
Historical Moment Quotes

There are 383 quotes

"Isn't it insane that there are literally the people that are going to the Moon again for the first time since 1972 are actually like in front of us now? This is really exciting."
"Witnessing the passion of players at the opening matches of Blizzard Arena was a thrilling moment in our history and a milestone in eSports growth."
"This does seem like a sort of seminal moment in time."
"We stand at a crossroads of history with the chance to move decisively in the direction of peace."
"We're facing an inflection point in history now more than ever."
"We want to look back on this time and remember how in the face of a generation-defining moment, we undertook a collective national effort, and we stood together."
"Astronaut Neil Armstrong declared as he placed his foot on the lunar soil, 'That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.'"
"This day is a pivot of history. It heralds a new dawn of peace."
"Standing before the Emperor Charles V...Luther is asked to recant, he's demanded to recant, and famously Luther says here I stand, I can do no other."
"Now is historical moments, a time not only to fight severe virus but to shape the system for the need for the post-corona era."
"It's a really really special moment in time that we're living through right now."
"I will not go down in history as the guy that ruined a moment that I wanted to see."
"This is a historic and transformative moment for us as academic workers within UC."
"There was a moment on this beach in Dunkirk, France when Hitler's dream of a conquered Europe was within his grasp."
"I feel like this is a formational moment for the people who are alive today that this is going to be something that there's there's no going back to before we have a new future in front of us."
"Warrior picked up the win, making him the first man to simultaneously hold the Intercontinental and WWF titles."
"When Admiral Nimitz took over Sink Pack on December 17, 1941, he humbly captured the gravity of the moment by simply writing to his boss: 'It is a great responsibility, but I shall do my utmost to meet it.'"
"Or is this something that you feel portends... like you wrote about at World War II... one of those moments in time where a country sort of comes to an existential juncture where it needs to make big bold and maybe desperate decisions?"
"I actually think this is one of the most pivotal moments in human history that it's extraordinary time to be alive."
"After the Union Jack lowered for the final time, the last British governor Chris Patten made a speech marking the end of over a century and a half of history."
"This is a moment in history where there is a global shift."
"Don't have a south in the north don't have a north east and the south west instead we should have one country."
"So, in my opinion, this is a historical moment because this could be the death of boxing."
"What if we actually made it mainstream to be proud of this country again? You know that moment when George Bush was standing there in the rubble of 9/11, you feel it, you feel like it was okay to be American again."
"What a great day to be alive, go hug your loved ones, tell them that you were here during history in the making. And subscribe."
"I think this is something that's unbelievably cool. What a great time in history for this to happen while we have NFT technology that is blowing up."
"This is a turning point in history... but are we headed in the right direction?"
"We're at an inflection point in our history, one of those moments that happens once every several generations."
"This is a war of fast survival, a historical chance for us to once and for all resolve this issue."
"Their picture is like a vivid portrait Frozen in Time showing this intriguing moment in history."
"This is history in the making, I'm telling you."
"Number 49: Behold the awe-inspiring photo from 1901 capturing a moment of Triumph at Sea..."
"Get ready, there's going to be drastic change."
"That's one small step for man, and one giant leap for mankind."
"Our future deeply depends on what level of consciousness and engagement we bring to this historical moment to bring forth the best possible results."
"We are in such a crucial time in history; we have to decide which path we want to take."
"I'm actually grateful for this moment, I'm grateful because we have the opportunity to meet this moment in American history and American destiny."
"America will win because the church will arise to take her rightful place in the finest hour of her history."
"We're first expecting to speak from Vice President-elect Kamala Harris... She will be the first woman to ever be president or vice president."
"The President uttered the words the entire White House team had been waiting to hear: 'We got him.'"
"I've never seen anything like it before and I think it reflects and represents the danger of this moment."
"So, it is a super exciting time to be alive and we are blessed to be around during this time."
"This is an inflection point in human history... imagine what greatness can come from a generation seeing Earth from space." - Virgin Galactic Representative
"We're creating our own platform, so I'm not going to be handing the keys to the kingdom out to finance."
