."
"It's a very powerful place to be and that inspiration the Queen of Wands energy is that Fire Within you has lit up and there's this beautiful feeling kind of flowing outside of you."
"You're stepping into strong spiritual energy; you have huge destinies."
"The rock and its surroundings are imbued with a mystical energy."
"Open your heart and mind and see that field of pure conscious energy and healing spread to all those in the communities around you."
"The more we are conscious of these energies and work with them intentionally, the more we can open up to what it means to be more than just what we thought or expected the human experience to be about."
"You are in your soul's energy, where all things are possible, where truly the idea of miracles and magic is every day."
"We are part of this energy, we are part of this power, and we are going to witness something really important this week when it comes to the actual spiritual awakening on a global scale."
"Turn passion into spiritual energy, rising up more fully into your power, divinely yourself."
"Love is about moving into fifth-dimensional energy, moving out of the idea of separation."
"Brotherhood done taught me how to eat. God then gave me an energy to stay on my feet."
"Keep your light strong, bring your light to a higher frequency."
"You have crystal children and indigo energy."
"According to Drunvalo, love is half of the light that is swirling around you; knowledge is the other half."
"On the 19th, you are so hopeful; you're fulfilling your wishes here with the star heart energy, there's a spiritual aspect to this."
"Equinoxes, eclipses, and solstices are among the biggest events in the Earth’s annual cycle for us to receive new energy downloads of divine light, encoded with spiritual information that raises our consciousness."
"I won't cover my eyes, just power in the Flower of Life is ours."
"People used to come in and get sucked into mandala energy because it's a palpable frequency."
"Jupiter energy meaning in their purpose that gives them a sense of security and stability going forward."
"There's definitely a lot of benevolent energy as you move ahead, there's a better future ahead as we move through December into January."
"Love given and love received, and this is the energy that they're saying is available to you."
"All these six cups coming out around here, that's strong soulmate energy right there."
"Kurama's chakra still very much exists on Earth."
"You're embodying this Godly Divine energy, recognizing the Divine within yourself and others."
"Yo, that's actually insane, I don't think I've ever seen a ripple effect on an aura before."
"Fundamentally, the underlying idea of mental healing systems is this: in the ambient atmosphere surrounding us and pervading the structure of each minute body cell is a spiritual force."
"Open your heart center and embrace the beautiful energy of love."
"The most important part of any tarot reading is you and the moon energy."
"I feel like you're seeing that someone, it's like they are very thin, that's a weird word that I feel like using but with the devil energy I get this like very thin energy with this person."
"Don't doubt your abilities. You are a divine feminine energy."
"The movement of these subtle energies is called the Kundalini."
"Pushed into the light, pushed into the light, pushed into the light, pushing to the new, push into the different, push into the new energy."
"Prana doesn't know yesterday, tomorrow. Prana only knows now."
"Life will never be the same again once you tap into the energy of the universe."
"Is it possible that some powerful force was generated as a result of such a large scale and tragic loss of life and that it somehow prevents the souls of the departed from leaving the field of battle?"
"Gratitude: life is one big continuous circle of giving and receiving energy."
"This is an incredible partnership that is in direct alignment with you, with the empress energy."
"You were just all this light, this angelic energy that you have, tamed the beast within this person. They weren't ready for this, they don't know what to do."
"There's a blessing in the works through the energy of forgiveness."
"Healthy bodies, sharp minds, people with spiritual energy that radiates and helps them tap into intuition and manifest your dreams."
"Sun meeting Neptune in the sky...an energy of hope and faith and meaning and grace."
"When we are coming from the heart when we are emanating that energy of love and compassion it literally has a healing effect on everyone around us."
"There's energy here that is meant to be released and purged."
"The energy that binds matter here is that of unconditional love."
"Giving without expecting anything in return makes room for something new and wonderful to come into your life, it adds to the flow of spiritual energy."
"You're going to be asked to use your nurturing spiritual energy to make you successful and do your own thing in life."
"Water really is the life force energy of life."
"You will notice that everything falls into place. Let problems drift away from you and realize that there is a higher energy than yourself."
"Kora enters the Avatar State, harnessing overwhelming spirit energy to create a third portal into the spirit world."
