
Market Saturation Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"I think the big downside is that we've become obsessed with things that work, that everyone else is doing, in a saturated market."
"The market is never saturated with greatness, it is saturated with average."
"There are too many streaming services competing for viewers."
"There's no such thing as an oversaturated market."
"You do realize that people can have standout personalities even in a saturated market."
"Companies are releasing more products than necessary."
"The unavoidable conclusion is that people are kind of over the superhero genre now yeah declining quality and Market saturation definitely hasn't helped but really all it did was speed up the inevitable onset of superhero fatigue..."
"ColourPop is starting to become a Tarte 2.0."
"When a lot of these investors and home flippers buy homes today and they realize pretty quick that the fundamental demand is drying up, they're going to flood the market with inventory at some point."
"All these companies think they can have their own streaming service, and it's just getting kind of ridiculous."
"So between babylon's fall Chocobo GP their over saturation of the market the sale of items for nfts the Fourteen thousand dollar Tara statue and continuously baffling decisions it's been pretty disappointing to be a fan of Square Enix."
"Peak car means that the world has essentially reached the point where it finally has pretty much all the cars that it needs."
"I haven’t seen anything new in the personal hydration market; everybody’s already got a nice canteen of some sort."
"The new car market this year is getting worse and worse with an increasing number of dealerships and growing piles of unsold vehicles."
"Not needing a single gram of romantic or intimate validation from anyone is so cool."
"By 2013, everybody who wanted a Wii already had a Wii."
"Franchise fatigue is a very real possibility at this rate."
"There is no such thing as oversaturation because nobody can do it like you can do it."
"I think it's become oversaturated and inspired other people and I don't wanna be affiliated with them."
"When everybody can get one, nobody wants one."
"Invest in everything so it's getting out of hand."
"The oversaturation of dystopian adventure was way way worse than what we saw before."
"There's really a problem with the crushing ubiquity of cheap music made as content."
"Tesla's essentially had the same models since inception."
"With so many choices in the three-row family crossover segment, you may be feeling a little bit overwhelmed."
"The real question is... is your brand solving a problem that wasn't already solved?"
"How many companies have we seen in many industries that just went 'oh this is going great let's make a store everywhere and then three years later there's three left?'"
"We're now making 15 times more, so now all these businesses are essentially maxed out."
"It's a psychological mistake in some ways to keep huddling when you know this thing just can't keep going up forever."
"It's actually rather nice to come across a game that's clearly trying...as opposed to just saying yeah we made a game in a genre that's completely saturated."
"I feel like it's so saturated now...so many people just pop off for a sec and then fizzle out."
"It's getting harder for independent creators to get found."
"Perhaps there's a chance that everybody who wants to build a deck built it last year."
"If you know for a fact that your product sells, you will get sales."
"Highlighter palettes released in 2020, regardless, are all stupid."
"Sephora carries over 250 brands, so you might be asking yourself, is there really room for me?"
"After years of hype, the Xbox Game Pass burnout is here. A drought of AAA games has spurred some to unsub from Microsoft's games-on-demand service for now."
"I feel like the makeup world is very overly saturated nowadays."
"This is hot this is hot now they literally can't make any money."
"Shien reportedly introduced up to 6,000 new products daily, providing customers with access to a selection of 600,000 items available for purchase."
"Nowadays the name Kith is nearly ubiquitous."
"Saturation isn't a reason to start; it's about creating uniqueness."
"95% of studios are working on or aim to release a live service game per a report on the game industry. Biz. That seems like a pretty unbelievable figure."
"The more capital is chasing an industry the lower the returns are going to be."
"This real estate bubble, especially in places like New York City where you have this ridiculous oversupply of retail spaces and lack of demand from everybody leaving the city, this is gonna burst."
"Even if it's saturated to the moon, it still sells."
"Every company, every franchise is just rinsing."
"I highly recommend you don't go after those saturated markets. It's not very unique."
"This is a field that has like limited space it's already a really crowded market it is very hard to stand out as a cosplayer or as a youtuber."
"Marvel might have oversaturated the marketplace."
"Choices, choices, lots of confusion here. I'm happy that the market is saturated though with a lot of choices."
"When you guys see a product and you guys are scared that too many people might get into it, just realize that ninety ninety nine percent of people won't get into it because they're thinking about it, they're scared."
"All right, so the saturation of the Air Jordan 1 has begun, or has continued, I guess."
"In a super saturated and stagnant market, new guys on the block can't just make what everyone else is making."
"Laptops became the category that was most obvious to start with because it is at the end of that saturation curve."
"So needless to say, we don't need any more beauty brands that are selling the same products inherently, just with different packaging."
"What if I made you a whole bunch of videos? You mean saturate the market? Have you thought this through at all? No, he hasn't. None of you have."
"It's so rare that a new product comes out that's actually way different than anything else you can find because the Skin Care realm is so saturated."
"The ability to milk Marvel and 'Star Wars' is getting less and less over time."
"...the market is just flooded with them at this point."
"Market saturation is actually a good thing because it's proof that there's a large demand for a particular product."
"Ultimately what you have to do as a content creator to start this process and push through market saturation is to look at the future and what you want to do."
"The problem is that you then start competing with the 5,000 other sellers that literally did the exact same thing."
"There's just way too many people selling on ebay. I can't sell anything because the market's flooded of a specific item."
"I think your perspective and point of view on stuff, I mean, there might be a very saturated ecosystem by actual volume, but I think the quality really differs between those individuals that are out there."
"Everything else is so oversaturated, better than Twitch."
"It's really hard to make something truly unique and truly different from all the other notebooks and journals on Amazon."
"There is no such thing as an oversaturated Market when you have high paying income skills."
"If it is super easy for you to find this product, then chances are it's going to be very easy for everyone else."
"All this inventory across the economy is going to flood into the market at massively discounted prices and cause a recession."
"Consumer fatigue and market saturation."
"You can't be afraid of saturation; if you're good, you're always going to stand out."
"You want to talk about a saturated industry? Go to your local grocery store and look at how many different options there are for bottled water."
"Don't get discouraged when you're looking at one product and it's saturated, keep going, keep going, keep going."
"When there are more candidates on the market looking for jobs and less jobs out there, the job market becomes more competitive for job seekers."
"If the product isn't too saturated and doesn't have too many competitors, then you've ticked the second criteria."
"Everybody who really wants a PlayStation probably already has one, so where do you go from here? How do you grow revenue?"
"Some people say the vtuber space is very saturated, but I don't think that's true at all."
"Nothing is ever saturated, right? If you can put out a product that has a good value proposition, you can make things work."
"You can still build a beautiful business on a heavily saturated item business model."
"With all these streaming services coming out, I've seen a lot of people complaining that there's just too much that is becoming cable."
"Once the market is saturated, you will hit the decline phase and the sales will start to reduce."
"How many dupes do we need of a high-end product before it's too many?"
"We don't need any more restaurants; we're done in many more hotels. Bring something new, do something better."