
Strength Building Quotes

There are 119 quotes

"Let's start with the physiology, let's start with our nervous system, let's start with building the strength temple from the inside out."
"Muscles kind of work in the same way as if you break a bone. If you break a bone, it heals back thicker and stronger to try to make sure it doesn't break again."
"This is where you really want to invest some time. We can start to build some strength."
"Every single one of you is able to get yourself better...stronger than you can ever imagine possible."
"Instead of just focusing on gaining skills, focus on building underlying traits like compressive strength."
"Fuel your body don't starve it, strengthen your body don't destroy it, love your body don't hate it."
"It's really important to also build on strengths for females."
"What we want to do is build true strength along the way."
"Teach kids to be fighters, teach kids to grow up, teach kids to be stronger."
"No contact will let you operate with dignity, it will make you stronger, it will teach you how to be someone who can move on."
"Living in your cave for a year and not speaking to anybody produces a hungry strong human being."
"Each time you fold, you're adding to its strength."
"We don't just want to celebrate the immediate. We want you to make us holy, strong, and deeper."
"This is going to build muscle in those 30 days to then go and take on those difficult things."
"Maintain that homeostasis. What doesn't kill you strengthens you."
"You don't get strong while working out, you get strong once you put the weights down."
"It feels like your character is growing stronger."
"Building your energy, your strength, your foundation."
"This is what it's all about right here, getting stronger day by day."
"I like being able to see that progress. I feel a lot stronger than I did six months ago."
"The hardest walk you can make is the walk you make alone, but that is the walk that makes you the strongest."
"Gon resolves to become stronger, acknowledging he's still much weaker than Hisoka."
"Each immune is making me stronger than I was before."
"Let's focus on what's most important: salvation."
"Willpower can be developed, the same way you can actually build muscle."
"Facing challenges head-on builds strength and character, shaping our journey."
"Seek out discomfort, it'll make you stronger."
"Frequency and volume is one of the most important things when you're starting out in order to strengthen your tendons."
"You need to combine it together and make the strongest team that builds each other up."
"Every time that I've gone through this before, I've come back stronger."
"It's about breaking through your fears of getting stronger."
"It's called exposure therapy. In order to become stronger, you have to expose yourself."
"Take that positive mindset and come into a space of strength, and speak out on the fact that you are upset."
"Treat your core like any other muscle group. Progressive overload is key."
"Progress is always the goal, and I'm right here with you, working on getting stronger every day."
"I will return, brother, and when I do, I will be stronger than ever before."
"If I had five exercises... Deadlift, squat, bench, some kind of a farmer's carry, and pull-ups."
"Handstands are great for building your balance, core strength, and shoulder strength."
"Go forth, use this workout to help kids get healthier and stronger."
"You have access to the global marketplace, take advantage of it."
"The hard times are here and you better become a strong man."
"Obstacles in my way can only make me stronger."
"People who carry load for long periods of time get strength, people who do not do not have."
"Iron sharpens iron and this is a perfect case of that."
"Disappointing yourself more... can make you more powerful."
"Zephyr tries to save as many people as possible to give them a chance to get stronger."
"Endurance makes you strong enough for breakthrough."
"It's not just about your arms, it's actually mainly about the core and your legs."
"I make things harder for you so you can grow even stronger."
"It's what builds the resilience to ensure that they don't blow out."
"I've stopped the glitch, but we need to get a lot stronger."
"Upper back work is crucial for a strong press."
"I just like getting stronger physically it just like feels cool"
"This flow is geared towards the person who just got off of work or if you've been sitting at a desk or driving all day and you want to flow to loosen up your body to build some heat and inner and outer strength this is a great practice for you"
"These exercises are much better than typical shoulder rehab exercises because they actually build strength and control rather than the regular run-of-the-mill shoulder rehab exercise which just kind of wastes your time."
"This is my favorite way to build strength in the back body so really great for the spine."
"20 maximum reps probably every other day if not every third day to just build."
"The more you put your mind into the muscle you're working, the more the muscle contracts, and the more strength you can actually build."
"It's all about showing up, right? I want to give you options to get stronger, to build endurance, to get more flexibility to reach those goals."