"We are undoubtedly living in a time and a day that's extraordinary."
"The Senate just voted to confirm President Trump's nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to succeed Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court."
"History being made right now as people challenge the system. That's what it's always been."
"This moment in history demands progressive change."
"This moment is an extremely important landmark in Final Fantasy history."
"I'm an anti-establishment president... our moment uniquely calls for it."
"History is watching us now, it's waiting to see if we will rise to the occasion."
"Eddie Adams captured a sudden horrific moment."
"Years from now, this moment will have passed, and our children and grandchildren will look in our eyes and they're going to ask us, 'Where were you when the stakes were so high?'"
"Human beings have this definite idea of self-improvement that goes beyond becoming a better worker and then when you mention the slave situation slavery is apparently as old as Mankind..."
"Knowing what was gonna happen the next day, it is really one of the most profound moments in a speech ever."
"They're coming for one reason: that's because they know that Joe Biden will let them in."
"We're in an unbelievable period of time... but we're sitting here... with the democracy under threat."
"You cannot afford to not know what this moment is about. You really cannot. You can't sleep through this moment. It is such a rare thing and privileged to be alive now."
"I don't have a label for it because I think this is one of those moments in American history where you have to do something new."
"I want to thank you for the historic victory... yesterday."
"This is our moment, this is our prophetic moment, we have to rise to it."
"Black Lives Matter needs to be a moment... a turning point... a defining moment."
"We the jury in the above entitled action find the defendant Orenthal James Simpson not guilty."
"We may be living in the generation that gets to see the transformation."
"I mean, I don’t know who you know or how old they are, but nobody else has ever lived through a moment in the American presidency like this."
"Where does this confidence come from? Whoever's going to be playing Liverpool should be fearful."
"If you leave a guy as compromised as Joe Biden obviously is in that office during a moment like this in history, you are telling us that you don't love your country."
"Imagine it is decades and decades ago and you are seeing a Saturn V come out of this same door for the first time."
"We're actually at an amazing moment in American history."
"Seeing Donald Trump cross the DMZ into North Korea with no security with Kim Jong-un wasn't kissing up to a dictator, it was a powerful sign of trust and peace."
"This is a time in America that could change the course of history."
"With your help, this moment will be a turning point in American history that will be remembered and celebrated for generations to come."
"If he loses this, it would be the biggest collapse in Barstool Sports history... that's crazy, man."
"We may have just witnessed absolute history-making in real time here at X Games Sydney."
"Understanding that we're seeing history unfold in terms of the adoption of the cryptocurrency asset class."
"The Detroit Lions for the first time in franchise history are Super Bowl champions!"
"I believe we're in a moment history is going to look back on... as a fundamental choice having been made between democracies and autocracies."
"This is going to be one of our greatest, one of our finest hours."
"And this moment is actually what started to energize the evangelicals and move them from this outside of politics sort of state and move into more explicitly political themes."
"This is about to be in the history books right now, you guys are living history. This life is spinning a sitting history right now."
"For the first time in this country's history, you got this sense of unity."
"Our great civilization has come upon a moment of reckoning."
"We're in a 50 City speaking tour... This is a turning point in history."
"He draws a line in the sand and makes his famous speech."
"Hogan body slams the giant, they act like it's never happened before in the history of wrestling."
"It's a really interesting time, it's a really good moment for Hertha Berlin. It feels like back to their roots moment."
"We're witnessing history right here before our very eyes."
"General Todd Walters said, 'This is a historic moment and the very first time that the alliance has employed these high Readiness forces in a deterrence and defensive role before The Invasion even happened.'"
"Real success heartfelt humble genuine success."
"We are in a pivotal moment in American history."
"We're going to make some history together today." - Steve Jobs
"It was really game over it was the very last very brutal moment of a Dying Empire."
"We are now at a unique point in history where you can build the world powered by truth."
"It's trying to encapsulate that Neil Armstrong moment."
