
Obama Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"This special gift is from your one and only Obama."
"This special gift is from your one and only Obama, please use this wisely."
"Obamacare, duh! Obama spearheaded and signed the law, named after him but also known as the Affordable Care Act."
"I think Obama was great for the economy. I think that his policies were probably what we needed at the time."
"If this country is racist, how the hell did Obama get elected twice?"
"We’ve created five million jobs over the last 30 months in the private sector alone." - OBAMA
"We’ve got to make sure that we are creating jobs in this country. But not just jobs, good paying jobs." - OBAMA
"I want to give middle-class families and folks who are striving to get into the middle-class some relief." - OBAMA
"If you actually read Obama's book...he is less a figure of the civil rights movement than of the great anti-colonialist struggle."
"Obama's theory here is simple: Ukraine is a core Russian interest but not an American one."
"Obama once said that a kid raised without a father is five times more likely to be poor and commit crime, nine times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison."
"I went literally door-to-door for Obama, got to move 500 votes there, knocking on doors, grinding for him because I just felt in my heart like this is going to be a new beginning."
"Barack Obama campaigned as a unity candidate, declaring an end to racial conflict."
"It's obama revivalism right biden is very different from obama in many ways he's more radical economically than obama was but they've gone back to what they think they know right which is let's go back to the regime."
"Barack Obama touches off a battle on the left by suggesting that the slogan 'defund the police' is actually a bad idea."
"There's a weird obsession that President Trump has had with getting rid of whatever accomplishment was achieved by President Obama and Vice President Biden."
"Apparently Obama was aware of the details of Flynn's call Obama personally had warned the Trump administration against hiring Flynn."
"Barack Obama must approve the operations to kneecap and destroy Donald Trump."
"Obama: I forgot to water my baguettes. Hydrate us, Ryan."
"There's no equivalence between Barack Obama and Donald Trump."
"Obama’s biggest mistake was the expansion and normalization of the use of armed drones."
"They expect us to be rioting right now. We never rioted when Obama got into office."
"Obama, the first African-American president."
"Obama really represented hope and the notion of reconciliation, partisan reconciliation, a racial reconciliation, the notion that we could come together as one American community."
"But the election of Barack Obama still represents a proud chapter in American history."
"I think Obama is great in every single form of communication."
"In our national story Obama is framed as a practitioner of a kind of anti-politics, an almost naively optimistic figure who rose to power downplaying our divisions only to find his administration's legacy swallowed by them."
"Obama has argued that Senate Democrats should abolish the filibuster and pass the legislation necessary to protect American democracy."
"The Obama brand offers us an image that appears radically individualistic and new."
"Barack Obama's speech at the 2004 Democratic Convention was one of the great speeches I think any President."
"This movie was the first fictional movie that was produced from Barack and Michelle Obama's production house."
"Obama has what looks to me like a very good combination of intellect and feeling."
"For those who vividly recalled the events of 9/11, President Obama's announcement that the al-Qaeda leader was dead was a landmark event."
"Obama stands there and delivers a remarkable eulogy rooted in America, rooted in the nation, rooted in the soul of the nation."
"Obama summoned the courage, the hope, the beauty of his own racial rhetoric."
"Obama delivered the nation at a time of crisis into a politics of hope and ultimately into a politics of redemption."
"Even David Brooks said 'I already miss him. I'm longing for Obama.'"
"This led to a massive boost in support for the Obama administration, and he and VP Joe Biden were handily re-elected in 2012."
"SpongeBob gets the presidential seal of approval. He's Obama's favorite TV character of all time."
"Having a bad day? Just remember that time Obama lost it when he saw a baby dress as the pope."
"I feel like I attended the most historic event, the inauguration of President Obama."
"Great cameo from Obama... watching JFK go away."
"Obama became a person and for once you'd see people would have hope of their children becoming presidents because this is our life."
"One of the things Obama tried to do was bring back a liberal-era-type program, the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, and he succeeds."
"And with that, I just have two more words to say -- Obama out."
"Obama might not win this was the interviews with neighbors of this family they never said that she was from Iraq."
"This remains the most profound picture ever taken of Obama."
"When President Obama tells you we're running out of money, that the piggy bank is empty, that is just not true."
"We haven't had that same kind of re-think within public institutions. I think Obama once had a really good quote, he said that the last time we rethought government was in the age of black and white TV."
"Obama, he's hailed as the dad jeans goat."
"Obama, for all the critiques that he deserves, one thing you have to give him is that he's the most talented politician probably of our lifetime."
"This is bottom-up; Obama taught us that the effects of a bottom-up movement are very inspiring."
"Blaming Barack Obama for the state that the world is in right now is like blaming a Caribbean island for a hurricane."
"Obama gave a lot of kids so much hope."
"With Obama, the Great Recession, healthcare, and of course Osama bin Laden."
"One thing you must know about Barack Obama is that he's incredibly and indelibly, a man of the people."
"I didn't like everything that Obama did, but you have to admit, that guy was a phenomenal speaker."
"I'm going to miss Obama, I really hope one day to see him on the street."
"Barack Obama, the Hipster President."
"Originally President Barack Obama had put in place the idea of net neutrality which allowed everybody to have the same internet access."