
Economic Struggle Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"Eight out of 10 families that make $50,000 or less don't have enough money to pay for their bills."
"If you are struggling economically, please do not feel the need to join... In fact, please nobody feel the need to."
"We got regular folks who are literally making it paycheck to paycheck, barely scraping by."
"These are ordinary everyday hard-working Americans who are just trying to make ends meet."
"The true struggle right now is mainly economic."
"Most of us are barely maintaining our living standards; the cost of living has become incredibly oppressive."
"The hardest worker I ever met in my life was living at the poverty line."
"This struggle for economic independence is a long march so to speak, and it's not easy."
"I see a nation where 63 percent of workers live paycheck to paycheck...Living paycheck to paycheck leaves you with no sense of security; you can't breathe, you can't relax."
"The markets are fighting the Fed, and the Fed is fighting for its credibility."
"How am I supposed to put food on the table without being a landlord?"
"Everything costs more, and you're not getting ahead."
"Capitalism didn't pan out for you, brother. Hey, just pick yourself up by your bootstraps."
"It is not alone a war against want and destitution and economic moralization. It is more than that. It is a war for the survival of democracy."
"This might be the last hope for the middle class."
"The whole idea of searching for money with foes, which actually Squid Games tapped into, just makes for an interesting plot."
"In a world where inflation is still hovering at a high level and Retail investors have lost about 350 billion dollars, most of us are likely struggling in these major economic swings."
"The American people, working families, are hurting."
"People will put up with all sorts of stuff... but when inflation gets so bad... they really struggle to put food on the table, that's when there's a big problem."
"There are a lot of people in this country who are struggling to get by who want a better life for their kids. I don't think a social issue is the most pressing for the average person; I think it's the economy."
"Either it's going to be medicine or food, and that's a big decision."
"Inside of this crash, we're gonna see it intensify because we've seen for the past 45 years a class war on labor."
"As housing, education, childcare, and food prices continue to climb, many Americans are struggling to make ends meet."
"I'm just trying to pay my bills, to be fair."
"His dreams let him deal with this miserable world that's not unlike our own world as wages have stagnated or at least not kept up with inflation and people now have to often work more than one soulless job just to get by."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"I don't know a single person in Canada who's not struggling right now. Everyone is on the brink of losing everything."
"As the globe goes into a Slowdown and possible recession, we could see a lot of individuals struggling."
"Most Americans just can't afford to prioritize climate change over putting food on the table."
"Things are hard for our people. The economy is bad, people can't sleep, food is scarce, and healthcare is out of reach."
"People in unions and working-class people that aren't in unions are literally scraping to get by."
"As the middle class shrinks... lyrics about struggling through, working hard, and eventually getting rich are increasingly relatable."
"Americans are forced now to use their credit cards to maintain living standards."
"The Populist Party demanded reforms to address economic struggles."
"We were kind of broke back then. I mean, it looks expensive, so that's the story."
"The economy is not booming for the nearly 80 percent of American workers who live paycheck to paycheck."
"Get woke, go broke: Walmart's struggles in Portland and other cities."
"Winter blues details the desperation to provide for family."
"More and more Americans are living paycheck to paycheck..."
"Everywhere I travel in this country, I hear from Canadians who tell me they're working harder and harder but they're barely getting by."
"I don't respect anybody taking money out of these girls hands when they work so goddamn hard every day to put food in their house and to provide for their family."
"That's what the fight is about, and it's easy to understand if you are someone who has gone to the grocery store and has to do a back-of-the-envelope calculation to see whether you can afford all of your groceries."
"They're gonna take everything from us until all we have left are forks and lentils."
"Corporate democrats led by Nancy Pelosi fight the left and working American families struggling with the cost of this pandemic far harder than they've ever fought the president."
"People are going to continue to need to struggle to get ahead and not be in the lower class, not be in the middle class because the middle class gonna be the lower class."
"While families across the UK are genuinely struggling to make ends meet in the worst inflation crisis in a generation Rishi's friends at the big banks are popping champagne."
"If you voted leave and you're living on Universal Credit in a private rented flat, you're up against it."
"People are earning low wages. Can’t afford health care. Can’t afford insurance or pharmaceuticals. And we’re going to rally the people there to tell their senators to stand with ordinary Americans and not with wealthy campaign contributors."
"I don't want to work my tail end off all of my life just to barely be able to pay my bills, and that is what you created, not Gen Z."
"Why are so many people in a country where so much wealth has been created... still struggling financially?"
"My point is that demographic most likely they don't own too many assets and it's just going to get worse and worse for them."
"Many people are struggling and need this stimulus check."
"Canadians are struggling right now but the real difference between us and the conservatives Mr Speaker is that our government will not abandon people in need."
"I think we need more stories of ordinary men, just trying to make ends meet."
"Poor people who are still making minimum wage are affected."
"I understand the struggle is very, very much real down there. It's very real for millions of people out there."
"I hate being poor. We may not have much, but we have a roof over our heads and we love each other. That's what makes us a family."
"More than half of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Inflation is hitting us hard and a lot of us are scared because we feel like we have cut every corner and diminished every single bill."
"the rich have got richer and the poor have at best struggle to keep up and and and at worse have gotten poorer"
"No one wants to work anymore because there's no reward. Half of us are living paycheck to paycheck, straight up two paychecks away from living on the street."
"How can you defend raising taxes specifically on working people and specifically excluding billionaires when working people are struggling from higher rents higher food prices higher living costs?"
"For families across Britain, the experience of the weekly shop was a constant battle to make ends meet."
"There are households who are really struggling to make ends meet."
"The average worker is getting poorer as inflation is outstripping their wage growth."
"The lack of stimulus checks or anything that is coming out of Congress is really going to catch up to people."
"Being poor is also really expensive."
"These young people are leaving school deeply in debt; they're struggling economically; they deserve a break."
"Americans are scrambling not because they can't afford gas; they can't afford to feed their families."
"You can't even survive on minimum wage right now in America. If you're earning minimum wage, you literally can't afford to live anywhere."
"We're the American dream family; we're broke, and that's why we wake up because we're broke at the end of the day."
"The way I see it, housing assistance is an important benefit for families who are struggling economically."
"We are in a recession here, I can't hang out with you all the time, I have to work, I need to make money, I am struggling."
"People are working two and three jobs just to afford rent, afford child care. We have to think about and talk about a living wage."
"Between 60 and 65 percent of all American households are living paycheck to paycheck."
"Most individuals are living paycheck to paycheck."