"The Summer of Love, a brief moment of imagined happiness before the nightmare."
"This is one of the biggest moments since the return of democracy in 1999."
"We are living in an extraordinary hour right now."
"This is an incredible time to be alive, history is being made and this is just the beginning."
"Kyrie Irving chose the latter, scoring 26 points with two threes, one of those triples being the greatest in finals history."
"What a moment in Canadian history here at Parliament Hill."
"Every time that bell rings is a chance to make history, and tonight is the night I plan to make history for all time."
"Thought the very last shot of Cap dancing with Peggy was beautiful."
"We're in an inflection point in history. There's literally a war here. Truth versus lies, freedom versus fascism, health versus disease. That's what this is about."
"Last night was the greatest playoff performance ever through three quarters."
"This is an absolute watershed moment, actually in the disclosure, the official disclosure dynamic in history."
"A really important day in this war and hopefully an absolute water shed for a positive move."
"Why go to the moon? It's probably my favorite speech."
"March 11th, 2020, that is the specific day where [__] finally got real."
"This will be the first time... will have cities on fire."
"America is at an inflection point... Moments that determine the shape of everything that's to come after."
"Muhammad Ali has recaptured the heavyweight championship a full 10 years after he first shot the boxing world by upsetting Sonny Liston in 1964."
"History is not being made, destiny is being embraced."
"We're in the moment we've been waiting for. It's the greatest time in human history."
"It's a moment that's arguably one of the bigger singular moments of the entire Monday Night War."
"It's a beautiful time to be alive in cryptocurrency, witnessing history right before your eyes."
"It may have been one of the greatest moments in the history of Monday Nitro... and yet it almost didn't happen."
"We are living through a moment in history that's as consequential as anything that happened after World War II."
"We wanted a war to be over. We wanted to stop the killing."
"Last year when the war broke out, Hurst predicted it was a turning point in global politics signaling A New World Order."
"We need a revolution, not just reform, to revive the ideals of 1776."
"We're fortunate to be born at such a moment as this; the possibilities are endless."
"There will come a moment of national and international reflection."
"This was absolutely huge and this will 100 go down as a massive moment in history."
"You're witnessing history right here right now."
"I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land. I may not get there with you."
"For the first time in school history, Mike, the Hoyas are national champions."
"Let's make history together, let's fight for children, and let's win this whole thing."
"The Canadian national anthem is about to play for the first time at the NBA Finals."
"500 million people watched Neil Armstrong's moonwalk."
"May history remember this moment as your last."
"We are at a truly unique moment in history... a voluntary and involuntary reset of global demographics."
"It is a wonderful moment for America that someone like Kamala Harris could become vice president."
"We choose to go to the Moon: a famous line from President John F. Kennedy's speech."
"History is intersecting right here, right now."
"We are coming to a time in our history in our present known as the awakening. People are just tapping into information, people are tapping into the truth, people are tapping into what has previously been hidden from us."
"History has been made, oh my God, they actually did it."
"It's a footballing story for the ages, this revival."
"It's the privilege of a lifetime to be alive right now to actually see these things." - Charles Hoskinson
"Folks, it is the day that we have all been waiting for, I can probably imagine it's over, it is almost over 2020 folks, I can't believe we're here!"
"With the last kick of the season, we sealed tenth place. Sullem writes his name into the history books for Barrow FC and for the channel as well."
"China has its national rejuvenation within its grasp."
"Take it in, you're watching history live on FS1."
"This was a piece of WWE history that will be one of those things that you go back and watch every year because of how great it was."
"Mr. President, the world finds itself on the crossroads of history- and you, sir, are in the driver's seat."
"Record this historic moment so you can try working together with others as well as long as you can see them. Thanks for saving me, I just did."
"We are at a moment... that we are laying the groundwork for potentially... irreversible transformation."
"After all these years of hurt, Spurs have won a major trophy in the Premier League."
"We will never see a greater escape in Formula One than that."
"One of the greatest feel-good moments in wrestling history."