"Wang realizes how lonely his life will be without her and declares that he will use all his spiritual energy to save her."
"Spiritual energy, spiritual energy. I can't hear you, spiritual energy."
"Visitors to Bannack have reported seeing ghostly apparitions, hearing unexplained noises, and feeling a very strong spiritual energy throughout the town."
"We waste most of our time, most of our spiritual energy in fighting evil."
"They envy your spiritual abundance and goddess energy; they're planning something."
"Your prayer should be filled with potency, filled with energy, filled with a hunger for God's glory and the salvation of souls, amen."
"That higher energy moves you in 3D right. So, your I am awareness is one with all that isn't infinity."
"In the glory realm, you're plugged into heaven, charging your battery while you're ministering."
"Every drop of water in this waterfall is spiritual power."
"I feel the ancestors, a certain energy."
"The energy of 222 helps you to control your fears and emotions as you pursue harmony and balance at this time."
"Allowing the light to arc back upon itself in one unbroken round, building to a power that is all but unbounded."
"My home is not just wired with electrical power, it's wired with divine power."
"Prayer is supposed to be exercised on God's energy, not on the energy of the flesh."
"Jesus Christ's mighty energy is at work within us."
"Grounding into the earth with those hands, connecting to mother nature, that amazing divine energy that we have from nature."
"Karmic resolves when they happen are very important, and this is once in a decade energy."
"The more you get rid of all these worries, thoughts, behaviors, the more energy can flow in from the Divine."
"The essence of unifying true Chi is to gather the spiritual energy around us."
"He has this holy martial arts spirit constantly revolving around him and willing him to victory."
"If we can allow ourselves to understand how to combine our energies with these divine forces, we're able to manifest miracles during this time."
"This awakening energy that we're in is incredibly potent."
"There is so much tranquility, there is so much spiritual energy here in this place."
"This energy is a manifestation of spirit."
"The Magnificent Radiant Life Force flows through me."
"If they preserve their spiritual integrity... all this energy will transform in them into light."
"Spiritual energy is the energy derived from the experience that what you do really matters."
"It's very healing, this is Archangel Raphael energy."
"Isn't it just as likely that somewhere once cherished and loved would still retain the energy from the souls that used to call this place home?"
"Now Jedi's use something called the force, an energy inside them, and we're going to tune into that energy right now."
"The more you give, the more you care, the more you're kind, the more spiritual energy you have."
"The energies that ascend to higher levels of understanding are the energies that descend when you are ready; the higher energies come into your system."
"Only then can you once again receive pure energy, abundance, and love."
"The spiritual energy of who we are had no beginning and has no end."
"You're just surrounded by so much like Divine energy."
"Music was a fuel, was a spiritual energy to get through the day and get through life."
"There is so much teeming amounts of residual spiritual energy on that one single planet that it is in essence the closest thing we'll ever get to a direct connection to the afterlife without first being dead."
"God is much more a flow, much more energy, much more a verb than a noun."
"There's a belief that spirit entities are attracted to the energy of children because they're so full of life."
"A spiritual medium is someone who is able to connect more energetically, more through spirit energy."
"All light, all love, and all mojo to you guys."
"You're tapped into the greatest force of energy spiritual energy the world has ever known."
"We can all use a little extra juju in our lives."
"I will come into this meditation, I will sit quietly, I will allow the energy to rise within me."
"It's angel energy, it's temperance, it's beautiful."
"Divine energy will flow through you this month."
"We are moving into our next level of Awakening, there are Paradigm shifting energies."
"This flow of divine energy is leading to certainty, confidence, action, and creativity."
"You've got like a lot of this kind of spiritual force and creative energy behind you."
"Healing is coming in, there's a beautiful healing energy even in the shadows."
"Whenever you are near water, let yourself absorb the magic of its energy and the power of its spirit."
"The emperor must be pure of spirit and able to channel the energy of the continent."
"You will have a sacred energy, showered by sacred powers."
"Use this Saturn and Pisces energy and momentum to manifest and firm up your sense of spiritual foundation."
"Being in the energy of the High Priestess is really one of the best ways to move forward."