"So it's essentially a little bit of an exposure to something that's less than optimal that's helping you become stronger as an organism."
"What I want you to do is get big by getting stronger."
"You will work your coordination, your balance, you'll build bone density, muscle strength, really, really truly, everything."
"Good, these sorts of exercises, these sorts of Pilates exercises, are so good to build strength and stability around the pelvis, around hips."
"So good if you like to walk, which I'm sure most of us do, but if you're a runner especially, so good to build strength for running, to make you run better, faster."
"You crushed that, I know that that was challenging, but I really encourage you to come back again and again, and you're going to get stronger every single time."
"Creating tension helps when it comes to navigating pain and building strength in a pain-free environment."
"We're gonna build them back up because we're gonna grab some protein and refuel."
"Be patient with yourself as you're trying new challenging exercises, and just keep at it. You will get stronger."
"This no-equipment fitness routine will help you build a stronger chest, back, arms, and even abs."
"So what we're trying to do here is build a little bit of strength so we can relieve the compression through that sciatic nerve."
"You are going to be so much stronger very, very quickly."
"When you carry heavy things, it makes you stronger."
"If you want to increase your strength gains, you've got to get at least 10 sets of strength work per exercise per week."
"You're going to have more control, you're going to be stronger in here, you're going to be quicker."
"The muscles remain under tension throughout the whole range of movement, allowing us to create a longer contraction which is key to getting stronger."
"The emphasis of this class is to be able to get the heart rate going, move through postures at a fairly good rate, and to build strength along the way."
"The goal here is to burn some calories while we get stronger and build muscle."
"Take a muscle group, work it really hard, and then let it recover and super compensate."
"The best way to work with this energy center is to develop strength at the navel."
"Every time you guys, you will get stronger, I promise."
"We fall in, we say yes sir, and we look at this for what it is: an opportunity to get stronger together."
"Your child is going to learn how to walk by having the strength to do so, which they're going to develop by having floor time."
"As the secondary muscles start to get tired, the stronger muscles start to take over, getting you into the muscles you need."
"This channel is all about longer classes and challenging poses to help strengthen your practice."
"This is my type of workout, or my favorite kind of workout, strength-building workouts, and we need them if we're over 40."
"The focus of this one isn't overall conditioning, but instead, it's to up the weight and to work on our strength."
"We're building up that hip girdle which is going to be so vital for you creating that power and explosiveness at high speeds or acceleration."
"When we have a strong foundation, it's gonna help you in all your other workouts."
"You get a strong core and just work yourself from there to the outside."
"We are gonna build your strength with different tempos, experimenting with time under tension."
"If you can keep your body strong, you are more likely, or I should say less likely, to injure yourself, and building strength and balance in conjunction is really important."
"We're going to move very slowly and methodically and build shaping and strength."
"It's really going to help you build and condition strength and stability into your shoulders for handstands."
"Building on strength is analyzing the resources and capabilities that you have and then building up on those particular resources to give you a competitive advantage."
"Remember to push through your palms, really lift from the base of the wrist up in towards your armpit, and then up in towards your head."
"We want to be doing band assisted jumps, loaded jumps, and strength training to set a foundation of strength and power in our legs."
"The name of the game is to move our bodies today, to get some strength, to build some endurance, and of course to get that core working."
"Most people could just have a progressive 3-day a week weight training program and just keep getting stronger and stronger."
"Strength two is really tough, but guess what, we're gonna get through this, we're gonna get stronger together."
"Focus on building strength, focus on building muscle."
"Over time, you're going to build strength in the right areas."
"That's how we build that strength."
"You need to get strong at the bottom."
"Every single rep you do is counting towards you getting stronger."
"Ultimately, building strength is a matter of applying sufficient workloads to the human movement system so that it can handle more loads and produce more force."
"You need to focus on building strength across your sets and fully recuperating in between them."
"The more you affirm your strength and faith, the more you build it."
"I believe in building strength on strength."
"Calisthenics is probably one of the best ways to build strength and control at home if you don't have any equipment."
"It's going to build your legs up, build your endurance."
"If you're a general manager, your number one job is to identify where you're weak at in your roster and build to make that a strength."