"This is a stunning moment in American history. A former president of the United States has been accused of trying to defraud the United States."
"This is one of the lowest points in American history. The corrupt FBI needs to be dissolved."
"This is a turning point in history, definitely."
"This is the moment. This is our time. And if you will stand with me... then we will win this caucus, we will win this election, we will change the course of history."
"I don't know that it feels like I owe this world to be right here right now as part of something momentous and I like how that feels."
"This is a moment in history such as has never existed before."
"History is made today okay this is the ground of the the do this is where our story will stay forever in the Women's National League enjoy that lady enjoy everything that comes with it and even if you go on holiday now see I see you like."
"We are standing at the precipice of a turning point in our nation's history."
"It is a pivotal moment in the UK's history... whether it turns out for the better or worse."
"This might be an inflection point in American history."
"One small step for spaceflight, one big step for Mars. Let's hope so."
"They had met before but it was on this occasion that Elizabeth reportedly told her governess that he is the one."
"The Lions positioned themselves into having one of, I believe, their greatest draft nights."
"Imagine, live and totally unprepared, we are witnessing monster world history here!"
"It's quite a day, it's quite an era. I'm happy to be a part of it."
"There's a saying, and the saying goes, 'What a time to be alive.'"
"This is a crazy moment in our financial system. You're witnessing history right now." - Trader
"It put the United States of America as the number one power in the world."
"This isn't just about voting against Donald Trump; it's about rising to this moment of crisis."
"The Great Council decides Westeros's fate, with Bran as the new king."
"Embrace this extraordinary moment in history, for it is the dawning of a new era."
"The fact that Liverpool won the league for the first time in 30 years is huge."
"The German defeat at Cesis on June 23rd was a decisive moment in the Estonian and Latvian wars of independence."
"We are alive at a very special moment in human history...when humanity learns are there other planets like our own up there in the galaxy."
"German soil was underfoot and the war in Europe... was almost over."
"Ordinary working-class Britons could enjoy a holiday. It was a hugely exciting moment and a real moment of social mobility."
"When the Train of history is pulling out of the station, you gotta catch it, and if you don't, it goes away forever."
"These fighters may be the first ones to enjoy peace, a momentous moment."
"To walk into that environment in that moment and take a win from Jose Aldo, you were going to need to do something special, something literally nobody had ever done before, and that is exactly what Max Holloway did."
"The fact that he had this spontaneous meeting, first time a U.S. president crossed into North Korea, was a quite powerful gesture."
"Napoleon lifted the crown and placed it on his own head like I said, the balls on this man."
"This is history, you may never see anything like this ever again."
"It is today the most exciting time of your life in financial history."
"Congratulations to Sasha and Bailey, one step closer to making history."
"We're making history right now... come be a part of it."
"We got a huge development right now as we speak: Trump is poised to be the very first Republican to win the popular vote in 20 years."
"So the course of history was set the moment Han Singh picked his side on the battlefield of Kaisha."
"Soak it in, people, because we are witnessing history in the making here."
"What an honor it is for us to be alive right now to have the prospect, the possibility."
"This is a great opportunity to be alive I think in the United States and to really be witnessing the rebirth of democracy once again."
"Nobody could have guessed what this was all gonna lead to, Scott Hall cutting their shocking and surprising promo is a moment not only in WCW history but the entire history of professional wrestling."
"The first guy to cross the plate during this historic moment is Ricky Henderson."
"This time right now on the planet is the most exciting time to be alive than ever before."
"We're in the midst of one of those moments in our nation's history... the way we respond to them will shape fundamentally who we are as a people."
"Such a thing was suicidal in daylight—and that gesture of trust more than anything lured a few British out—it was heaven to at last stand up straight and walk on solid earth."
"Rosa Parks and her refusal to move seats on the bus that day is one of the defining moments of the civil rights movement."
"This is Cowessess First Nation's moment of truth."
"It was the most dangerous moment since the death of Diana, Princess of Wales."
"This is a Kairos moment in this nation's history."